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Some feature ideas requesting feedback
Ampoliros replied to Ander (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Rather than change where a person spawns, I like the idea of a radio drop which could drop in any loot space. When a player logs in for the first time to a server it sends out a ping, anyone with a radio within a certain radius will hear a squak. When you log out it starts a catalogue, logging into another server will send out the same squak. If you log into another server after that within 10 minutes, it sends out a 3 squak pulse, alerting anyone who hears it that the person who joined has been on multiple servers. If you log back into a previous server within a 10 min window after being in a different one, it sends out the 3 squaks plus any player with a radio will hear increased static when they are facing the person's login position. Static lasts 15 seconds. So: Login = squak 50m Position farming = 3 squaks (possibly adding an additional squak for each server visited within the last 30 mins, so a person with 3 might just be unlucky with servers, but a person with 5 or 6 is definitly abusing the system) 50m +10 for each server visited. Ghosting = alert plus loss of position advantage. 300m Radio would have a 5% drop rate from any pile and fits on toolbelt. Also, I think they should just code into the game that Alt-F4 (when fully logged in) just kills your character. -
If you haven't already I'd highly suggest watching this stream: The part regarding underground networks is probably as close to what you want as it will get. As it's also the best method against ghosting. Please take your time to watch it if you haven't already!
Some feature ideas requesting feedback
Dogpatch (DayZ) replied to Ander (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Sounds like a great idea for basebuilding, but not as a permanent mechanic to prevent ghosting out in the world, carrying around a radiotower, a generator and jerry cans just isn't going to happen. So yes, great feature as long as you continue to address the ghosting/logging out in combat issues in other ways. -
Some feature ideas requesting feedback
evoxtom replied to Ander (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
The towers should have more benefits like active global chat to those individuals who can access it while running, this would make maintence worth it. Along with preventing ghosting. It could also slow down zombie spawns? It will take a good amount of gas and storage space so make this thing a valued and somewhat rate commodity. Also, make it small enough to fit under camo netting for bases. To be fair, it should have a fly effect like dead bodies do while powered. Generators are very loud when on. -
Some feature ideas requesting feedback
CBR1000rider (DayZ) replied to Ander (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Honestly the only thing this will do is say, "HEY EVERY ONE, I'M CAMPING HERE". What we really need is a charm sound spawn on you every time you log in. This sound could have say a 10 meter radius. This way, if you ghost in somewhere stupid where you know you have the unfair advantage.. say inside a building behind some one... they will know first since they can hear the charm of where you are logging in. Only this will completely deter ghosting. This will also deter server hopping from barracks to barracks looking for the best gear, etc. -
Some feature ideas requesting feedback
flclto replied to Ander (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
What if, instead of 'pushing' login attemps to the outer ring of a radius. The Radiotower emits a destinguishable sound when someone logs in within the radius. Alerting the player's who are being ghosted to the presense of a ghoster. It will not tell them where the ghosting player has logged in, just that someone has within its variable radius. This way it gives the advantage to the players who took the time to setup the Radiotower because they will be on alert. Instead of alerting the ghoster that they are on the right track. It should only emit a sound once per player login, and not detect players entering the area on foot. I feel this might be a better implementation of a Radiotower because this turns the Radiotower into a tool you will want to bring with you and setup when you are raiding for supplies, instead of something you might want to horde many of and place down all at once creating a "blackout grid" preventing login's in a large portion of the game world. -
Some feature ideas requesting feedback
PHLAK replied to Ander (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I don't think blocking spawn is a good idea. This could easily be exploited and choosing to spawn at the edge could have dire consequences. Proposed idea: The radio tower gives the owner a radar showing nearby players and zombies and beeps or makes some kind of audible tone when it detects someone. The tower is stationary when deployed but could be moved. The benefit of this would be that it shows players loading in before they fully load in allowing you to kill or at least be ready for them thus preventing ghosting. To prevent this from beeing completely overpowered maybe it shouldn't detect prone players, giving them the ability to sneek up on the camper. -
Some feature ideas requesting feedback
karatel replied to Ander (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Not bad idea. Of course, ghosting is really bad thing that should to be removed from this game. But, on the other hand, its not really good just to give player "choice to spawn at edge of radius". What if he dont want to spawn in this radius? First of all, if player set radiotower near high traffic areas, knowing a radius of the broadcast, he can calculate the areas in which players will appear that will give him a big advantage. Also, there is really big thing that must be considered - how radio tower will interact with each other. I mean - what if group of players will make something like a "wall"/"triagle"/etc. from radiotowers? I think people will use them more for tricks/ambushes than for real protecting from ghosting. So, there is a lot of special things and situations that must to be considered. P.S. Sorry about my English, I hope you can catch my idea! -
