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About Damnyourdeadman

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    Alone in the Wasteland

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  1. Damnyourdeadman

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    A human will always prove a more unpredictable threat that's true,but it dosen't mean that the infected AI shouldn't prove a challenge. Even before their subsequent removal,their purpose was mostly cosmetical. And with all the respect,seeing infected treated as a side project in their own game,makes a man wonder. I see a constant shift of focus towards PVP when the rest PVE players are left in the sidelines. At least,knowing what exactly DayZ intents to be,would help keep my expactations in check.
  2. Damnyourdeadman

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    Honestly i'm not a big fan in the mentality of belittling infected and their role. Personally speaking,when i first played the mod back in the day,i did it because it was a zombie survival game. Yeah the adredaline enduced firefights were parts of the programm,but for me zombie survival was the feature that really got me in DayZ. It has been sold for 2 years as an intended zombie game and many are very patiently waiting for substiantial improvement on that primary gameplay aspect. If DayZ intents to be more of a survival deathmatch kind of game instead of a post apocalyptic zombie survival title it's good,i can accept that! But please,make your intentions clear so we know what to expect.
  3. Damnyourdeadman

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    Greetings Brian,i have a question for you. Can you elaborate more about the "soft sklls" mechanic? Will they be determinal to survival and affect gameplay,serving as a requirment to perform certain actions (basebuilding,car repairs,leatherworking etc)? Or as a minor boost on an action's speed and recource gain?
  4. Damnyourdeadman

    Any signs of 0.59 experimental?

    There are plans for 0.58 hotfixes. According to Eugen,0.59 is going to take a while.
  5. Seriously what's the deal with infected anyway? Is the server architecture currently overcapacity and unable to support them? Because after all this time,i seriously doubt that bugs are the reason of their removal.
  6. Damnyourdeadman

    Can we agree this is feesable?

    I think Whyhero pretty much covered my train of thoughts. In my best understanding,something like this would be perfect. Also,good thinking on making this post! Judging from the recent "survivor camp" concept slides,i was kinda disappointed by the lack of wooden structures beyond walls and watch-towers. Besides tents,i feel like we could really use at least one type of a player crafted shack.
  7. Damnyourdeadman

    EVR Storms in Chernarus

    Well,Hicks himself claimed that the the title is still *being* created as they develop,so nothing's really final. If the community sees a potential S.T.A.L.K.E.R approach in a positive light,maybe there's also a chance for the devs to be interested towards said direction. Regardless of how things finally turn out,i also wish to share that dream. :) I just hope for the best!
  8. Damnyourdeadman

    Would you support global chat being a sever option?

    Yeah,i agree with you! Let's just hope the devs implement radios with separate text and voice functions.
  9. Don't get me wrong,it would be cool but unfortunately just not feasible. People would rebel against the idea of having the game monitor whether you're using 3rd party communication software. If such actions were to take place,they would accuse the game of violating their personal privacy. Also like a lot other said,this would prove uneffective. Take me for example,i may be Greek but i still got 2 computers in my home. What could stop me from using the Desktop PC for DayZ,while simultaneously chatting with my friends from my laptop? Exploits like this,are nothing new to the gaming world and unfortunately there is no viable solution other than learn to deal with it.
  10. Damnyourdeadman

    EVR Storms in Chernarus

    All things considered,i would love if DayZ focused more towards a more Nuclear Post Apocalyptic Radioactive infested Wasteland rather than a Virus Pandemic Dystopia. That would explain a whole lot of things,such as the barren and relatively clean environment. If the cause of the infection was a nuclear weapon with biological side effects,imo the lore would feel more complete. . Other than that,i simply love your ideas! Imagine having huge radioactive areas that require the use of hazmat suits to go through. From a gameplay perspective that would be totally rad,it would imply that now,people would have to make preparation just to go through certain map areas.
  11. Damnyourdeadman

    EVR Storms in Chernarus

    It was an already pre - existent mechanic that has already been implemented for the DayZ mod. Being part of the Namalsk lore,it's not technically a "new original Suggestion " . ((Although i won't deny that i kinda thought about it,being a weasel's move because i wanted more people to see it. :rolleyes: )) However,if in your judgment this is better suited in the Suggestions category,you may feel free to move it.
  12. Damnyourdeadman

