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About Troll_Hunter

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  1. Troll_Hunter

    Status Report - January 2019

    Yes, and Yes Deadboy, very well said. The SR's are a lifeline, I now have a tab page open on the Dayz website, awaiting the SR - to see when it's ready for me to enjoy Dayz. Also a bicycle indeed would be very nice indeed. Let us not forget Dayz is attempting something very challenging, to have such a large enviroment, and such a large amount of objects, movement and player actions that it's very challenging to have all that information flow. In regard to the physics, is that done server side or client side? I'm seeing a car dance in the air, and I wonder with all the multi core cpu's people have if it's not better the client (driver of the car) renders it's physics? Also if the car crashes into a bush/tree, house the physics of that would be done on the driver's cpu. Sending out the object position and velocity data to the server, but maybe also to the other car occupants so what they see is closer to real time? I'm just rambling but anyway I love the netcode and physics problems to be solved.
  2. Troll_Hunter

    A first look at DayZ Modding

    The only 2 relevant post about AI I see are: "The AI implementation has been totally overhauled and, in short, it isn't possible to properly spawn complex AI like with Arma 2/3, at the moment." and 'no headless clients possible'. Only the 'at the moment' gives me hope for the future, but then I like to know when in the future? at 1.0 after 1.0 or is it simply not planned yet? I think the game actually needs a challenging thread to the players. I think an interesting AI that is able to surprise players, and even has some variety and personality in their attacks and behaviour could enrich the player's experience a lot. A little illustration: "He there, how are you? - barely affected, I just survived that town over that hill. - What happened? - Well I was happily sneaking around checking out some shed when a sniffer smelled my clean ass and started shouting, it was not long before the crowd came in from all sides, even the cannibal leader with his shotgun! - what happened next? - I found myself in this house, barricading the door, patching my wounds and catching breath, figuring out my options quickly because the door was not going to last much longer. - What did you do? - I put my radio on a loud volume, turned of the squelch and threw it out of the window, this attracted the crowd for just long enough and thus I could escape the crowd. However I like to go back with you and kill them off because I think there is some cool loot at the police station. With your distraction I can get to it and then we split the rewards? I do need some ammo, and a police vest would be very handy too, let's go!" After fixing the controller issue, the rendering engine, is having an interesting and challenging AI to much to ask?
  3. Troll_Hunter

    A first look at DayZ Modding

    I hope the AI gets to be solid, interesting and modifiable. I hope a common enemy will motivate players to team up in order to get to the high level rewards like a repaired tank, helicopter, artillery, powerplant, refinery. Things to clear out the land of zombies and form a Chernarus new government? Actual AI army squads, like special forces guarding high value places would be really cool to rob/ assault. Civilian gangs may rule parts of cities. Is there is enough modding space to build such AI?
  4. Troll_Hunter

    Status Report - May 8, 2018

    I like the right click (toggle) to bring up the weapon into ADS. Sway should be exhaustion, time and maybe skill dependent, starting with a small sway that gradually goes into trembling and eventually back to low ready. Using supports can greatly reduce sway, but still exhaustion, time and skill should be a factor. Looking down a scope I like to see a mix of breathing and heart-rate induced shake. Hip fire brings the gun from low ready to low aim in ~0,5 sec before firing. The persons' movements should affect accuracy. A crosshair should only appear when the player stand still or is moving slow to easily select, kneel and pick up items. Taking off one's backpack and reaching in would be great to make preparation, pockets and vests more important for combat. I don't know if I want to have 3rd person view in vanilla. Maybe it attracts the non communication KOS people too much? - Have you noticed a difference in the different groups' players?
  5. Troll_Hunter

    Status Report - 13 April 2018

    Oh I'm sorry for sharing another suggestion at this 5 minutes to beta time, and my source of inspiration. I too wish to play and see the team's vision of the game this year. You may not believe me but I too wish the game and the developers the best of success. I actually go out of my way to avoid being pessimistic, yet the few responses on this forum are usually belittling and give me the impression that my presence and contributions are not valued or even hated. You too could have formulated your words in a different way but you did not, and I think it's telling of part of the remaining forum lurkers. Do you only want people here who only reply with words of appreciation and amen? What kind of players / forum members do you want around?
  6. Troll_Hunter

    Status Report - 13 April 2018

    In response to a Youtube video named: "DayZ did not just die, it was murdered." I wrote the following: I think the new DayZ should offer a NEW experience, not just technical improvements. One such new experience could be a sort of voluntary 'quest' system, from which players can gain additional skills, making their lives more valuable. Quests can also stimulate new and young players to go beyond deathmatch into actually role playing. The New DayZ should offer something substantially more then the old mod which actually showed that hardcore survival is a viable genre. What do you think?
  7. Troll_Hunter