Some feature ideas requesting feedback
thoxon replied to Ander (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Don't really get how a fireplace is supposed to stop someone from logging in a 100-200m radius. Seems like an arbitrary way to prevent ghosting. Radio tower seems like a good way to impliment walkie talkies on private channels. Better yet, can also act as a jamming device for those using voip within the radius of the tower. -
Some feature ideas requesting feedback
Bridude replied to Ander (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
can someone define "Ghosting" for me? -
Over 2200 people online on ARMA2 cheat forums
U.B.C.S. Ravin replied to zogin's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion 10 hours and 50 minutes in you see him die from being ghosted. At 11 hours and about 4 minutes on you hear Vip explaining to him how complicated even simply attempting to search for equipment the user might have to match the same results of individuals logging out around a specific timeframe yields a impossible amount of hits and numbers. Right now, its not that simple to go 'ban' someone for ghosting, disconnecting, or avoiding zombie aggro. Nor is it easy for any admins to battle it or Devs. Please stop thinking it is... -
Some feature ideas requesting feedback
Ander (DayZ) replied to Ander (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Im well aware of what we spend the resources on :) This was an idea that I dont think would be too impossible to implement. Fireplaces burn out rather quickly atm (10-15min without wood piles). So the fireplaces are already self-limited. Radiotowers would require maintenance and wouldnt prevent someone from ambushing "farmers" but prevent ghosting . -
Just an example and idea, no guarantees that this will be implemented. While ghosting has indeed been a problem for some I'd like to address this in quite a simple and elegant behaviour. Implementing a new type of object. Portable radiotower (quite tall so it's visible and can be deactivated by other people) Characteristics: - Requires an active 'portable generator' to "power" the radiotower. - Prevents "logins" inside a radius of the broadcast range of this radiotower. - Broadcast range of jamming signal affects the length power draw. * Players attempting to login within the broadcast radius will be told that there is currently an active radiotower broadcasting a jamming signal. * Players is given choice to spawn to spawn at edge of the jamming signal. Portable generator - Requires fuel (can be refueled with jerry can) - Powers a radiotower for up to 6h at minimum range, and 30 to 60min at maximum range . Burning fireplaces works as before but with added function: - Prevents login within 100 to 200m (radius to be balanced) - Displays similar message to player attempting to login, player is given choice to spawn at edge of radius. Secondly. I'd like to start supporting active communities basing out of different servers. Especially those active by helping them setup camps / bases . This would mostly be cosmetic things, but could be such things as camo netting in forests and tents. Pros / cons ?
- 130 replies
- 27
So, I'm a co-admin of US295 and I'd like to weigh in here. I'd like to express just how sick to death I am of these sorts of posts and this attitude. Our server has been locked for several hours last night, and been down for the day, as I work. It's been locked for several hours tonight as well. We have had some serious issues with server stability resulting from 1.7.2, and have been doing testing to try and get it right. It hasn't worked. We've also had to roll it back to, and almost lost everything - but luckily we made a backup prior to tinkering and managed to get everything running again. At We were also got the last Arma 2 beta patch (94444) installed to try and keep the server compliant. We also trialled BEC, and were largely unsuccessful. What kills me the most is that most server admins do the right thing. Our server has been live for around a month, with pretty solid uptime. We do regular manual reboots, and give people 5 minute warnings before doing so. We enforce ping limits, and kick/ban people for racism, profanity, combat logging and ghosting. We don't kick people to keep the server to ourselves, or ban unfairly. We do the right thing. None of this comes with a manual. You hire a server, and you have to figure the rest of it out yourself. I work full time, and have a life outside of DayZ, so I can't master it without a little trial and error. We also provide a service to the community, voluntarily, out of our own pockets - which granted, doesn't entitle us to immunity, but you'd think it would promote some understanding, and god forbid, maybe even a little gratitude. yet time and time again, I come to the forums and see nothing but people dobbing and crying about servers being locked, or admin abuse. It's downright insulting, and more than a little disheartening. This community at times, frankly disgusts me. I'm actually not sure I want to renew my subscription with HFB for another month, because I've only been at this for a month, and frankly - I'm fucking sick of the ungrateful shits who seem to exist to do nothing but try and shit on the admins. In summary, try to have a little understanding, and a little respect, instead of getting your panties in a wad at the mere sight of a locked server. Not everyone's out to rort the system, some of us are actually trying to run servers here. And armouredbin - try and find something better to do with your time, seriously. All you've achieving is delaying progress and pissing off people who care. EDIT: I just read your post again, and your statement our server has been locked every time you've checked for a week is an outright lie. Our server has been open and up 24/7 prior to last night's and tonight's failed 1.7.2 testing. Anyone who plays on our server regularly would be able to attest to this. Get your facts right, please.
chicago 117 weg admin clan ghosting
SumoS replied to FL1pStYleZ's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Hope this clarifies everything FL1pStYleZ. We do not condone ghosting amongst our members and pride ourselves on our strong sense of teamwork and camaraderie . Hope to see you on Chicago 117 soon! -
Server hopping needs to stop or patch it.
