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Posts posted by joe_mcentire

  1. imho nobody "really" expects anything of that kind anymore. this ship has sailed long time ago.

    Why not post snippets and little teasers, as simple as a screenshot of an object/area/mechanic or whatever from time to time here and there to a blog or forums? (trello worked wonderfully in that regard)

    no announcements in advance, no premature commitments. people would honestly appreciate and value that more from my experience.

    But whatever your decisions: BE TRANSPARENT and COMMUNICATE. Don't go silent.

    Addressing the change in melee and the subsequent reversal was e.g. a good interaction and communication with and to the community - a first - in a long time.

    • Beans 5

  2. many moons ago i started my personal  smaller features list and placed it on the feedback tracker. Over the years i made some updates and today i took once again a good look on it and it is really interesting how you can see

    1. what wasn't there back then
    2. what changed since then, and
    3. how feedback in form of feature requests in the feedback-tracker might be looked at and find its way into the game eventually.

    It's really interesting for me to see, that's why i thought I'd share the list with you :D. some things on it are ridiculous though...

    here's the full list (so far):


    1) option to empty bottles/canteens (if no purification pills  but a fresh water sources are available)

    2) loot takes damage if you shoot at it or hit it with a melee weapon (e.g. baseball bat hitting a on the ground lying handgun)

    3) option to drink/eat continuously until whole content is depleted. drink from water pumps/wells until your stomach feels full

    4) if Climbing through a window is not possible, maybe an animation to jump/ dive headlong through windows.

    5) let some sinks/toilets still have some water?

    6) store items in cooking pots

    7) possibility to interrutpt ongoing animations

    8) option to look around properly when using a ladder

    9) option to quickly leave ladders?

    10) put loot in your hands and carry it in your hands, if there is no free slot in your inventory available. You would need to lay the item down to access other items in your inventory. (e.g.: carry mosin on back, hold M4A1 in your hands)

    11) option - hotkey to drop items you currently hold in your hands

    12) make first aid boxes on the walls of some buildings actually lootable

    13) sitting locks body (as with ALT) and one is only able to turn head instead of whole body

    14) sitting on benches

    15) option to use rotten food with canteen/bottle of water for contamination purposes.

    16) suggestion for loot: chocolate bars: one on each server contains a golden ticket to the hype train.

    17) shades and helmets may lessen sun glare

    18) some handcuffs may also come with their keys already

    19) option to "use flashlight with compass" to find directions at night

    20) in addition to visible breath: head (maybe even shoulders) should be steaming when player is audibly exhausted due to running/sprinting

    21) visibility of breath also from zeds/other players?

    22) pointing as a gesture

    23) keybinding: toggle/equip next/last item in quickbar

    24) indicator in quickbar where item is actually placed (backpack, top, trousers, container...)

    25) wider area in which you can select and pick up loot. scavenging loot outside the inventory is just a tedious inconvenience

    26) better balance between the two looting techniques. (inventory/vicinity - direct)

    27) better control over "placing loot in your vicinity"
    28) option to use already emptied cans to refill with fresh water, as long as they are in the players hands. returning the can to the inventory spills all its content.

    29) contents of damaged bottles/canteens shall decrease over time; use of duct tape may inhibit this though
    30) bind loot rate/availability to amount of active players on server. The more players on a server the more (special) loot. a "soft" way to prevent "gearing up on empty, private servers"
    31) option to "push open" certain (random) doors of shacks/buildings, may it be using only the body or by using tools (crowbar), adds noises and a new trade-off option

    32) looting of containers (cupboards, fridges, lockers, etc); action menu shows "loot xyz" when cursor points to container. 5-10s animation that indicates looting process -> random loot added into the vicinity window of inventory.
    Several pros: you don't have to actually spawn the loot into the world as long as nobody searches for it. effectively more items available for gamers but without the corresponding load for the server. slower pace in scavenging (already rushing through buildings in current builds)

    33) randomly pre-close/open doors in chernarussian world. else you'd immediately see if place has been already looted.

    34) many already open the inventory and run through buldings to effectively loot them. please do something against that. it ruins the whole scavenging aspect of the game.

    35) directly drinking from water pumps (and being infected with a disease) leads to infecting the pump as well. this means drinking from a pump is not automatically a bullet-proof way to safely consume water.

    36) swamps are just "ankle-deep" at most (at least on the south coasts)! is this supposed to be a swamp then?! change something about that

    37) head-torch: option to turn on/off head torch the same way as the normal headlight(pressing F for action menu etc..)

