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  1. I think to myself "How could I avoid this timer?" And I realise the following: If I play for longer than 30 minutes before changing servers I don't get a timer.If I play on the same server all the time (or a small number of servers that I know) I don't get kicked or decide that I need to quit right after joining.If I use the server browser to check the server time, I won't have to quit because it is night (or I just decide to play night anyway).Sometimes things happen that are outside my control, and I end up getting a timer. But it is only very occasionally, if I remember the above points. And it is totally worth it because this timer makes ghosting pretty much infeasible, and inconveniences server hoppers slightly, whereas I only see it about once a week even though I play lots of DayZ.
  2. acebane

    What the hell is this shit login timer?

    It's to combat the server-hoppers. It makes it so if you disconnect from a server and then join another server with the same difficulty settings (Regular vs Hardcore, since they have different hives per difficulty), it'll add the timer. It prevents players from "ghosting". Ghosting is when a player disconnects from a server #1, joins server #2 to move freely and get in a better position to engage a player on server #1. Then when in a good spot, switch back to Server #1 and kill the player. This system in particular seems effective enough. In your case of faulty connections, it kind of screws you. But to be honest, 300 seconds, (5 minutes) is not that big of a deal. Go get a drink and snack while you wait. Alt tab and watch youtube for a bit. With that said, be happy there's a system to stop ghosting/server hopping in general and wait the 5 minutes! :)
  3. hannibaldaplaya

    ahh combat loggers

    Wow. How can you feel like you're a legit player when you log out from a guy with a knife you literally can't handle to come back and kill him? I bet they were on TS3 or Skype, too, laughing and feeling like "badasses" for ghosting. What a bunch of dipshits.
  4. Demoth

    Server login timer is F***ed.

    That timer really helps with ghosting though. Believe me, I haven't been BS'd by a ghosting clan of pusses since this was implemented.
  5. Pandusen

    Server login timer is F***ed.

    Ghosting: Why doesn't the timer kick in when you try to relog into the same server within a given time? Its not ghosting until you log back into the same server again.. I do not need to relog to the same server, there was a reason why I left. but I get the timer anyway.. Combat Logging: This timer has nothing to do with combat logging.. its a different timer! and that doesn't bother me... I don't have a problem with dying or getting my ass handed to me and gear up again.. I have a problem having to unnecessarily wait to join the fun. At least the load times in Standalone are very reduced, compared to the mod. that much the better.. however, this timer is still annoying, mostly because it is unnecessary.(not saying that Ghosting and server hopping shouldn't be combated, read my post above.)
  6. OhNoes

    How to balance sniper rifles.

    When private hives are implemented there will be no more server hopping or ghosting, ever. AS50s should have never been in the game but Dean had too much of a hard on for the L85 and British arms. The mod's weapons were way out of balance for a long time, they really still are. I'll admit it would be nice to see the Mosin have some upgradeable parts, but that's also one big appeal of anything OTHER than an M4, there's no parts and pieces to worry about affecting your accuracy. I wouldn't mind seeing an advanced rifle that can use the LRS/PU and has different parts to affect the gun's accuracy, speed, etc, though.
  7. AryanBoogeyman

    Server login timer is F***ed.

    The hilarious thing is ..... this does not stop server hopping. It is a minor annoyance to them. Anyone sufficiently determined to hop for gear will do it. There is no cure except private hives. Ghosting on the other hand is a legitimate immersion concern and could easily be restrained by having this idiotic timer doubled when trying to quickly rejoin the last 2 servers you were on. I have no issues with the timer idea per se it just seems poorly implemented. IMO we need an interruptible log out timer that does not leave your character helpless in the in-game world as well.
  8. Window Licker

    Server login timer is F***ed.

