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  1. tiri

    EU9 Admins are pussies.

    I'm one of the three admins on the EU9 server. I would like to get some facts straight and (mostly) correct the megaton of bullshit you've been saying. First, we have NO camp. NOT. AT. ALL. We had a mobile camp in the form of a truck before the vehicle reset, but now we have no tents on the maps. So, first time you say BS (and that is the first post, i'm not finished). As a record, we deliberately restarted the server twice: the first one to counter some cheaters able to know the position of every single vehicles in the map, and knowing their names. It was later revealed to be the A2G team, a bunch of cheaters/duplicaters we banned yesterday. The second time was yesterday. We found a big group of tents with too much special items to be acquired legally. But when we came back they were conveniently destroyed, so we restarted hoping that you were too dumb to correctly empty them, and we were right. We needed proof and, later, you were banned because of this. We only used restard because we needed some more proof to be able to show they were using cheats, and only for players we were 100% sure of. And as far as I know, we've been alway right on who we banned. Second, the tents constant rollback is not our fault. And that's the same when we try to destroy some tents without emptying them. Most of the time they reappear completely at the first restart. We are completely against duplicating, and I think Rocket is thinking the same, and we won't hesitate to ban once we have the proof. And for us, trying to destroy proofs is indeed a proof. And now that you've clearly said Do you mean you are going to disallow killing other players ??? - No, I'm sure I misunderstood :huh: We're not gonna to let go off you. You can be damn sure we're gonna make clear you're exploiting the game. And the "Blue on Blue" is when you kill a NPC that has been created when you duplicated. It never appears when you kill another player. Just when you duplicate. And by saying that, Vuce
  2. Putting in a ticket now because I think it did - coincidentally enough, lost a camp and several vehicles yesterday. No bueno man.
  3. Riis

    WTF? What's going on here?

    Write all the emails you want, seriously. People got banned for hacking, its not rockets fault, its not the mod's fault, it's the hackers fault. Now this mod has been out for quite some time, and hackers have had free reigns to do all their little scripts, spawning in weapons and whatnot. Battle Eye has been neglected for soo long, most servers I've played regular arma on has had their fair share of hackers playing there as regulars, hell even in the clan i was in we had a hacker who spawned in vehicles as "Commanders benefit" whenever we got one destroyed. Suddenly, the interest in Arma 2 increases, courtesy of the DayZ mod, all the hackers old and new flock to this mod and do their stuff, annoying both the devs of the mod, BIS, and most importantly of all, the players. Out of nowhere, battle eye is suddenly updated, a glorious smiting of all the hackers who felt safe, because they'd have to be caught redhanded by an admin to get a server side ban. Now they're Global Banned, and now, people like you, and others are crying on the forums of a Mod because you're banned. Now you KNOW that if you contact Battle Eye support, they'll send you logs of why you were banned, so you wont do that. So you come to the BIS forums, and DayZ forums making up your stories about how you picked up something from a crate you found somewhere, or from a player, and now you're banned. Seriously SUCK IT UP, stop whining about being banned, accept the consequences (spelling) of your actions. Stop trying to defend the kids who troll around trying to abuse the Moderators and the Devs in here, shut up, fall back in line, buy a new game and grow the fuck up.
  4. aragos

    The Dayz Dichotomy.

