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About azgoodaz

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    On the Coast

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    Florida, USA
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    Gaming, Swimming, Airsoft

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  1. azgoodaz

    0.63 Experimental Release Check list

    DayZ finally back in it's prime with .63? All the game needs now is Mod support so that Exile, etc can pop up for .63 and make DayZ active again on both YouTube and Twitch.
  2. "but development does not work in the way you imagine it to in a decently organised studio." Organzied, but you guys only release once a week updates? From how I see it, all the devs on the team are losing hope and passion for the game they made. They either need to let go some of the people or hire some new people.
  3. What was the gif suppose to be in response to? "Haters gonna Hate"? How I'm I hating the game? I'm stating the facts that most people are scared to write in a discussion post. No one wants to have a voice, so I took it into my own hands and had my voice heard for my point of view on how the game is standing at the moment.
  4. I'm not one that criticize's early access games but can you please release more daily or weekly updates? I've heard from people that you guys are creating a 'new engine' for DayZ SA because with Arma 2.5 it just has FPS, desync, and server bugs/glitches (dont quote me on that). From that being said, any ETA on that release? Are you even working on it or are you waiting for the "Beta" release? Which lets face it, DayZ SA is still in very early alpha stage, where its not even near early Beta. Since the day DayZ Mod has been created and released a trend of zombie games came out. And now a trend for mmo zombie games are now coming out. Yes, there will still be there "true" DayZ fan base that will still play the game. But if you guys can release more daily or weekly updates rather than just one a week, then people can have a little more hope for the game. For example, H1Z1... since the release of that game they are on non stop train at releasing updates almost everyday.. if not every other day because of delays from bugs/glitches. And also how about interacting with the community a bit more on Facebook, Twitter, etc..? Answer simple but in-depth questions that people ask you guys. With that being said also, STOP MAKING USELESS ITEMS! For example, clothes? Why are you creating them if people arent even going to use them? Rather than having 5 guys work on clothes, how about putting them to work on the 'new engine' or even working on game/server side issues with FPS, desync, and server bugs/glitches. Devs, if you are reading this. Put more effort into this game that you guys built from a Mod to a full standalone game. If you dont have any passion for this game, why are you working on it in the first place?
  5. Not everyone has really great internet to have the VOD load in 4 minutes and it lags quite a bit. So I was wondering, how about posting the VOD's on Rocket's YouTube channel or even on the DayZ Official YouTube channel? And also with Twitch's 15 - 30 day rule, the VOD's wont be saved forever on that site. Thanks, azgoodaz
  6. From a Rezzed session in 2012 from EuroGamer (Youtube Channel). Dean Hall (Rocket) menioned this in his slideshow, showing off what DayZ the website and game could be like. And Yes, I know Rocket is busy with fixing bugs, glitches and adding new things in. Im just wondering, if this is still going to be a part on the DayZ site or forums? Looking at the Website/Forum aspect from image: - Fully Intergrated System - Statistics - Manage your character/clan online Looking at the Profiles aspect from image: - Personal Records (Longest Survived, Longest Distance, Most Zombies Killed, Most Bandits Killed, Most Murders) - Profile public or private setting - Public/Private settings for all the Personal Records Website/Forum Intergration: http://i.imgur.com/gJDde5X.png Profiles Image: http://i.imgur.com/wWbrNXg.png If you want to watch it on Youtube: http://youtu.be/lAXqwewejwU?t=7m36s
  7. App Name: DayZ Central Price: Free Also DayZ Central (Map Pack) which has Celle, Fallujah, Isla Duala, Lingor Island, Namalsk, Oring, Panthera Island, Sahrani, Takistan, Taviana, Thirsk, Utes and Zargabad Features: Loot Database - Full and regularly updated database containing all Vehicles, Weapons and Equipment within DayZ HD Map of Chernarus - High Resolution map of Chernarus with a Coordinates display and Go To/Share position functions Waypoint Markers - Add markers as points of interest, give them a title, and save them Community Maps - All available community made and ported Maps (Downloadable via Map Pack) Search - Search through each section within the Database Various Guides - Including Weapons Comparison, Sniper Correction Tables and Game Controls App link for DayZ Central: https://play.google....u.dayz&hl=en_GB App link for DayZ Central Map Pack: https://play.google...._from_developer
  8. 1) Good: Being able to hide or duck the players head in the Swamps water and camouflage yourself with the surroundings from Players or Zombies. Also with 1) Bad: Side-part of being in the swamps occasionally Alligators might spawn in and eat you. 2) Being able to hide loot in Holes in Trees for example the bird/owl nesting holes. 3) Being able to hide in the wooden cabinets and hide from players and also zombies and maybe do a sneak attack if player has combat knife eqquip and to slice the players throat. 4) In the Stoves and Microwaves being able to find Cooked meat or Raw meat or even food within the Appliances. 5) Dramatic Weather, maybe in which to move your hands back and forth to keep warm for a few minutes so you can find a jacket or heatpack. 6) Wearing Certain items for example a jacket will keep you warm, if you have a hat or helmet on and its hot it keeps you cool.
  9. I think it would be a great idea in which to create a App for the DayZ Standalone game in which it can track your zombie kills, Muders , Respawn ''x'' amount of times.. etc. Another cool feature within the app would be if it can track your player in real time with hunger, Thirst, Bones and more. The app would need a sleek, smooth, but easy to use Interface for the users. I think this app would be veryful for players that want to see their stats and maybe even compare with other friends. What do you guys think about it? If you need to contact me about anything I respond the fastest at my twitter.. Twitter: @azgoodaz