    Noobs R Us - 24/7 DAY - SHITTY SERVER DayZ SJ 2-9 (Public/Veteran) 115188 - Hosted by GameServers.com - GOOD SERVER Ghosting and combat logging
  9. enforcer1975

    Suggestion from a server hopper

    I'm sorry but this is basically what i understand no matter what stands behind "off"... They can refine it a bit but let's say it this way...a player who ghosts will be slowed down if he plays with his friends and intends to cheat others by ghosting if the fight lasts long enough and it will prevent combat loggers from logging back on the server quickly to either help their friends who got into a fight with the guy they hopped from or fall into the guys back whom they DCed from. In a way the system works on the intended people. What happened to you is of course not nice but i don't really see many people whining about bad pc performance or graphic glithces or internet DCs it's more people like you who like to farm. And you can already see quite well if a server has a good ping before you connect and of course it's a known fact that a lot of players on a server will cut down on performace on both ends. Whoever connects to either one of those servers deserves to wait.
  10. kylesaysthings

    Suggestion from a server hopper

    Then people would just disconnect their internet till they crash to avoid the timer. Timer should be extended imo. As it currently stands, it's better than nothing. However fire-fights between groups with decent cover on both sides can easily go on for well over 5 minutes without either party moving, providing plenty of time for people to ghost. I know this thread isn't directly about ghosting, but how loot spawns will be changed in the future, so addressing the timer in regards to server-hopping for loot is kinda pointless. If they could make it so you get a 10 minute timer only if you join a different server than the one you were in/DC'd from, that'd probably help make everybody happy('cept the asshats who have to ghost to win engagements).
  11. xacloman

    Suggestion from a server hopper

    Never thought about ghosting. DUR Looks like we might be stuck with this. Well then please just change it so that when a player gets DCed they don't still get a timer. Nice job quoting half a sentence.
  12. Window Licker

    Suggestion from a server hopper

    Yes this and ghosting which it seems very effective against, unless it's a long fire fight with multiple people involved.
  13. TB0N3R

    Lol Teamspeak not good mix.

    Thanks for the hit ;) Im ghosting your mother :D :beans:
  14. The only way around this as far as I could tell is to not have a timer if you are re-connecting to the same server after being disconnected, but that may end up being poor man's ghosting, eg, get shot at, run somewhere they are unlikely to get to you before 30 seconds is up, dcc wait 2 mins, log back in and catch shooter unaware. I know there's also been talk of a detection system for if you have been shot at in the last X min's but all of those systems would take extensive programming and likely create increased server lag (read:decrease in zombies and items able to be put on map) although this is from my limited knowledge of computing and networking. So unfortunately in my opinion there isn't a "good" way to deal with this that a section of the players won't abuse.
  15. pythonmsh

    If you combat log don't play, quit.

    But sir... ghosting is part of someones play style! They paid for the game they should be able to do what they want!
  16. ChiefMasterKush

    Do you believe people who shoot on sight are terrible at DayZ?

