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[TAW] GunRunner

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About [TAW] GunRunner

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  1. [TAW] GunRunner

    Best updated WIki?

    The whole point of a "Wiki" is that it is community updated. Your best bet would be to find the one that a large amount of people use (ie; DayZ TV and DayZ DB) and do the same. Of course, you could contribute by updating the Wiki. :)
  2. [TAW] GunRunner

    Unconscious Timer

    Im sure you were directly responding to what billnye said, but my original suggestion was to only put a timer on the "Respawn" button itself. In my opinion, if somebody doesnt want to play out the situation they are put in they should at least be forced to leave the server. I never suggested the devs force a player to sit through the entire duration of their unconscious state. (read the quote above for my reasoning) Sure... as I said above my suggestion was only to put a timer on the respawn button itself. If people REALLY dont want to wait or are getting griefed they would still have the option to log-out. Thats the workaround. Thats the grief protection. But on the highly populated servers that have tons of people spamming to join, having to log out would be more costly than simply clicking "respawn" while unconscious and running back to your body in hopes they left some scraps (or haven't even looted you yet). I really don't see many negatives to this, and the few that people might try and make a case about are minimal compared to the positive things that could come of this
  3. [TAW] GunRunner

    Experimental/Unstable Branch: 14 May 16

    @geekin You have to go into the filter and uncheck the "Password" option. It would also be a good idea to type "experimental" into the hostname and set the ping to 0. That way you dont have to load the entire server list since the server browser is massivly laggy, and you can see the servers with a ping higher than 100.
  4. [TAW] GunRunner

    something strange running around in latest dev log vid

    You can tell by the movement, and if you watch it in high quality you can see it flapping around. Chickens already exist in game, and you can see them up close in the Pax East stream video. Brian even mentioned specifically that there was a bug where way to many chickens were spawning in the cities since they have multiple possible locations.
  5. [TAW] GunRunner

    something strange running around in latest dev log vid

    It is 100% a chicken that got startled by the zombie running by. Nothing new, sorry to burst your bubble :P
  6. [TAW] GunRunner

    What notice will we get for 0.60?

    I also run a couple servers and every time an update has come out the GSP has updated everything on their end. No need for the admin to do any work other than re-tweeking a couple of settings you had before, as they may have been changed back to the default during the update.
  7. [TAW] GunRunner

    DayZ Q&A: Design

    Do you consider DayZ (1.0) to be a survival game or a survival simulator, and how does that distinction (if you make one) affect the future plans for DayZ? How hard is it to balance realism, while still allowing people to enjoy the game?
  8. [TAW] GunRunner

    Status Report - 12 Apr 2016

    Just an FYI, we have a person in our community who has the same problem as you. He uses an AT&T 4G LTE hotspot and it allows him to play on a pretty regular basis. Not saying he doesn't suffer from the occasional connection issues, but he can still enjoy the game. If you aren't limited by data usage, it would be worth a shot just to see what happens :)
  9. [TAW] GunRunner

    Status Report - 12 Apr 2016

    Your entirely correct, but depending on what is causing the issue is it could take some time. Im just saying don't get your hopes too high in case it takes a bit longer :) But lets hope it doesnt
  10. [TAW] GunRunner

    Status Report - 12 Apr 2016

    EAAASSSYYYYYY now buddy.... You missed the first part. The part you quoted was specifically about the rendering tech only :)
  11. [TAW] GunRunner

    Status Report - 12 Apr 2016

    Fantastic!! This was a big issue that's caused quite a few untimely deaths. I'm sure all the people who thought they were in cover but were stuck standing, or got shot by somebody they couldnt see because the guy shooting was stuck in the crouch position thank you big time! Luckily, we usually run in groups so we could identify the issue for eachother. Its nice to know that we might not have to worry about it soon!
  12. [TAW] GunRunner

    Experiental Wrecking Crew

    Right on bro! More power to ya :) ENJOY!
  13. [TAW] GunRunner

    REMOVE ''Player Kill Count'' from newui

    You will be the only person able to see your stats unless you deliberately share them with somebody. It isnt like the Mod where you get a bandit skin after killing X number of people.
  14. [TAW] GunRunner

    Experiental Wrecking Crew

    @emuthreat Not trying to rain on your parade or anything bro, because I think its absolutely AWESOME that you are trying to help out the devs and push this game. But I THINK what you are planning on doing is something the devs can easily test themselves with their dev tools in a short period of time. Perhaps the time would be better spent if you contact the Devs to find out some of the things they can't easily test in the internal build? Just a thought. Best of luck to you!
  15. [TAW] GunRunner

    RealUN PvE Server

    Wrong section broski. This is for Standalone servers, not DayZ Mod :)