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  1. Deuzerre


    One hell of a feeling I guess. Back on topic: Radar off would hamper you a bit, but I second that plane idea. Also making vehicles able to survive an encounter with a rabbit would help a bit. Helos tend to die less often from encounters with rocks. Anyway, you deserved the right to own the skies. Enjoy, make rescue missions, fire support while a small team raids the ground, fly over the starting areas for respawners to be awed, wipe out cherno and elektro outskirts from bandits... Things like that.
  2. Reign19k

    M4A1 Holo SD Acquisition

    Depends on what you consider "hacking" Spawning a crate and taking a weapon that isn't in the mod would be exploiting... Most of which, if not all have legitimate icons next to them. Only weapons I've seen that have no icons are the weapon systems for vehicles that a player can spawn on his chest. I know for a fact that you can exploit certain weapons in the game that aren't dropped that still have icons. Golden revolver, sd makaroni, sd G36. Each with an icon. EDIT: This is has been possible from waaaaay before Dayz and I don't see it being any different in this mod than any others.
  3. I find vehicles everywhere, infact today i found a jeep and 2 atvs all together. try looking harder or finding another server.
  4. yaa i used to think getting a vehicle was the way to go...until i found out how rare and BS the whole thing is Apparently the first people to find them can just hide them and keep them...which is stupid there needs to be a lot more cars i mean with this repair system i see no reason to not have a lot of vehicles its not like it makes the game easier it just makes it less time consuming.... All these "hardcore" gamers think Time consuming=difficult Which is asinine. Just idiocy IMO I think they took them out multiple times too cause there was a resent "reinitialization" of ground vehicles? I assumed that meant they were put back in or something or reset but even then i haven't seen a single one
  5. yes rocket hinted at more stuff to do that cooperative based, what this is and how it will work is anyones guess (outside the dev team) so we have to sit and wait to see what he has planned. Which will probably take months of work. BTW have you tried collecting vehicles? seems like a reasonable thing to do if you don't want to participate in the coastal bean wars.
  6. Medic: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=706 - Defibrillators Electrician: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6791 - portable generators RTO: Long Range Radios, All military vehicles have one included by default. It should also be a portable version that you can carry like in ACE. I believe long Range Radio is a must. As suggested by Deuzerre. Support: LMG and AT4 Mule: Backpacks to carry more items then normal inventory. Disclaimer: these are just place holders, don't based your opinion on the list above. through I would like to see long range radios, Electrician, Mule and Difibs (if they found a good way to use the difibs) The post isn't about those, if you have a idea based on those go to that post lol _________________ All these promote group play as a stand alone item. but this isn't where the idea could end. If you had these items take up the back pack slot, it would promote group play even more with out harm of lone wolf style. It is also a alternative to player classes. In player class you chose your class, get some perk and you're stuck with it till you die. Well in this if you want to be a medic, then drop your back pack and become a medic. BAZINGA you went from a mule to a medic! (or visa versa) for exp, 4 guys, 1 with a gen. another with a defibrillator. and then the other two mules that extra carried food/water/ammo in their back packs. if 3 died leaving 1 guy with a gen, he could just drop the gen and pick up a back pack since that's the idea item for lone wolf play. causing the backpack to indirectly promote group play. You still start off with a backpack and you can upgrade that backpack if you want. So there isn't any threat to lone wolf gameplay. It would be the exact same as it is now. the only difference is that you have the option to drop the backpack for a generator, Radio, etc.
  7. I love the Idea of the crashed military choppers. The concept is great, and maybe in the future, as the loot table expands and possibly, new survival hardships are added, more ways to get ones hands on loot would be cool to have. Basically, my Idea is this: Randomly placed (on roads) wrecked convoys, with bodies and loot around them, as well as Zeds. This could serve to introduce more diverse weaponry (PMCs, USMC, ACR, BAF, etc), as well as other unique loot (Clothing, Backpacks, Vehicles, Tools). Randomly placed individual bodies/vehicle wrecks, with no or few zeds around them, and survival gear loot. Basically people that went into the woods when shit hit the fan, and didn´t make it. Possibly, to add the thrills, use survivor bodies instead of civvies or military, to give the illusion of a bandit ambush. Or maybe it´s a real ambush? Wandering Zeds, small bands of Zombies that move inbetween towns, or just appear randomly in the woods, maybe chasing wildlife. Make living in the woods more dangerous, basically. Angry hogs: Make some of the wildlife defend itself, basically. Just a couple Ideas I had. Hopefully not too annoying/useless. Looking forward to what you think about it. Cheerio Insta
  8. Nexiv

