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About xjohn92x

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. The only issue i have is that i have like 3 tents on this server that has not been up in 2 days as of today and has not said anything.......... i have a few rare weapons in there, is there anyway i could save them? i know since this is alpha there is bound to be a complete data wipe sooner or later so im not worried about losing them now, but if i could prolong losing my guns then i would lol.
  2. xjohn92x

    Chicago 42 Contact/Donation Thread!

    YOU or your Admins ARE abusing the power and kicking people all the time when its that max player number, they keep doing it to me, one of you need to quit your shit.
  3. xjohn92x

    Chicago 42 Kicking People

    Yeah i was just about to post a thread about these losers but found this one, They do keep on kicking me and i want something done about it i know its not Ping cause i have 20 something MS in there........... Its just not right that they are able to do that just to make room and i know they are making room for someone cause it keeps fluctuating from 49-50 like if they keep kicking the 50th person till that one guy gets in..... Take down their server for a bit or something as punishment. Screw people who abuse those kind of powers
  4. xjohn92x


    Also if i might add, Now the server is just gone from the list and has been for awhile............. Has it been renamed or removed? If anyone knows please reply. Thanks in advance again. ^^
  5. I dont know if it has been suggested already because i cant cycle through all the threads and check but! Why not make a separate slot for the melee weapons? Instead of taking primary? Just a Suggestion, so when we press F it can cycle through primary/ secondary/and throw able stuff. Thanks for reading!
  6. xjohn92x


    Just gonna get straight to the point and wanted to ask about this server, Whats up with it and why can no one connect to it? The max player number is now 15, i use to always play on this server and have no problems at all and then since 2 days ago i havent been able to connect at all or anything. Im just curious to know if this server went rebel or if its something wrong with the hoster, Because i had stocked up my Tent with goodies and had a few vehicles with it :(( now im sad cause i cant drive around or get to my stuff :cool: Thanks in advance if anyone knows anything.