    38) don't allow to carry weapons on the back, if there is no backpack available. one should carry it in one'S hands then. (http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/884128903808595262/261B436D89B9479ABF4E8FED353500699E10DF3C/)

    39) add broken glass inside and outside of all those broken windows (maybe even a certain noise-pattern later on?) (http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/884128903808599515/BC04F02C22C82048FF53738B20E146281CD5322B/)

    40) opening cans with tools should degrade quality of said tools (exception: can opener)

    41) blood bags should be useless after quite some time. using fresh (cool) water to keep blood bags cool (and regular replacement with fresh water)??

    42) server hopping/farming etc. ideas:
    .) time-dependent volatile inventory (captured items will be saved only after X amount of time on the server)
    .) increasing spawn-radius dependent on time spent on previous server.

    43) how about pools/open barrels etc... filled with water (due to rain) in populated areas (such as towns), therefore less water pumps/wells in towns. In contrast to this, add more water pumps to farms and homesteads!

    44) using a scope should blind (blur) out the surroundings. the fov through the scope is the same as right/left of it. this doesn't make any sense.

    45) zooming with RMB should be inhibited altogether. it just doesn't make any sense. sure everyone uses it but it would add to the supsense, being not able to zoom in to investigate one's surroundings.

    46) bug patterns on forest-floors?

    47) cobwebs in some scenes.

    48) keep food in hands after eating. it's annoying that you always have to reselect the food item in your inventory, after eating from it.

    49) place last used items again in hands after using the ladder. it's annoying that you always have to reselect the item in your inventory, after using the ladder.

    50) think about existing garages and sheds: will vehicles be able to park in them?

    51) add new status to distinguish between "destroyed" and "spoilt". e.g. rags can hardly be destroyed by gun-shots however spoilt easily.

    52) add ingame possibility to see the actual server one is playing at (like in the menu).

    53) add possibility to arrange serverlist history chronologically.

    54) calm down/mute wildlife while it is raining and storming heavily

    55) add patterns of shards of glass in most houses

    56) expand the idea and mechanic of berry-picking on ground textures

    57) server-browser: implement a timer which counts down to signal if it is safe to join a server or if you would get wiped due to server-hopping countermeasures. also to show you how long you would need to wait to actual spawn into the game.

    58) server-browser: add mechanic and button to report servers immediately

    59) bananas: tbh i eat such bananas which are referred to as "rotten" in this game, maybe a change of textures to be really completely rotten may be a thing.(http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/162954-what-dayz-also-needs-to-be-even-more-realistic/?p=2209798)

    60) item: bricks (can be found in those construction sites)

    61) rope(cloth) + knife + rifle = weapon sling; being able to carry a rifle over one's shoulder ONLY if you have sling, else you'd need to carry it in your hands

    62) settlement NE of Lopatino needs some work (with train station) thw whole location doesn't seem to make much sense. why would there be a train station? however Lopatino is somewhat near, but has no access?

    63) all smaller objects shouldn't have a visible number for their quantity as long as you wouldn't "inspect" them. humans are only able to "immediately" perceive quantities of objects if their count isn't greater or equal to 5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subitizing

    64) if anyhow possible: mechanic and animation to overcome chest-high obstacles (e.g. platforms on railway stations or loading zones in the supermarket) it's unbelieveably annoying and adds to that clunkiness of the game, we all would love to experience less.

    65) physics-related: consider angular momentum when throwing items.atm it looks weird when you throw something (minecraft-like). objects shouldn't remain "stable" in the air until they hit something.
    By throwing there should already be some kind of inertia to the object

    66) only certain objects and loot can be taken into hands. consider to expand the number of objects you can carry in your hands (backpacks, clothing, helmets). It would be very useful to carry certain objects rom A to B at times.

    67) considering children's bags, how about messenger bags or shoulder bags or even sea/kit bags.

    68) bows:
    ashwood -> simple longbow
    hazelnut -> weak children's bow
    yew wood -> effective and best possible longbow /shortbow
    elm wood -> simple "ancient" bow

    with animals: also use tendons to reinforce bows

    69) consider smaller mammals that can make really eerie sounds at night like hedgehogs, badgers or even squirrels.

    70) consider, in addition to buckshot shells also birdshot shells. to get more/any useable meat from birds and smaller mammals one would need these.

