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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance in the Mod? Find a medic here!

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A: Olly

B: No bandages

C: 095,035

D: Ghillie and M4A1 CCO SS

*Thanks to Goose for fixing me up

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Name: Dagyr

Condition: Low blood/infected

Location: Roughly 2km West of Berenzino

Description: Had an encounter with two bandits by the supermarket, ended up escaping (after taking one out, unfortunately it was the one without bandit clothing yet, so of course I'd pick up bandit outfit ~_~) but took a few too many zombie hits on the way out. Walked for a few kilometers before realizing I was infected and am now passing out regularly. Currently wearing (unfortunately) bandit clothes + an m4a3 CCO.

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Are you currently online, Bimbo?

No worries bud, ill be on ts from now for a good few hours, if you see my feel free to give me a poke, Same user name, Medic and Bodyguard Badges.

Sorry guys, my friends called me out of the blue today and I was out all day, will you guys be on tomorrow?

Really sorry about all of this

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Name: Dagyr

Condition: Low blood/infected

Location: Roughly 2km West of Berenzino

Description: Had an encounter with two bandits by the supermarket, ended up escaping (after taking one out, unfortunately it was the one without bandit clothing yet, so of course I'd pick up bandit outfit ~_~) but took a few too many zombie hits on the way out. Walked for a few kilometers before realizing I was infected and am now passing out regularly. Currently wearing (unfortunately) bandit clothes + an m4a3 CCO.

No worries man ive got the heli ready to run as soon as you need it, pop to ours TS: ts.dayzmedics.com when you want assistance.

Sorry guys, my friends called me out of the blue today and I was out all day, will you guys be on tomorrow?

Really sorry about all of this

Indeed buddy, i should be on for a good while from now and if it is not me personally im sure there will be another medic ready to assist.

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Just as a note.

Bimbo was just healed. Medics involved, Me, TMW MaldorLevr, And Goose, thanks for the help lads.

Also bimbo thanks for being an awesome patient and not trying to kill us or anything, take it easy bud :)

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hi everyone, I'm low on blood and infected, near NW airfield. About 13% blood.

can someone help me?


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hi everyone, I'm low on blood and infected, near NW airfield. About 13% blood.

can someone help me?


Sure thing, head to our teamspeak : "ts.dayzmedics.com" and ill fix you up asap.

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Sure thing, head to our teamspeak : "ts.dayzmedics.com" and ill fix you up asap.

yeah, i ony have to download teamspeak :D

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yeah, i ony have to download teamspeak :D

ah well i can run skype if its to much hassle, but if you can get ts that would be great :)

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ah well i can run skype if its to much hassle, but if you can get ts that would be great :)

ok im in the server, but dont know how to contact you :(

Edited by Zainetor

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Oops a little late on the update.

Patient healed, i actually got help from a freelancer that is new to the game called "Nipernaadi" (Sorry bud cant find a link to your forum profile) so thanks for that.

And thanks patient for not shooting me in the back, happy travels!

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Name: AGaming

Condition: Very Low Blood

Location: Elektro Shop, down the road from the Hospital, very close to the Office Building and a short distance from the Orthodox Church

Description: Survivor Skin, Czech Chest Pouch, M16 in hand

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Name: AGaming

Condition: Very Low Blood

Location: Elektro Shop, down the road from the Hospital, very close to the Office Building and a short distance from the Orthodox Church

Description: Survivor Skin, Czech Chest Pouch, M16 in hand

Patient healed, take it easy bud.

Also thanks to Goose for helping me on this OP.

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Thanks to TMW Se7en and 'Goose' for the first round of heals, and again Se7eN and an unknown acomplice (Was Female) for the 2nd heal in a day! Speedy response and helped me lots.

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Thanks to TMW Se7en and 'Goose' for the first round of heals, and again Se7eN and an unknown acomplice (Was Female) for the 2nd heal in a day! Speedy response and helped me lots.

Thanks man =) the unknown acomplice was TMW's leader Marijke xD so vouch for her for helping me out =)

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Id like to make this post dedicated to the original poster! (Dr Wasteland MD).

A Happy Birthday to you my good sir!

I doubt we will see you on the teamspeak seen as your such a busy bee these days but regardless if you do pop by expect a warm welcome back to the TS.

If you can't make it how ever we will be posting a very scary sounding "Happy birthday" sing along that Marijke organized, everyone did it in there own language that kind of made it sound like a zombie hoard but still the love is there.

Have a good day man!

Lots of love, TMW.

Edited by TMW Se7eN
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I just wanted to add my congratulations to this. Thank you for everything you've done for the community, Doc. Without this, things wouldn't be the way it is right now. Everyone would just shoot each other and don't care about anything. But atleast there's us holding up the real heroflag - thanks to you.

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Ill drink to that. (not alcohol though, that would be illegal of me)

Thanks for throwing some light into the very dark place that is DayZ Doc!

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(not alcohol though, that would be illegal of me)

How lucky I am.

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Hello I need some assistance:

A Kirkanoskun

B :have nearly no blood left ( i'm fading all the time..) I've got one blood pack on me

C: location : :inside the church of pogrevka (:045 089 )

D : wearing a ghilie suit

thx !

Edited by Kirkanoskun

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Hello I need some assistance:

A Kirkanoskun

B :have nearly no blood left ( i'm fading all the time..) I've got one blood pack on me

C: location : :inside the church of pogrevka (:045 089 )

D : wearing a ghilie suit

thx !

Hey man, im available to assist, if you head to the teamspeak in my signature ill be with you asap.

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Hey man, im available to assist, if you head to the teamspeak in my signature ill be with you asap.

Sorry i had issue if my internet connection ><... Still need help though !

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Sorry i had issue if my internet connection ><... Still need help though !

i personally am busy but there are people on the teamspeak that can help,ts address is in my sig.

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Hello, I am infected and need medical assistance.

A: Shrimpy223

B: Infected

C: Just North of Mogilevka

D: Hero Skin with an M4 CCO, no backpack

Also if you can bring some bloodbags or spare antibiotics that my friend and I could have/trade that would be great as we couldn't find of them before leaving Electro


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