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About Sqeezorz

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    The RainMan

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    https://germandayz.de/forum/ ;-)
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    Metallworking / games / technics ... and more

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    Life in a Region of Swiss like Chernarus....and count 47 winters...

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  1. Yes, I still remember that statement (problem with physics and serverside performance). But we all know DayZ, which means we know that at the beginning something new is never perfect and full of bugs (Lovebugs ^^). We know that we will die on bikes, but we would like to have them because it is part of the end times. It's the same with bow and arrow, the simplest thing that RL offers seems to be a very big challenge in virtuality. Hey Devs, this isn't whining, it's a call for fun ^^.
  2. Sqeezorz

    Food / water

    @Zwoosh accepte the Dayz gamemechanics/HUD or play on Deathmatches Servers. Full Equipment, No Stamina, never need drink/eat. .
  3. Sqeezorz

    Stable Update 1.06

    I had the exact same experience with Liviona. (I died several times through the surroundings, a great feeling after 1500h). It was hard, the border to death was always present. Therefore, I am AGAINST the "catch some rain" because this destroys a large part of the survival timing. (Even if it's totally unrealistic). But the most important sentence is this: Quest-Quote from Kirov: "But I don't know how to bring back those experiences without making the game unplayable for most." My Answer--> I think only private Servers with hard challanged mod-packs (less xyz etc.)
  4. Sqeezorz

    Chistmas and dayZ

    I play and know DayZ since version 0.53 and I have to admit: there was never a version that I had to call unplayable. Bugs? Yes, of course there are bugs. Some of them were annoying or made some things difficult, but you could always avoid the things that were banned.... it's a game and not our RL.
  5. Sqeezorz

    Stable Update 1.06

    there was not even a long time ago references to the function: "carry player-bodys" ... why not a chicken too. But the carcass will take its tribute if you have too long, it will rot and slowly make you sick .....
  6. Sqeezorz

    Can't wait for LivoniaPlus

    From what do the people live who demand everything "for free". Or with what did you pay for the device with which you post your texts? Does light food or paradise exist? Questions about questions.
  7. Sqeezorz

    On the Road to Livonia!

    Good information @Devteam, thanks.
  8. Sqeezorz

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    I do not want it to NEVER come. It just should not be too easy to search no wells or ponds. (Instant in 10sec., Fill a pot with rainwater? Yes, ok, if you have to disinfect it, with tablets or boil off.)
  9. Sqeezorz

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    Remember: "Catch the Rain" will drastically reduce the importance of wells and waters if the weather setting is for "more rain".
  10. Sqeezorz

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    @Derleth i found small stones on the dirty roads (the brown styled small roads in the forest, not hiketrails). I found mushrooms on new places, i think the Devs have some new locations on board, called: go in and find it out.
  11. Sqeezorz

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    DO NOT add the "catch the rain" option to the game on Liviona. It will turn the new card into a joke ... because now the water in the deep forests is too important. That it comes as a DLC I realized when I played the map. Liviona is a level-up gameplay challenge from Chernarus.
  12. Sqeezorz

    1.06 update

    It is a good "Chessmove" to test an experimental version with relatively little new content from the beginning under full load ... and that works best with something super new, a new environment. 😉
  13. Sqeezorz

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    I played the new map. 3 Impressions: The terrain offers two extremes, open fields and expanses, and extremely dense forest, especially the forest edges and hedges. Food / water to stay healthy is a big challenge, especially in relation to the weather (but it is possible). The new unknown environment makes the interactions very diverse, KOS / ambush / caution approach / keep distance / escape .... all seen and experienced in about 4 hours of play time. My conclusion: Liviona is purely from the map ago, a bigger challenge (Mod can strengthen this or weaken). Survival and PVP are demanding in this area (the dense forest is very camper friendly ^ ^). PS: to the people who complain about the weather on Liviona: what do you want to do in Namalsk when it's published ;-)? Add: A picture that made me laugh because I interpreted it: NEW Feature, the live Ingame "Bug-Tracker".
  14. Sqeezorz

    Experimental Update 1.05

    I started DayZ at 0.53, my first spawn was in Three Valley. I ran west and found the well. It started to rain and status messages said "you're wet, you're cooling off". I ran north to an antenna .... and looked down from there to Solnichniy. My screen was getting blurred ... just before Solnichniy I could barely recognize anything, just listening was still good. I heard infected people but did not see them. I heard how I fell into a pond and died in it. Pure immersion. It worked once. It was so hard and at the same time great. What happened that these great Survial aspects are missing? It would be a great pity to see such basics as "mod" first.
  15. Sqeezorz

    Who else misses bow and arrow?

    Thanks @-Gews-, you explained it better. (English is not my favorite language ^^).