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About PsyStormZ

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    An Island

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  1. PsyStormZ

    Problems with starting the game

    Yeah I can't play neither. Bought a new graphics card, ram and was super excited but everytime I click Play my windows 10 restarts..
  2. PsyStormZ

    Stable Update 1.0.149923

    Hi I have been struggling with Days restarting my PC when I press play in steam. I play Wow, Warframe, Path of Exiles, Destiny with no problem. I reinstalled fresh and tried on a different drive. I have verified and deleted Days documents folder and all that. I also deleted Battleye and verified. I tested without overclocked and did chkdsk and it still persists. Specs are Nvidia Rtx 2070, Intel 3930k and 16 GB ram. I am trying to install. 62 to see if it is an issue there as well.
  3. PsyStormZ

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    @ImpulZ Please fix keybindings. It bugs when you enter the screen even after validating files. Ty
  4. PsyStormZ

    no more windowed mode

    @dayz Guys this is ridiculous. I have to play in windowed work so I can do my work as well as play on the side. You make it impossible for me to play with this bug. Everytime I change to windowed mode there is no way to make the window larger so it's just using maybe 1/4 of my screen. Please fix this so I can play this amazing version of the game I paid for years ago :) Thanks and keep up the good work.
  5. Yes and don't get me wrong because I love what you guys are trying to do. I just feel like you are not communicating properly and you just push people away due to that more than anything. Hire someone that knows how to deal with people. You guys act like you are scared half the time to say anything which is never a good thing.
  6. So what you are saying is that they have .63 already in game but no weapons and tons of stuff missing and they can't just add some more items to the current build whilst they fix the rest? I don't believe that at all to be honest. They could fix the spawns and add more things and change the loot so that AK's aren't easier to get on the coast than at military bases. They made the game into a coastal shooter with this patch and the for sure could balance it back out to force people around the map a bit better. Watching .63 streams no one cared about exploring cause there was no point. As I stated I have also been here from the start and I know what the game has gone through. I also know that with a little bit of thought they could make the current .63 better than what it is. Loot distribution and realistic loot tables, Players Spawns in more places, adding more variety of items etc. Even using some old things for now just so people have a less boring .63 on experimental. Many of us have been playing .62 or watching it on stream for ages. We will not be going back to .62 regardless of how .63 goes.
  7. Just a word of advice from a founder and longtime supporter. You are losing your momentum because you have given people a taste of .63 and they refuse to go back and play .62. Why not move an earlier yet working build of .63 to the stable with more stuff in the game so people aren't forced to play something else. Figure out a way to keep people content while you go and fix things but at least bring the fun back to the existing player base.
  8. PsyStormZ

    Exp Update 0.63.147489

    I can't play experimental. Why are there so many low pop servers that keep kicking you?
  9. PsyStormZ

    2016 In Review

    Thank you this has been a great year for this game and you guys are amazing! Happy Holidays!
  10. PsyStormZ

    Exp Update 0.61.136468

    The servers keep kicking everyone guys.
  11. PsyStormZ

    Trading Post

    We are looking for Ammunition boxes now. Trading most items in game.
  12. PsyStormZ

    Trading Post

    I have full worn set and we just need pristine pouches :)
  13. PsyStormZ

    Trading Post

    They are fixed as of the last update.
  14. PsyStormZ

    Trading Post

    @ryanh I have Smersh, Svd, Bulk worn burlap and Joey Glasses. I am looking for pristine pouches for plate carrier.