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About McWendy

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    Bean King

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  1. McWendy

    Encourage hunting other players

    You dont have to stand still, just stay within the bubble. Fruit cycling is easy. Therefor survival is nothing more then a nuisance. Its mostly pvp action people search for. Just use the player bubble distortion. Easy
  2. McWendy

    Game is becoming unplayable for console.

    So weird for a game created originally just for pc..... We've been where you are now, and it still sucks (pc)
  3. McWendy


    Yes stamping out issues is what these Devs are known to be about.......
  4. McWendy


    Ragdoll created all sort of problems in the past. Thats why they removed it. I too would like to see it return but not with the problems it gave. -bouncing objects, lag, unlootable bodies, server crashes, just to name a few issues it caused.
  5. McWendy

    Fix this shit game

    Yeah you were playing Overpoch servers with ++++ loot and +++traders, starting packages and what not. That was not the vision for DayZ standalone. There are still servers like that. But seeing as you think you just bought Livonia aa a game, you know nothing of this game and what it evolved to be all these years after this switch from mod to SA. The mod is nostalgia nothing more. There is not one factor of the mod thats better than what we have now.
  6. McWendy

    15K High resolution DayZ Livonia Map

    Yes lets click links...... yummy 😀
  7. McWendy

    Inventory freeze upon no-alert wolf attack

    Well it sure as shit aint no feature. :😀 Had it happen aswell. Think it was 2 times in total last month or so. I took it as coincidence (sorry if spelled wrong, not my native) I mean desync is upon us always when someone with a real bad connection enters the server. Thats when things usually go south..... Doors opening ehm no, swapping items yeah no. Ah you wanted to grab that m4... nope relog mister. So could just be timing of it all. Fact: they dont always howl. 😉
  8. McWendy

    Thoughts on the Bunker (1.19)

    Ah right official server exploits. I stopped playing official a while ago. You should too if hopping is what annoys you.
  9. McWendy

    Thoughts on the Bunker (1.19)

    Just let them do the looting and wait for them outside 😉
  10. McWendy

    Stable Update 1.19

    I know, been here long enough seen it all..... ofc you are right development and comms from the devs have been abysmal but still. The art guy and modeller still need smth to do. Imagine everything working smoothly. You then would want more diversification. Maybe not you but others do. So let the hats not bother you too much. Do continue your fight against the vehicle physics and desync tho. I agree.
  11. McWendy

    Stable Update 1.19

    To be fair, Santa's little helpers need something to do. That one guy from the art department doesnt want idle hands, nor does the modeller. You dont want THEM working on coding do you? Maybe thats What's wrong in the first place, even art guy is modelling...... oh dear.... :😀
  12. McWendy


    Dont get tunnel vision looting a presumed corps.
  13. Ok bad experiences building bases or raiding them. So I thought id hop on here and ask for some help. Whenever we raid a base it takes a lot of time and gear to get in and get loot out. But when we get raided it almost looks like if its just fractions of the time/gear needed that we would have put in. Are there glitches being used or sweet spots to be struck that we not know about?! 4 dial locks? No point they were still on. Double Gates? Nope, gone. Gaps to be jumped, proned or slithered? We closed it all to no succes. Barbed wire? Yeah no they just go past it all. We know a raid is to happen, we dont mind it. Its calculated. But just when we rebuild it all (improved, altered) its a matter of a very short time and its all gone again. Everything gone! Not a crumb. I have a lot of time in this game But the speed shit gets done these days is mind blowing. Its on Spaggie Deer Isle, just for the dont play official comments. ;) Google just has a lot of old stuff regarding so, please enlighten me if you have some more fyi.
  14. McWendy

    A beautiful sunrise in Chernarus

    42 is the sweet spot for me. Yes John but you can extreme survive with a bigger bag ;)
  15. McWendy

    A beautiful sunrise in Chernarus

    Add 3 more sticks to your burlap courier bag ;)