Jex =TE= (DayZ) 218 Posted October 9, 2012 This could spark a shit storm but here goes.Personally I don't think choppers have a place in DayZ in their current format. They provide players that have them a huge advantage over those that don't, which let's face it, is practically the entire player base.From the air, forests become practically see through so hiding your cars and tents becomes much harder. Server restarts and you wanna find crashed chopper sites, get in ur chopper and easily spot them from the air.For such an advantage what is there to balance this out? (Balance!!!! I hear u say but hear me out ok....) A chopper requires regular maintenance - you don't just add fuel and it flies forever needing fuck all servicing. You want a chopper, u maintain it or have the rotor blades fall off mid flight.If choppers are going to be allowed, the forests need to be fixed so they aren't ridiculously see through (they need to be fixed on the ground too) and adding camo netting won't cut it either. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tweakie 199 Posted October 9, 2012 My two cents...Yes, but not hueys...I would love for it to be only Civilian choppers and maybe biplanes. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tonkin97 22 Posted October 9, 2012 i think they should be kept in as an end game item,if you them out what can you do. but if they come up with a decent replacement and when the stand alone comes out hopefully that issue will be addressed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 38 Posted October 9, 2012 People in the sky are more of a target then people on the ground tbqh. Until you fully master flying the skies seeing stuff on the ground is pretty difficult. Smart shooting folk with the right guns can take down a chopper, or snipe a player from the aircraft pretty easily. It is the most sought after vehicle, so removing it makes no sense from a DayZ vehicle grind fixup mission.Sorry someone killed you from a chopper. Better luck next time. 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZomboWTF 527 Posted October 9, 2012 the problem with choppers is, that they leave so f*cking big white marks on the screen at day, so that more than one is just stupid, the frst one to find a helo wil find the others in a matter of minutesalso, finding vehicles and tents in woodland is way to easy with a helicopter, because of the bugged out trees which show next to no leaves at all when looked at from directly aboveknowing gameplay from before and after the helo patch, i think it should be a setting serverwise if there should be a helo or not, and if, only without screen-indicators Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 614 Posted October 9, 2012 (edited) Let's wait and see what the stand alone brings. Last topic that asked for something that's not "balanced" got me riled to say the least. Unless I agree with the OP I'll be called a cheater, ignorant, or some such nonsense. So let's just wait and see what the stand alone brings to the table. I do agree they should be maintained, although it isn't like every flight would call for maintaince, so where do you draw the line.Jex I do think having the canopy of the forest hide things better is an excellent idea! I kind of wish we had 4 seasons and the challenges it would bring. Edited October 9, 2012 by Pendragon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted October 9, 2012 I don't think they should be removed but I like the idea of them requiring maintenance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex =TE= (DayZ) 218 Posted October 9, 2012 People in the sky are more of a target then people on the ground tbqh. Until you fully master flying the skies seeing stuff on the ground is pretty difficult.Smart shooting folk with the right guns can take down a chopper, or snipe a player from the aircraft pretty easily. It is the most sought after vehicle, so removing it makes no sense from a DayZ vehicle grind fixup mission.Sorry someone killed you from a chopper. Better luck next time.Sorry, never been killed from a chopper so stick it back up ur ass where it came from ;)Seeing stuff on the ground is easy when you have 2 guys in the gunner's seat looking for you (and not too hard when you don't) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex =TE= (DayZ) 218 Posted October 9, 2012 Let's wait and see what the stand alone brings. Last topic that asked for something that's not "balanced" got me riled to say the least. Unless I agree with the OP I'll be called a cheater, ignorant, or some such nonsense. So let's just wait and see what the stand alone brings to the table. I do agree they should be maintained, although it isn't like every flight would call for maintaince, so where do you draw the line.Jex I do think having the canopy of the forest hide things better is an excellent idea! I kind of wish we had 4 seasons and the challenges it would bring.I'm not one for "balance" per se, I don't think anything needs to be balanced when everyone has a chance of getting hold of the same gear. Choppers however are not available to all, only a few. I wouldn't care if the canopy was actually drawn in from the sky but right now, it's ridiculous.As for maintenance, not every flight, that would be way too often but choppers are complex machines requiring specialised maintenance (and we're not even talking about finding someone who actually knows how to maintain the vehicle). People shouldn't expect to have the most powerful vehicle on the map AND have no maintenance AND be able to see through trees. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tabris07 159 Posted October 9, 2012 My two cents...Yes, but not hueys...I would love for it to be only Civilian choppers and maybe biplanes.I would side more for this to be in the game. Sure, it wouldn't be impossible for someone to score a huey, but I think civilian vehicles are more believable. