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hi! today i put two filled alice packs in the trunk of my car. after several hours i came back to my car but the allice packs in the trunk were both empty then. is it generally possible to store completely filled backpacks in a vehicles trunk?
UK6 server gone mad
[email protected] replied to [email protected]'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
haha yeah blame the illuminati they are conspiring against us! Yeah I took one of the hackers choppers, I doubt they will ban everyone that took one of his vehicles and I was desperate to try get my truck of guns safe. -
IMPORTANT: Tents will be wiped in update
Max Planck replied to rocket's topic in Mod Announcements & Info
Hmm. Strange. Maybe the guy who emptied out your tent forgot/didn't know that you can put stuff in vehicles? It happened to me once, I had found a bus which I then drove around in a calm and responsible manner. When I was done I left and walked halfway across the map only to realize that you can loot those things. It still doesn't explain why the car is still there though. -
So I had this idea a while back and I'm not sure what the limitations of the engine are regarding map size, but if it's possible it'd be great to see the chernarus map expanded north, northwest and west. From what I can see, each of those three sectors have an area the size of chernarus in open space (on the player map if you fly way out there). The map would have more dense wilderness, less settlements, and overall become more remote the further you travel away from the cities. Not only would this solve the off-map hoarder problem, it would make for a much bigger game world for players to explore, and solve the problem of nowhere being truly remote enough to really set up a settlement. This brings me to my next point: End the off map hoarding. The only reason those camps are safe is because the off map is too barren and devoid of supplies for anyone except people with offroad vehicles and aircraft to reach. So I propose this solution: Tents cannot be placed off map. Vehicles parked off map will be moved to the nearest border at server restart (regardless of recent use or save status). With the above said, the off map solution should happen regardless of any expanding of the size of the playable map area. There is no reason for people to be able to have hoards of great weapons, NVGs, vehicles, ammo, etc etc, and be able to leave them undefended. If you want to have a hoard, you had better make sure you're organized enough to have people pulling round the clock guard duty. The way the system is set up now, it's game breaking, because I think I can safely say that rocket never intended for people to have invulnerable unreachable camps.
Hello, been playing Day-Z for a bit and lately quite a few of my friends haven't been logging in.... we've been doing pretty well, Coltan (a member of my previous clan) and I would get vehicles like the camoed Military Offroader, and we had five or so tents, a weapons tent with random weapons, ammo for them, hospital tent, parts tent, generic loot tent etc. Well, if anybody was willing to make an offer, I'd really like to join a clan or team, or whatever you may call yourself for this mod. I have a mic, TS3, and I've been playing Day-Z for more than a month. Currently I'm in the north (won't say where just yet) with a Winny, plenty of bandages, food to keep me going for a while (donated my revolver to my buddie's tent) a Czech backpack, and other random tidbits. Just one catch, and I know what people are gonna say: I'm 15. So if you don't mind a young member, thanks.
We've only had one encounter which was the one I just detailed and they lost two people where we lost one.. and they had two vehicles(Which must be rather filled with bullet holes now)/twice as many people as us :P Annnd of course there is the rangefinders/nvgs/thermal scopes they had lol But hey if that's losing, guess we lost!
Date/Time: 20-21th of June. What happened: All my vehicles was gone when I logged on. Where you were: Around Stary sobor/Novy sobor. What you were doing: Nothing, except entering the server. *Current installed version: Beta client 93825 / Patch *Server(s) you were on: US2 - Hosted by "TAW_Tonic". *Timeline of events before/after error: I repaired a car I found in Story Sobor and then I drove it into the forest and logged off. The day after (about 11 hours later) when I logged on it was gone. At first I thought it was stolen but then I went to check my other vehicles and they were gone too. I had three cars and a bicycle. I did save all of them. Two of the vehicles has been around for a couple of days now. Any ideas?
Do server updates and hotfixes delete vehicles?
had 2 vehicles, and 3 tents full of ammo/loot for my group. next morning its all gone.
Seeing vehicles off the map can depend on the server weather/fog settings and the players view distance, and ofcourse how far off the map people hide their stuff. I heard stories of people leaving their gear MILES off the edge, unseen. Now picture the poor players searching the map for vehicles that are not there. Or the noob who just spawned and ran off the edge of the map and keeps going... not knowing where to go.