    71) consider some "fresh" spawning places for loot such as: in kennels, on windowsills, in bins

    72) take burning log from fireplace = weapon/torch (should have a highly deterrent effect upon animals)

    73) ashes as loot. ashes + water = disinfectant paste and also a camo painting. it also serves as ideal insect/bug repellant

    74) placing rocks/stones into the fire heats them to use them for medical treatment and/or as a source of warmth for a short hike/walk.

    75) kitchenfoil as loot. you could cook basically anything wrapped in foil and you could build nice conspiracy-hats

    ad 75) kitchenfoil (or alternatively space blankets)

    - an alternative to cook meals without the use of pans or pots

    - ability to create reflective surfaces

    - coat: stops the loss of heat

    - tinfoil hat

    76) zippos as robust source to ignite the fire

    77) fireplace + ammo = explosions (distraction?)

    78) shovel + fireplace = dead fireplace
         fire extinguisher + fireplace = dead fireplace

    79) boil (salt-)water (+ herbs) for inhalation purposes (treating colds)

    80) use (special) stones/rocks to sharpen blades, sharp edges such as knives, axes, hatchets etc.

    81) add sounds to the piano if you hit it with a bullet or a melee weapon

    82) use axe with shovel, other axe, pitchfork etc to create stakes/poles

    83) matches are useless when you and your inventory are "soaked"

    84) consider tinder fungus ingame to be used as tinder to start fires

    85) a used flare shouldn't go right back in your inventory. trying to do so should be restricted or should destroy the container (bottom,top, backpack etc.)

    86) add several different stages for craftable objects - proper workflows with proper time consumption: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/29x6tm/suggestion_adding_several_different_stages_for/

    87) other chars as well as zeds should generate visible breath (vapor) (bug report: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=13703 )

    88) when soaked, you shouldn't be able to fire matches, flares, wood etc. from your inventory

    89) mute or at least tone down enivronmental sounds while it's raining (heavily).

    ad 89) more effects from (heavy) rain:

    - environmental sounds should be almost muted (no birds, no wind, no anything besides rain)

    - loud sounds on metal surfaces/ inside of buildings /cars etc.

    - AI shall also seek shelter: deer/kettle etc. in barns, infected in buildings etc.

    - easier to creep up on animals or zeds due to the noise of heavy rain

    - flammable items shall get a "downtime" if soaked or just wet, such as kindlings, paper, matches, steel wool, etc...

    90) if it rains heavily you might find worms also without the use of a hoe or shovel

    91) duct tape insta-fixes every ruined item into at least very badly damaged or even into damaged state. (wasting all of it in the process)

    92) being able to "use" stone with running vehicle's gas pedal

    93) deer antlers as loot -> possibility for deadly traps later on

    94) chance to find a worm in apples or the like.

    95) shirt + 3 small stones = melee weapon

    96) allow "searching for things" even with an object present in your hands

    97) add a situational "take" and a "dump" button in the "inspect" menu

    98) dynamically de/increasing sprinting speed (especially regarding inclines):

    especially uphill the current situation is completely unrealistic. Depending on the surface and the height-map your char constantly switches between (if sprint-button is pressed) sprinting, jogging and walking which does not only look somewhat ridiculous but is also highly problematic in typical fight or flight scenarios due to the abrupt and unpredictable change.
    therefore i suggest:
    dynamically decreasing speed according to the height-map so that there are no binary steps between sprinting and jogging but a more fluent transition between the two.

    might also be influenced by:

    - footwear

    - weather

    - stamina and/or health

    99) dynamically forced sounds when colliding with stationary/static objects:

     - when colliding with chain-link fence,

     - when colliding with tables/chairs,

     - when bumping into a static car,

     - when bumping into these stone walls (maybe even with visuals: small stones rumbling down etc.),

     - when bumping into a door,

     - when jumping into hay,

     - etc.

    specific sounds these static objects would make when hit somehow by a player or AI.

    100) hay hook:

     - should be able to be used to move hay balls around

     - also to move them onto the cargo area of a vehicle

    101) wading animations for water higher than ankle/knee/waist

    102) barrel + green spray-paint + ghillie suit + knife/cutter/pliers = makeshift hunting blind

    103) cell phones:
    since you can have and maintain a more or less functional local network by yourself and the fact that there are certain brands which also come with built-in walkie-talkie functionality you would also have a device with additional possibilities:

    - flashlight (including morse-functionality)

    - camera functionality

    - peer to peer wifi

    - bluetooth

    - NFC (being able to flash an app with simple UID on your device for high-tech base-access only :P)

    - very few apps such as offline maps even?



