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Psycho (DayZ)

Multiple Characters

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Lets add this to the muti character thing:

You hunt my character "DerpDude" who only has a makarov left.

I log off, and log in with my alt that isn't far with better gear.

I kill you from behind as you yell in chat how i logged.

I log back on "DerpDude" and take your gear.

Second, having one char only means it has to do everything and it sometimes put you in choices.

With multiple chars you can dedicate one to hunting for your group's tent (crossbow far in the northern wilderness) and also have a char decked for pvp with your group ( assault rifle, nvg, etc...) and also have your engineer char that carry the spare parts for cars.

With one char you have to make choices, with multiple chars you just roll a new one each time you need a new role or more backpack space.

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+1 HannesFury, only then, the main server should always remember last (or last #servers) one character was logged on, and not allow other character to join them. But even if # is like 5 last servers, there still could be douchebags that would join 5 other servers before joining again to original one.

Or other solution is to make two groups for each EU, US, etc. (example group EU1 has 4 servers, and group EU2 has 4 servers) and if you have 2 characters, each character has its own group, and can never join other groups servers. That would not affect those with 1 char.

IF its possible at all :>

btw, i agree that if, then any changes shouldnt lower the need for ballz, but there are days when even 1/2 h just to meet up is a lot of time ;)

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I'm sure I read this thread but I read lots of posts each day so forgive me if I'm missing the boat here...

I think the future plans are to have each server with it's own data base. There will no longer be any server-to-server persistence. Each character you create will only be "remembered" on that server. Multiple characters at that point, each one good for only one specific server, would be sweet. Multiple characters on the same server, nope.

NOTE: This is just from other threads and posts I've read. I have no "inside" information about anything that is planned for this mod.

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I'm sure I read this thread but I read lots of posts each day so forgive me if I'm missing the boat here...

I think the future plans are to have each server with it's own data base. There will no longer be any server-to-server persistence. Each character you create will only be "remembered" on that server. Multiple characters at that point' date=' each one good for only one specific server, would be sweet. Multiple characters on the same server, nope.

NOTE: This is just from other threads and posts I've read. I have no "inside" information about anything that is planned for this mod.


I like the idea of each server having their own unique database. That way, it works for everyone - you want to play with friends, pick a specific server to do it, and if you want to solo, pick a different one. :D

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I like the idea of each server having their own unique database. That way' date=' it works for everyone - you want to play with friends, pick a specific server to do it, and if you want to solo, pick a different one. :D


That doesn't work though, all it will do is increase the wait times to get into servers, part of the charm of the mod atm is that you can play anywhere and with anyone.

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A few days ago some servers had problems with character saving; nothing that you did on these servers mattered because nothing was saved, I kinda liked it.

So maybe have some servers that don't connect to the database at all and are just for temporary characters for when you want to play away from your character or are new to the game and want to learn the basics or the areas (selectable spawn point?).

They might just end up being deathmatch servers but at least it would keep the deathmatchers out of real servers. I guess this is what the possibly upcoming "DayZ lite" version for personal servers will be like.

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A few days ago some servers had problems with character saving; nothing that you did on these servers mattered because nothing was saved' date=' I kinda liked it.

So maybe have a server or two that don't connect to the database at all and are just for temporary characters when you want to start fresh and have a play around, they don't affect your current character in a real server and you can maybe select a spawn point to play with friends quickly and learn the areas/basics better, like tutorial servers.

They might just end up being deathmatch servers but at least it would keep the deathmatchers out of real servers.


I like this idea, would come in handy when trying to make machinimas, so you won't have to worry about losing your progress when trying to make a video.

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I think one of the best compromises I heard here would be to not allow the secondary character onto the same server your primary logged off of for 30 minutes or so. This way you can't mule, can't exploit to kill someone who gets the drop on you etc.

I don't want to see a database for each specific server because it would ruin the persistent world feel, I don't want to see deathmatchy servers where nothing saves because then it would decrease the danger on normal servers. I do however want a separate character to that which I play on my own lone wolf style, this way I don't have to get separated from my friends and play when they aren't on.

