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Kronzky's SP "hack" removed (his words)

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Worst post I've seen in a long time.

I don't understand how you're relating in-game to what happened out-of-game and blaming dean for it. How childish.

I didnt use to think like this. Day Z changed me.

Anyways' date=' I was metaphorically speaking and the only thing I blame

Dean for, is trusting everyone with the mod, he should tigthen control

of his own stuff, you cannot deny that.

Rocket I really think you need to look into getting everyone to sign/agree to SOMETHING.

Perhaps similar to what people have to do when participating in closed beta's. ie: Here's the Beta/Alpha/whatever. Talk about it here, but no where else. Modify the underlying code and I will fuck you up!

Yes, this, something like this could work. Rocket think about this shit right here please.

You would do yourself a favor.

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At the end of the day, timing is everything. More than good design, this mod's success has been about timing. There is a time and place for everything. There is a time to splinter the project, there is a time for singleplayer.

What we need now, is the biggest, the loudest, the most impressive collective multiplayer shout that the gaming world has seen for a mod since DOTA. Then you have effected some real change. ArmA2 is top on steam again. Again. An old game. That's crazy. Did I do that? Did I buy all those copies? No I didn't, you guys did that. What message do you want to send to all the gaming executives out there wonder why they haven't got the money, why some niche simulation company in the Czech republic, normally counting every penny, suddenly takes away their profits.

This is not about your experience right now, well as far as me and a few other people think. It's about trying to send a message. Maybe I'm being dramatic, but the numbers are huge. What we need is a bit of unity here - at least from a development perspective.

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At the end of the day' date=' timing is everything. More than good design, this mod's success has been about timing. There is a time and place for everything. There is a time to splinter the project, there is a time for singleplayer.

What we need now, is the biggest, the loudest, the most impressive collective multiplayer shout that the gaming world has seen for a mod since DOTA. Then you have effected some real change. ArmA2 is top on steam again. Again. An old game. That's crazy. Did I do that? Did I buy all those copies? No I didn't, you guys did that. What message do you want to send to all the gaming executives out there wonder why they haven't got the money, why some niche simulation company in the Czech republic, normally counting every penny, suddenly takes away their profits.

This is not about your experience right now, well for me and a few other people. It's about trying to send a message. Maybe I'm being dramatic, but the numbers are huge. What we need is a bit of unity here - at least from a development perspective.


Expressed like a Champ.

What we need is a bit of unity here - at least from a development perspective.

Hit the nail on the head.

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You'll have your unity when we all share the one voice and can only talk through you on here.

Ie: Give us all something to sign.

We all (i think) fully support where you are taking this, and what you are trying to voice. If we didn't we (I) wouldn't be paying money out of my own pocket to host a server that I have next to zero control over. I agree with the mindset - and aside from a few dicks I think most the other guys/girls here do too.

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Rocket I really think you need to look into getting everyone to sign/agree to SOMETHING.

Perhaps similar to what people have to do when participating in closed beta's. ie: Here's the Beta/Alpha/whatever. Talk about it here' date=' but no where else. Modify the underlying code and I will fuck you up!



I think this will eliminate 99.9% of the bullshit.

Just like you guys asked for permission to participate in the alpha test before downloading the mod? Oh wait, you didn't, because it is fkin public!

If you want to keep something under, let's say, NDA, then you have to tell the people! Don't just assume they know.

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Perhaps what we need is volunteer with legal background and power of attorney to draft all required legal processes and to help safeguard against patentrolls and other bullshit.

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Maybe I'm being dramatic.

A little bit. I mean I agree with everything you said, but seeing this on a topic like this does not make me feel more secure about the mod's future. Scares me that in a fit of rage everything will go downhill, just keep doing the awesome job you are making, numbers will increase eventually, guaranteed.

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At the end of the day' date=' timing is everything. More than good design, this mod's success has been about timing. There is a time and place for everything. There is a time to splinter the project, there is a time for singleplayer.

What we need now, is the biggest, the loudest, the most impressive collective multiplayer shout that the gaming world has seen for a mod since DOTA. Then you have effected some real change. ArmA2 is top on steam again. Again. An old game. That's crazy. Did I do that? Did I buy all those copies? No I didn't, you guys did that. What message do you want to send to all the gaming executives out there wonder why they haven't got the money, why some niche simulation company in the Czech republic, normally counting every penny, suddenly takes away their profits.