    104) -Heracleum sosnowskyi-
    can cause photosensitivity and burns and even blindness if untreated.

    105) stove top espresso makers

    106) ignite fires via use of cattle prod and/or taser

    107) metal wire + battery -> makeshift-igniter
         suggestion: fireplace kit + battery + wire = burning fire

    108) be able to harvest lense(s) from (badly) damaged scopes/binoculars

    109) use lenses to create a fire:
         suggestion: scopes/binocular lense(s) + fireplace kit + 10 ingame minutes
                     at daytime in clear sky

    110) destroying benches via "small object interaction" leads to [melee weapon] plank with protruding nails

    111) batteries explode if exposed to blunt force/fire

    112) inflammable hay bales

    113. creaking sound when walking on wooden floor of some older buildings

    114. small props such as anthills, bee hives, cob webs, wasp nests, for a more "nature took it back" vibe.



  3. 1 hour ago, Sqeezorz said:

     In certain situations the server is trying to delete an object that is no longer there and, while trying to find it, it is scanning the whole map. 

    As you can see with what consistency a program works ....

    SERVER TO BE: I have an order, and I will do it now ... no matter what the knocking players at the entrance want,  Battleye send the players home ... I'll contact you when I find the can of beans.  BE TO SERVER: Ok, chief i do it.

    This is devlopment in reality, hard and heartfelt.

    Thumb up.

    sounds as if a game with sw like BE has to somehow have mechanisms in place to counteract the black box behavior that is BE in the context of the game. Not sure if it is actually more a white box to developer studios.

  4. yeah need to warm this topic up again.


    the latest shown gifs/videos in their experimental update show how much these puppet faces may distract from a proper interaction with another char. it sure destroys the immertion quite a bit.

    Here the Feature Request in the Feedback tracker.



    In the examples below you can see why some basic examples need to happen eventually. the chars look like from a decade ago w/o any form of facial expressions.
    maybe start with blinking and later squinting when having heavy weather or when having dusky/dawny light.

    maybe basic good mood (fit and healthy) expression, basic bad mood expression (wounded) or focused expression (aiming, shooting).

    maybe it's possible to make the eyes follow one's mouse cursor, so that others see what/where you are looking at.







  5. On 28.2.2018 at 10:12 PM, Sumrak said:


    since you're posting here. thanks for the very interesting interview you gave recently.

    also thanks for implementing a football stadium in elektro and red-light district in cherno, much appreciated :P

    but on a very different note... i recently thought - again - about the addition of small environmental objects such as bee or wasp hives, anthills, molehills or cobwebs. all small additions that could enhance not only the general environment but also the objects to be used to add more variety in how to portray the abondenment of societies in villages and towns.

    just food for thought.

  6. 2 hours ago, sausagekingofchicago said:

    Eye zoom is a requirement for this game. There is no way around it.

    Shirley, you can't be serious. I very much agree that it's easy to get used to and rely on it but i do not think that it is a requirement. there can be other ways i strongly believe.


    1 hour ago, OneStep said:

    Nice video, cannot wait for 0.63.

    About the abillity to manually zoom:
    It is not supernatural at all - in real life you are able to see things way better in the distance than in games, that is because you try to fit "insert your fov" onto a screen that is not big enough to simulate that amount of fov properly - so it gets scaled accordingly.
    Talking about fov, people that use higher fovs (because they like to or get headaches otherwise) will suffer with the loss of this feature as the problem of pixel hunting gets worse the higher your fov is set to - the zooming feature is a great way to counteract that issue. You also mentioned tying zoom to the holding breath feature like most games do - however, this is really annoying and a bad design decision as holding breath is temporary (constantly having to wait for the abillity is annoying duh) and people do not always want to zoom when holding their breath - that would essentially make the zoom feature less dynamic.

    And please, do not make any zoom effect/fov change when going into iron sights mode - many games do that making CQB really useless when trying to aim down sights.
    Best way to deal with it is the same way bohemia games have always done it, letting the user manually change it by using his zoom buttons.

    How about an automatically initated dynamic zoom for when you stop, stand still and stare into the distance for x seconds. This triggers your dynamic zoom mode and you can carefully watch with enhanced vision, a movement or  a cooldown after y seconds (decreasing focus) and you are out, the view goes back to normal...?