    -First, thanks guys for the first thoughtful post I've read in a while. Getting a bit tired of "Im notta cheeter, why I banned?" and "I'm the l33t noob killa and ur fail" type of posts. --Good points and discussion. My .50. First, if you put story lines, quests, character classes, stats, or whatever in this game, you'll kill it. You'll have Fallout with Zeds. Been done. If you lessen the brutality of the game, you'll kill it. Since you've only got gear--all of which can be gotten again--as a measure of 'success' in the game (and yeah, I know, its about survival...I'm talking about what you have to lose by dying), then dying becomes a core part of defining the game. Even the most competent player will goof up, hit the wrong key, and be killed. That is what makes the game actually challenging. The last--very last--thing you want to do is force a player into a defined playing style. Safe zones, et al, will force cooperation, and so on. Everyone with a M4 at start will push the game into PvP. And so on. Every action taken has second and third order effects. If you give a player all the basic survival gear at start (knife, etc.) then reduce the number of canned beans, suddenly cows become the sought resource. And players move out of the cities and into the fields to fight. Second and third order effects. I think it would be neat to rebuild buildings, etc. but that would also have the potential of ruining the experience. The shift would go from individual survival to group SimCity like operations. First ones to get the Factory running could build vehicles--that would then shift the nature of the game to Stalingrad-like fights over the Factory. And so on. Personally, I don't think the game's core mechanics--whatever they are--need to be modified for one group or another. That said, I don't think it needs a "goal" other than survival itself. I suspect most gamers have played the Civilization series. How many games have you played to the absolute end? If you don't conquer the world, then why play? Ah...the playing itself is the answer. You play to be challenged, to build (or destroy) or whatever. In contrast, there are the RPGs that force you along a predetermined pattern to 'finish the game.' Find the magic doodad, return to wizard, save kingdom. Rinse and repeat. In those games (and ultimately, this includes most single player FPS games as well), you actually have very little choice. The 'cool' part becomes things like graphics, music and so on. Sort of like making a movie versus watching a movie. I prefer making my own experience, but I get that others would just rather do 1-2-3-4 series of actions to 'win.'
  5. Date/Time: 28 June 2012 Allday What happened: Vehicles auto repair Where you were: Near Polana What you were doing: Driving around, refuling, getting in and out *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: US4 *Your system specs: Not needed *Timeline of events before/after error: Driving around get out refuel get in, all damage gone *Other Note: Vechs where UAZ and URAL
  6. Hatikvah

    The Dayz Dichotomy.

    While the tents and vehicles might be at odds at with single life / perma death they really need to be there as they offer the progression the game needs to keep the game from turning into spawn-loot a gun-kill someone-die-repeat imo. The fact people go looking for tents and vehicles to loot/steal gives the game another dimension in terms of PvP and general level of tension. Hell someone might be looting my tent right now and I not even playing, personally I think that real world crossover tension is hilarious. You can play Dayz as a deathmatch. You can play Dayz as a lone survivor. You can play Dayz as a clan. All valid ways people play. Their also nearly always in conflict with one another but then I thought that was kind of the point. I'd be amazed if the community wasn't at each others throats or looking to have the game improved for their groups benefit. After all that's what the game is sort of designed to do.
  7. sgtsnug

    Semi Perma Death.

    I'm afraid I'm not on board with this suggestion, I understand it's points but in the end this IS a game, a brutal one but a game non the less. If your in a group and get all your gear rescued and picked up on the shore well that's due to teamwork and planning, the benefit to playing cooperatively, and does distract the whole group for up to an hour or longer before you can get back to what you were doing depending on group size and vehicles at disposal. If your alone, you aren't so lucky, you have to run back to your corpse which can take hours if your without map and don't know exactly where you died, and chances are your corpse will have de-spawned, been looted already only if your very lucky will it still be there but you'll have lost a fair chunk of time and faced all kinds of danger on your way getting back. I agree it is nice to get a feel that your a new character and begin a new story, but if your in it to play with friends then your going to play with those friends, the option exists for you to change server or group up with someone else but it shouldn't be mandatory.
  8. Strategos (DayZ)

    The Dayz Dichotomy.

    Your missing the point. "This post, in my opinion, is absolutely incorrect. Those aren't the goals of THE game. Those are the goals of YOUR game," Those are goals that have been put in the game. You dont have to do them but the fact is that they are there for us to do. Repair a helicopter, place tents, save vehicles where you have made your camp. Those are game mechanics that allow you to do something. Therefore X percentage of players are going to want to do that. Some wont as you say but that's not the point. You have perma death, but a tent allows you to store your goods for two days after you die. Your saved vehicle will be there waiting for you full of equipment after you die and come back. So the game mechanics encourage activities that take place over more than one life. At complete odds with the single life / perma death mechanic. I'm not trying to get you to do anything or project my desires , I'm discussing what i see as a contradiction inherent in the games mechanics. There's no point in Quoting ZedsDead either as usual he is way off the mark.
  9. KickStarter. Official servers. Problem solved. I would donate $150 on the spot today if I knew it was going to reliable, professional and trustworthy hosting. A lot of great server admins out there, doing a lot for the community and putting their money up to support the game and community. DayZ wouldn't exist without their efforts. I only wish it were possible to more reliable differentiate them from the 15-year-old-borrowed-dad's-credit-card server hosts who kick people to make room for their clan mates, reboot the server to duplicate swathes of items or return vehicles to their last save point, revert death or just plain old screw people out of loot, curse on public channels, ban for arbitrary reasons and generally act like a bunch of spoiled shitsnacks all under the guise of "I pay the bills you play by my rules. Oh and please donate." It's an unsustainable model anyway. 75,000 a day - fine. 250,000? 400,000? Eventually the goodwill of server owners will run dry.
  10. Aign0r

    Semi Perma Death.