    Status Report - 13 April 2018

    I'm looking forward to the new blood particles. Like to see people's clothes get bloody where the bullets actually impacted, with extending stains. Like in the movie Rambo, I like to see blood on grass, allowing me to track dear and people. Challenges and direction. The one thing that worries me is that there are too few new things in this game compared to the original mod. Surely it's nice to see Dayz run nicely and fluidly on a better then ever looking engine, but I want to find and discover a new game, a new experiment. I can think of a few new challenges myself, but I like the game to challenge and award me for accomplishing special goals. One may think of the classic board game Risk, where you draw a card that gives you 2 possible goals to achieve. I think this is not too hard to implement, but it would help and stimulate players to focus on an interesting long(er) term goal, and actually direct players to explore different tactics, play styles, routes, locations, roles etc. Encouraging players to do more then the basic KOS and free for all death-match. When the player does complete a card's goal he may try for a higher level difficulty challenge card, giving him a more difficult task. Maybe completed cards unveil a cool image / abilities / treasure map. Maybe they can be traded forming a currency? Aimlessly walking around is boring, people often need direction and an interesting challenge to find fun.
  8. Troll_Hunter

    Status Report - 27 March 2018

    Thanks for the new sr! No worries about politics, it's only a minor right that no person or media company needs named freedom of speech. Nothing to worry about. I'm sorry I told you about it, I should know better not to joke about it because I may make the readers feel uncomfortable or feel offended.
  9. Troll_Hunter

    Status Report - 27 March 2018

    no status report this week? - what's going on?
  10. Troll_Hunter

    Status Report - 16 January 2018

    Oh and one little thing I really hate is the way swinging doors work. Why can I just use my hand to gently push or pull it (a bit )open? Why do big gates open fully toward myself? I understand the game needs to keep track of the door's position, but please can we have more then on/off? Maybe it takes a tiny bit more bandwidth to communicate the door changing position, but please have higher door status fidelity, like number in degrees: 0 = closed, 45 is 1/2 open, etc)?
  11. Troll_Hunter

    Status Report - 16 January 2018

    I hope the new engine can have shaders for water and mud effects on everything, water, roads, weapons, vehicles. Can you do something about the sudden LOD changes and popping in of models on the horizon? Can you implement a simple dark decal under distant trees so we can have shadows that render cheap but give the distant object some 'grounding'? No shadows past a 100m looks unnatural. Good to hear streams and rivers are in. Love to shake off some wolves that are tracing my smell. Also driving some dear into the river and shooting them as they are swimming. I know the team likes quality animations, but when you say animations have improved I like to see a side by side. I like the non floating legs, I hope the cpu creatures have that too. Thank you for the update, I appreciate it.
  12. Troll_Hunter

    Status Report - 12 December 2017

    What would be cool if cows occasionally would team up against a player when attacked. Take the player on the horns and throwing him in the air! OLÉ!
  13. Troll_Hunter

    Status Report - 12 December 2017

    It means these animals stay together.
  14. Troll_Hunter

    Status Report - 12 December 2017

    Thank you for the SR. it's good to hear of progress, also small progress. Good to hear you're improving the climbing stairs mechanics, it's very much needed. The 360 ground shooting looks cool too. The map improvements sound promising and being a hiker myself I love to explore the 200km of trails. Question, can you do something about the attacking zombies and wolves clipping though walls and doors? maybe give them a more detailed collision box and enable ragdoll physics after the start of their movement to make the collision look more believable? This could also make other collisions look much more natural. I love to see players run into a wall, collapse, slide down, regain control and get back up. Also people slipping (because of a too sudden change of direction) or getting shot in the legs, falling. Landing a fist on a head would yield a bit of physics. All this is important and fun feedback to the players, having visible influence upon the world. Love to see decals of hits on bodies, bruises, cuts, bullet-holes, growing bloodstains. I want to see where my bullets hit, and where my knife has cut. Bullet holes and mud and blood on cars would be awesome as well. Again it's part of the player feedback. Looking forward to testing the new meelee system, especially the kicking is cool and I would love to kick someone of a ledge, or kick in a door. Again I hope physics will help with giving a satisfying player feedback. For the video, it does not need to be super slick produced, but it would be nice if it contained much of the things talked about in the SR. Maybe, you could ask the viewers a specific question and have some interaction in he comment section. About the blood type, I think this is a needless level of detail. On the other hand, rendering shadows. I see detailed shadows consume a lot of resources, therefore they are usually not rendered past 100m. But could you please add a very simple shadows, like a round low res decal that sits under trees in the distance? Another thing is the changing of LOD models, and popping in of objects, which is very distracting too me. Have you got some ideas for improving that? Maybe modern graphic cards have good enough polygon culling methods so you can use higher polygon models in the distance without much render speed penalty? btw am I seeing improved shader work in the top screen shot? - the highlights on the tents and plants look much better. About player trust, I think it's important to have a higher frequency of reporting, at least 1x per week. The report can be 1/2 as long or even 1/3, but I want to read along your smallest of progress. Keep it up.
  15. Troll_Hunter

    BETA Status Report - November 28

    No intermediate updates yet. Only silence. Why not give the people on this forum a micro update? - We just want to know Dayz is moving forward.