    I have no problem with campers, I enjoy sneaking up on them. I myself enjoy a good camp site and a beer. I have a problem with the chumps that server hop into an apartment building in B-Town only to lose the upper hand after failing to finish a target off. Then ghosting my friend who admittedly was in the same spot too long, but I was glitched under the building and couldn't get inside to clear :( You can tell this is what happened last night :) and we know hopped and ghosted because we were there for over 30mins sneaking up on another camper we came across in the other appt building. After I had been sitting still for about 5mins I was shot.. and didn't die (pretty lame aim imo, he hit my pants). My friend had eyes on the tango and front door of appt complex. Yeah campers, no problem. Hoppers/Ghosters, Chumps.
  17. Normally, I don't offer productive ideas. But today after being reminded that respawning zombies might be added to game, I had the best idea that will balance the idea of adding more of a challenge, but having realism instead of ghosting zombies that will spawn out of thin air in an area or room you just fucking checked. Dear Dayz Team. If you are going to add Zombies that still glitch through walls, please, please, for the sake of not making the game more fake..... Start each server with a larger amount of unanimated (dead) zombies on the ground in various spots around the map, and when you want the game to spawn more walking (live) zombies, have those zombies "wake up" otherwise, how fucking fake is it going to be that our zombies who are not even fixed yet will appear out of thin air perhaps in front of your face. Is this a japanese arcade shooter or do we want realism?
  18. THIS IS NOT A RANT POST Before you look at my post and go “DAYUM another rage post” I want to point out there is a solutions section to this post at the bottom under the TL;DR. I bring up the issue of people abusing in game mechanics so severely to the point of turning people off the game. Please leave your suggestion as to how to prevent the problematic part of DayZ from destroying the enjoyment of other and turning people off the game. I am not talking about silly stuff like duplication, but rather mass exploitation to gain an ingame advantage to fight an attacker or become unkillable turning the game into a shooting galery. YES THIS GAME IS IN ALPHA, BUT IT'S IMPORTANT TO BRING UP ISSUES SO THEY CAN BE DEALT WITH BY THE COMMUNITY AND DEVELOPMENT TEAM BACKGROUND: DayZ is damn fine game, addicting, thrilling and very psychologically scary. With so many people seeing videos about DayZ and buying the game on Steam it is expected that a few bad apples will come here and there. The problem is not those bad apples, but rather the worms that fall out of those bad apples the cancer of the apple tree that is DayZ. I am a well experienced DayZ player I am calm headed and it takes a lot to set me over the edge, but the kind of experiences that I faced today that many people are challenged with really hit me hard. The patheticness of some players is pretty amazing on how badly they ruin the game for themselves and others. Combat logging, Ghosting, Server Hopping and my favourite duplication are some of the many exploits in this game but that's child's play. The stuff I witnessed go down today really made me think “How low is the bar on morality and sportsmanship in this game?” STORY: While traversing through Electro I see a couple of fully armed guys and I decided lets go make friends with them so I can loot in peace. I walk over there and introduce myself in the northern fire station lobby when 3 fully armed players come out guns pointed at me with a man in an orange raincoat yelling “GET ON THE FLOOR!!!!” I calmly responded “Why would I get on the ground, so you can shoot me easier? Yea, no you have to catch me first.” I turn and run as some 60 shots fly over my head. I sprint away as my friend Tez is logging into the fire station next to the church and I ask my Tez to put some bullets into their brain parts he obliges. I decided what the hell might as well run back and so I head on back but this time they moved. My Tez radios me and says they repositioned in the log cabin to the west. I move over there and there they are, all 4 of them at the front of the cabin I walk up to them as they begin yelling at me to drop on the ground. I told them to bugger off and soon enough some 100+ bullets from 2 M4’s and an SKS fly near me. I tell my Tez tez their god awful shots it's an easy kill for you, but he didn't have an angle on them. I decided to run back to the log cabin to taunt them a little and sure enough there they are on the front porch steps and quickly enough they begin firing. I begin running around the cabin telling them to kill me, shoot me come on do it. They fail at shooting me so they try to yell at me to get on the floor so I responded with “Yeah, hell no” as they scrambled back into the cabin in fear of my mighty fist of fury. I see them huddled up in the cabin so I decided to huddle behind it, I grabbed my laptop and 3.5mm male-to-male audio jack I plug my laptops audio out to my Microphone in. I pull up youtube and find the Benny Hill Theme then crank up my volume and turned on my VOIP. As Benny Hill’s Theme is being blasted over VOIP I decided to pull a stupid and sit at the doorway of the cabin crouched just below the windows. I then start opening and closing the door with each and every time the man inside shooting at nothing through the door. I asked if they had given up yet and received the cold shoulder. I run around the cabin some more then took a small peek through the window. Three of them gone, logged off and disappeared in the sunset with the 4th one guarding their combat logging bodies. I turned off the music and switched back to my main mic walk into the house no fist up, look the man straight in the eye with his gun pointing at me and asked him this. “This is not fun for anyone, you are cheating yourself, your buddies, myself and any other dayz player of this game. Why do you play like this, what satisfaction do you get out of ruining the game for everyone? Is it really worth it never dying just leaving if you are scared by even a fresh spawn like myself. DayZ is a fun game but with the cancer that is people like you it ruins the game, please explain to me what satisfaction do you get out of this, how is this fun for anyone?” He stared at me not uttering a word and then shot me dead. “You must be proud, go along and play this game like COD go ahead and cheat yourself of $30.” Was my final response. “Tez lets