    "DayZ was designed to be impossibly cruel, dark, and brutal. It was not designed as a game it was more of an experiment, I prefer the term "anti-game" - in other words the mechanics are not designed to be balanced, or offer a way out for different situations. These are things game designers normally take care with." Perfect sentence to defend my point of view. 1. Mechanics are not designed to be balanced = If you have a team you're an imbalance, you managed to surpass some game problems by joining in a group and thus also making a social experiment. 2. Even team of 5-6 people with vehicles can be wiped out completely by one sniper, grenade, or just well positioned guy with a rifle. I've experienced this and also seen it on a stream. And that's exactly the point where u punch a screen. Not to mention that can also happen while a team guards the body. And if you watch streams a bit there are not many people doing that unless they are in a forest or some remote place where there are no many people. If their mate dies in a town or some high risk place they just pick up what they can and leave. Just other they i watched these guys who had a bus. And they were driving between cherno and elektro picking friends up, so these 2-3 guys make and ambush on a petrol station and killed one and wounded 2 more... Guys body droped from bus (and he was fully geared) and they just drove off and didn't look back, and started looting again for him to get equiped. So all that's not bullet proof. Nothing is indeed in this game. You have team, snipes, gillies, bus etc. And them boom ... all gone... cause you were not careful enough, which you really can't be since there are too many dangers lurking about. Even with teaming up guy with longest survival time only survived for 115h. So none had yet made a whole week alive. Also even if you don't have a team you can be geared up in 10 minutes by pure luck. I for instance killed fully geared up guy with a makarov cause he spawned in front of me. Cause he lost connection with server prolly and dced on the street. And one time i spawned rly close to Firstation in cherno and get insane gear like right away. I'm talking AK, Nvg, bino, alice backpack etc. Well it wasn't all from firestation some i found in church. And other times you can't find shit for hours. It seems to me more and more when i read these forums that all the people whining about this group/clan raiding are the ones who can't do that cause they don't have friends playing DayZ rather then those who don't want to play like that cause it's too easy.
  11. Strategos (DayZ)

    The Dayz Dichotomy.

    "(Today 01:36 PM)Strategos Wrote: you are given tasks that require more than one life to achieve what on earth are you talking about" Ok let me expand on that. You have the ability to team, up make camps and horde vehicles. So you can make a permanent base and team up with people and engage in creative tasks that will probably require multiple deaths + groups of people to achieve. The game is encouraging team play and persistence via its mechanics on one hand. But giving you perma death etc on the other hand.
  12. ZedsDeadBaby

    The Dayz Dichotomy.

    Maybe you misunderstand me. Or I you. In any case, I'm not saying the paper is blank because it hasn't been written on yet I'm saying rocket is purposefully leaving the paper blank and giving players the tools to write on it themselves. Each individual player gets to decide what DayZ is to them. I had this same debate with someone about people who use web maps and loot tables. If you want to play the game as a virtual cartographer - learning every nook and cranny of the game by sight and heart - then go do that. The fact that I am not interested in doing that and instead use online maps and loot sheets to determine my route is really irrelevant. The game has no singular goal so the paths we take don't have to somehow be synchronized via the "greater vision" of the game. We don't even necessarily have the same goals. Our paths may never intersect at all - and if they do, well your Winny is as good as mine. Playing as a team has many benefits if your goal is to achieve the sorts of things that teams are better at achieving. Maybe gathering the best equipment in the game and repairing vehicles isn't really what you're into at the moment. It really doesn't matter. You're not competing against the people who are for the same thing. You're just sharing a space and both making each other's experience more interesting for it. As long as rocket stays true to his vision of providing not rules and restrictions and predetermined goals and instead simply provides freedom, mechanics and tools and allows players to craft the game as THEY see fit for their own individual subjective experiences, he will have succeeded. As soon as he starts saying "This is the one sacrosanct way to play the game and all others are verbotten henceforth" then the game starts to fail in my opinion. This is precisely why calls for artificial restrictions on PvP are met with such derision here. The fact that, if people so choose, their goal in the game can be to find and murder me adds dramatic value to whatever goals I may set for myself. No matter what I do or how I play, I have to consider that not everyone has the same goals and motivations as me because the game doesn't force them to in any arbitrary way with a silly set of "rewards" and "slaps on the wrist" when players behave in ways accordant or discordant with the will of the machine.
  13. Bunster