    DayZ "Class/Profession" System Idea

    The problem with the lack of co-operative play (apart from the inherent benefits of playing with friends that ZedsDead listed in another thread) is that survivors are too well rounded. In a real-life disaster/apocalypse there would be certain skill sets that would be incredibly valuable: - Medical training such as doctors, nurses, paramedics, even vets. - Mechanic/engineers, who can repair and maintain vehicles, generators, machines, etc. - Survivalists who can hunt, track, find fresh water, orienteer, build shelter, etc. - Farmer who can grow and prepare food, and maintain livestock. - Military/police, who are trained marksmen and can use and maintain any type of firearm including military hardware. - Pilots All of these skillsets would be highly sought after, and you'd be lucky to know or find someone who can do even one of these things, since most "city folk" like stock brokers, programmers, accountants, etc probably wouldnt have any of these skills. And yet in DayZ survivors can do all of these things perfectly. They're like one-man-armies. As such there is no need to seek out other survivors for aid (and we're not even talking about the crushing fear of loneliness when people think the endtimes are on them and they seek others out for companionship). When a survivor can do anything and everything then there is only risk in meeting other survivors, and zero reward. Its a system that only benefits the anti-social lonewolves and bandits. Every survivor's value only amounts to what gear can be picked off his corpse. Whereas in reality it would be a person's skillset that really mattered. You wouldnt be so quick to shoot that guy down on the road if you thought he might be a doctor who could set that broken leg for you, or someone who could give you shelter from the freezing nights, or teach you how to clean and shoot that rifle you found. I dont know if a class system is the answer. But possibly spawning with a single random skillset, and then slowly "learning" additional skills from other survivors as you spend more time around them. Afterall, once you've survived the apocalyps for a few years with other people you'll certainly have picked up some new skills and tricks. Maybe thats whats needed to slow down the mindless shooting currently: value the person, not their beans.
  9. We found a tent city up north with a bunch of equipment which included rocket launchers and stand alone grenade launchers. There were also broken vehicles around where they should not have spawned with no way to get them there. Seem legit?
  10. kilrbe3

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Great news! Regarding the Vehicles, does this mean the horrible lag/desync the Passengers get will be somewhat fixed? Last night we found a GAZ, and I let my buddy drive. I just closed my eyes. Because everytime i looked desync would show we in a forest, or up in a tree. Yet his screen, we were just driving along fine. Trust the drivers ^_^
  11. Cappy (DayZ)


    So me and my buddies were driving down the road in our van, aptly named the 'mystery machine' ( its looks just like the van off scooby doo, well kinda ) Spotted and heli and fixed her up, long story short, the game became too easy. Not only could we spot all vehicles and camp sites with ease ( i'm not against this, but i'll cover that more later ), we could land very close to them 'liberate' all their loot to the heli, take down anyone who came near, and be on our merry way Personally i like a bit more of a challenge, I'm not saying those who like heli's want the game to be easy, because lets face it, flying around in a heli gunning down people in field and chasing down cars is incredibly fun, in fact its down right hilarious. i just feel there a bit too good. Now i've never had a team gun me down in a heli, or find our camp and loot our tent, so please don't think this is a QQ, whaa whaaa, mah loootz haz gone thread, in fact we welcome such things as it give us more things to do, whether it be replenishing our supplies, or exacting our revenge. I just feel that heli's are a bit too good if you know what i mean. Cars are fantastic, you immediately see the benefits, being able to travel at speed around cherno is great with a larger loot store, not to mention the food/drink you save in traveling in a car, and picking up buddies after i may have accidentally shot them during a panicked firefight is great. As for aircraft i personally think it would be better to have a few light aircraft about,. cessna172-esque planes and such, like a little 2-4 seat propped plane. That way you'd still have a tool for recon missions and such to find other groups camp sites/vehicles and such, but you'd have to work in uni-son with people on the ground, either on foot or in a car. also you'd have limited places to land,. the 3 main places being the the current airfields which are conveniently place at the NW, NE and south. still giving to the ability to travel across the map at great speed, but not allowing you to go effective anywhere you like,. i think it would be a nice balance
  12. zeeb

    Chernarus is becoming stale. New map?