jump off this server, they probably looted it to all hell.” I said as I explained to him what just happened. Se we jump ship onto another server I make a run back to Elector while Tez repositions on top of sniper hill awaiting my return to the city. I make it up sniper hill to meet with him when he tells me these 4 people down there at the firestation. I drop my FOV to the minimum and take a look towards the fire station muttering “Holy Shit... That's them!” The same orange raincoat, the same 2 green M$’s the same TTSKO pants and ruined checkered shirt, same clown mask and everything. Tez lines up a shot on one of the guys and strikes him in the chest taking him down instantly with his Mosin. There buddies quickly huttle in the fire station like scared rabbits. I run down the mountain while Tez takes some more shots at their heads, I find the body of the guy but he's not dead so I grabbed all his crap and put one .357 magnum shot straight into his brain parts. Confirmed kill, now with an M4 and plenty of ammo I began making my way towards the fire station and opened the first door only to be greeted by a good 010 bullets, but not one hit me. I duck and go to third person to look around the corner and there I see 2 guys leaving the server. I decided to leave the other guy in the fire station because he had the advantage and I already had one of their buddies entire collection of gear. I make my way up to Tez when bullets start falling near me from the fire station, the same guy I let live. I huddle about 25 meters form Tez as we begin fighting back against the man in the fire station shooting at us. We were in a stalemate for a good 3 minutes, i'm out of ammo when I hear Tez yelling at me that heres reloading next to him, I look over just to see the Clown Mask guy I saw in the fire station leaving the server, now popping into existence. “I'm dead” Tez yells as the clown masked man shoots him a good 20 times throughout his entire body. I look around and see at the green house about 50 meters away and see a black man walking out of the wall wearing that same orange raincoat. I striped all my cloths and walked over to the clown masked man while he stared at me. I pressed F2 and he just looked at me and said “You fagots killed our friend, you shot my buddy down there. You need to pay you little shits.” He puts a bullet in my leg and forced me to sit there with my hands on my head. Curious about what will happen I stayed and I see this naked fresh spawn walk up the hill, the guy Tez shot earlier. He grabbed his gear and walked over to me and in his ever so pre-pupic voice said “This is the little shit hacker that was following us at the cabin, stuff is fat face full of rotten fruit.” Soon enough I am starving, thirsty sick and have broken legs. They laugh telling me to get good that I am below them that they are better than me. I decided to leave the server, but before I did I gave them one last bit of dialogue “I feel sorry for you” and poof I left the server. TL;DR The exploits in this game are not a problem, but rather the people who use them. I came across a group of 4 children who felt so threatened by a group of fresh spawns that they decided to combat log away from my fist of fury. I changed to another server at around 14 players and saw the same group of guys running to the fire station. My friend, Tez shot one and I grabbed his loot while proceeded to the fire station. He almost killed me, but not before I saw his two buddies leaving the server. I decided to help aid Tez up the hill in shooting this guy. I exhausted all my ammunition while shooting at the one guy left in the fire station. We then are killed by the two buddies who left the server and rejoined behind us, they had been exploiting the numerous bugs in DayZ, so how do you deal with them. THE PROBLEM: Many players in this game mas exploit the systems in DayZ ruining the balance and hurting the community of this game. Many people have been turned off from playing the game because of the people who mass exploit the system, the toxic part of Dayz. What solution would you offer to minimize the toxic part of the DayZ community? SOLUTIONS: Bandits, KOS, Torture, these are the things that make this game amazing to play. Giving myself and many other players an amazing experience, but some people use these tactics along with mass exploitation of current build to feel powerful. In doing so these player alienate many people who enjoy the DayZ experience not only potentially hurting the sale value of this game but also tearing apart the veteran community of people who came from the mod. Many people have stopped playing DayZ altogether because of the current exploits, so as a community lets develop solutions to stop the alienating and hurting of this game from these certain players. A) Report Button, Yes have a report button to report players using these tactics, and if a player has a certain negative reputation disallow them from the regular servers and throw them in cheater servers. That way you segregate the problematic part of the community from the fair ones of DayZ. This brings along some problems, say a streamer has a large following if enough people come together and report him it would cheat the system, same thing with people on YouTube like FrankieonPCin1080p. This would not a viable option because of the amount of abuse that can spur from this. B ) Blocking Players, The ability to block a player(s) so as you don't play on the same server would be something I want. Say you decide to join a server and someone you have on your block list is in it, have a little message pop up that says xxx is in here or when said blocked player joins your server you get a message that say xxx has joined your server. I would love this for many streamers who are stream sniped would sure enjoy this aswell, it would be a benefit to the community. The problem is you would have to know the name of the person you're blocking, if you are killed by aman in a glitch who didn't show his name who do you know to block? You would have to introduce the system of showing who killed you which I doubt the devs want to put in. Ultimately there is a problem in dayz and that is come of the people who play are a cancer to the game, turning off players and hurting the games reputation. My solutions have flaws in them which stop them from being being only a benefit, but also a negative too. My question to you is what solution do you have to solve the problem of mass in game exploiting? I will add your solutions to the list of solutions I currently have. Thank You For Reading Kyle
  19. Zjasuu