    It makes sense to somehow reward the use of ingame objects like binos 

    • Like 2

  7. 2 hours ago, Baty Alquawen said:


    Man... the wait is really gruesome and i really never ever want to see a game so long in early access, but your engine has really come a long way. i am not sure if i speak for many but i think this is very relieving footage for anyone (still or again) interested in this game.


    2 hours ago, Baty Alquawen said:

    Anyway, now when that dynamic zoom is currently missing, we can start asking questions: is it really needed? How does it contribute to gameplay? What are the pros and cons? Eye zoom is kind of a long-term trademark of Bohemia Interactive games, the same way as the free look being independent on character movement. Simulation of mid to long range engagement wouldn’t be possible without such feature, as fluid, on demand changing of field of view from wide to correct perspective is needed there, typically for observing your surroundings and during gunfights. Without it, characters are just small group of pixels in distance, and probably no-one enjoys pixel hunting.

    On the other hand, we know that in the case we gave the player character some supernatural abilities, we would lower the importance of items which should be used in such situations, like binoculars or scopes (which can be used even while not mounted on a weapon). Currently, these have very limited use among players, as naked eye zoom (or focus if you want to call it like that) is enough for them to observe environment.

    Also, there is a bit of a problem with continuous switching of object LODs and textures, which puts additional pressure on the CPU/GPU. While this would still be the case with binos and scopes as well, these changes to FOV are instant and not continuous. Missing eye zoom will lead to bringing player engagements to much closer distances - and that’s the most important thing in DayZ - player interactions.

    Final decision hasn't been made yet - personally, I’m inclined to keeping this feature in the game, but even in the worse case scenario, aiming down sights will maintain correct perspective (with a bit of added zoom while holding breath to simulate focus), to avoid aforementioned pixel hunting during gunfights.

    Was one of the people opposed to the magnifying eye since i can think of and somewhat still are, i also expect to see some sort of soft trade-off for the people in favor of that feature to be implemented. So here a simple proposal just off the top of my head:

    Remove the dynamic zoom BUT use spots or dashes (in various degrees of e.g. opacitiy) to indicate moving objects in the distance which might be only revealed with the dynamic zoom feature otherwise....but might be too complicated for what it actually adds to the table. :D

  8. @Sumrak you speak in your Q&A about how shuffled interiors or more variety in interiors were an option. Has there already gone some work into that concept? It sounds to be a quite reasonable idea with (hopefully) minimized effort.

    I do also think about two concrete examples which were shown to us over the last years:

    procedural color changes


    and small object interaction


    So i guess both mechanics could also be applied to buildings and their interiors? 

    • Like 3

  9. 2 hours ago, Sumrak said:

    Not sure about cobwebs - how those would look in the environment with the current tech we have, but hornet nests and anthills is something that is definitely doable. We will see - as mentioned, work on upgrading the environment definitely does not end with .62, we will do our best to make the environment of Chernarus best we can in given time :) Just to give you an example - I would personally want to see more signs of forest harvesting - fences for the clearings with young trees, piles of branches and cut tree stumps.

    interesting. so can we also expect harvesters then :P?


    On a different note: the overhaul has blown more then some fresh air into chernarus but what is still missing is that:


    would also endorse the recent discussion about that at reddit


    • Like 1

  10. On 31.5.2017 at 1:29 PM, OneStep said:

    But I personally think that the way you want picking up objects to be (Big prompt popping up telling PRESS F TO PICK UP) is really immersion breaking, even more so than the current "inventory strafing over objects" method.
    And please, never do item glowing/highlighting - that would be even worse imo. (The less ui and artificial visual aid the better, best way of doing that would be to make everything optional so that all players are satisfied)


    On 31.5.2017 at 4:15 PM, OliverPlotTwist said:

    I have to disagree with you here. I find the "inventory strafing over objects" method way more immersion breaking. I shouldn't need to open my inventory every time I want to check a car for loot. Sure, the prompt they are using right doesn't look great but I'm sure that is just temporary while they get it working.

    have to agree with@OliverPlotTwist here. it's a bit like seeing someone playing PokemonGo. players become literal zombies when they scavenge with their inventories open. It's really just an exploit due to the fact that the game has up to now a somewhat broken loot-spawn system. loot spawns in objects or under them and in all kind of places. In a way you are forced to do the ol' 'ventory scavengeroo at times.

