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About leviski

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    Orlok's House
  • Interests
    Eating Tea and Crumpets with Orlok in my basement.

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  1. I have recommended this game to countless people, and literally out of the last 5 that have bought this game after I convinced them that it was worth every penny, have had the same problem. Distorted Resolution and graphical settings off the get go. And each time I had to walk them through how to fix the resolution to work with their computer/monitor. This should really be fixed because If this happens to newcomers how many people want to look up guides and work with hidden config files to fix something that should work right off the get go. Now I don't know if this happens to everyone but the last few people that I've gotten to buy the game literally had this problem where the resolution was off, and the scaling and settings were wonky upon installation and launching. And its been a thing since at least .45? Either way its been a problem for a very long time.
  2. leviski

    Weapon Changes

    Ive been away for a bit. why is the LRS being removed?
  3. leviski

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Anything and everything is trade fodder, most people in my travels trade in a currency of bandages, or food. You can get whatever you want for bandages or food. I once traded a guy a can of peaches for a misc amount of mosin ammo, he had a blaze. after trading him he attempted to shoot me which ended in him not having any ammo and getting wasted. Pretty fun playing as a trader.
  4. leviski

    look at that view..

    Chuga-Chuga-Derailed thread
  5. leviski

    I Gave Up On DayZ 0.55 *Humor*

    i LIKE HOW zombies dance when they attack you now. all like "spin kick punch spin punch hit" Its a bit ridiculous lol. Classic DayZ Dev Team -in my best dean hall voice- cant fix something, so they change it in a way for the worse as a quick fix. come on guys this should have never made it out of exp lol.
  6. leviski

    Don't let crafting destroy this game

    Step 1: Shoot Fresh-spawns Step 2: Eat Fresh-spawns Step 3: ???? Step 4: cry yourself asleep at night because you have no freinds and ate human meat thus giving you a metal instability disease Step 5: Commit suicide, and start from step 1
  7. leviski

    Advanced Character customization!

    Did someone say Time until Penis or TUP for short
  8. leviski

    Autorun LUA Script

    Battle eye is a bitch about everything because of all the hacker babies so who knows. a forum moderator probably.
  9. leviski

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    Im saying zombies should not see you better if your wearing bright clothing.
  10. leviski

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    Clothes should never effect visibility
  11. leviski

    Ways to Better the "Gorka" Helmet

    Fun fact GORKA helmets, with visors atached will stop a single bullet to the head as long as it is farther than 30 meters away when shot at you. I took a bullet from a AK101 directly to the head while driving a V3S and went unconscious when I woke up I hauled ass away and checked myself, no damage, no bleeding just a SHITLOAD of shock damage and a ruined helmet. Fun fact 2 Press Vests, and Plate Carriers protect that part of your body, I survived 2 shotgun blasts because of my press vest (which is now ruined) Had alot of fun in .54
  12. leviski

    This needs to be a thing.

    you can tell how someone plays just on what they are wearing in the SA most of the time so....
  13. leviski

    Weapon Sway!

    Also your aim is only shit/sway'ey if 1 you have a broken limb 2. have ran for awhile which you always do in dayz
  14. leviski

    Mosquito/Nat/Fly Sounds. - TAKE THEM OUT.

    Guise it kills his fps by 1 frame plz remove for sake of optimization #removebutterflypollendustyshit