    repairing vehicles to get to other maps, SIGN ME IN!!!! +1!
  13. moriak

    Offroad pickup with 8 wheels \o/

    the wheel repair menu is the same for all vehicles.. just fix the ones the car has.. right/left front and right/left back
  14. That dilutes the population. The "big cities" are supposed to be more important. They are supposed to attract more players and be the sight of more encounters and more action. This creates a balanced dynanic between low risk/low reward towns and high risk/high reward large cities. currently small towns inland are just acting as a supply to keep up to NW. Since the vehicles came in the small villages became a little more populated than before, but srsly do u really go exploring villages?
  15. No' date=' you clearly don't. You don't even [i']understand the concept, so how can you claim to like it? How often do you die, and why? My last survivor was alive 12 days, probably 50+ hours in game. Why is this the first thing out of everyone's mouth when they are obviously not fine with it? And it is the very presence of that "horrible" experience that makes everything else in the game seem so much more intense, more real, more gratifying. If it weren't for the psychopathic killers waiting around every dark corner in this game, what would your accomplishments be? Picking up beans and ammo and shooting cows? Okay... Last night I lost my 12-day-old survivor. Ghillie suit, M16A2+203 w/ mags, 5 fully loaded tents, a completely repaired vehicle full of spare parts and ammunition, etc. I was stunned. My heart was beating, my brow was sweating. I stared at the "You Are Dead" screen for 10 minutes. Then, I sucked it up and got right back to it knowing that the next survivor could live twice that long and achieve twice as much if I am careful and don't make the same mistake I did last night. Okay, it's Alpha. We all know that. So basically you were trying to avoid PvP by playing on an underpopulated server and got shot anyway? That's pretty awesome in my opinion. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Just like it should be. Whose fault is that? I've repaired vehicles single handled without a single person helping by venturing out, finding the parts necessary, and running all the way back to the broken vehicle because my inventory only had space for one item at a time. It literally took me 12 hours to repair a single vehicle in game on my own. Then I lost it 30 minutes later. And I didn't care. Vehicles are everywhere now. If you have never seen one, then you are simply not looking very carefully - or you never survive long enough to find one. Either way you are at fault, not the game. What makes a place "worth going to"? Maybe this retarded mentality is the reason you've never found a vehicle, hmm? Try exploring some of those places you think are not "worth it" and you might find out that, in fact, they are. "Sweeping changes" is kind of the definition of the Alpha-Beta transition period. Why is it everyone who claims to know what an Alpha is, doesn't have a clue? Go play Left 4 Dead then. Most of us are here precisely because it's "just too harsh." I have a fully time job and a family and I have had more fun with this game than any other in the past 2 decades. Fuck no. Except it's not. No, it hasn't. Not the people in my group. Great. DayZ is not for "most people." Most people like Farmville and pro wrestling. Most people can go fuck themselves for all I care.
  16. Date/Time: 12/06/2012 13:50 What happened: Getting in new vehicles added, rather than getting in the PBX it dunked me in the water first Where you were: At the Guba inlet What you were doing: Trying to get in *Current installed version: 1.7 *Server(s) you were on: UK3 *Your system specs: 8GB Ram, Windows 7 64 Bit, i5 2500K, AMD Radeon HD 6800 *Timeline of events before/after error: Just ran up north and tried to get in it Ran to where the PBX spawns at the Guba, it's a new spawn and nobody has moved it, I select to get into it from the shore and it puts me swimming in the water despite it being at the shore for half a second during which time I see I've lost everything, before then putting me in the driver seat. Can see all my gear at the bottom of the water, and it's put all the gear further out than where me or the boat is. But it won't let me get the gear back. http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/4677/40271470.jpg http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/1388/96462568.jpg Feeling a bit annoyed since it should have put me as the driver, rather than dunking me in the water first. Lost Big cayote bag NVGs Rangefinder Hatchet Watch Toolbox Compass GPS Knife Matches 2x camping tent M4 CCO SD (no mags) DMR and 3 mags Ghillie suit still in its parcel 2x tents Kept my M9SD with no ammo. Would like a character fix if possible. If not, at least be aware of the bug. :) Thanks guys.
  17. adell83085