From the man that brought you right clicking your hatchet (which followed over to your flashlight) from your utility / tool belt to use it rather than storing it in your backpack. I bring you, a entire thread of his crazy ideas! Wishlist time! Hooray right? Also have another Idea / Suggestion with the Inventory / Weapon system, you can give it a read and see what you think. This idea will probably help solve or at least circumvent / bandage some of the inventory bugs / issues. I'm going to throw out 2 - 3 different ideas that would solve the issue in a few different ways, if you like all of them, they all would work fine together as well. First, now that we have flashlight on the tool belt, we can get rid of the starting backpack, and have players start with no backpack. This change would go well with my suggestions, it would also make Czech Pouches actually worth something as well, and make finding your first backpack a very exciting moment!. Now I know these suggestion may or may not have been mentioned already by someone else, parts of my suggestions may also be borrowed, but bare with me, they are pretty good, and I think would be pretty cool. Ok so we all know how damn buggy the inventory system is, and how changing weapons and things around between your inventory & backpack can cause things to be deleted and dropped on the ground, etc, etc, or if you want to equip your melee weapon hatchet from your Tool belt you have to drop your primary weapon or put it in your backpack. I really like other peoples suggestions on moving said weapons to your Tool belt while you have your Tool belt item out, so if you want to pull out your hatchet for melee it puts your primary weapon on your Tool belt till you switch the hatchet back to the Tool belt, and same thing with the flashlight, it switches your secondary to the Tool belt till you put it back on the Tool belt. Ways we could accomplish this (as I said earlier, these two / three methods could be used together or separate). 1) Just making it simply what the another poster already said on these forums here somewhere, but just when you switch to flashlight or hatchet it puts whatever was in that primary / secondary slot previously onto your Tool belt till you switch back. 2) Making your Tool belt different "sizes" depending on not only if your wearing a backpack or not but what backpack your wearing. The numbers would have to be thought on very hard and probably tested / tweaked a bunch till you got it feeling right, but this could be exciting. Like say you don't have a Backpack because Rocket decides to remove your starting Backpack to make things harder and more interesting, so without a Backpack you have 3 Utility / Tool belt slots, Czech Pouch gives you 1 or 2 more slots, etc, etc, where the biggest backpack the Coyote Backpack being the only one that gives you enough Utility / Tool belt slots to hold every Utility / Tool belt slot item in the game. Making you have a limited amount of Tool belt slots makes you have to decide which utility items are more important to you, and which ones you don't need till you get a bigger backpack. It may not be right for this game, just a idea though. Instead of having everything all the time once you find it all, it also makes finding a better backpack more of a big deal, it makes better backpacks more than just more "regular" storage space. *shrug* 3) Add two new Utility / Tool belt items to the game. A Sidearm / Secondary Holster, to hold your secondary in your Tool belt when you switch out to the flashlight. and A Primary Weapon Sling, to hold your primary in your Tool belt (on your back) when you switch out to a melee weapon (this would really only work with the crowbar was made a Utility / Tool belt item as well I suppose, prying shit open FTW!) Let me know what you think? This could also go hand in hand with possible future additions to the game like making the size of your backpack and the amount of stuff your carrying effect your speed in game, how fast you get hungry / thirsty, and also your noise level. I just can't wait till they possibly make all building enterable, I know I have heard a few E3 rumors saying they would eventually make all building enterable. Would also be cool if he left some of them locked, and added some Utility with the crowbar, making it so you can put it on your Tool belt and use it to Pry open locked doors, then he can also add lock boxes, crates, chests, etc you can pry open either as loot or player storage or both, can eventually make cars lockable with a upgrade / Key, then you can use the crowbar to pry them open or break a window or something. Lots of good stuff I can add to this, could go on for days. Prying stuff open could have a animation (so it takes time) and also make noise that can attract zombie and human attention. Lots of good options here. Knocking Players Unconscious would be cool if you could do this by hitting a player in the head / back of the head with a Stock Strike, Pistol Whip, Flashlight, Crowbar. Adding in handcuff (very rare spawn off police / military zombies only and / or zip-tie restraints would be cool as well. Could knock someone out and take them hostage or whatever. Lots of options there, you can leave them to die with their hands bound, or you can have them as a hostage / prisoner. Of course so you can grief other players once your "captured" you