This is not about your experience right now, well as far as me and a few other people think. It's about trying to send a message. Maybe I'm being dramatic, but the numbers are huge. What we need is a bit of unity here - at least from a development perspective.


......and I'm glad that you're sending that message.

I'm sick to fucking death of cookie cutter fucking games pumped out by game companies, with little to no regard for the players they're pushing this shit to.

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At the end of the day' date=' timing is everything. More than good design, this mod's success has been about timing. There is a time and place for everything. There is a time to splinter the project, there is a time for singleplayer.

What we need now, is the biggest, the loudest, the most impressive collective multiplayer shout that the gaming world has seen for a mod since DOTA. Then you have effected some real change. ArmA2 is top on steam again. Again. An old game. That's crazy. Did I do that? Did I buy all those copies? No I didn't, you guys did that. What message do you want to send to all the gaming executives out there wonder why they haven't got the money, why some niche simulation company in the Czech republic, normally counting every penny, suddenly takes away their profits.

This is not about your experience right now, well as far as me and a few other people think. It's about trying to send a message. Maybe I'm being dramatic, but the numbers are huge. What we need is a bit of unity here - at least from a development perspective.


I think "not being about the player's current direct experience" is pretty hard wired into the definition of an alpha version. Right now this game is a bright, fabulous, proof of concept testing ground. Sending a statement is one of the few things we can try to really expect of its performance.

Perhaps what we need is volunteer with legal background and power of attorney to draft all required legal processes and to help safeguard against patentrolls and other bullshit.

Perhaps what we need, from reading this thread, with no disrespect intended to the persons I reference, is for armchair lawyers to stop sticking their heads in legal issues that don't concern them and that don't cause any problems or flamewars when no armchair lawyers are sticking their heads in them.

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You'll have your unity when we all share the one voice and can only talk through you on here.

Ie: Give us all something to sign.

And that will solve everything?

The code' date=' the artwork, these forums, the logo - [i']these are not the mod. IF this becomes its own game, all this stuff get's rewritten. Yes, we have agreements being drafted.

I'm going to reveal a little story.

I patented something once with a military friend and we started a business. Some big company started using our design. We tried to sue and they did it anyway. We couldn't afford to take it to court. But that's when I realized - I had it wrong. I just needed to be the key ingredient to make it happen.

Lawyers, contracts, patients. They don't really protect you. Necessary? Absolutely. But they don't protect you. What protects you is being better than the other guy.

This project can do what no studio can. That is why we are better than the other guy.

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What we need now' date=' is the biggest, the loudest, the most impressive collective multiplayer shout that the gaming world has seen for a mod since DOTA.


yea i can just see the hole korean pro gaming teams going in to cherno "for teh Beeanzz" :dodgy:

ArmA2 is top on steam again. Again. An old game. That's crazy. Did I do that? Did I buy all those copies? No I didn't' date=' you guys did that.


Well if it ever gets on discount/offer again ill be buying atleast 8 copies and sharing it around. ppl need try this even if they dont like it. just my opinion :sleepy:

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Rocket i can tell the community is finally getting to you as you have started typing in CAPS but dude your going to need to chill abit and take the community with a pinch of salt the hard truth is 90% of the posts you read are haters lets face it if the total number of people (me being one) who think you have changed the industry for the best posted on the forums it would crash. People will always complain but not alot will tell you how good a job you are doing, i tried the single player for like 5 mins i thought it was crap there was no emotion and it was just boring. this game gets so much greatness due to the fact your always looking over your shoulder, the sheer tension this game creates is incredible. All i can end this post with is good job from everyone who cant be arsed to say so.

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Im not sure overall about its implications but I have always thought it was a bit strange that the development of the mod did not in a a way "force" people somehow to always use the latest version of dayz and the latest beta of arma 2.

Surely there is a way to get the Hive to not accept at all anything other than the latest release of the mod? There are a fair few servers out there with such old numbers and its a mess. This may not have any direct impact on what is going on here, but a solid standard is a good place to start when having to deal with should we say.. stragglers and bandits :O

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Rocket i can tell the community is finally getting to you

Good. And long may it stay that way.