The only way I can see multiple characters per account working is to have a web based account application where characters are then linked to your name. The web based application would not allow duplicate character names, and this way every name is unique, and multiple names would be linked specifically to GUID. This technique has been used on another mod for Mount & Blade: Warband. I don't know what the copyright situation would be on something like that so I won't say the direct name of the mod, but I will hint that it's the most popular mod for warband and it offers "persistent" characters which deviates from the vanilla multiplayer for the game.

Might be worth looking in to.

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I support this idea also, there is a definate niche for roleplayers in this mod and having multiple characters would add to the immersion factor.

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supporting this idea.

i have the same issue, playing with friends and then playing alone with the same char is quite annoying, because you have to find each other every time.

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I am AGAINST this idea. Everyone will have x1 survivor character and x1 bandit character. Its terrible, players wont have to make a choice on their playstile - they will just have both.

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I'm all for this.

It's so hard to find my buddies, and we get so far out north, I really don't want to play unless they're all on.

It would be great if we could all have additional characters. And no, purchasing another retail copy is NOT a viable solution. Screw that.

Considering that bandit skins are probably being nixed ANYWAY, it isn't exactly going to make a big deal. Furthermore, I really don't see myself creating a bandit/survivor duo, and while I'm sure some would, I think the majority would have solo and group characters.

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No, it doesn't. Your character is tied to your CD key, not your profile.

If we're so worried that people will maintain one bandit and one survivor, there is a simple solution. Humanity applies to the CD Key, so if you have one bandit and you create a new character, you've now got two bandits.

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Bad idea. As spoon as you give people multiple characters it starts to dilute the importance of you character.

You want to go off on your own , do it, then when your friends come back online meet up with them again. Everything in this game has risk / reward.

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This reminds me of the in-game VoIP thread on Battlefields Battlelog forums. People from both sides coming together to fight the opposing opinion. What really reminds me of it tho is the reasons for NOT including this feature.


P1: We want VoIP in game, VoIP is essential to teamplay.

P2: I dotn want to listen to 13 y/o kids screamign on mic. Use TS. Blah blah. Deal with it.


P1: Would love a second character to play alone as, maybe have one bandit and one survivor.

P2: ZOMG exploits etc etc. Deal with it.

Personally i think ONE MORE character wouldn't hurt. 2 max. Then at least the "muling" is 'capped'. I get both sides of this argument. I get people will abuse it(but someone always abuses something so...) but MOST will just use it as intended. The whole TSA-esque stance on this is ridiculous. Just because of a few bad apples, everyone needs to 'suffer'? That doesn't seem right.

ANYWAY, would love to get a second character so i can solo, maybe use it to learn the map better, and to get a little reckless. It's obvious after crawling in the woods and through towns for hours and hours one becomes more cautious, and possibly less adventurous.

Bottom line, in this Alpha mod...it wouldn't hurt to try different things, before its get its big boy Beta pants on.

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The problem isn't just "mules" it's also decoys and kamikazes and all other manner of "throw away" characters that people would create.

Afraid to loot that town? No problem, create a new character - waltz into town guns blazing. Grab as much loot as you can and run back out of town with the entire horde of zeds on your back. Die like a dog in the middle of the street, then log over to your "main" and loot your freshly acquired gear...

Getting low on food or water? No problem. Login any of your characters: GroceryStore1, GroceryStore2, GroceryStore3...

This is just a small sampling of the thousands of ways people could exploit multiple characters. I appreciate the suggestion, but advise strongly against it.

So because you people are oh so terrified of these "mule" characters, the rest of us should be forced to wait around for everyone else just to play our game

You are free to play. You're facing a choice - wait patiently for your companions, or let impatience get the best of you and risk adventuring on your own. This is precisely the kind of social dilemma rocket has repeatedly highlighted as being the core of his vision for DayZ. If anything, I suspect he will be MORE strict with the way your character is unique to you - for example, it is quite likely he will disallow name changes so people must live with the reputation the build for themselves in their actions and chats. Which, I've got to say, is pretty damn awesome.