would have the option to suicide / restart, or you can try to escape if standing (run, but obviously with your hands bound they can easily kill you since you can't fight back), but your captors can keep you from running by pushing / sitting you on the ground which would make it so you can't get up because your hands are bound. If you do escape someone else can remove your handcuffs with a toolbox or zip-tie with a hunting knife, toolbox, or axe. You can also do it yourself if you find the items in the world (you have to find them in the world to use them because your hands are bound, you can't use the ones in your inventory) this would make it difficult to escape by yourself unless your really lucky and come across one of those before being killed by your captors / zombies. (would have to maybe make those utility items more rare?) The other option would be sticking with it and immersing yourself and seeing what your captors do with you, I mean they may let you go, you may eventually be able to become part of their group if you stick with it and you get to know each other and they like you, who knows, it could be rewarding sticking with it rather than instantly restoring to suicide or trying to run away and escape when captured with your hands bound. This type of system could be really cool for robbing someone, or taking someone for hostage / ransom, dealing with someone you don't trust till they earn your trust, really mean way of killing / torturing someone, just lot of fun immersive fun interaction with other players. Could be cool for "end game" PVP war games between groups of survivor etc, the possibilities are endless really. Zombies, they should hear better than they see, i can agree there, but there needs to be more work done on the zombies before we can get there I think. Because if zombies hear you they shouldn't immediately aggro you, they should search and not aggro till they get sight, but they should investigate each and every sound in range of them, in order of proximity and loudness. Priority on loudness. And they don't necessarily need to do that search animation like someone else mentioned earlier in the thread, I mean you can have them do that "investigation" mode for a few seconds or minutes or whatever if you would like to, but if they would just move to the area of the sound and just go back to normal, walking around "looking" for you, that should work fine as well I would think, no? But like you said Rocket that might make too much of a performance hit and may not be possible, but I guess we will see, that man not be a feature you can add till this is it's own stand alone game. *shrug* Ideas for Vehicles Keys for Vehicles so you can lock other players out of them, and also need the key to start them unless you break in and hotwire it. How do you get keys though? Should add a function / feature to the mouse scroll wheel for vehicles, you can call it "search vehicle", it will be kinda like "Study Body" on corpses. It would give you some subtle hints as to what town / city / location on the map to where the original owner lived before the Apocalypse, which would make it kinda like a "quest" or "mission" from another game but without any type of marking or quest dialogue on your screen all subtle hints, then if you find the right location and search the person's house or whatever you can find the keys for your vehicle, and it can be something randomly picked each time for every vehicle, it would add to exploration and movement around the map and give players other cool things to do "end game" wise, would take a lot of time, risk, and effort to come out with the key, and that reward would be worth it. Upgrade / Crafting Like System Upgrading the armor on the vehicle Attaching weapons to the vehicle (make it only work with the very rare spawning Light Machine Guns, make it so you can attach them to certain vehicles so you can have a moving death machine) would be very cool Once you have the keys to the car it would be cool if you could upgrade the vehicle to having a alarm system. Would alert zombies and players if triggered, by someone trying to break in / steal your vehicle, now only would they need to break a window or pry open the door with a crowbar (animation / cast bar so it takes time to do much like bandaging or anything else in game) but you would then need to hotwire the car so you can get it to start so you can steal it (another animation / takes time) but you would also have to disconnect / disable the car alarm (another animation / takes time) Through all that time is the risk of getting found attacked by zombies or players, but the reward is great as you get to steal the vehicle from another player and any loot stored inside it. Once you stole the vehicle you can study it yourself to get a location to get a key for yourself, or if the person your stealing the vehicle from shows up you can kill them and get the key from them directly. In the event your vehicle gets stolen you can have a chance to get it back by waiting for the thief in the house where the keys for that said vehicle are, if you can beat them there, you would already know where said location was because you already had to go there yourself to get the key originally. If you break the windows to break into the car you need to use windshields to repair the windows, if you pry open the door with