    How to fix server hopping and combat logging!

    But how does the log out timer affect your gameplay in any way? I mean you leave a "ghost" behind you, it's not like you had to watch your character sit there for 30 minutes, it would just stay there... Also you couldn't switch servers because your character is still on another server so no ghosting either, but if you returned back to the server you were in you would get back to playing as soon as you logged in. You would stop sleeping.
  20. Grimey Rick

    So how does the timer trump server hopping?

    I'll agree that it prevents ghosting to a point. If you get into a longer standoff, say, ten or more minutes, it's still viable.
  21. Hethwill_Khan

    So how does the timer trump server hopping?

    *shrugs* Main point for introduction of timer was not hopping but combat ghosting... so... yeah... doesn't. The only system that will prevent it, partially, is if Weapons and Ammo don't get transported from server to server.
  22. Well DayZ is pretty much anonymous so your solutions are pointless. And for the combat logging and ghosting, that has already been fixed (to a degree).
  23. One issue I want to see addressed and will also be what decides if I bother with building a base or not is server hopping... Whats to keep someone from logging out near the wall of my base, log into another server and move to where they would be inside my walls. At this point log back out and back into my server, being inside my base? If this will be possible I just dont see much reason to build a base to keep someone out.. Will just stick to hiding tents. This is also why I advocated that the better fix for server hopping for loot and ghosting would be that changing servers would randomly put you somewhere else on the whole map.. Changing too much in a short period of time would make you a fresh spawn on the beach.
  24. Window Licker

    Server login timer is F***ed.

    yep, nope, if you are getting kicked from a server cos it's some loot whore admin, report it, see if their M4 will keep them happy after they lose their server with NO REFUND. If your too lazy to do that I really don't see how you have the right to complain. Anytime you add addition steps you add more weak points, what your proposing I can easily see being turned into a server hopping/ghosting exploit/script/hack not only that it put's additional strain on the server's. Do you wanna know how to never get the timer? Make a favorite's list, play those server's only. Edit: this is how I pick servers, Good names imo FragNet.ca Canada/Quebec 1 - Public (24/7 Day Time) DayZ CA 3-161 Regular 115188 - Hosted by Vilayer.com Dodgy names Grandpa Jack Mcgees Pork n beans Hardcore 115106 FlatLine | 45 min Restart | Refresh 24/7 | Regular 115106 I've always found that server's that acknowledge the host or are hosted by the host as promotion are the one's without abusive admins shoddy connections, stable fun still KoS tho lolz
  25. Non-interruptable animations like bandaging/eating/doing ANYTHING are a major PITA they need to fix that along with the ghosting zombies and fall damage