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Posts posted by Dancing.Russian.Man

  1. @Darazun, try to be at least a little bit more respectful in the future. "shut up & git gud" is never the right response.

    Negative feedback is welcome and @bent.toe isn't alone in being frustrated at the (incomplete, which helps none) challenges in the game. It'll change, cars will come back, rates will be tweaked, and so on. However the only way DayZ can cater to as many people as possible is with modding.

    • Like 2

  2. Items have a "lifespan" depending on their type, but the majority of "loose loot" such as food, tools, and guns stay on the ground for 30 minutes before they get cleaned up.

    On PC, items do survive server restarts, so you don't lose stuff and no new set of loot will be spawned. I'm unsure of how the persistence is working on Xbox currently.

  3. Hey! Assuming the Xbox servers are named the same way as PC, the numbers are only used for identifying the specific server.

    You might want to keep note of which server you're joining if you're planning to make a stash somewhere, as it won't carry over to other servers.

  4. Hey guys, sorry to butt in but we would ask that you only post about your own work and preferably nothing from the older patches as the methods and ethics back then were.. a little questionable.

    And.. Is that Anglia, @Jacob_Mango? The vid was hilarious, lol.

    • Like 1
    • Beans 1

  5. 3 hours ago, BluWolve said:

    These are closed preview codes, you won't be able to play the closed preview once the game comes out onto game preview, unless I am mistaken?

    Anyway, I guess I missed them all (due to my timezone), but was hoping to catch one for a mate who was interested in testing out the game. No matter, won't be long now until it is released on game preview!

    Ah, if that's the case then my bad.

    • Beans 1

  6. 17 minutes ago, HelixOne Gaming said:

    What the heck? Game comes out tomorrow. Why would they post codes. That's nonsense.

    Codes can be redeemed beforehand, you just won't be able to play until tomorrow. :>

    • Confused 1

  7. 1 hour ago, Baroni88 said:

    IRL can you face one direction and look 180° behind you? Doubt it. You can already look to your sides in DayZ. I have no problem looking left and right while running straight. But yes, if you need to check behind you, you may have to turn your character a bit.

    While standing straight up, I can turn more than 180 degrees in one direction by slightly rotating my hips, spine/neck and eyes. I could do more if I really tried to corkscrew myself, but that's not very realistic either. I can do almost as much while walking and jogging and I can still look behind me while doing a sprint, although it's not very comfortable the longer you do it and keeping balance on uneven terrain is tricky.

    The point I'm trying to get at is this: We're talking about a game. Minor stretching of "the average reality" for the sake of comfortable/expected gameplay feel is necessary. As another example; some people think the weapon sway was/is way too extreme, especially while the character was exhausted, but I don't think the average person would be able to keep their aim as steady and accurate without training. The survivors in DayZ are not trained military personnel, but their physical abilities and endurance is arguably even better. And what's the deal with instantly fixed broken bones?

  8. 1 hour ago, Baroni88 said:

    Does that sound realistic to you? Running in one direction and watching your back. The point of this is realism and, to be able to look behind while running forward is a little unfair in my opinion.

    Replace "realistic" with "authentic" and you're more on track.

    As far as camera control goes, it's totally possible to run in one direction and look at another, even more so at lower speeds, so being able to turn your camera around is not immersion breaking nor hurting the gameplay.

    Autorun in the other hand kinda goes against the "spirit of the game" in my opinion, which may also be the reason why the devs haven't added it in almost 5 years.

  9. 11 hours ago, Mantasisg said:

    What are the odds that there won't be 0.63 stable ? I mean it is going to be 1.0, this christmas. Ideally it would be halloween 

    They wouldn't skip over 0.63.

    I would also hope they wouldn't force 1.0 to happen this year and escape Early Access just because they said it's going to happen.

    But I also think it's a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. 

    • Haha 1
    • Beans 1

  10. 10 hours ago, AlphaMaul3r said:

    I don't see the point in me paying money for the same game twice?

    But regardless, this is what many people do, even on the same platform. (multiple accounts, even without bans)

    While this isn't really an argument for anything, I just felt like pointing it out as the reality of things.

  11. 6 hours ago, ☣BioHaze☣ said:

    So his frustration is valid but the people who have to read the 6th thread complaining about the same thing because he can't bother to search or merely skim other thread titles, aren't supposed to feel frustration?

    I said within reason.

    And I have to agree with @emuthreat that this thread is indeed just a dead off-topic horse now, so I'm letting it out of its misery.

    • Beans 1

  12. 2 minutes ago, ☣BioHaze☣ said:

    Doesn't the tone and level of understanding from which they pose their negative criticism count for anything?

    49 minutes ago, cirkular said:

    There is little to no effort for making a post that hasn't got a reasonable critical but mocking tone, in most of the cases.

    The tone doesn't have anything wrong with it in this thread, until you started posting Biohaze. OP's attitude in the opening post is acceptable, even with the very benign "x simulator" line. That's a simple symptom of frustration and you should be allowed to express that within reason, as OP did. 

    Also, you don't need to have any understanding of game development to complain about any aspect of a game, just like you don't need to be a chef to have taste. 

  13. The Early Access disclaimer in-game is not there as some blanket shield to be pointed at whenever someone has something negative to say, guys.

    How are people supposed to give feedback or suggest improvements for things they don't enjoy if any time they do it's "not allowed because you clicked I Understand."

    The things OP brought up in this thread are not unreasonable but you can still disagree with their opinion and talk about why that is and what the benefits are for going with it or not. That's how you get a quality discussion. 

    • Beans 3

  14. Well, I'm speechless. Almost.

    @Shadowvamp I sincerely apologize on behalf of Biohaze. That kind of behavior has absolutely no place on this forum under any circumstances. There was nothing in your OP that could've provoked the kind of response you got. I think it's incredibly ironic coming form a guy with that Harry Truman quote in their signature.

    I've hidden the worst of it but tried to leave as many posts up as possible.

    • Thanks 1
    • Beans 3

  15. 2 hours ago, exacomvm said:

    Its like 20k polys at most ( if optimized extremely well ), so basically the scope would be same as 2 additional zombies for the performance + in any way they will be in the game, but ye im not sure about the zooming etc. ( maybe when not in ADS it should not render the zoom ).

    It's not the mesh that's causing the performance issues, but the everything needed for rendering of a zoomed-in view behind the scope.

  16. Considering how rural the region of Chernarus is, the bombings should only really have been focused at the cities and maybe some of the largest towns (all of them civilian targets), meaning we'd have to completely or mostly destroy them with a few craters on the nearby areas. That would lead to some reduced loot and -- depending how far you want to go with the believability -- mostly ruined loot. I don't think it would make any sense for open fields to have been bombed like some of your pictures show either, because there wouldn't have been enough people/infected to target. (I don't see large hordes heading for the forests because people typically use roads instead.)

    Those two points also go for military locations, they're not big enough targets and the army wouldn't just bomb itself. Even if they did, it'd just lead to less military loot.

    Would it add flavor? Yeah. Would it look cool? Cool enough to give you beans for the pictures. Would it improve gameplay? I'm not too convinced.

    • Beans 1