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Differing sizes of players

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Forgive me if this has been posted before, the server is running poor and my search finds no results.

I have had a few ideas regarding dayz, which I love BTW

I would like to see more player character customizing (probably a tired subject) however I think body mass, height ect would add a good element.

Many a time have we been in a fire fight and not sure who is who due to all players, with the exception of hero's and bandits look pretty much the same.

Build, clothing, height and facial features would I believe make players feel more in-tune with their team mates and helping to build an 'ingame bond' and making the death of a team mate more nasty.

also, I'd like to say hi to you all, I am vagrent I live in the UK, in Devon. :D

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Indeed, we all come in many sizes.

I wonder if they could include my body image, short, hunched back and the ability to touch the ground with my knuckles as I walk.

I say touch..er..I mean drag... :lol:

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Character height brings disadvantages such as being an easier target.

AHH, but you can also look over things more easily. (and grab things from the top shelf at the supermarket.)

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i more so care about customised clothing more so than body mass.. and more damn BEARDS !.. even on the women

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Lol hey dude :ph34r:

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Character height brings disadvantages such as being an easier target.

Ie bigger carry more, smaller harder to kill. I see no wrongs with this ;)

Edited by Vagrent

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i more so care about customised clothing more so than body mass.. and more damn BEARDS !.. even on the women

Lol. A bearded woman..yum..all birds in Devon have beards:lol:

I think the customizable clothing idea is being implemented.

Would anyone choose that brown bodywarmer and blue trousers combo I often spawn in??:lol:

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Everyone would be running as little people. :thumbsup:

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Everyone would be running as little people. :thumbsup:

You're right, I never thought of that, it would be a bad umpa lumpa land dream....:lol:

Not necessarily, smaller cant carry as much gear, take less damage, ie less blood.

small you'd be nimble and fast but weaker, less blood.

Big you'd be slower, carry more, more blood, easier target.


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Well I dont think that should be introduced... MAYBE just scaling your char but its shoudnt effect your "stats" in any way...otherwise then would be umpa lumpas and hulks chasing them...

Edited by Zeppa
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I agree that height shouldn't effect on stats or anything else. There should be limitations on height in the character customization like minimum for men are like 5'3 and maximum of 6'11 or something.

Abit off topic. Height customization reminds me of Fight night, i would love to have feature where you take a pic of yourself and putting it in your character. That would be sweet.

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yes, i can only imagine what kind of cat faces we would get.. or trollfaces. tho its possible even now for some servers

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Well I dont think that should be introduced... MAYBE just scaling your char but its shoudnt effect your "stats" in any way...otherwise then would be umpa lumpas and hulks chasing them...


I have a very funny image in my head now, cheers zeppa:D

Beans for you when I get home, no beans function on tapash*t:lol:

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I agree with anything that would give player characters more recognisable appearances, body silhouettes should be customisable so you should be able to pick your buddy out of a crowd even if there's other guys wearing the same jacket.

Changing things like shoulder breadth and chest/abdomen height can give varying looks without adding a massively exploitable height selection. (Remember Goldeneye? Oddjob was a pain in the ass because he was so short.)

If the height alterations were only slight (min=-10% max=+10%) like dragonkatol said, the exploitation is minimised, and at best, nets a very minor advantage. (though you would recognise all the "DayZ MLG" midgets, making it even funnier)

This, and beards.

I still think beards should grow longer as you survive longer, but if it's just for 'player identity'/'unique characters' it would help things along quite a bit.

'mon the Wolverine sideys. \m/

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Size changing the actual game stats. This is brings MANY disadvantages for bigger guys. Even though they have more health they are easier to be seen, (snipers still 1 shot kill) and easier to be shot. Also makes more easily for the zombies to detect uou because your also louder and bigger. When you said it lets you reach up onto the top shelves this also means you can't fit through certain doors or someone else's base. Crouching next to the window also leaves your head open. Also being bigger means you have to eat and drink more. Being bigger also means your more prone to animal attacks and you would get cold faster and would be harder to warm up. Hence I would not like character customization to affect gameplay. Remove character height, but keep the actual customization such as clothes, beards etc...

Edited by Bombolz

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Remember Goldeneye?

I loved goldeneye!! Indeed odd job was an arse:lol:

I used to play Siberian commando :D:D:lol::blink:

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