    @OneStep what you also have to consider is the fact that you make a mockery out of the night and dark lighting in general. You can and will simply cheat away this impairment by using the inventory all the way. Have you ever seen someone take out a torch or chemlight and crouch to look for loot under a table or chair during night? Me neither...

    On 31.5.2017 at 4:21 PM, kopo79 said:

    "vicinity search" should be taken off but this new system should be like that your cursor should be precise on top of the item to show any info.not automatically move on item.
    in that gif,it looks like that cursor  moves automatically on top of the item

    or maybe when your cursor is little aside from the item,info is shown almost transparent.the more close your cursor is on item,more clear the info comes.

    I think the whole idea of this implementation IS to get a way from as @PeterNespesny said a "pixel-hunt" for loot. It makes life so much easier. it also adds a natural sense of peripheral awareness which was - before VR - not really possible to adequately reproduce in games.
    think about that scenario in real life:
    do you go to a door and have to look and focus precisely on the door handle in order to get that thing open? no, your peripheral awareness tells you where to place your hand. You might need a quick look to analyze the type of door handle to figure out if you have to turn a knob or push a handle.

    Now look at the gif below


    That's exactly what i just described above: look at the handle (more or less) and then "peripheral awareness" sets in; you can move your cursor some way off the handle into the door and still open it. imo it makes sense in both ways: take away a certain clunkiness and enable ease of use and enable a sense of realism by adding a certain amount of peripheral awareness.


    • Like 4

  11. On 30.5.2017 at 7:36 PM, Baty Alquawen said:

    @PeterNespesny - "Maybe you are wondering now, why we just simply didn't apply highlighting to items and objects? Apart from highlights being quite artificial and also immersion breaking, they are not solving one of the problems mentioned above - frequent necessity to pixel hunt with your center of the screen."

    @Sumrak- "Many of the existing locations on Chernarus increased in detail drastically and while the new vegetation assets are much better optimized than the old ones, it will still most likely end up with the same or slightly decreased performance."

    @Andrej - "There is an audio recording session planned for next month where we're gonna record new sounds for players, as well as infected."

    To all of these some input from my pov:

    @PeterNespesny the current implementation seems to be as - if not even more - immersion breaking as a "simple" highlighting contour. One idea could be something like your implementation but only just appearing briefly and then quickly fading away into obscurity. the best thing to describe it maybe is something as you saw in Heavy Rain:


    Of course not so pronounced, and far more subtle. The notification could then look more like a thought or an impulse to trigger further action of the player character. In addition I would keep the notifications on a somewhat basic level; where it is reasonable: "ammo", "firearm", "weapon", "fruit", "food"... for most items. In any case, this addition will ease alot of pain in many scenarios such as opening and closeing doors while in a hurry...

    @Sumrak you speak of increased detail and new vegetation. quick question there: does this also include smaller props similar to - let's say - fungi? from the top of my head: hornet's/wasp's nests, anthills, scalable cobwebs even..?

    @Andrej i would really consider to give zeds a real human feel. heavy breathing, unintelligible mumbling and babbling, crazy giggling, sudden clear moments: "Son, is that you?!", crying and moaning in agony, shrieking and screaming from pain and aggression, smooth and rapid transitions into different moods.


    • Like 4

  12. 4 hours ago, Sam Eastick said:

    With the changes to how forests will look, are there any plans to go in and make the forest feel denser. Before the trees were all spread apart and you could see straight through. It would be nice to see some forests, maybe north-west corner of the map, be an actual struggle to manoeuvre with trees and logs and shrubs everywhere


    O_o it doesn't hurt to dream, does it?


    • Like 3

  13. hej thanks for the opportunity!

    1. Given the time and resources, do you think rivers (moving or running bodies of water) will find their way into the engine, eventually? 
    2. Given the time and resources, do you think having and creating cave/mining/underground systems will find their way into the engine, eventually?
    3. Have you ever thought about randomizing certain places and areas with different sceneries upon one or more server-restarts? Kinda like how cars or helo-crashes spawn but maybe on a bit wider scale?
      e.g. a certain road passage, once being blocked with fallen trees, then again with a random crash of one or more vehicles, then again spawning with roadworks.
      or e.g. a church, once locked with dead piles of bodies inside, then again with an abandoned camp, etc.
    4. Do you plan to breath more life (pun) into your coastal villages, towns and harbors? They are predestined for all kinds of eerie sceneries but have remained lackluster for the most part so far.
      Like the small "fisher village" of Skalisty Island? Aren't we supposed to smell the fish there when walking between its shacks and cottages?
      I'd think about all kinds of stuff, such as abondoned piers, small fishing boats narrowly strung together, piles of fishing nets... soo much good stuff :)
    • Like 4