    Dallas 40 - Admin Abuse

    First, I would like to introduce myself. I am n00bsos, and help run Dallas 40. I work nights, so if this is in poor grammar or confusing I'll check back to make sure I fix it when I wake up tonight and get more coffee in me. Just to respond on behalf of the folks running Dallas 40 we did not take the server down this morning. I do not have access to the logs at the moment, but when I am able to get them I will look over them very thoroughly to ensure again the server crash (or restart) was not initiated intentionally to kick you from the server. Your initial post made it seem as if you were banned from the server intentionally. Putting everything together (i.e. you not being able to see the server when you lost connection) leads me to believe this was a server restart in Dallas not conducted by an 'admin'. Those restarts will cause the server to appear offline for a moment as they are actual hard restarts. I will apologize for getting a bit flustered with you as noone enjoys being called a cheater. I have chatted with the folks that were on this morning (there were 5-6), and they've explained the situation to me. I have your side of this as well, and have had time to step back from this situation and consider both sides. From what you stated below (the server crashing/restarting as soon as you highjacked the truck and being restarted by the admins) appears to be true. However, the server crashing/restarting caused it to need a restart/another restart. I don't know how savvy you are with servers, computers, etc, but the server crashed/restarted when you were initially booted. When the folks logged back in they did not see zombie spawns or loot spawns for quite some time. They restarted the server, and were under the impression the server was intentionally crashed by someone not the folks in Dallas that we rent from. It was locked for a short period of time to try and figure out what the hell happened because like any admin of any server ever if you sense there was a serious threat that caused damage you want to make sure the issue is remedied and things are back to normal before allowing users back in only for more problems to arise. We have never had anyone complain, and we've had a decent amount of hackers/cheaters try to play on our server that have been taken care of through the proper means. Whatever the case may be I can promise you that Gilboa and I are out to take care of that server as if it were our own child. We are avid gamers, and dislike cheaters just as much as everyone else. I apologize that you feel you were wronged. I can't go into the server and spawn you vehicles and weapons or I would try to make it up to you. At the end of the day it was a misunderstanding, no one was trying to cheat you, and it is a game in it's Alpha testing phase we are all learning as it develops into the beast it has become. I absolutely welcome you to chat with me through here or on private message on the situation, and of course report any cheating conducted on Dallas 40 to myself or Gilboa.
  18. adimch

    The Finnish wishlist

    Signed. In your example, and I'm sure you will agree, I wouldn't want to be able to predict what each individual Zombies' intentions are, just off sight. I wouldn't mind seeing some with guns, or even driving vehicles, either - even if they couldn't shoot or drive for shit. You wouldn't even have to alter their driving characteristics.
  19. [frl]myke

    DayZ "Class/Profession" System Idea

    +1 Remove completely the ability to repair any vehicles as most of the players couldn't repair a UH-1 if their life would depend on it. Please do not add any features that would make it all of a sudden necessary to actually think first before running around like a trigger-happy monkey.
  20. Savage_MF

