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About tommy290

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    Click here for nude pics of kichi

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    kichilron's Dungeon.
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  1. I'm just waiting for the Ducky Shine 5 to be in stock somewhere... But if you want to stay in reasonable price territory, I've always had good luck with Microsoft keyboards. The letters wear off, which is annoying, but they function well even under daily use. Microcenter and Amazon typically have the best prices.
  2. I've got the older version of the Logitech G700. I like the feel of it and the extra buttons. Also, one really cool feature is that it can do both wired and wireless. I really like the Logitech software too, since I can set up different profiles for games and have buttons mapped differently. Overall, I'll probably continue to stick with Logitech mice. I know there are some differences in lasers and sensors and whatnot, but I don't play anything competitively so I don't think I need anything too crazy, and so far my current mouse has done a great job and doesn't appear to be getting worn out.
  3. tommy290

    SSD Upgrade Question

    I have one SSD for OS and one for games. I haven't noticed any issues with the setup. I imagine, like almost anything with PCs, there are very specific circumstances where having things split isn't optimal, but I doubt any normal users will see a difference. I like keeping things separate since if I ever need to wipe the OS drive, I don't have to go through the trouble of downloading games again. Also, I have both Pro and EVO Samsung drives. I haven't been able to tell the difference between them. Again, I assume there are probably some situations where you want a Pro, but in my normal day-to-day use of playing video games and watching porn browsing the Internet, the EVO drives seem to do just fine and cost a lot less.
  4. tommy290

    Windows 10 Upgrade?

    The free upgrade uses a hardware fingerprint to validate Windows. The process of upgrading ties your free copy of W10 to your specific hardware. If you do a clean install after the upgrade, Windows will be able to validate by checking against the fingerprint already stored at Microsoft. If you try to clean install first, you won't be able to validate without a product key. Make sure Windows installs drivers for the mouse/keyboard. Also, check your mouse settings. I've upgraded two different PCs and they both needed to get additional software for configuring the mouse. I also had to check the mouse pointer speed as it reverted to default for some reason, so it was moving incredibly slow. So far I'm loving Windows 10. Runs fast, looks pretty, haven't had any issues. I keep finding new settings to mess with, but overall I'm not concerned about most of the things some people are up in arms about. If you want ultra security, perhaps Windows isn't for you. I shut off a few things I didn't feel were worthwhile for me, but honestly none of it is that big a deal. Technology, and computers/Internet specifically, is focused on being connected and a singular experience. That's just the way it is. If Microsoft wants to know about the weird pr0n I like, so be it. I'm also really digging the Start menu. It's kind of a reverse of 8.1. I have it set to full screen, so by clicking an icon I can have all the tiles show up. If I want to get to the full list of programs, just click another icon. For me, it's great based on how I generally use my computer. I like to have my desktop clear so I can see whatever wallpaper I have. I keep my most often used programs locked on the taskbar. If I want to see something else, I can open up the start menu to have lots of pretty tiles. I can arrange them into groups so it's organized. Then, if I absoutely need something else, I can go find it in the full list. This will be really nice for a HTPC, since I can have stuff like Netflix on the tiles, without showing other things that have no use for playing media.
  5. tommy290

    Best Antivirus ?

    I am not clicking on any link in an anti-virus thread posted by someone with a brand new account and 1 post to their name.
  6. Something is definitely wrong, as I have almost the exact same setup, save for just one of the GPUs. I don't drop to 18 fps anywhere that I recall. Normally the game runs just fine for me. Try this guide: http://dayzintel.com/dayz-guides/dayz-standalone-performance-guide If you have SLI enabled, disable it. No idea if it'll work, but I know SLI sometimes causes problems with games.
  7. tommy290

