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About OllyHarris

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Interests
    DAYZ, Military etc.
  1. OllyHarris


    Didn't think about the innocence element, for instance - HAVING to kill someone. Although maybe in changes, for instance if you murder 1 person the flies will cycle for ten minutes etc. {Not continuously}
  2. OllyHarris


    I'm sorry, yes the idea is unrealistic.. but tell me. What exactly is realistic in this game.. For a start zombies aren't real, neither the fact people are born from the sea or the fact weapons are just lying around in "Fire-Stations". The list could go on forever. Your all missing the point, I'm not talking about constant flies. Every ten/twenty minutes the player will hear five seconds of flies. Not much, plus who exactly wants to promote bandits. I mean the game wouldn't be the same without them, but I'm sure people would still KoS even in this scenario Anyway thanks for the feedback, although do remember I'm posting this as an ongoing idea. There's no point in all of you jizzing in your pants just because you don't think it's "Realistic" or "Very good"
  3. OllyHarris


    I suppose, but the point of the flies is to cause what I'd call distortion or maybe PTSD etc. If they don't play DayZ with noise, what the bloody hell are they doing?
  4. OllyHarris


    That is possibly the weirdest shit I've seen on this site :P
  5. OllyHarris


    That's the point..?
  6. OllyHarris


    What I mean: Walking though a forest - flies randomly start occurring. Or - When in combat you hear a faint sound of flys.
  7. OllyHarris

    1.8 Zombie damage

    Personally, I think Zombies should be slowed down - but super hard to lose.
  8. OllyHarris


    Hey, I was just having a late night cruise of the forums and some of other peoples suggestions gave me a few ideas. Okay the title kinda sums up the purpose this might serve. The idea itself is very simple, after killing so many players in cold blood {Bandits not included}, you will start to hear random flies. Like really aggressive flies - if that's actually legit. The more survivors you murder, the more flys you will hear and it will become more regular. That is one idea, or it could be when in combat etc. Think about it, I thought this may help in the act of penetration against those damn bandits. Thanks
  9. OllyHarris

    Player Revive idea for standalone.

    Idea! For situations like I've stated in one of my last comments. If the "Casualty" goes into shock from an injury and stopped breathing, once they have stopped breathing a system like the knock out system kicks in. Instead of a sand timer, the "You Are Dead" message fades in and a more distinct sound of flies starts to occur. - If CPR was to be included, there would have to be some sort of balance. For instance, if two players had been running for ten minutes then in one of them were to stop breathing and require CPR, the medic would not be able to produce enough successful compression s as they would be more out of breath compared to someone who had been sitting down for ten minutes.
  10. OllyHarris

    Player Revive idea for standalone.

    I'm pretty sure it's breaths first only if they've drowned. That's what the military guidelines stated, although that was over a year ago :L
  11. OllyHarris

    Player Revive idea for standalone.

    I'm not sure if anyone has already mentioned this, but I'm really too tired to read everything xD. But really, I gun shot wound? CPR?Defib will not patch you up from that. Maybe if they were previously shot or had a very minor injury, went into shock then stopped breathing. But no CPR to repair a gun shot wound, that would be just ridiculous.
  12. A: Olly B: No bandages C: 095,035 D: Ghillie and M4A1 CCO SS *Thanks to Goose for fixing me up
  13. OllyHarris

    Reason behind your username?

    You'll make me gag XD
  14. Ok thanks man, I will TS you when available
  15. A: Your in-game name: Noodlew0rms B: Your condition/ailments: Bleeding - no bandages -_- Also have an infection C: Your location - Fire Station roof - NWAF D: Ghillie suit, Either M40A3 OR M4A1CCOSD