    Vehicles adding!!

    Always nice to add new vehicles every so often
  14. zogin

    Vehicles adding!!

    I would like to add that can we pleae have some vehicles that you can fire back from. I'm not talking about a roof mounter 50 cal, but rather being able to have some vehicles that the passengers can fight back from.
  15. PMC: Default survivor textures BAF: Ghillie, Camo skins. L85A2, AS50 guns. Don't forget that this is not a texture pack, its a DLC with lots of vehicles, guns, units, new campaign. It doesn't hurt performance.
  16. ZedsDeadBaby

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    People find it difficult to discuss ideas because douchey litlte shtsnacks like you immediately start throwing around completely inaccurate bullshit phrases like "ffa deathmatch." I love every aspect of DayZ PvP - absent all punishing repurcussions as it would be in a lawless, apocalyptic world. Meanwhile I have gone through two (2) survivors since 27th May. The first lived for 15 straight days with 60+ hours in-game; current survivor is on day eight. I have worked together with a ton of other people in game; repaired and/or stolen more than 6 different vehicles - some of which I kept hidden and my posession for over 10 days, I have traveled the length and breadth of the map 6+ times from Black Lake to Kamenka and back. Stockpiled enough food and water to feed a family of 5 (which I basically did). I have shot people and been shot. Yes, some of those people died. Yes, I took their beans. But "ffa deathmatch?" What fucking deathmatch game plays like that? Leave the coast. Find a group. Set some goals and accomplish them. If you can't get your average lifespan above 10 hours, you're being careless with zombies or people (probably both). Just practice. Learn from your mistakes. And above all else, and this is most important, quit fucking bitching and moaning.
  17. cramble

    Vehicles adding!!

    Heey a new topic about a vehicle to add into Dayz. I was looking at all the vehicles in arma 2 and oah and came across a nice small armour vehicle with was used for scouting and small transporting. Im talking about the BTR-40 Light vehicle with a bit of armour protection. It saves you frome small arms fire eswell as ak rounds and m16 etc. The 50 can blow a hole in it aswell as the M136 at4 ingame. I can hear you guys already but wait isnt that overkill. No its has a open top where you can be killed frome with every weapon. It can be destroyed by a lucky and simple grenade eswell as it has normal tires that can be shot of like all other cars. Why i like this vehicle is the fact its can protect u against fire but its not overpowerd. (aslong as you puth in the version without the DshKM aa gun.) armor: 40 (less then a hummer.) Max. Seats: 7 Speed: 90 km/h Fuel: 100l Ofroad: yes Tell me what you think you like it you dont like it and why. Normal on topic comments plz and keep it friendly. Greetz, Cramble
  18. Yes.ImP

