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  1. SFRGaming

    How To Win Playerbase Back

    I fully believe what happened with the DayZ Mod will happen with the Standalone when it hits beta and issues start getting fixed. The Mod didn't have a huge player-base on it's initial "launch" (if you can call it a launch); however, through people like FrankieOnPC and Jackfrags doing a number of playthroughs and guides, the game gained a ton of traction in the survival community. This isn't 2005 anymore, you don't make a popular game through commercials anymore. You make a popular game by putting said game out for the streamers and let the leaves fall where they may. If they bite, then they bite. If they don't, then they don't. With that being said, I think Day will ALWAYS have a player-base. While it may not be large, it's hard for those core players to find a game to replace DayZ that encompasses all of the things that DayZ does in its current state (which is impressive imo).
  2. SFRGaming

    New Hive Situation

    Came back to the game when 0.62 hit stable and I'm currently loving the patch. However, I am concerned about one thing. The devs announced the new hive situation where the official servers have their own hive, privately-owned public servers have their own, and then private shards have their own as well. Now I am aware that there's a glitch where all the privately-owned public servers are pretty much acting like private hives currently and they are working to fix that. However, my concern is moving the official public servers to a different hive than the privately-owned public servers has hurt the public server population. My friends and I liked being able to play the official servers while all of the public servers had their own hive, yet since the changes were made, we have seen a significant drop in people playing on the official servers. Thoughts?
  3. SFRGaming

    Fall damage rework

    I agree the immediate death needs reworking but falling from a guard tower in full gear IRL would result in a leg injury that wouldn't be cured with a simple morphine shot. There was a website that tested how far a human could withstand falling while wearing 50+ lbs of gear to test the game's realism and they found it wasn't that far at all. The counter argument is IRL people have a lot more spatial awareness and control of their bodies compared to an in-game character will probably ever have. So it's finding the right amount of realism in fall damage paired with the right amount of fantasy in withstanding damage that allows people to have a realistic but not incredibly hindering game experience.
  4. SFRGaming

    Hypothermia and 0.61

    Seems that we got rid of the Hyperthermia problem and now have a Hypothermia problem. In my eyes, this is a much better problem since Hyperthermia really restricted how much you could travel and carry. However, it should be addressed that wringing out clothes seems to be very broken. My entire set was wet and even though I was on a sunny server inside of a house, wringing my clothes had zero effect. Died 5 minutes later. Anyone else having a problem with wringing clothes?
  5. SFRGaming

    AK Magpul stuff

    Then by that logic, the AR magpul furniture serves no purpose. But according to how the game's firearms work, they do. The AR magpul furniture gives you the greatest ergonomics and accuracy. So theoretically, the AK magpul furniture would do the same, making them useful. The only reason the AK to AR stock adapter is popular is because it gives you a rugged adjustable stock that fits all body types. Me personally I use the MOE stock because it's the right length for me and I like being able to retain the ability to store the factory cleaning kit in the stock. If you really want nitpick the AK furniture, then it should be impossible to add the folding stocks to the AKM and solid stocks to the AK74 / AK101 / AKS74U due to having to completely swap the rear trunnion IRL to do that.
  6. SFRGaming

    AK Magpul stuff

    It kind of is compelling. I think if you're going to have magpul for the AR, then you pretty much have to have it for the AK as well. Why wouldn't you? If you want to get technical, there would be more chance to find magpul AK furniture in a combloc country rather than AR. Plus, the Russian Alpha team has used magpul furniture ever since it hit the market
  7. SFRGaming

    AK Magpul stuff

  8. SFRGaming

    AK Magpul stuff

    Why no AK magpul furniture? Argument: If the M4 can have it then the AK should most definitely as well.
  9. SFRGaming

    New stuff on Trello

    I assume since you said they are all over that they will be fairly common in Chernarus?
  10. SFRGaming

    M39 EMR

    First of all, the AR platform IS a reliable platform. Anyone that disagrees is either a fanboy or a sheep to fanboy shepards. Second of all, the M39 is in NO way easier to maintain. The M110 (a further development of the SR25 which derived from the AR10) has the same break down as any AR platform with identical reliability. The M39 (further development of the M21 EBR which came from the M14 which came from the M1 Garand (phew that's a long one)) suffers from the same problem that ALL Garand / M14 rifles do: They can NOT work at ALL with dirt in the action (specifically behind the bolt which is where, ironically, the most open spaces in the action are). Gun for Gun, the M110 is the most logical choice in the terms of reliability and maintenance. Now, I do love the M14 platform. It will always have a sweet spot in my heart (it really is a beautiful rifle). But in adverse conditions, it's practically a paper weight. Sources: Personal experience with both weapon platforms (not specifically the M110 but AR10's are pretty much the same)
  11. SFRGaming

    Go home hyperthermia, you're drunk

    I have noticed the confusion of the status and if it's going up or down. A better message would be "I'm hyperthermic but cooling down (slowly / rapidly / promptly)" In this instance, I was actually rapidly heating up which is weird. I'm beginning to think that the temperature isn't the problem, I think the thresholds are set wayyyyyyyy too low.
  12. I mistyped man jesus. Why are you always so hostile. Don't make this another prick waving contest on someone else's thread. Message me if you have a problem with me
  13. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487088&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-PCPartPicker,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID= This is a great price for performance 970. The radeon is also a nice; however it is a slightly older card. On amazon, a used r9-270x runs about $150. While it's cheaper than the 970, the 970 is a newer card, scored better than the r9-270x on gpuboss by 2.1, and you get shadowplay so you can easily record gameplay with minimal fps impact. Not to mention, the 970 they used vs the r9-270x was a base model from NVidia. The card I linked has a nice overclock with a better aftermarket cooler so it will perform better than the 970 in the test.
  14. SFRGaming

    Remaking the animations / improvement!

    Use the "in combat" system from DayZ Mod (when you used a weapon or someone around used a weapon) and make the animations change. Reloading a gun for example: when not in combat, loading the weapon is very relaxed and not rushed. When in combat, quick, tactical reloads are used instead
  15. SFRGaming

    Menu problems

    Could be bad install Could be typewriter / potato pc Could be the game doesn't think you'll understand (jk) Could be a virus. What I'm trying to say is we need to know all of the factors that could affect your game