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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance in the Mod? Find a medic here!

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Hi, must say sorry as this is my first time posting ever in a forum but i was hoping i could get some help, i am very low on blood and really worried about dying as i have spent many hours into getting all my stuff, sad as it is to say i would like my little man to carry on (and please no dirty remarks! :P) I dont have a mic so Teamspeak is out so can i get some help doing it this way?


I am in Survivor's Haven ( - 3120  Dayz Commander)

I am very low on blood with little sight left tho i do have a blood bag

I am in the middle of nowhere but i do happen to know my co-ords 003056 near center of the block


I really would love any help if there is anyone who fancys giving this poor (slightly older player) a chance to keep kicking, if not then please point me to where i can go.


Thanks for taking the time to read this at any rate

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Leave that server immediately, as you just posted your location and the server you're on. Hop on our Teamspeak and we'll get you sorted, though.





As I read that, it's a private hive. As of this moment, we do not officially support private hives and if you don't find anyone on our TS I'll personally run over there to heal you up. :-)

Edited by kichilron

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Hi there, thanks for getting back to me, :) i may be a tad older but not silly, i am already off the server and waiting for a brave soul to head out and fix me up, the only reason i posted my cords was because i know it was a privte hive and the chances someone would come on just to kill me would be a little insane tho judging by the bandits i have come acrross in my short time on this game i wouldnt put it past them, anyway as i was saying i dont have a mic so i cant really use teamspeak, is there any other way i can do it? and bless you for wanting to help :rolleyes:

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  On 8/22/2013 at 7:44 PM, Jobey said:

Hi there, thanks for getting back to me, :) i may be a tad older but not silly, i am already off the server and waiting for a brave soul to head out and fix me up, the only reason i posted my cords was because i know it was a privte hive and the chances someone would come on just to kill me would be a little insane tho judging by the bandits i have come acrross in my short time on this game i wouldnt put it past them, anyway as i was saying i dont have a mic so i cant really use teamspeak, is there any other way i can do it? and bless you for wanting to help :rolleyes:



Didn't mean to say that. I was just making sure, as it is a safety measure we have to take. It's good that you've been healed. We're currently looking into expanding our medical evac into private hives. So, hold tight everyone and we'll be with you on private hives and different soon as well.

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hi docs..

i need assistance, antibiotics mainly and a transfusion..i went down on blood searching for those pills :-)

i'm a public hive hero (380 days old bush hermit) i hanged a bit on TS but no meds logged in.. i'll retry again, but if we want to manage a rendez vous here i'll be at home next week so...ty in advance.


(if you are over using antibiotics these days, i'll be fine with blood)


i'll wait for 1.8 to test the tent thing..i killed like 3 cows so i'll be fine

Edited by Bludy

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  On 8/24/2013 at 12:37 PM, Bludy said:

hi docs..

i need assistance, antibiotics mainly and a transfusion..i went down on blood searching for those pills :-)

i'm a public hive hero (380 days old bush hermit) i hanged a bit on TS but no meds logged in.. i'll retry again, but if we want to manage a rendez vous here i'll be at home next week so...ty in advance.


(if you are over using antibiotics these days, i'll be fine with blood)


Do you still need help Bludy? I would be happy to help you. Good chances if you are in the South West sector (no antibiotics right now though).

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Hellow fellow survivors,


after an aweful long time of absence I logged back in to find myself in an state of dying, blood against hour glass.


A: maxdoom

B: passes out, running out of blood, broken legs it seems

C: I should still be on this small hill, directly besides the Berezino trainstation, north of the church.

D: Should be normal skin, an AK and lying on the ground unconcious.

Edited by Fractal

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  On 9/1/2013 at 3:12 PM, WargameKlok said:

PMd you

I got fixed up by WargameKlok, thanks to him I escaped death once more. Got Blood and morphine. Pretty nice guy.