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rallye 89 Posted October 9, 2012 Of course they give an advantage. As they should. The game shouldn't be balanced. Life isn't fair and neither is DayZ. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombie Jesus 723 Posted October 9, 2012 Yes please lets all ask for more things to be taken out, fuck asking for more items like normal fucking gamers lets sit around and ask the developers to leave us with only crowbars, makarovs, and double barrel shotguns so people can feel all safe and cuddly in the game. Lets seek to "balance" a game where balance does not belong. Instead of fixing the canopy (which sounds more like your computer having rendering issues, I see trees just fine) you call for taking out the Chopper. At least when people complain about Thermal sights I can see where they are coming from even if I am not in complete agreement (NVG are another story, sorry there is a common military item in the game guys must be so unrealistic), but this complaint is just weird. You say the tree canopy is broken and instead of asking for that to be fixed you want them to remove an ultra rare vehicle that only one or two people on the map will have at one time. Sorry you lost your forest base to a chopper man, next time take the sand out of your vagina before asking them to remove a feature and possibly think your logic through (broken tree canopy, lets remove helicopters sounds like flawless logic). 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex =TE= (DayZ) 218 Posted October 9, 2012 Of course they give an advantage. As they should. The game shouldn't be balanced. Life isn't fair and neither is DayZ.Great so u agree that they should require regular maintenance or fall out the sky and u have no issue with see through trees because life isn't fair and neither should dayz be! Yeah so well thought out that one. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex =TE= (DayZ) 218 Posted October 9, 2012 (edited) Yes please lets all ask for more things to be taken out, fuck asking for more items like normal fucking gamers lets sit around and ask the developers to leave us with only crowbars, makarovs, and double barrel shotguns so people can feel all safe and cuddly in the game. Lets seek to "balance" a game where balance does not belong.Instead of fixing the canopy (which sounds more like your computer having rendering issues, I see trees just fine) you call for taking out the Chopper. At least when people complain about Thermal sights I can see where they are coming from even if I am not in complete agreement (NVG are another story, sorry there is a common military item in the game guys must be so unrealistic), but this complaint is just weird. You say the tree canopy is broken and instead of asking for that to be fixed you want them to remove an ultra rare vehicle that only one or two people on the map will have at one time. Sorry you lost your forest base to a chopper man, next time take the sand out of your vagina before asking them to remove a feature and possibly think your logic through (broken tree canopy, lets remove helicopters sounds like flawless logic).You are a fucking mong. Oh my dear god how fucking stupid are you?"you say the tree canopy is broken but instead of asking for it to be fixed yo..." stop moron and re-read what I posted before u make an idiot of urself - oops too late for that one. The rest of your moronic rant doesn't even make any sense and someone using logic i na post that defies the very thing he asks for is just fucking hilarious. Nice one bro! B)And I never lost a forest base - what is it with cretins making things up that they think happened that actually didn;t?[ User was warned for this post. - Inu ] Edited October 12, 2012 by Inu 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hawc 63 Posted October 9, 2012 I agree that repairing a helicopter should be more difficult and near impossible for one man to do it. I think most helicopter parts should require a vehicle like a pickup/truck/big jeep/bus to transport. The engine parts should also be jet-turbine parts(or whatever) and not car parts.And yes forests should be denser. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rallye 89 Posted October 9, 2012 Great so u agree that they should require regular maintenance or fall out the sky and u have no issue with see through trees because life isn't fair and neither should dayz be! Yeah so well thought out that one.Maintenance, yes all vehicles should.The tree thing, is a problem with the engine, not the heli.It is perfectly well thought. Rocket made an anti-game. You and people like you are trying to turn it into a game, with 'balance'. You are trying to ruin the very things that make this mod great.You want balance go play Planetside 2, or Tribes, or CoD, or BF3, the list goes on. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nicraM 137 Posted October 9, 2012 If you ever mowed down a whole group of players from that side mounted SAW, you wouldn't be asking that question. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hawc 63 Posted October 9, 2012 Must have been a shitty group to be standing in a line, not spreading out, not hearing the chopper, returning fire,... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombie Jesus 723 Posted October 9, 2012 You are a fucking mong. Oh my dear god how fucking stupid are you?"you say the tree canopy is broken but instead of asking for it to be fixed yo..." stop moron and re-read what I posted before u make an idiot of urself - oops too late for that one. The rest of your moronic rant doesn't even make any sense and someone using logic i na post that defies the very thing he asks for is just fucking hilarious. Nice one bro! B)And I never lost a forest base - what is it with cretins making things up that they think happened that actually didn;t?Ok asshole, you will be treated like the whiny baby you are when you first post a whine rant about some stupid reason and then respond like a dick to the first guy to respectfully disagree (-JMP-'s post not mine). Logical response, canopy is broken lets fix canopy. Illogical response, canopy is broken lets remove choppers. See where the fail came from asshat? Other than that you did not give one fucking reason for taking out helicopters. Now go back to trying to find other ways to make the game worse over losing your gear (and yes the entire first post reads like a butthurt moron who lost some gear, I am responding to your tone in the thread and not the suggestion idiot). 