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Found 43121 results

  1. Castle (DayZ)

    Persisting Vehicles

    Actually you don't have to. Ever since they reintroduced ground vehicles its location is auto saved and you can hit save to make yourself feel better, but not once has it mattered in my experience.
  2. laszers

    Dallas 48

    hello everyone, i would greatly appreciate it if someone could tell me whats going on with it not showing up on the server list? i have two vehicles on their so it would be nice to know whats going on. thank you all for your time.
  3. deanw77@hotmail.com

    Hacks in Action

    I have been watching this streamer for a week and he is legit. I'm pretty sure you can't be banned for hacks just because a hacker is following you around, he hasn't used any of the loot or vehicles to his advantage or against other players. But I guess some people just have to cry about something.
  4. shadowandlight

    Dalls 22 7th operation Admin Abuse!

    Wait.... I was there when this happened. Matadors description was 100% on point. The helo stopped directly over the tents and then 4 players magically appeared right under neath it. Either you guys are hacking or your server hopping after someone else hacks for you. Also there has been a rash of people using locator scripts to find vehicles and tents. So your claim that you just accidently found that location with a chopper mysteriously overhead is a bit of a far stretch IMO.
  5. mofokk

    Barbed wire shouldnt require toolkit

    this dos need some attention. I have recently been looking for a new server to call home and the amount of buildings secured off with wire is just silly, The problem is perhaps compounded by the lack of toolbox spawns at the moment as they are few and far between in my experience. make the toolbox a more commons spawn ? perhaps make a tool box required to fix up vehicles, it has logic to it. make placing wire require toolboxes ?
  6. Have this problem too dude, fixed everything else up, hull refuses to go green no matter what parts I repair with scrap metal. http://i.imgur.com/fb2a7.jpg On a side note, any repairs I do seem to 'roll back' whenever the server is restarted, even if I've used the 'Save' option. Other vehicles, however, like cars and stuff repair fine =)
  7. Exitwounds (DayZ)

    Atlanta 44 - Killapoo

    Killapoo, I am unsure why you deem it necessary to kick [PRX] members on your Atlanta 44 server because we raided your base. What is more sad is that two of our members, who were part of the raid, not only destroyed your vehicles and tents, myself (who was not part of it) was also kicked by you from the server. As a peace offering, we have left you two bicycles in the camp to allow your posse to regroup and rearm themselves before we strike again. --- Prox12 Gaming, Inc. http://prox12.com
  8. Streamer, running with a hacker. Live in action rightnow. Have a look at all the crazy crap this guy is doing: http://www.twitch.tv/qnomnikai *** The streamer is not the one hacking. A hacker has been watching his stream and found him in game. He calls himself God or Devboss. He follows the streamer around and hacks things for him. Things like, items, vehicles, aircraft... I just watched him spawn ArmA2 NPCs - a jogger and an office worker. It's fricken crazy what this guy can do.
  9. Sykotron

    Persisting Vehicles

    Ugh, vehicles are fucking pointless. I happened on a freshly spawned Ural and hid that even more out of the way and now it's gone as well. I was hiding these vehicles around the left edge of the map in the forests and apparently someone found it. I guess I've learned my lesson and next time I'll drive for a minimum of 5 minutes off the map. It seems like this is the only way to really keep a vehicle since anywhere else someone is apparently going to just happen by it, but I really doubt that's what rocket intended players to do. Not wasting my time ever again finding the elusive engine parts just to never see the vehicle again...
  10. ytman18@gmail.com

    Change to how tents work.