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That was fun my friend! This is what DayZ is all about, those small, personalized side missions to help a brotha out in the midst of the zombie apocalypse :) 

(BTW, Fractal, one of those players was there and took a shot at me before I had a chance to log out. I managed to lose him and all is well. )

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  On 9/1/2013 at 5:38 PM, WargameKlok said:

That was fun my friend! This is what DayZ is all about, those small, personalized side missions to help a brotha out in the midst of the zombie apocalypse :)

(BTW, Fractal, one of those players was there and took a shot at me before I had a chance to log out. I managed to lose him and all is well. )


Thank you wargame, you been on our ts before?

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  On 9/1/2013 at 6:15 PM, TMW Se7eN said:

Thank you wargame, you been on our ts before?

Have completed several successful missions for TMW throughout the year while on your TS server. In fact I've probably spoken with you there. I used the teamamerica TS server this time

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Just spoke with WargameKlok on our teamspeak.


Unfortunately the whitelist is kind of out of date now and not being maintained (as Dr Wasteland was the person who owns it).


How ever i have given Wargame the "Trusted" Rank on our teamspeak, he is trust worthy, and even though he does not represent TMW, he certainly is a good freelance medic.


So feel free to request help from him.



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I am new on this forum but not in the game, but a problem accurued. I've been hit by a zombie and he infected me. I dont have any pills and blood, so i can use some help.


A: Disaster.

B: Very low blood level, infection.

C: I am above the tents in Stary Sobor, in the forest. 063074 i guess.

D: Normal male skin, M249Saw in hands and big bag.




Edit. I received help from SoulShaper and Lizard, i can recommend these guys, working really fast and professional. Thank you again.

Edited by sugyn

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A: Your in-game name:  Zurika

B: Your condition/ailments:  Low blood, infected

C: Your location - be specific (include nearest town and coordinates, if possible):  Zelenogorsk, up the main road from the store, in a tall red building

D: A general description of your character (wearing a ghillie suit, hero skin, bandit skin, normal skin, etc.):  Female character, Czech pouch




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Hey, I badly messed up my last trip to North East Airfield... an infected zombie glitches through a wall, hits me and infects me... Unfortunately I forgot my Antibiotics... my tent is around 7km away and I'm pretty low on blood. I would like to ask for your help please.


A: Your in-game name: Jonas

B: Your condition/ailments: pretty low on blood, infected and shaking

C: Your location: I'm exactly at the kind of radio sending tower at the "sniper hill" at North East Airfield,

     exact coordinates are: (129 | 25)

D: A general description of your character: I'm wearing a Ghillie Suit, using an M40A3


I hope somebody can help me soon... :)

Edited by EngineerZ

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  On 9/2/2013 at 7:20 PM, EngineerZ said:

Hey, I badly messed up my last trip to North East Airfield... an infected zombie glitches through a wall, hits me and infects me... Unfortunately I forgot my Antibiotics... my tent is around 7km away and I'm pretty low on blood. I would like to ask for your help please.


A: Your in-game name: Jonas

B: Your condition/ailments: pretty low on blood, infected and shaking

C: Your location: I'm exactly at the kind of radio sending tower at the "sniper hill" at North East Airfield,

     exact coordinates are: (129 | 25)

D: A general description of your character: I'm wearing a Ghillie Suit, using an M40A3


I hope somebody can help me soon... :)


Hey there! =) if your still in need of medical assistance just send me a PM or join our teamspeak: ts.dayzmedics.com for a faster response =)

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Incase you haven't been able to read what Soul was trying to say, because he wrote that in the actual quote - hop on our TeamSpeak so we can get you sorted ASAP:



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Nevermind, found a helo crash with antibiotics and painkillers, have enough meat to get back to 100%

Edited by weeman0

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Many thanks to SoulShaper2, he took a very long trip to help me out and walked from Cherno to NEAF. This guy is a true hero and very friendly on the TS.

Highly Recomended :)

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good day all, iam terribly in need of ur medical services at vybor, needing painkillers,blood and antibitotics, the painkillers and blood not to urgent but defo require a handsom medic to come along and heal my sickness


Much appreciated :D

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Your know the drill bud, hope on ts and see if anyone is available. 

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I am sick and in need of antibiotics :( been away from the game a while apparently getting infected alot... lol any help appreciated since I have been playing for 3 days and only found 1 pack. You can add me on steam, froont is my name


ah and no TS atm :(

Edited by JackONeill

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