    EVR Storms in Chernarus

    Those of you that played S.T.A.L.K.E.R or the mod's Namalsk map,should already know what this topic's about. An ERV storm is the DayZ's equivalent of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R's blowout/emission phenomenon. I took the liberty of creating this topic,to discuss whether the community favors or hates the idea of re-introducing them back in DayZ Standalone. :) What is an ERV Storm? It's basically a strong electromagnetic pulse that knocks you unconscious and takes a whole load of blood. Unless you find shelter inside a building, in which case it just only knocks you out. When one happens, the weather changes to stormy, and will eventually change to full-red sky when it start to strike. That way people always knew when one was about to happen and had a moderate head start to look for shelter. Examples? Here's a video demonstrating what happens to a poor soul when he experiences an imminent EVR Storm without taking cover. Here's another video,showing what it's like to survive an EVR storm.. What are the causes of this phenomenon? The causes of the phenomenon remain unknown. I personally speculated that they were the aftermath of a bio weapon's explosion,in an attempt to extinguish the infected threat. :) Would they fit DayZ's immersive atmosphere? I have always thought that they would be perfect,in regards to the Chernarusian atmosphere. Personally speaking,things in relation to a nuclear catastrophe in DayZ,make a lot of sense in my head! I have always thought DayZ more as a barren Post Apocalyptic Wasteland caused by a biological threat,rather than a place of massive desctruction. What are the pros? EVR Storms will force players to look for shelter. If implemented correctly,they could effectively contribute to the game's survival challenge. Also,they will greatly enhance the game's immersion and horror aspect. People will actually start fearing the environment and add to that paranoia feeling,which is DayZ. ;) What are the cons? Unfortunately,this phenomenon will make camping in open outdoor spaces a lot harder. Snipers will have to relocate themselves and take shelter to the nearest structureS. For some people that could prove a nuisance. Frankly,i also fear of possible bugs that could kill you even when you take shelter. After all,it's DayZ we're talkIng about! Having folks lose everything,even when taking every necessary precaution could enrage them. What do you think? What are you thoughts on this? How would you feel,If ERV storms played an active part in the world of DayZ SA? Leave me your comments below,as always i'm looking forward to your feedback! ^_^
  13. Damnyourdeadman

    Radios : A Cure for Player Interaction

    These things would be great for when base - building comes into play. You can broadcast your voice to the front gate,from the safety of your command tent/structure. That's a very big deal. It's a good thing that the new radios come with an LCD screen. Listening to countless people broadcasting at once could get very messy. That's why i really hope for the devs to make the player,able to configure their radio's settings according to their preferances. Meaning to give them the freedom to choose from different settings like... - Text Only - Enabled / Disabled - Voice Only - Enabled / Disabled - Or both Text and Voice - Enabled / Disabled This could save a lot of people from potential headaches. Microphone trolling could be easily avoided by configuring the radio to receive text only . In the same sense,text trolling can be avoided by switching over to the voice only radio setting. And if that doesn't work,you could always change the frequency. :)
  14. Damnyourdeadman

    Radios : A Cure for Player Interaction

    Good news everyone! Seems like Brian has been talking with Peter about trying out this idea on 59. Experimental! :) They plan to turn Walkies into the starting gear and make the transmition range around a 3km radius. However,he also talked about working on a longer range transceiver,that we'd be able to find and communicate globally throughout the whole server. Furthermore he talked about receiving coordinates in the form of text,leading to a dynamic event. Whether it's a heli crash or a car crash,players will be able to follow the location and go treasure hunting! ^_^ He explained that there's a lot of possibities which are gonna relly from gathering feedback,to get an idea on how players interact with them.
  15. Damnyourdeadman


    Yep you're right,this is in fact an air powered dart pistol. This particular model is based on the X2 Gauged CO2 projector like you can see below... (More info) It's technically still an "air gun" but not the kind that OP was mentioning. He was most likely refering to conventional Air Guns that fire small pellets and BB bullets,mostly suitable for small game (birds and rabbits).