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    how long vehicles can stay in "green acres"? 1 hour? 1 day? untill server's restart?
  19. Just a few of mine. [NEW] Can now climb various objects like trees and into open windows. [NEW] More types of consumables like food and drink available. Alcohol, energy drinks.. these give various effects. [NEW] Can use wood to barracade doors and windows to protect yourself for a short time. [NEW] Dozens of new clothing kits to be found. Sheriff/Police, Priest, Nun, Business man, housewife, terrorist are some examples. [NEW] Personal radios introduced. Can now use to talk to others at longer distances. Be careful what you say as others can potentially listen in. [NEW] Random spawning Bandit & Military camps with armed guards with better quality of loot. These will shoot on site so you have been warned. [NEW] Random spawning small patrols of above factions with vehicles, aiming to kill survivors and zombies.
  20. you should be happy you can play i have been waiting for 4 weeks due to this bug. and i still cant fucking play It's hardly playing if the server crashes every 5 minutes and all your gear / vehicles are gone...
  21. This was on a night server. Last Night.. It's pitch black outside, and raining when 3 navy seal sniper's come over a PBX that looks stranded by the shore north east of Berenzino and the lumbermill. One of the guys check's if it's working, and to our great joy, it is in nearly perfect shape. We refueled it and then headed out to pick up a seal infiltrating Elektro. Minutes later after picking up the Seal we had at elektro we then continued to our next objective. The island in the middle of the ocean.. It looks deserted, but one can never be sure, so we park the boat abit from sure and get in, apparently unseen.. We neak up through the woods, crouching.. trying to not make a sound to alert whoever could be camping there.. Place look's deserted, it's nearly to quiet here we thought, so we sent a spotter up in the radio tower to spot for us while we covered him.. The island seems empty, so we get back to the boat, after killing a cow, and roasting it to get some long needed food in our stomach we were ready to set our next objective.. Problem was that, at this time we didn't have a clear objective, as one of our seals found it interresting to disconnect in a moving boat.. So we waited for him to come back, wondering if he would spawn in the middle of the sea. Minutes later. . . Phoenix is back.. We can continue, when we suddenly hear over our teamchat that he spotted movement along the shore.. We slow down the boat and turn our vision to shore.. We saw a light moving up and down.. Someone was running with a flashlight, and we got a good idea.. Let's check him out, so we all head to shore, then plotted the direction he was running and then we crawled into ambush positions... "FREEZE BOY, TURN OF THAT FUCKING FLASHLIGHT RIGHT NOW!" "MOVE A MUSCLE AND DIE!" We proceed to check his backpack, sadly he is butt naked basically.. Freshmeat we reconed.. We didn't wanna kill him, we aren't that heartless.. So we told him to turn on the flashlight, and then he saw the decked out seals infront of him.. We told him to follow us, and then we brought him to the boat.. We got him to jump in and then we ended up bringing him out to the abandoned island.. Where we dropped him off, to fend for himself.. "he thanked us for the trip, but as he couldn't see where he got left off, since you need NVG's to see where you are moving durign night, while in vehicles, he simply wrote.. "Thanks!" We responded with a certain "Anytime mate!" "Enjoy your stay!" Inwhich i think he figured something was wrong, as we drive away we are laughing so hard we are crying on mumble.. Fantastic moment in DayZ, and one of the funniest event's i've been a part of. Big kudos to whoever we jacked, the fact that you didn't disconnect makes you a legend with our gang.. We will always remember you.. Your name started with T and was short, and this was on Norway 1/De54 don't remember which oen it was.. Not that bad of a story all in all but :p It was bloody hillarious
  22. There's a hacker in FR7 who keeps killing all the survivors daily. He did it yesterday and did it again today. I lost NVG's among other rare equipment and my jeep and motorcycle because of this guy. I have no idea who it is, but apparently he does that shit daily. He somehow blows up all the survivors, the vehicles and the buildings. Most of the buildings at Elektro are collapsed because of this guy.
  23. ZogVarnoka

    Strange supply truck

    Yea probably a groups vehicle that you found. Many folks are using the 4x4 vehicles as movable storage now.
  24. xjohn92x


    Just gonna get straight to the point and wanted to ask about this server, Whats up with it and why can no one connect to it? The max player number is now 15, i use to always play on this server and have no problems at all and then since 2 days ago i havent been able to connect at all or anything. Im just curious to know if this server went rebel or if its something wrong with the hoster, Because i had stocked up my Tent with goodies and had a few vehicles with it :(( now im sad cause i cant drive around or get to my stuff :cool: Thanks in advance if anyone knows anything.
  25. khalimerot

    EU9 Admins are pussies.

    We do not know where all the tents and vehicles are. the only access Soppa gived us his the Rcon , and a readable access to the Log , nothing else. If there is a way to know where all tents and vehicles are I don't know it, and I don't want to know it , I'm hunting cheaters with their own cheated / duplicated weapons and that's all. It take me a lot of time , that's making me raging , but I will continue as long as I can. cause i want to protect the good gameplay of this mod for every other player on our server.