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About blueshorts44

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    Helicopter Hunter

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    Balota "Airfield"
  • Interests
    Ruining the game for others

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    More Arma 2 Less COD4

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  1. blueshorts44

    Simple Suggestions To Reduce Frustration in Gunplay

    I made a similar post 1 or 2 years ago as others have, the devs never care to respond. I think the main reason is console players would struggle to play even more and find the combat too tedious. This guy put so much effort in, so many responses,likes and feedback etc. Devs didnt say a word.
  2. ive just waited in queue just to be born deaf for some reason and having to restart my game. I was in queue for 30 minutes. I think you should also get priority for when you get error messages after waiting in queue unless you have changed that. Also unplugging and plugging in your headphones whilst in queue makes you have no sound (i think) Bohemia plz fix
  3. blueshorts44

    1.27 Experimental Release

    Thank you for reworking the subsonic sounds. I think i may have suggested this 2 years ago. Sounds good!
  4. blueshorts44

    Drag and carry

    If it cant be ported over from 10 years ago you'll never see it
  5. blueshorts44

    DayZ Frostline Dev Blog Week 26

    This is really good, well done
  6. blueshorts44

    Bohemia, thank you!

    Difference is you could actually read the books, now they are just a texture that cant be interacted with. Sad
  7. blueshorts44

    Bulletproof helmets need a some changes.

    Agreed. Each helmet should have different values
  8. The only thing i dont agree with is his opinion on shotguns spawning on the coast, i think its good that a powerful weapon that has 1 shot capabilities can be found on the coast since it is a good deterrence to geared players who are wanting to KOS fresh spawns.
  9. blueshorts44

    DayZ Frostline Dev Blog Week 24

    Is this going to also fix the blurry and melted textures of buildings at distance. If not there should be an option to render houses futher. What i am talking about - https://imgur.com/a/sjEI7gA
  10. blueshorts44

    Thoughts on TRMZ's post?

    Give it a read. https://x.com/TheRunningManZ/status/1801244736780447895 I think its hard to disagree with what he is saying here. The only thing i dont agree with is his opinion on shotguns spawning on the coast, i think its good that a powerful weapon that has 1 shot capabilities can be found on the coast since it is a good deterrence to geared players who are wanting to KOS fresh spawns. Also what happened to the official DayZ Twitter account @merropa93
  11. blueshorts44

    Make loot spawns more dynamic

    After full release loot spawns became very generic and pubg like, almost as if the game made sure that you found all the loot in the building with ease. I was playing on my 0.62 and noticed that item spawns alot more interesting and realistic, having things ontop of wardrobes, under beds or cupboards on front steps etc. I think its alot more interesting than just having all the loot in your face when you take 1 step into a building. Images for reference - https://imgur.com/a/GcYEqLm
  12. I know it was possible at least in 2020 because I made a video of me poisioning a guy, why was it removed? So lame
  13. blueshorts44

    Small detail that was removed

    When doing the suicide animation your character would start heavy breathing almost as if they are scared of dying, thought that was pretty cool and think it should be added back. Also what happened to the finger gun to the head gesture when pressing F11 with nothing in your hands Here is what i am talking about - https://imgur.com/a/VofLSKs Edit - I went back on the old version and realised that it doesnt exist, would still be cool to have