    Please focus on bugs for a while

    If you'd like this topic to remain unlocked, I'd suggest keeping focused on the topic and not arguing. Just a helpful hint to all, as I've seen the destruction wrought upon those unaware of orlok's insatiable appetite. :) So, regarding the idea that people will stop playing DayZ due to bugs because it isn't enjoyable: http://steamcharts.com/app/221100 I take this as evidence the bugs aren't that intolerable. Look, I know people don't like bugs. I get it. They're annoying and frustrating and sometimes ridiculous. A quick hop on the tracker shows there's about 10,000 reported bugs of some kind (not saying they're all valid/legit/etc, just they're in the tracker). As the developer, which one should you tackle first? How do you decide what's the most important to fix right now? The suggestion was made to take a couple releases and just focus on bugs. Fine. Let's pretend that happens. They solve 100 bugs with the next update. So now you've made 100 people happy. And 9,900 still scream that you're doing nothing and don't care about the customers because you didn't fix their particular bug. Game development isn't a simple process of going from A to B. I fully understand the opinion that bugs should be fixed. However, I completely disagree it's the best option for the devs to choose. Given a choice, at this stage of the game, I would have every dev work on foundational systems and save the "I just died for no reason" bugs for later.
  8. tommy290

    Please focus on bugs for a while

    As the saying goes, don't put the cart before the horse. The loot system is a core mechanism of the game. Zombie AI is a core mechanism of the game. Someone dies in an unexpected way that isn't repeatable? Not a priority. People can want the game to be enjoyable all they want, but that's the view of a player. If I were a developer, my concern would be getting the core systems working properly, then trying to get rid of minor annoyances. Early access is not meant for polish. If the game isn't enjoyable with the current idiosyncracies, then stop playing it. By all means, fix anything game-breaking, but getting OHKO'd by a zed once in awhile isn't game-breaking.
  9. tommy290

    Really bad FPS problem in big cities.

    Here's a guide to get you started: http://dayzintel.com/dayz-guides/dayz-standalone-performance-guide As mentioned, low isn't always better for performance and in some cases seriously hurts it. AMD also has a hard time competing with Intel in the DayZ/Arma world, but Intel isn't required to have a good experience on either game. I would say first do the settings above and see what you can get. If it's still not playable, grab MSI Afterburner to monitor CPU and GPU load. I bet if there's a bottleneck, it's with the CPU. I'm not an expert by any means, but I would assume if the CPU is the bottleneck, then upgrading your GPU isn't going to do much for you. Thus, you'd be better off upgrading the CPU.
  10. tommy290

    PSU Coil Whine

    I'm just here for the comments. My PC has been doing something similar, although without any negative effects (freezing, etc.). It's been making a weird noise though. Nothing super loud, but it's definitely noticeable if the room is quiet. Doesn't happen constantly, but does appear to come when the PC is doing something as opposed to just sitting idle. I need to properly try to diagnose what's making the noise, but figured I'd follow this thread in case anyone has good info to pass along. :)
  11. tommy290


    I believe this guide might be helpful for you.
  12. tommy290

    @Patch 0.55 Elitists

    This is the crux of the matter I think. It's not so much the criticisms, but the method of delivering those criticisms. People can argue the pros and cons of how loot spawns all day long and it doesn't bother me. But when someone comes in and starts throwing around "This game sucks! BI sucks! Your mom sucks! Your third grade teacher sucks! Everything in the world sucks!", it instantly renders their opinion invalid. I don't know why some people take changes that don't work as planned as some kind of personal attack by the devs. I can assure everyone the devs are not doing things for the sole purpose of making you (the player) irate. The way some people are foaming at the mouth you'd think someone from BI came to their house and punched their baby sister in the face. If you don't like the latest patch, explain why. Make your opinion heard! Give feedback! Use the bug tracker! Do everything a person is supposed to do during early access. But for the love of god, don't come to the forums and go on a tirade full of hyperbole and excessive use of caps lock. It won't help make the game better and you look like a spoiled brat that's too young to be playing DayZ in the first place.
  13. tommy290

    Group Or Coumminty

    Come on over to http://mustygaming.com/Forum/ We've got SA and mod servers, including a private hive for the mod along with an Overpoch mod server. Also have a TS server that's free for all to use. We like whisky, we like cigars, and we like not wearing pants.
  14. tommy290

    incorrect version of dayz

    I thought DayZ Commander was discontinued due to everything being on Steam now? Try getting everything through Steam and see what happens.
  15. tommy290

    Recommended FPS Counter?

    This is what I would suggest. I just recently discovered it. Before I was using ShadowPlay, but for some reason it never shows up when I play Arma 3. The built in Steam counter does show up, and it's pretty minimal so as not to be distracting.