a crowbar you need to use scrap metal to repair the door / hull, etc. I'm sure a lot more ideas can be put here for Vehicles, stay tuned! Roaming Zombie Hordes / Zombies Everywhere! There definitely needs to be more zombies in the world, and not just in towns / cities and buildings, anyone that watches "The Walking Dead" or any of the numerous Zombie Movies / Shows, knows zombies will roam either by themselves or in herds / packs in search for food. That and things need to eventually be fixed so Zombies break down doors & barriers to pass through them rather then just being able to walk / glitch through them like they do now. Sure they hang out in towns & cities because that is where people (their food) usually are, especially right at the start of the outbreak / apocalypse. And Zombies will continue to hang out in these towns & cities long afterwards as well because these places will still get traffic from survivors scavenging for food / supplies / etc, but this shouldn't be the only place they are. But after everyone is either dead & converted to a zombie themselves, or survive and escape you would think at least some of them would roam around the map looking for food, mainly sticking to roads & paths, but zombies don't think or care, they would wander through the woods if they had to, to find food. There should be less zombies randomly in the woods then a open field or city / town (I totally agree here), but they should be out there looking for food. No where should be safe forever like the woods are / can be in this game at times. The campsite the survivor's had in the woods outside Atlanta eventually got over run and do did Hershel's Farm, as a survivor in the zombie apocalypse you should have to unfortunately move / relocate every so often to survive. I also understand the need for zombies to spawn, dynamically or not, when people get close to a town or city so things are exciting and challenging, and that is fine, but there really needs to always be a certain set amount of zombies in the world everywhere all the time both roaming by themselves & in herds as well as just staying in one place like they do now, all of this on top of the dynamic town / city zombie spawning. No where can be safe forever from creatures who don't sleep or get tired and their only motivation is to find you and eat you, zombies aren't smart and can't / don't think (they are dead), but they are relentless and never give up. Zombies don't know quit or really much of anything else other than you looking delicious. **** UPDATE **** Not "hiding" a Corpse attracts zombies(New Zombie Spawns) **** UPDATE **** ---------------------- This is something suggested a long while ago by another player but I really liked it Player Corpses should definitely attract zombies in the immediate area like it does now, maybe have the player corpse spawn one zombie a minute, up to 10 total until the corpse is hidden, and if one of the 10 dies and the corpse is still there it will spawn another after a minute keeping the maximum at 10? Kinda like it. I think multiple corpses should definitely increase the amount of zombies but you would need to definitely need to test it a bunch and tweak it so it feels right, so its not too OP, but also keeps things interesting. Zombies should also investigate other zombie's deaths, not just player death's if they are in range of hearing / seeing it.. only makes sense, they are attracted to sounds / smells, and to a very limited perception of sight. Could also make it so you need the entrenching tool to bury corpses, but also allow people to Burn corpses with matches / wood or matches / gas as well, it should definitely attract zombies same as a flare or campfire would, but since your burning human flesh and blood I would think it would attract more. I like it. I feel this idea would give more risk to bandits, which is good for the flow of the game, its a survival game but the game is meant so that no one can last forever even if they try to avoid zombies and pray on just players. The zombies spawning on the dead players in one minute intervals on top of dead player / zombie bodies attracting zombies in the immediate area, would help balance shit out with bandits, because if there is more then one player and the bandit is laying prone somewhere in a tree line, they can sometime take out a whole group, ive seen it happen before, this would balance it so the bandit will eventually have to move on, loot quickly, whatever, hide bodies otherwise he will be a risk of zombies as well, rather than isolating himself from that side of the game and just harassing other players all the time. this is obviously tweak able so you can make it 20 or 30 minutes instead of 10 with the 10 zombies and then the player corpse turning into a zombie itself. or even tweak the amount of zombies that spawn off of it, to make it balanced / fun. but I definitely think it could be a move in the right direction, everyone needs to be on their toes in the zombie apocalypse, this idea on top of roaming zombie hordes and zombies being attracted better to sounds will all help to reduce banditry and make it so they can't just sit and camp the same area all day, and have to move around the map and stay on their toes just like everyone else. Updated thread, will continue to do so as I think of stuff. Feel free to add to this / comment, Thanks!