    EU 4 & EU 39

    Hey, just noticed this thread when i searched your name as I got it from EU 39. Been playing on your server for a few days now and have to say it's my favourite. Nice work. I read the recent patch should help with the lag issues on a lot of servers...i have noticed that around midnight (UTC real time) we all synced perfectly and could drive/run with no desync problems on EU 39. I thought this was maybe because there was less people on... damaging/driving their vehicles. We noticed a sedan of ours getting damaged while engine off and no one in it and figured it was because it was on grass, a mate then blew it up while still inside it driving it with red warning signs on parts so it's no longer a factor... I assume his would have caused constant damage saves going by the recent patch notes regarding lag but then wouldn't just driving any vehicle cause slight damage anyway? A friendly.
  21. You know all these vehicles would just attract MORE bandits. Hate to burst your bubble, but be a little realistic here.
  22. taken from the OP build a small town/fortification second part of his bullets. The point is that a fortification is just a small building with some ways to prevent people from entering it. Yeah, you should be able to build these (you can already make a shed into such a fortification). However, usually people want mechanics so that bandits can't take their fortification as easily, or at least they want added bonusses next to the fact that you have a fortification. Building a town would be ridiculous in my viewpoint. maybe a full town would be ridculous but a small settlement that can be used as a trade post or a small area that provides security and a taste of society would be cool because it would allow players to interact more and at a deeper level, however this would require more dynamic loot spawns but dayz is in alpha so that could also be in the pipline ;) People are complaining about how stale the current map is. I'm bringing this up because: What is servers ran maps with purpose? Have a map designed for trading, and community stuff. For example, on the west of the current map, make a 'cut off' point, so if you save your character there, you can spawn in the next map (to the west). joining a server on that map, without being near the "transfer area" could result in you not being allowed in, or maybe spawn in a red box saying go to a different server or something. Maybe even each map/area could have its own respawn points for better ability to play with friends. ^this will make vehicles 100x more usful ^225km is big, but with this idea, there is no theoretical limit to how big the play size could be.
  23. The alternative to chat is through skype. Via voice chat 25 people can talk at once, if I am correct. This means that all the suppliers can talk to each other, while the guards can also do the same. And if the leader of the supply group wants to contact the leader of the guard they can do it over skype, that leader can then relay the information over to the other guards. This means that whatever actions we take, bandits want know about it. Of course it will also require all the guards and suppliers to have usable mics. People are also worried about the guards being bored, I would say that after an hour of the guard, they should switch with the suppliers and those previous guards go out and find loot. Can I also suggest that we send another smaller group far up north. The are deer stands that sometimes have decent weapons. I suggest that we send possibly 3 people up there. They will take longer to get back and it will require communications to be perfect. We will also need at least 3 land vehicles, for travel and also we will need to hide them in a safe place, we can't exactly take them onto the island.
  24. Rough outline of what to expect in the pending update. I will update this as more stuff is put in. Changelog will then follow it. Performance and Optimization - Reduction/elimination of the new server lag. This is caused by the ArmA2 server expecting immediate response from the central server. Vehicles are the main cause of this, as whenever they are damaged everything stops while the server ensures this is recorded in the database. - Bugs fixed that were possibly causing very significant netcode overhead (will need mass-scale testing to verify this). Infected Behavior - Infected can no longer see/attack through walls. - Entirely new mocap'd attack and running animations Content - Additional Idle Infected sounds - Revised Attack sounds - Many new action sounds, including IV, bandaging etc... Notes - This update will REQUIRE the beta patch, so it is worth installing this now and getting used to it. - Read up at the BI Forums about the beta patch install. It's pretty easy. Current Changelog Developer's Note: * Requires ArmA2 Beta. Changelog: * [FIXED] Wire Spools, Toolboxes, hedgehog (tank trap) kits not spawning * [FIXED] Bodies still being deleted too quickly sometimes * [FIXED] No backpacks or medical boxes spawning * [FIXED] "No Speaker..." debug report spam * [FIXED] Infected spawning too close to players (minimum 30m now) * [FIXED] Infected not spawning inside buildings any more * [NEW] Infected can't attack through walls * [NEW] Infected can't see through objects any more * [NEW] Infected visibility increased (but limited by LOS) * [NEW] Infected attack range increased (but limited by LOS) * [NEW] Infected can cause greater damage when they hit you * [NEW] You can hide from an infected chasing you * [NEW] Optimized server cleanup routine * [NEW] Player body exists for five seconds after disconnect (UNCONFIRMED IF WORKING) * [NEW] Infected see based on eye direction, not on body direction as before * [NEW] 30Rnd_545x39_AK added to loot table * [NEW] More infected attack animations * [NEW] More infected feeding animations * [NEW] Replaced monkey infected crawing run animation * [NEW] Heartbeat when cursor on a player with very low humanity (heart beats faster the lower it is) * [NEW] Humanity GUI indicator removed * [NEW] New Infected and Action sound effects (more AWESOME stuff by Michael Manning) * [NEW] Initial version of double-barreled shotgun added (by Artyom) * [FIXED] CZ550 spawning far too often in farms * [FIXED] Winchester decreased spawnrate (% given to double barrel shotty) * [NEW] Recombine shotgun rounds between 2 and 8 rounds * [NEW] Recombine 45ACP rounds between M1911 and Revolver rounds * [FIXED] Tent placement is completely screwed (now can place anywhere except in building) * [FIXED] Items for Eating and Drinking not removed instantly (allowed some duping) * [NEW] DayZ: Now with additional cruelty!. Spawn with only a bandage, painkillers, and a torch.
  25. ryansongy@hotmail.com

    Incentivizing Teamwork opposed to Punishing Murder

    The issue is that it's far far too easy to survive. Ammo spawns should be made rare and guns rarer. Especially military weapons. Vehicles should be more common but require more teamwork to get running. For instance two people to push and one person to jumpstart the car because the battery is dead. After it's made harder to survive more things like the teamwork required to use bloodbags is necessary. More things that require the aid of another player. Enough things so that if you see another player you're glad to see them instead of apprehensive and ready to shoot. Perhaps locked doors that require two people bashing on it at once to break it open and get loot that would be otherwise hard to come by in this new harder-to-survive world. Rocket has already been quoted in saying he doesn't like the fact that people shoot on sight with no consequences. He wants to encourage teamwork. The change is coming.