  14. i always thought about a threefold division of the animation-trees for players and also their interaction with the environment:

    slow/quiet <-> normal <-> hasty/noisy

    So you offer basically three options to every interaction leading to different reactions and implications of/to the environment/npcs - too simplify it dramatically: one animation but with three different speed-multipliers, say x0.5, x1 and x2

    Where would you see 

    1. ) the feasibility of something like that in regards to the current phase/state of the project and the engine?
    2. ) theoretical limitations and downsides?
    3. ) practical limitations and downsides?

  15. hej,

    will also take the chance to list some points from the reddit wiki: feel free to share thoughts, feelings, emotions, confirmations (negative or positive ones) and or anecdotes regarding animations concerning...



    • Sneezing and Coughing
    • Urinating and pooping
    • Tripping (if you get to close to something/run too fast down/uphill it may trip your character)
    • Throwing your old weapon down when picking up a new one
    • Dancing
    • Using other players as a human shield
    • Opening inventory (remove backpack to access, put backpack back on when done)
    • Opening and reading map, making it obvious for second/third parties
    • Holstering pistol animation (if different holsters available)
    • Animations for the various medical applications
    • Imitate zeds a.k.a zombie-walk
    • Fake death
    • Rolling onto your back like this
    • Ability to slide down ladders
    • contextual animations when pressing "V" to do more than just a simple vault, such as climb short walls
    • The "Slav Squat"
    • Commo Rose to bring up the various animations.
    • using the pump handle at the well


  16. 15 minutes ago, AviX said:

    Are u guys planning to add more predators?

    like Bears. i would love to see bears too :)

    Maybe also some weather effects like snow. then the white clothes would be epic :)

    can you take at least some time and read title and op's post (or even the 2nd which is from the person who's going to answer our questions), please?

    • Like 2

  17. hi and thanks for the opportunity:

    • the world of chernarus becomes more and more detailled and inhabited with wildlife but what still is missing is also an environment that feels alive
      • are we ever going to see static objects getting their generic (or player/npc triggered) animations or animation trees?
        • flags waving and flapping, wind turbines/wheels rotating in the wind with corresponding intensity
        • shrubbery trees moving when npcs and chars stride through them
        • chain-link fences moving when a char hits them etc.
        • generic animations of static objects' getting destroyed (fence --> fence slightly damaged --> fence heavily damaged --> fence destroyed)
        • etc.
    • team/dual animations and animation trees
      • animation can be (conditionally) triggered by one person and a second might be able/needed to accept/decline the animation trigger
        • helping each other over a fence
        • carry person
        • carry heavy loot with another person
        • etc.
    • can you (BI) imagine to provide a very rudimentary animation(-tree) editor at some point down the line, to allow easy access for modders?
    • will doors always just open wide and loot just disappear from the vicinity and appear in our inventory...
      • ...or will we see a hand reaching to a door pushing/pulling or a hand reaching to an item/container and putting it in the backpack?
    • will we at some point have animations to allow the interaction with e.g. this fence (destruction, deconstruction, climbing)


    • Like 1

  18. a thought recently crossed my mind regarding "gamma level adjustments".

    dynamically changing rendering-distance (rd) roughly based on non-artificial factors such as

    • time of the day
    • cloudiness and
    • lunar phase.

    You drastically limit the rd - i.e. for dynamic objects and characters (players, npcs, dynamically spawning loot and player built/set-up constructions) - based on these three variables above.
    Now you add artificial factors (light sources) into the calculation:

    • lamps
    • fire
    • torches
    • muzzle flash
    • chemlights

    Depending on the present sources of artificial light and their distance and/or intensity regarding to your character the rd is readjusted dynamically.
    This means you absolutely need artifical light sources at night or in dark places in order to see loot or other npcs or players

    possible downsides:

    • engine related and therefore no chance to see that as it's far too much work to change rendering on such a level
    • too taxing on server load
    • guaranteed min. lag between rd-distance switches too high and therefore unacceptable for the game experience
    • how to resolve dark interiors, like basements or rooms w/o windows still an open topic here

    cheers anyway :D