I'm not a bandit. Except for the couple guys I game with using TS I avoid people like the plague. Was playing DayZ alone one one day and was creeping through one of the small interior towns. Accidently tripped a zombie horde. Madly ran into a small building and had to start shooting to protect myself. That only made it worse. As I loaded up my last Makarov mag, listening to all the shreiking right outside the walls I knew I only had about 1 more minute to live, right? Wrong. Suddenly I hear "honk honk". Now I've seen vehicles from a distance but I've never been in one yet. "Honk honk" OMFG it's getting closer! He's coming closer!! Salvation!! or Salvation?? Obviously he could see the swarm of infected outside my building and heard the shots. I hear him pull up close by. "HONK HONK". So I took a deep breath, had visions of the last scene of the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and burst out of the doorway blasting off my last Makarov mag. There beside me was a glorious white 4x4 pick-up truck. I zig-zagged thru walkers and hoped in. The guy took off and we left town. Long story short we built up a bit of trust and "relationship" as I thanked him profusely. By then I had a team speak buddy online but my new friend refused to pick him up. Guess he didnt like being outnumbered so early in our friendship. I needed food and ammo but again he said no. He was after fuel and parts. Anything else we came across by chance was mine he said. So it was a case of "I saved ur life, u can ride along, but on my terms." LOL I respected that. we parted ways an hour later friends. never saw him again. Hope he's ok.
Thanks for confirming vipeax. Does that mean theyre not in the game or just not spawning? Ah, I really want one... I don't think they should have weaponry on them however, just for transport purposes with my clan. While we're on the subject of vehicles, when do they respawn? If there's a bus in cherno, and someone takes it... does it come back next restart? or if it blows up will it come back next restart? etc (:
Random idea: Give bicycles the ability to be packed up into your backpack slot (and of cause make them redeployable as well). (In combination with the common suggestions regarding nerf of bicycle speed and increase of their frequency) Main use would be to EITHER set yourself up as a scout / courier (can enter buildings by packing up the bicycle without getting it stolen, etc) or permit people to story bicycles in other vehicles (realism).
1) Yes I like that idea of knocking people out, gives us an alternative to just flat out killing them. 2) Boobytraps are more difficult to agree on. I like the idea about tripwire flares as early warning detection systems but not grenades strapped to loot. That would just get extremely annoying because every time you found a can of beans someone would put a grenade in it and boom. So I'm 50/50 on this one. 3) While there are bikes in the mod I think there should be more. Possibly more vehicles to to cut down on all the vehicle stealing and murder to get your bus. 4) Totally agree with you on this one as well. More animals, make them more frequent and more important make zombies go after them. 5) I do agree with you that medical loot should spawn inside homes, I mean its only common sense that someone would keep those sorts of supplies inside their house right? I also think other items such as tool boxes should spawn more simply because they are common household items.
It disgusts me how in love with this mod i am, and before now i've never really experimented with modding. I really doubt my suggestions will be of any importance and am not expecting to see them in the game, but maybe aspects of them. I feel weird suggesting things for something thats evolving so quickly, especially when it gets better everytime, but here goes... 1. A BIC and some ciggies :) Be awesome to trek into town, casual as, puffin on a dart. Usage causes short term steadier aim while walking, and if abused, causes a subsequent amount of time coughing. Plus its bad ass. 2. Zombie sizes Have fatter zombies that cant keep up with you, everything in between right to the gym junkie that will chase you down like a meth head having his stash stolen. 3. Nicer Dusk and Dawn animations Firstly, like i said before, i love this mod up the butt and the eerie nature of those sequences is not at all bad, but maybe every second, or third day have a nice sunset and sunrise. You know, put some pep in yo step :D 4. Where are the women and children? Yeah, probably not children. 5. More vehicles I know what youre thinking, "STFU N0o8", but really i imagine a zombie holocast much like a chemical weapon attack... Kills all the people but leaves everything intact. I would like to think there would be more cars, not to say make them easier to drive (fixing them/collecting fuel), definately make that harder, just give us more to look at :P (Im aware server limitations) Dont take any of these seriously, theyre just my thoughts while running through the many hours im putting into this mod... Then i fall off a ladder. :dodgy:
Don't forget animal hides, pots and pans, sheet metal from wrecked vehicles (jump up and down on the roof of a wrecked car a few times), old barrels, moss, empty sardine and bean cans, etc. I live in a rainy part of the world. The bigger problem here is how to get water to drain properly, not how to collect it.