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 614 Posted October 9, 2012 Jex and Zombie lets return to civility here. Trust me you don't want to travel the road I just returned from. I like both of you and don't think DayZ would benefit from either of you being silenced. We all have had our moments of ass hattery (yeah I made up that word hush!) We all sometimes are quick to post the first thought to pop off in our heads. (for better or worse) Maybe just take a second and chill out, and discuss it like the blood crazed killers... oops no not that! Rational people.Again respect both of ya and don't want to see ya get a suspension from the forums... It is a lonely hell there. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombie Jesus 723 Posted October 9, 2012 (edited) Jex and Zombie lets return to civility here. Trust me you don't want to travel the road I just returned from. I like both of you and don't think DayZ would benefit from either of you being silenced. We all have had our moments of ass hattery (yeah I made up that word hush!) We all sometimes are quick to post the first thought to pop off in our heads. (for better or worse) Maybe just take a second and chill out, and discuss it like the blood crazed killers... oops no not that! Rational people.Again respect both of ya and don't want to see ya get a suspension from the forums... It is a lonely hell there.I will do no such thing, guy brings up something and then the first response that does not agree with him he goes straight into douchebag mode. I bit my tongue on the remove Thermal and NVG thread but I just could not hold back on this guy. Not hating on the fact that he has a different opinion, hating the fact that he was an asshole about the opinion when it was uncalled for (not with me that was completely called for so I really do not take offense especially since he used mong as an insult).Kind of joking but you get my point, not trying to jump down his throat for the idea I disagree with but the way he his arguing his point which I then admittedly made worse by going full asshole. Plus I have never had a warning so unless I start posting hacker links or Warz spam I will never get to feel the sweet embrace of the banhammer if I do not engage in stupendous ass hattery.Alright since that is out of the way I will just discuss the idea in a rational manner, I do not like the movement to take everything out of the game in the name of balance when no such balance exists or should exist. It is a persistent world with perma death, there is no way to give the guy who just spawned balance with a group that has been alive for days. We could put in starting load outs or classes, but then that is not the point of the game. So I always hate the balance arguments before we even get to the actual idea, there should not be balance in a game like this. It sounds like he is concerned with bases being spotted by the helicopter, but I will respond who cares if you lose your gear or base it is part of the game. I am fine with tweaks and changes (like maintenance) and hell I would not throw a fit if the helicopter was taken out the game, but hopefully it is not removed to protect Carebear McBitcherson's gear (damn was unable to keep it civil) from discovery. Plus it would take away the opportunity to take down a full chopper with just a sniper rifle, been spotted four times on the ground and was able to destroy two of the helicopters with a sniper rifle so if you are looking for balance right there we have a 50/50 split.But please go on, I hope every person who asks for gear to be removed is granted the request so we can all play with crowbars in the magnificent boring apocalypse (not aimed at you pendragon, I know you are not a fan of removing a ton of items either). Edited October 9, 2012 by Zombie Jesus 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rallye 89 Posted October 9, 2012 Remove Thermal and NVG threadIt does not surprise me one bit that this OP made a thread about that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bongofish 22 Posted October 9, 2012 Helicopters, thermals, nvgs, all these things make the game easier. So it seems to me that keeping them in game makes DayZ more carebear-ish.I am really confused by the attitudes here. Maybe I am misunderstanding.How is wanting to remove items that make the game easier the "carebear" option? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rallye 89 Posted October 9, 2012 Helicopters, thermals, nvgs, all these things make the game easier. So it seems to me that keeping them in game makes DayZ more carebear-ish.I am really confused by the attitudes here. Maybe I am misunderstanding.How is wanting to remove items that make the game easier the "carebear" option?Easier? Sure if YOU have them, a lot harder for those that do not. It's a swinging scale of advantages and disadvantages. That's part of what makes this game so great. You don't know who has what until it's too late. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Delta Smoke 01 765 Posted October 9, 2012 I do understand completely where your coming from, but without them dayz would just be an average zombie shooter. Choppers are what sets dayz apart from the competition at the minute. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites