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About DayzDayzFanboy

  • Rank
    Bean King

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    Hartlepool, UK
  • Interests
    Survival! And games without story, much prefer to make my own

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  1. DayzDayzFanboy

    AI infected XV - the fatal cure

    What? And who's hannah?
  2. DayzDayzFanboy


    Good riddance
  3. DayzDayzFanboy

    back to survival

    I partially agree with this. Yes, once you are familiar with the game mechanics, it c doesn't generally pose much difficulty in getting established. Maybe the first hour of spawn is challenging depending on your location. Regarding the pvp, without it the game becomes tedious. I've played on RP pve servers and get bored really quickly. I'm not personally a big pvp player, as I don't play often enough to be skilled at it. I do prefer interactions with players. But not knowing another players intentions, or not knowing if a player is stalking you or is looking down his scope at you is what gives the game its tension. Especially when you have so much to lose. Other people have talked about introducing AI enemies, but the idea simply doesn't work. AI is predictable once you've encountered them once or twice. There does need to be more survival elements and this needs to be tougher. But honestly, this is already possible. I've played hard core survival servers where you're doing well to get through the first night. Unfortunately, those servers are rare and always low pop.
  4. DayzDayzFanboy

    Rebirth in Base or defined location!

  5. DayzDayzFanboy

    Put survival first

    Complete gibberish
  6. DayzDayzFanboy

    Put survival first

    What are you talking about? Nobody is saying we will never have AI that good, but currently there is nothing that good. AI in current gen is predictable. Period. And who's talking about befriending AI? What the heck are you on about? Do you read what you write before you send it? And do you read what you're replying to? Smh
  7. DayzDayzFanboy

    Put survival first

    Please show me any game with AI that can't be predicted once you've played the game for a short time. Now think about the unpredictable nature of people. Example...someone befriends you and five hours later shoots you in the back. Or, someone shoots you, but you survive and they heal you up. Or, every variable in between. Every interaction is different. You'll never get that with AI.
  8. DayzDayzFanboy

    Put survival first

    What in gods name are you raving on about?
  9. DayzDayzFanboy

    Put survival first

    Npc behaviour can be quickly learnt. Human player behaviour is unpredictable.
  10. DayzDayzFanboy

    Basic/Limited Friend Markers

    You're missing the point. You are forcing it on all players. It gives players in groups an advantage over players not in groups. Why are you so hard headed that you can't see this?
  11. DayzDayzFanboy

    Basic/Limited Friend Markers

    And regular players on official servers shouldn't have stupid mechanics forced upon them because some kid can't find his friend.
  12. DayzDayzFanboy


    But you still haven't qualified your statement with any actual facts or information. Just insults, because you don't have any actual facts to back up your statement. You were just ranting on a forum because a game wasn't tailored to your own personal needs. You got called out on it and start hurling abuse. I bet you're a hoot on Facebook.
  13. DayzDayzFanboy


    Wow, that's your discussion? Someone asks you a question and you call them retarded? Why don't you just answer the question. That's the basis for discussion. My last point still stands.
  14. DayzDayzFanboy

    Basic/Limited Friend Markers

    Community servers
  15. DayzDayzFanboy


    So that's everything, is it? I'm sure last time I played there were guns. So, did dayz have all the survival elements it has now? And I'm not talking about mods. Actual base game. Weather, disease etc. You haven't been specific about anything. You just ranted about EvErYtHiNg being taken away. Your post is meaningless.