Im considering leave the mod until a DLC arrive and MAYBE i will look again. Main reasons: Start game without weapon: 15 times i died because players where lurking spawn areas or main sites like cherno and electro, i couldnt enter buildings to find weapons etc etc... this sucks. Makes who already have a weapon even stronger now. Lag, Admin Abuse, Mass kills, Bugs Too much lag, yesterday i killed a guy with a Lee enfield shot IN THE FACE, and again i died and he didnt. Admin Abuse, if you kill a admin consider yourself kicked. Mass Kills, i dont have to say... everyone here already experimented it. Bugs, dont get close of a stone, tree, stair.. dont walk at all or you will have your bones broken. I know its alpha but tons of things here came from ARMA2, a game wich i LOVE IT but is poorly finished and the game go to stores unfinished, as results mods like these who tries to be bold are tied to features the game dont have it. Loose gear, come on you fight for a weapon and some SOB kills you inside a stone using a bug and you loose everything, or you loose DAYS gathering material to repair vehicles and take many of them to your group encampment and then all vanished, no explanation only "its an alpha" I dont accept it. So Rocket this message is for you, you will never make everyone happy with this mod but you need to have sense to see what needs to be changed and what will fuck up the whole game engine doing it, like crowbars who FIRE (we see the smoke effect like shot) to hit zombies... that was poorly made it and should never be added. This is not HAlf Life, this is not Left for dead this is not COD this is not anything we saw before. This is a WAR SIMULATOR GAME. If you force people to dont pvp and make super zombies no one will see reason to walk 50km in a day and die loosing his gear. Its hard read this kind of opinion i know, lot of haters and ignorant people will leave rage messages here, but as this is an alpha i have all right to express my feelings on the mod so far, and if a DLC arrives as a CUSTOMER i have all right to say if will be good or not and we Customers are those who keep the game industry working. Many people said i should be happy with anything you launch Rocket, i disagree im not a beggar im contributing to this alpha and its funny when you say something different of the majority, you get punished.
We are one of the lucky ones on our server who have a chopper. I have unlimited fun flying around writing down coordinates of vehicles as I fly along using the radar. Then, I throw all my stuff in the chopper and get dropped off. Pick up all the vehicles in the area (with a buddy of mine) drive them to places like Electro etc and leave them with gear and gas. Cracks me up every time. This game has a really vicious learning curve, from the beginning of the game lifes hard. Then when you've got SD M4 and NVG's the game turns into a 'really fricken easy' festive zombie slaughter. So I guess the least we can do is make it fun for others. (btw all vehicles are thieved from hidden areas and tree lines, then filled with loot from the local tents that are near them before driven to electro / cherno and dumped for new players to pick up) I guess its just one of those fun things we can do when we're bored. A lot of the guys are actually taking up suicide just to chase down new players with an axe. HILARIOUS to watch 4-5 torches running past and some guy screaming with an axe running them down.
I think clans should be able to hid their stuff anywhere they want. Its not like you are unable to go to these places yourself you just cant find them. It takes a lot of time and group energy to find and repair vehicles so if when you do find one you make damn sure to hide it in a good spot or some lazy lone survivor will find it. Personally i would like to see a few more "fort" complexes or areas that can be improved and used as bases for clans.
There's already a considerable amount of vehicles in the game... A tank or a heli is not good enough for you?
I have found three vehicles total while playing so far. One was in a fairly obvious point parked under a car port next to a house. The other two where completely random out in the middle of the woods with no structures anywhere near them. Of the three I found, only one was in perfect condition and ready to drive the moment I found it. It was a little white pick up truck. For an added bonus, inside the gear for the truck, there was a Coyote pack. They are out there.
Fuck you all with your fucking vehicles I hope you all crash and burn.
Here you go :P I've owned multiple tractors, bycicles, UAZ's, buses... Just gotta know where to look
Before I start this isn't a "somebody please link me or show me where vehicle spawns are" type of post, I have a brain I can Google maps quickly. The question is, after over 75 hours in-game I have yet to see a vehicle. I've not seen one spawned randomly, I haven't seen anybody driving them, I haven't found them hidden anywhere, what's wrong? I tend to do a fair amount of server hopping, laggy servers, timezone issues etc. so it's not as if I've been on one server that happens to have bugged vehicles. Are there specific servers that have vehicles enabled/disabled? Do the admins have power over whether vehicles spawn at all? Do some servers bug out and cannot have vehicles? Also, I have looked, believe me I've looked! So could anybody explain how the vehicle system works for servers and clients? EDIT: I just found two ATV's at the mountain between elektro and cherno! THE WAIT IS OVER!