    I don't understand it. Each player has a 'tent' inventory and its saved according to that Player ID? No. Tents, when deployed, are effectively vehicles in so far as the coding is concerned. Tents should remain tied to a Server. Tents have many issues and I feel that they will be addressed in the coming releases.
  11. huptut

    My Apocalypse Pony

    we already know that animals can survive this zombie apocalypse why not add horses? make it so instead of gas/repairing you need to feed and water your horse to keep it "running" and alive. (that's right bean powered horsies) Have some saddles you can find so u can eventually make it a pack horse. Make them a random field (5%?) spawn since vehicles are so rare but also make them not as fast as a motorcycle maybe like bicycle speeds or a bit faster? what you guys think? Maybe even add a feedbag in order to feed your horse? Horses could also suffer the same status problems as players broken bones, bleeding, etc.
  12. wolfstriked


    I always feel that a post apocalyptic world not only will have a military presence but needs it for immersion.It would add so much to the world if your hiking along a road way up north and see a convoy of military vehicles on patrol of trying to cleanse towns.Military choppers overhead and stumbling onto towns where the military are trying to cleanse the infected by force would add to the feeling of a war on humanity.Maybe allow 10 out of 50 players to be military and they spawn in military bases armed to the teeth.When a spot or spots open up from men being killed the next troop gets delivered by a player flying transport to the patrol.Think of the possibilities.....bandits getting hold of military vehicles and then a war within a war erupts.Or being survivors you can walk up to military men and get water and food stuffs. Next is to slow down the running speed to a jog.Feels weird to me that I can't tell a difference from running to sprinting.Yes I know:P it will take longer to get places but will add that subtle realism that you know just adds and adds on top.You could have it so that if you sprint you burn the amount of food you do now but if you jog your calorie consumption goes way down.This way people can run across Chenarus as they do now but have the option of not burning thru their food supplies when traveling the same distance by simply jogging. Also,the footsteps sound when slow crouching is way loud.That ruins immersion for me big time since when I wanna be silent I wanna hear me being silent.Would love to see the HUD dissapear if things worked that way by just varying the volume of footsteps.Coming from Stalker,we had mods that made the HUD almost non existent in the lower corners by using very small icons with muted colors.
  13. flashbang (DayZ)

    Dallas 41..

    dear dayz devs all we ask for is a chance to prove that the admins of Dallas 41 abused their powers and proceed to shut their server down when their camp was discovered which contained 5 tents and i would say maybe 60% of all the vehicles in the server and more weapons and gear that i can count and quickly raided it. we have plenty of witnesses to this crime and some evidence that proves that these admins abused their powers to prevent their equipment from being stolen. they now are saying to cover up their crimes that the reason that their server shut down was because they are now moving to a new box. i say lies. why were there no warnings that the server was going to be shut down, previously it would be mentioned in chat. i also point out the that coincidence is far to great that a supposed scheduled server shutdown to happened 3mins after their camp was raided of all their belongings. i point my finger at these admins and say SHAME. if the dev gods LoL decide to rule in our favor all we want is a chance to collect the equipment we fairly stole from them. this video clearly shows the other group who raided the admin camp and make their getaway with the admins vehicles and gear till they were kicked all of a sudden for high ping even though their ping was well below 50 and the server preceded to shut itself down.
  14. <82ndAB>MAJ.RedHawk

    Vehicle & Tent Storage

    I was wondering why this wasn't implemented myself. It would be very nice to be able to see how much you have in your vehicles!
  15. greyfoxzb@gmail.com

