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About KajMak64Bit2

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    Bean King

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  1. From what i know the game needs 64bit system even start... if you're playing the game... you're at 64bits... This post doesn't make sense... regardless i do belive this is working as intented... not a bug
  2. KajMak64Bit2

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    It means that if plate carrier is gonna spawn on the infected... it will spawn in badly damaged state and not pristine World spawn is unaffected
  3. KajMak64Bit2

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    you can survive 9mm or 45 acp to the head... it can bounce... it's all based on distance and the angle.. you can't survive Big Gun Calibers to the head tho... unless by miracle it also bounces... pistols are deadly the closer they are to the head Also about that how fast leg heals... and healing it with sticks and rags... yea that's realistic... depending on how it breaks... it's like putting on a cast... but it would be boring to wear a cast in game for a few WEEKS irl time... so stuff needs to be more simplified and accelerated because it's fun... who would play a game where if you get hurt you need to play for weeks and months before you heal back up... it's basic logic xD Footwear is atleast for me... very RNG... sometimes shoes can last me for super duper long time... yet when i die and respawn with same those shoes they last for like 10 minutes or something idk xd Also realistic games that are kinda close to real life are faster then real life because people want to like... compress like 24h down to 1h or something... for example because who would play Farming Simulator and wait a few months for their crops to grow so they can harvest and sell to get better equipment like wtf...
  4. KajMak64Bit2

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    same thing is in CSGO... sort off... yet i don't see a lot of people bitch about it... DayZ is more of a realistic game... not Call of Duty... i would like to see you get shot while wearing body armor and still be able to react with no reaction in real life... you might wanna start thinking and treating DayZ like it's Escape from Tarkov EDIT: now that i think of it... this should be a optional setting for server owners so we could have Arena / DeathMatch servers without this... just in case people like it turned off
  5. KajMak64Bit2

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    he's right tho... no more one shotting but rather unconning people... much better... you would have to double tap a guy just in case... he has a chance to fight back.. it's a great change...and not to mention realistic... if you get hit in the plate carrier...
  6. KajMak64Bit2

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    Laughs in putting AKS-74U under the jacket and zipping myself up while putting another one in my pants and a sawed off double barrel on the other side of my adidas tracksuit while carrying few MP5's in the backpack i agree on modded backpack slots that attaches stuff onto the backpack and makes it visible in 3D space xd You can easily hide it under the jacket as you can see These are Soviet Mi-24 pilots carrying AKS-74u
  7. KajMak64Bit2

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    that's a great idea... idk why they don't do that... have a typical modded DayZ arena game mode where you spawn with gear... and healing items... and just do PVP... major PVP information gather and also Perfomance information... WE NEED THIS RIGHT NOW Shit that can happen in DayZ? like for real? if true that's just... Bruh moment xD
  8. KajMak64Bit2

    Stable Update 1.11

    It's both actually... official servers are doo doo... freakin' i see a lot of 100 player servers super duper moddrd and they run better then official vanilla 60 players xD
  9. KajMak64Bit2

    Stable Update 1.11

    i don't build PC's like you but i know my shit... and AMD drivers can be bad... sometimes stable... some times bad... meanwhile Nvidia is mostly stable and rare to have a bad driver... you can look everywhere on the internet... there's plenty of evidence that AMD's drivers cause issues and Big Tech Youtubers like Linus covered this... it's not just me here... Also AMD's drivers make the card run better in the long run... they improve perfomance... but Nvidia is slowing down the cards over time... it's proven and a fact... but AMD has a lot more bad drivers that mess something up.. it usually happens when the card has just launched and stays for some time from what i seen
  10. KajMak64Bit2

    Stable Update 1.11

    it's actually reverse... you don't know nothing... and especially about drivers that AMD has... they work but what about blackscreen issues that AMD cards have? it's pretty random... for some it happens... for some it doesn't... you're living under a rock and i would have you know i built my own PC... put it together all by myself... i know my shit so please go be obnoxious somewhere else
  11. KajMak64Bit2

    Stable Update 1.11

    But the software and inferior raytracing perfomance and lack of DLSS and other cool RTX features like RTX voice or green screen is not worth it tho... with Nvidia you still have stable drivers that work... that's why i am not sure about upgrading to RX 570... costs same as my GTX 1050 but way better perfomance... but the drivers are scary... more likely to cause issues and stuff... not to mention the other software stuff like recording a video and instant replay but ok do what you want... your choice
  12. KajMak64Bit2

    Stable Update 1.11

    well i'm happy to inform you that DayZ Expansion mod is working on Client Side vehicles.. i don't know more then that...
  13. KajMak64Bit2

    Stable Update 1.11

    you had RTX 2080Ti and got an RX 6800 ? wtf bro? wipe does affect cars... since there is no more junk that server needs to work with... a lot lighter load on the servers now.. since bases are gone and stashes too.. so yeah i bet it most certainly affects cars.. 😄
  14. KajMak64Bit2

    Stable Update 1.11

    Did you try updating your drivers? And if they are... uninstall them preferably with DDU and then reinstall it and try again... AMD drivers are weird... i bet it's their fault
  15. KajMak64Bit2

    Stable Update 1.11

    It is a full wipe for everyone... this is to clean up the servers... better perfomance... less lagg.. less cars flying... You should NOT be annoyed by this... this is actually a REALLY awesome thing to happen... because who knows what kind of garbage did the dupers make that nobody not even devs and even dupers know that was causing the lag...