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About green_mtn_grandbob

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    Bean King

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  1. green_mtn_grandbob

    DayZ Update 1.17

    The problem with dayz standalone, is that we didn't get the dayz standalone they said we would get at the start.
  2. green_mtn_grandbob

    Poisonois Mushrooms and Berries

    You can force feed them any thing you want to.
  3. green_mtn_grandbob

    White walling

    Why don't you tell all how it works, Wait you just did.
  4. green_mtn_grandbob

    Sickness balance?

    I only come to the forum to see if they keep there word about the game, so far they have not.
  5. green_mtn_grandbob

    Debate on hit markers

    If every one used a bow, then the arrow sticking in your body would show the direction it came from. LOL Maybe Dean would lone BI his animator to do the bow for us. LOL
  6. green_mtn_grandbob

    Experimental Update 1.15 (Changelog)

    But is that Experimental Update, or Stable Update? because of the date of the tweet and the release of Experimental Update are on the same day.
  7. green_mtn_grandbob

    PVE Servers more interactions than instant KOS PVP (PC)

    xbox ps4 or pc?
  8. green_mtn_grandbob

    Vest & Armors

    They were WIP that was dumped, or at least never acted on to be put in the game.
  9. green_mtn_grandbob

    kuň / kolo

    Haven't you heard bikes are off the game list now as they are too too hard to do, at least that's the last thing i have heard about bikes and bows.
  10. green_mtn_grandbob

    The "Pew Pew Pew" players have over win.

    I wake up on the beach and look for a stone to make into a knife, to cut a branch to make a bow, But alas they took the bow out of the game SO It'S not the SAME game now,
  11. green_mtn_grandbob

    Experimental Update 1.14 (Changelog)

    You don't need a suppressor if you had a bow.
  12. green_mtn_grandbob

    1.14 coming soon.

    Dream on.
  13. green_mtn_grandbob

    Disgusting 2

    Yes I know you don't get it.
  14. green_mtn_grandbob

    Disgusting 2

    It's funny to me how they, ah hell with it. OK how would you feel if they took all guns out of the game?
  15. green_mtn_grandbob

    Rostow map

    You do need the moded map as the other online map don't show the moded parts