    No Vehicles on Servers: Heres the fix

    Bumping this thread its geting drowned out and I would really like more opinions on this, I think its something that is vastly needed in the game. EDIT: Changed the OP to vehicle not saved in 24 hr its despawned. @ Drick When someone grabs a vehicle then saves it in the wilderness for 6 days then hops on then saves it for another 6 days it creates serverwide shortages of vehicles. and we also see shit like this below - 3 people 5-6 vehicles problem. In order to stop shit like this you should have to save your vehicles once per day in order to keep it, else it de-spawns, we should be able to craft bicycles, upgrade to motorbikes. and I am tempted to say let us also build other vehicles too, junker cars with 4 seats. add more material cost that is logical to build one, we already have auto glass, scrap metal, fuel tank parts, engine parts, wheels, and more, let us craft vehicles and make cars de-spawn after 24 hours of no saves.
  16. From what I remember (this was some days ago) I didn't get the feeling he was blaming the mods for what the server admins were doing. I got the impression he was trying to highlight an issue and express his feelings that perhaps the mods could be taking a more pro-active approach in vetting any evidence posters may have presented here and then forwarding it up the food chain for further review. P.S I didn't find anything belittling directed at the mods in his post but its possible he edited it before I read it as you claimed, my response to his post and your reply could have only been based on what I was able to read at the time (edited or otherwise), in my opinion I found your reply to his (seemingly edited) post to be a little sarcastic, its possible you didn't mean it that way though so I'll take your word for it and write it off as a misunderstanding that can sometimes occur when conversing via text. P.S Why do you get a green name and the other mods have their names in blue? Are you King of the Mods or something? :P You raise some excellent points, I'd love it to get a reply to this from Matt or one of the other Devs. P.S This is what alot of people have been accusing EU40 of coincidentally, its definitely going on, across at least, several servers. Granted 90% of it is probably just "butthurt" and unfounded but there are some real cases of it out there, hopefully it gets some more attention in the coming months. Vehicles in motion need to be saved to the hive more often first of all so that a server restart cannot roll a vehicle back to a safe point. Also' date=' anyone entering or exiting a vehicle should save it's position and state as well. Fresh player corpses need to be stored on the hive so that a server restart cannot clear loot and prevent a victorious player from claiming their loot from a defeated admin. Server locking should be disabled in all but the most extreme cases. Any request to lock a server or any server locked for greater than 5 minutes should be immediately flagged for audit and review by moderators. Server restarts should be scheduled. 15 minutes in advance at least and announced with messages on the server. Any [i']unscheduled or unannounced reboots should be subject to investigation by moderators. (I get that instability would make that an insurmountable task at the moment, but they could still run random audits on the logs). Servers with many, frequent unscheduled reboots should be blacklisted. Staff should publish server statistics on reboots, crashes, average uptime, average ping etc. so the community can review server stats and make educated choices about the servers they frequent. Hire this man. IMMEDIATELY.
  17. The Stranger

    Epic Dayz

    My vision.. At the moment the game play is superb for those who like to scavenge on the outskirts. But i propose a new element. Extend the map north and west.. Have two massive metropolises,very far inland, so far that vehicle travel would be the best way to get there. It would be riddled with infected. These areas will be very dangerous full of infected, full of nice new shops and official buildings to loot. But here is the twist, allow players to start barricading houses there, perhaps allowing them to extend it into streets and other area's. Cordoning off and reinforcing a type of base. Perhaps a hospital , school or prison. I would then also offer another change of game play, have random encounters where the players have a chance to rescue survivors, bring them back to your base. These survivors could have professions which aid your encampment, from defending it to medical aid or engineer's. Medical staff could heal you for up to half of your health, bring them supplies and they can start producing very minimal medical supplies. Perhaps the engineers can help fix equipment and vehicles, or you have a small percentage chance of them recycling bullets from your pack. You could have the metropolises on private or public server instances..
  18. Phantomsmedia (DayZ)

    saving loot

    Also note that a vehicle is persistant on that server. It can screw up sometimes (server crashes, etc, but tents can too). Vehicles are far better storage areas, due to being able to hide them in the woods, while tents must be in the open.
  19. Two days ago i climbed a ladder and fell from it due to the ladder bug breaking all bones and falling unconscious, alerting every nearby zombie and died with my week's worth of awesome gear. Yesterday i bumped into a lag-warping friendly player and got all bones broken and huge bleeding. Today i climbed over a fence, broke all my bones, started bleeding and passed out. There are people being crushed to death by opened doors or crawling through bushes. The environment damage system is seriously broken. 99% of cases when it is inflicted upon the player, it is by engine bugs. Caused by guns, zombies and vehicles is fine obviously. Please remove 'death by engine' until said engine can be relied upon. It does not add anything to the experience in any case. Absolutely nothing is more infuriating than a death that is not my fault. It is not hardcore, it is not realistic, it's just buggy. Thanks.
  20. lvg

