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About fluxley

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  1. fluxley

    My CPU is 180°F (85°C) HOT!

    Hi Justin, sorry about the late reply, haven't been about much lately. Looking at the second image its could be a very tight fit, hard to tell without seeing exactly where the other end of the ruler is, the only way to be sure would be to remove the cooler and measure directly from the cpu to the side panel, or try taking another pic that shows a wider angle. As for arma 3, you should be ok, but might have to keep the settings down low-medium, and pick the servers that you play on wisely, an over loaded server can seriously affect performance.
  2. fluxley

    My CPU is 180°F (85°C) HOT!

    The cooler doesn't come with paste pre applied but its quite easy to remove, dont be tempted to just add a bit more on top of the existing paste, that can lead to tiny air pockets that reduce cooling. I'll link this guide again as it tells you everything you need to know regarding reapplying the paste http://www.maximumpc.com/article/howtos/howto_install_cpu_and_apply_thermal_paste The dimensions for the cooler can be found here http://www.coolermaster.com/cooling/cpu-air-cooler/hyper-212-evo/ Main thing is the height, which it says is 158.5cm, you'll need to take of the side panel and just measure how much room you have from the motherboard to the side panel, add about 8-10mm to account for the raised height of the cpu+socket. I use the fx6300 myself, its a good cpu for the price, but you wont see much difference from the 6100, though it does overclock quite well. As far as dayz is concerned, if thats the only game you have issues with, other than the current overheating problems, then i'd say just stick with the 6100 for now. the game is simply unoptimised currently, but that will change. unless you throw a lot of money at a new cpu you're probably not going to see a huge improvement for now.
  3. fluxley

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    Yeah, same for most people i think, seems the zeds heard we were getting stealth mechanics and thought they'd do the same.
  4. fluxley

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    On concrete wouldn't be hard for people to miss the mines, especially the way most sprint around everywhere. Bear traps are much easier to spot, but put either in a patch of grass and they're pretty well hidden.
  5. fluxley

    My CPU is 180°F (85°C) HOT!

    Get the new cooler, get the temps down and see how it goes before splashing out on a new cpu. The one i linked can be used on a variety of AMD and Intel chips so you'll be able to keep using it no problems if you do upgrade in the future, and no it wont be damaged if the cpu dies.
  6. fluxley

    Side by Side error when starting game.

    Did a quick search and came up with this, http://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01046/ the article isnt related to dayz specifically but may help Or just try searching "side by side configuration is incorrect windows" yourself, there's a few possible solutions by the looks of it.
  7. fluxley

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    Just tested the bear trap myself, had the foresight to make a splint. just wish i hadn't put the splint into my trouser pocket. :rolleyes:
  8. fluxley

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    For kindling i guess
  9. fluxley

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

  10. fluxley

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    I'm feeling sweaty
  11. fluxley

    DayZ why you gotta memory leak?

    Here's a guide for submitting crash reports. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/186540-my-dayz-crashed-what-do-i-do/
  12. fluxley

    My CPU is 180°F (85°C) HOT!

    TMPIN0 on the motherboard, Its the cpu socket temp sensor, and the one that you circled is the individual core temps. Socket temp is showing a little higher than core temp which is normal, but both are running quite hot. I usually go by the socket temp to be on the safe side. Personally i wouldn't be comfortable running at those temps, AMD recommend 70c max, and for long periods you really want it to be around 60c. If you are confident that you applied the thermal paste correctly, (too much can be as bad as too little) then i think you should start looking at improving your cooling. If your cpu cooler looks like this Then its the stock oem cooler and is really no good for gaming, i'd consider a new cooler, the Coolermaster Hyper 212 evo is highly recommended and pretty cheap, though it is quite large so you'd have to check reviews to see if it would fit in your case ok. If you dont want to spend more money right now you can try just improving the air flow of your case, remove the side panel, drive bay covers and see if it makes much difference, i doubt it'll be enough though. but yeah, if your running at those temps the cpu will tend to throttle back when it gets too hot, which will cause your frame rate drops, and could cause permanent damage and instability/crashes.
  13. fluxley

    My CPU is 180°F (85°C) HOT!

    HWMonitor displays two temps for the cpu, the reading you show there can be inaccurate with AMD cpu's, what does the other reading show?
  14. fluxley

    My CPU is 180°F (85°C) HOT!

    That still seems a bit high for that cpu, Really want it to be around 60c to avoid shortening the cpu's lifespan. What are you using to measure the temp? Do you have an aftermarket cooler or just the oem one? take a pic and post it if your not sure. And do you have any other fans in your pc case, more pics would be helpful.
  15. fluxley

    My CPU is 180°F (85°C) HOT!

    There's a lot of different brands of paste out there nowadays, some better than others, I'd say its worth spending a bit more. Look for names like ARCTIC, CoolerMaster, Antec, if not your store should be able to advise you.