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About victusmortuus

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    Every newspawn is like a newly hatched sea turtle trying to survive. The coast is rough, and many little turtles die.

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  1. Just a basic question. I don't mind locks on bases but I'd hope that there are no silly locks on vehicles like there are in Epoch.
  2. victusmortuus

    Third person being worked on

    I personally think it's fine how it is and that it shouldn't be changed so let's hope the Dayz devs don't do something stupid.
  3. victusmortuus

    Third person being worked on

    Your whole point goes up in smoke after you said that :rolleyes: What a ridiculous statement.
  4. victusmortuus

    Third person being worked on

    I agree, why do we 'have' to play FP all of a sudden? If we don't want to we shouldn't have to and TPP provides that choice.
  5. victusmortuus

    Third person being worked on

    I'll just never understand why 1PP players don't play their first person servers, it's been this way since the mod. Devs/modders made 1PP servers, 1PP don't have enough numbers or don't care enough to play them, so why do you want to change the entire game just to suit your needs? What about the players like me who like the TPP how it is and don't feel it needs to be changed for a small minority. I imagine most TPP players in Dayz would rather the game just stayed how it was.
  6. victusmortuus

    Third person being worked on

    I'd rather it was kept how it is, it's what I personally like and I imagine others do aswell, for the people who want it changed there is always FP. I'd rather they concentrated their efforts elsewhere.
  7. victusmortuus

    What do you guys think of Vanilla Dayz?

    The Days of Dayz being about banding together with randoms and killing zeds was rare in its hayday so I don't expect it to ever happen now. If you want the buggy Zombies to do this much damage and stuff then fair enough but it's a shame as my group of friends wont play because they're more frustrating than a challenge.
  8. victusmortuus

    What do you guys think of Vanilla Dayz?

    I've owned a server and I have no intention of going back to that again, too many hackers and what not. I actually did use the search function but nothing came up about Zombies for this patch as I said in the PM to you I just think the Zombies how they are seem a little 'too strong' when you take into account their very glaring issues which I'm sure every Dayz player worth their salt would agree with. I'm not sure if it'd be % based when you code them but I'd love for their some compromise between how they are now and how I personally feel they should be.
  9. victusmortuus

    What do you guys think of Vanilla Dayz?

    It's a bit silly to compare Dayz to real life since Zombies don't exist.. Also in TWD Zombies don't bug out and run around so there's also that. I don't play the Standalone because it's very unfinished and the fact you have 25 posts and come across as if you're Frankie is a little funny to say the least.
  10. victusmortuus

    NMG, the last hardcore Epoch server trailer

    Does this server have locked cars with keys?
  11. victusmortuus

    DayZ Mod 1.8.3 FeedBack

    I honestly think you guys went too far with the Zombies since we all know they're completely broken then making them hit harder and hit often from the side is kind of illogical from a gameplay perspective, they also seem to spawn way more than they used too.
  12. victusmortuus

    What do you guys think of Vanilla Dayz?

    I thought at first it was my own fault and that I'd forgot how to play with proper Zombies (I played Epoch/Arma 3 for ages) but the more I played the more I noticed how bad it was. The Zombies in Dayz are broken, this is something we all know about so it confuses me when they buff them to the state they're in as it makes them more broken. However nobody seems to be on this forum to stand against the recent updates like they were in the past, Razor wont change this either according to a few regular Vanilla players I met.
  13. Well this thread was moved to the pit which is the mod forum so I expect 1-2 replies :emptycan: :emptycan: I hope this doesn't get moved to the barren wasteland that is the mod forum as there's no discussion to be had there, so if a mod is reading this.. please give it a chance here. I've been playing Vanilla Mod for the past 3-4 days now and it's incredible how different it is and that's not a good thing as it seems Razor has tried to do things that the Standalone has (Broken Axes after use, Hunting Knife degrades) just things that step into the un-fun part of a video game. Then we have the Zombies in the mod which spawn three every time you go near an enterable building, they also hit you for anywhere between 1-3000 blood which is crazy considering how broken they are. Do I stand alone with these issues or do people either not care that the mod has gone a strange path or do you enjoy this style of play?
  14. We don't like the zombies in Dayz because they are quite honestly shit, if they manage to fix them then it'll be good.