    Restart the map

    No there isn't vehicles will re spawn now if not touched for a week i think, and what desert? you mean the wilderness ?
  21. Hello there i am thinking of starting a community on a server hopefully my own once setup i am from uk so ping shouldn't be a problem in Europe anyway plans are (1) setup a camp ie wire tents and stuff that maybe added in future (2) help for survivors that need it ie journey out with what you need and with help to find Vehicles and protection from bandits so please give feedback if you are interested ideas if we cannot survive alone then lets try to help each other out there will have to be rules like guard duty as wont be able to leave camp unprotected search groups will need leaders a voting system for over all rules hope there is some interest in this idea let me know thanks for reading at least :) Help would be appreciated i will try to keep you updated as and when possible
  22. Im, that means me and my group, never shoot on sight. We´re playing for quite some time now. Mostly we just let people pass by and watch them, sometimes, when theyre close, we just hide somewhere till theyre gone. You wouldnt believe how many people just ran past us, not more then 2 metres away. :D Or Vehicles driving near us, when we hide in a bush next to the street. We just let them pass and head for another direction. Yesterday, after we all died on DE4 due to some hacks, we started over and happened to just met another random survivor at the Balota airfield. He was obviously scared to death as he noticed us, because he layed on the ground and tried to crawl away. He was alone and only had a Hatchet, we where two and had a AK on my buddy. He was just standing there and watching us, holdig onto his hatchet. My buddy kept distance, I approached and told him over Direct VON "We´re friendly, we wont shoot you. Please just dont Follow us" Worked fine aswell, but afterall, i think if he had a gun, he had tried to shoot us. Thats the way it is. You cant argue most time with the folks, you just need to avoid them if possible.
  23. Anders (DayZ)

    Restart the map

    We had a problem where these clan guys came into the server stole all the vehicles, besides a few, and took them out and hid them in the desert. Respawned and did the same thing till very little vehicles could be found. Is there a way to refresh the map, so the things despawn then spawn fresh again?
  24. -Apoc-FOX

    Best item/vehicle you've fount?

    A Ural truck Took 3 days to get the parts needed to get it moving. Drove it up and down the main coast through the major cities blaring my horn and taunting everyone with it. Denied every request for rides and pleas for extraction. Loaded it to the brim with exotic military grade hardware and ammunition. Parked it in the woods to log off for the day, next day it was gone. All vehicles had been reset...
  25. I lost my jeep as well, similar incident. My body which I had kept alive for roughly 2 days had been sniped in stary sobor, most likely for my gear (heli loot and so forth, all tools etc.). After re-spawning in cherno I knew if you run basically north youll hit stary eventually. So with no gear besides the starting bag bandage and painkillers, I ventured off in a full sprint.. After roughly 20 minutes of running along the main road with about 2.5k blood from a lagging zombie running faster than me hitting me until I DC'd to lose him. There it was at first I thought it to be a figment of my low blood imagination. A seemingly pristine M2 off road, 75% full gas tank all parts on green. Not a doubt in my mind someone left it here when they logged off, but I didn't care I was off with it as quickly as I had found it. I then proceeded to offer my friend whom I was playing with who was at Balota AF a ride, not only did he not believe it but he was ecstatic when he heard the hum of the engine cruising at 93km. Heres where it gets interesting apparently I was going so fast that the map decided it wasn't going to load the Balota medical camp across from the AF, I all of the sudden smashed into something invisible then the camp loaded around me. Trapped inside the gates vehicle still operational..I begin to hear gunfire as 2 players sprint towards me and I can do nothing but stare at my screen enraged as I was gunned down by 2 lucky bandits, my friend would've stopped them if he had any ammo for his weapon but alas he did not. As I frantically re spawned until near Balota he was feeding me the info that they had gotten the vehicle unstuck and were off. At this point I was infuriated and had given up all hope of ever seeing.. that was until I saw them parked outside of cherno one driving the other looting, not only was the driver so ignorant as to drive along the coast frequently looting coastal cities but he did it for 3-4 hours, constantly driving in dropping off his partner and driving off, I would take pot shots at his oddly unarmed partner to let them know I wanted vengeance. I plan on getting that vehicle back even if I have to ram it with my newly acquired GAZ and Bus, which ive been collecting parts in order to repair and have a fleet of vehicles. So to Man of Madness. You sir are nothing but scum, and this was my story.