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I'm sure I read this thread but I read lots of posts each day so forgive me if I'm missing the boat here...

I think the future plans are to have each server with it's own data base. There will no longer be any server-to-server persistence. Each character you create will only be "remembered" on that server. Multiple characters at that point' date=' each one good for only one specific server, would be sweet. Multiple characters on the same server, nope.

NOTE: This is just from other threads and posts I've read. I have no "inside" information about anything that is planned for this mod.


Exactly what I have been wanting since I started playing. Also, and this is huge to me, this will open the door to private servers. I want to be able to host a server for just me and some friends. Servers need to be independent, which will help with connections as well.

Win - Win

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YES PLZ!!! I play with 2 other guys and we'v gone 4 nights together and its been fun always playing it careful. Now that they all logged all i want to do is run into city and see how long i last against all the bandits.

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"I play with 2 other guys and we'v gone 4 nights together and its been fun always playing it careful."

We don't want to hear about your sex life... ;)

But for real... when you play alone just plan your playtime to where you will end up back where your teammates were. That way when you all log back in you won't have to spend time getting back together. I actually think that'd be more fun. Having to plan how much time I'd play and then make sure to turn back after half that time has gone that way I can get back to the RV location.

The only thing I think for me would be nice to be able to have multiple characters is so that a friend can play on my computer. Especially if/when I get really good gear... I wouldn't want them casually trying out the game and getting me killed.

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I see some good points for having 2 characters but I also see plenty of ways a person can exploit the game.

Even though I would enjoy having 2 characters to use,....I feel the exploits out way the positives for having more then one character.

Having more then one character- i can see people using exploits and bringing in people into the game that could hurt the game's fun and challenge as well as hurt the community.

Having one character would limit exploits and keep certain type of players who would ruin the game's main theme/tone experience from sticking around.

Another issue is if people have more then one character- its easy for someone to have their survivor and their Player killer character---leading to more player killing since there would be less of a penalty.

These and other reasons I feel that the game should keep to just one character, this keeps the tension and fear of lost when ever you play. DayZ is a game that keeps you second guessing should you go to that city or farm house.....and these moments would be diluted if you know you have your other character which has all your main gear and this one doesn't matter.

The Mod is tough, brutal, scary, fun, and filled with white knuckle moments which is all there in part due to you have only one life-one character- choose your friends wisely and prepare to see how long can you survive...because in the end you know your going to die...its only a matter time.

SIDE NOTE: For the whole logging out and back in when you aggro a zombie or when a player is out to kill you/gain the upper advantage- solution is to have it so you can't log out if you Aggro zombies or in a gun fight. Not sure if there is a way to do a heartbeat like script to check this but this would keep players from shooting at someone and when out matched would log out.

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I have two characters anyways because I picked up an extra CD Key for $13. I just want others to experience this game more from different aspects. I have a survivor account, and a separate bandit account already.

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I have a pc for me and my brother , of course and just can use 1 account , can create diferent profile change controls etc , but share same profile = if he dies I die , NO WAY !! of course have multiples accounts will "farm" padd players , so my idea is ..... poker stars ( online poker game ) allow you to create multiple account if you explain that must have more than 1 . not hard , to have an account here they ask for e-mail , sned an e-mail to check if u still there once a month ( low prob of ppl to check "fake e-mail to multiples accounts" e-mail )

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99% of the comments in here are pertaining to losing your character and gear. What about those of us who have other people in the household who want to play as well? Some of us aren't made of money. This feature would allow us all to play without having to spend more money we don't have. Most of the concerns about it in this thread are invalid. So what if some asshole has 3 other profiles filled with gear? Does that make your game any harder? does it take away from your experience? No, it doesn't. Some of us just don't have the means to buy another copy of the game. I'm actually rather pissed that your all so single minded.

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