ActionManZlt replied to baffula's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Yes it did, however, on this forum, "ghosting" is commonly used to mean: disconnecting, joining a different server, repositioning behind your attacker, reconnecting to the original server.It's an extension of the server-hopping and DC exploits, which allows you to basically teleport during combat. Just like how back in CS, "bunny hopping" was an exploit where if you jumped and turned at the right rate, you could receive a mid-air acceleration boost during your curved jump, and by continually doing this you could achieve enough momentum to leap dozens of metres from one building to the next.... yet now in other games, people use "bunny hopping" to just mean, "jumping around like an idiot to try and dodge bullets". Phrases change meaning over time and in different contexts. So - in this community, "ghosting" is the right term. -
Server hopping needs to stop or patch it.
[email protected] replied to baffula's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Player logs out of server1 in a firefight Player logs into server2 to find a better spot to flank his enemy Player logs out of server2 Player tries to log into server1 but he can't because he needs to wait 5 minutes to rejoin his previous server after joining another. OR Player tries to log back into server1, but the server realizes his last log out point within 5 minutes is different than what the central server's is. Ghosting is assumed and the game server's last recorded location is used. -
Server hopping needs to stop or patch it.
Epikouros replied to baffula's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Term is most certainty not ghosting. Ghosting came from counter strike where a dead player would view the opposite team and talk to his friend, in most cases, explaining where the enemy is on the map. -
Server hopping needs to stop or patch it.
zipper replied to baffula's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Ghosting is giving away information after death to somebody who is alive (when you should be dead so not able to talk) or giving out information about a player you are spectating to somebody who is alive. The proper term you are looking for is douchebaggery, as only douchebags would do such a thing the OP described. :P -
Server hopping needs to stop or patch it.
hammerfistxi replied to baffula's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
the term is called ghosting ;) and rocket is testing alsorts of ways but waiting for one that works :) but when its sorted hopfuly no more ghosting and no more dam alt-f4 you guys s**k i killed you so give me ur loot! hehe -
Biggest problems in Dayz fixed with one simple solution
Jaleno replied to gibonez's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
This is actually a pretty decent suggestion. It actually allows for bases and other fortifications to be unique to a server, rather than seeing a base and ghosting into it on another server. Obviously this isn't perfect, but it sure is better than the current situation. This mixed with a logout timer would be absolutely golden. And to those saying you can camp multiple places at once and shit; it actually means they have to get there first, as opposed to hopping servers at the barracks. +1 -
From what Rocket said i imagine most player made buildings/camps will be underground and instanced. I suppose the reason being so the landscape doesnt become full of player made camps and also this could prevent players from ghosting in. Though this wouldnt stop bandits from camping nearby.
It's in the changelog... Rocket implemented what is now being referred to as 'ghosting'. As long as you disconnect from the server within 60 seconds of being attacked, either by zombie or by player, you get a 'freebie' life - i.e. 6k blood and a broken leg, but you keep your gear. Enjoy!
Hey there folks, we (a group of about 5 players) are looking for a new server because our old one seems to be too dominated by one clan (the clan owns the server actually). It would be awesome if it isnt a clan server (atleast not half the servers population is in one clan), german/english language and has a good community (most important), because on many server the only thing goin on seems to be players laying around, sniping beginners. Sure thats part of the game and everyone can do what he wants, but it shouldnt be the main thing going on... at least for us. The server rules should be like: bans for ghosting, disconnecting in gunfight and duping items and so on. I know there are many points ive listed, but i dont give up the hope finding such a paradise! :D P.S.: Hope everyone understands my "english" ;)
Seriously, disconnecting is starting to seriously ruin the integrity of the game. It eliminates the threat of zombies, takes away from player encounters, allows for loot to be farmed and people to abuse ghosting. This has to be addressed ASAP or its going to drive people away from alpha testing the game. Just fixing this one issue will solve a slew of problems people have with the game and open up the game for far more player interactions and cooperation. Right now people can just solo thru the game no problem because they can D/C to get rid of zombies or escape player battles. Seriously add a 1 minute timer to people who DC and you will please the majority of people testing this alpha. We dont need more bear traps yet, just fix the glaring problems first!!!