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About ansojak@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ansojak@gmail.com

    Can't right click items in 'Gear' menu

    Make sure you are running all latest versions of the mod/game. On the Menu screen you should see ArmA2 and Arrowhead logos next to eachother at the bottom left side. Also the version should be something like 1.60.94209. Also, if for some reason the game menu is green and not like in the picture, change the order in the list to same as in the pic. For some reason this fixed this problem on my friend. [attachment=1609]
  2. ansojak@gmail.com

    Cant fill Jerry's, Vehicles lose inventory

    Yep, confirming this bug, at least at, six different vehicles with tons of stuff inside em, all gone after a day.
  3. ansojak@gmail.com

    Improving gaming experience

    All these suggestions get the same answer from me, there is much more important things to do right now than sacrificing precious time to things like these. The spawn system right now is good and spawning in camp would just ruin the game since everyone would just go on killing spree without the fear of death since u just spawn in, get all geared up again and off you go. Why in earth should there be that forced camp stuff like that when u can go for a search for camps and raid them with ur group.
  4. ansojak@gmail.com

    Build Hotfix

    This, my friend was in Mogilevka and had cleared out all zombies in there and was complaining about shit ton of zombies constantly spawning near him. I went to save him and what do you know, we went inside the barn at outskirts of the town and i saw one (1) zombie near us and decided to shoot it. Instantly like 30 zombies spawned 20m around us and my friend got eaten alive instantly, i made it out with little blood to spare and there was no stop to the stream of zombies... This of course was in 1.5.7
  5. ansojak@gmail.com

    [1.5.7] Incorrect log-in location

    Happened to me twice, first time spawned somewhere on the coast, immediatly took a hike back to north to get out of Makarov nuts. Second time spawned after server restart with a survivor infront of me, gunned him down, poor lad didn't have any chance with his Makarov against my DMR.
  6. ansojak@gmail.com

    Waiting for server reponse (v1.5.7)

    Yep, same here, too much zombies for the mainserver to handle or what?