The minute that stops happening, and I stop giving a shit. Then I've become what I said I wouldn't. This is a sign, to me anyway, that I am on the right track. I still give a shit about this and the community, and that I wasn't stupid to turn down big money.

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You'll have your unity when we all share the one voice and can only talk through you on here.

Ie: Give us all something to sign.

And that will solve everything?

The code' date=' the artwork, these forums, the logo - [i']these are not the mod. IF this becomes its own game, all this stuff get's rewritten. Yes, we have agreements being drafted.

Of course it won't solve everything. Just because they aren't written in the mod doesn't mean you still can't protect them. Shit, make us sign two things. Make us sign ALL the things. I really don't care.

Just don't expect people to sit back and not mess with your work because you have something drafted up for people to sign when this becomes it's own stand alone game.

Also: If you are going to patent something, you need to patent everything about it - including what colour boxer shorts you were wearing when you created it - otherwise people will rip off your idea. We deal with it here everyday.

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I'm confused...How would you like me (us) to shout? If you continue to work on this project. I will be here (I'm sure many others will be as well). I'm not leaving.

I won't leave until you ACTUALLY do add unicorns! So I figure I'll be here for quite some time.

Sorry if I misunderstood you...been on the forums all day....becoming cross-eyed...

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Well, I've read the whole thing and wow.

Rocket, I got to tell you man, coming from a guy who mods Arma 2, this is an amazing mod. I realize how much work this takes because I've been there, the scripting learning curve makes this game and EVE combined look like nap time and I have a programming background. Sadly, I wasn't as committed and you beat me to the punch, but I'm actually glad about that. I should still go back and try to finish it, but hey, I like playing your stuff better (and it's more playable currently).

For those who don't know, the Arma modders tend to be a pretty cool lot. Celery was kind enough to let people borrow his stuff. Charon is MIA. Most people, if you ask, are willing to share the scripts, but there is always a line that you don't cross. If they ask you to take it out and you don't or if you are claiming it as your own... that's bad news.

Anyway, yeah there's drama, but hey man all these new people are playing Arma because of you... and more importantly, BI is fixing the engine (finally) because of it. I'd get you drunk our of your mind if I'd ever meet you. :)

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Rocket i can tell the community is finally getting to you

Good. And long may it stay that way.

The minute that stops happening' date=' and I stop giving a shit. Then I've become what I said I wouldn't. This is a sign, to me anyway, that I am on the right track. I still give a shit about this and the community, and that I wasn't stupid to turn down big money.


I love you :3

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I've never had any interest in any experience outside of the official day z one.

That being said, appreciate all your work rocket. You're under intense scrutiny are you're doing a great job. You've created something of such magnitude that 99% can't even begin to grasp it.

Stick to your guns, stick to the game, and good luck.

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This is a social experiment alright. The internet community is absolutely fucking nuts. There used to be a few enlightened souls who posted on forums that actually held the shit together and didn't tolerate trolls and enforced bans and the like. I have come across like one person who was banned in a thread. All people do anymore is act entitled and and self-important AND over the STUPIDEST SHIT! I don't know about you people, but I have worked with the public almost the last 20 years and I have lost respect for the human race as a whole. I can only imagine the shit threads this ordeal has spawned.

I understand that the world has changed, and I'm not whining but people are fucking idiots and can't be trusted with thier own lives. Soon people will be wearing diapers and those double beercan holder hats everywhere they go. The only phone number that a smart phone will dial is TACOCOPTER!

Everyday I just think, That movie Idiocracy is coming true! Only I don't think it's going to take 5000 years. I give it 20.

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Celery was kind enough to let people borrow his stuff.

I consider it one of my great fortunes in life to have actually had the opportunity to work alongside Celery. Checkout his Chernarus Apocalypse mission, requires no addons (a feat it itself)

Make no mistake, this guy is a designer to watch. Things I struggle with for hours, when balancing, his mind can crunch very fast. You can see his work in his ArmA2 mods, and you can see his professional work in IronFront and soon in ArmA3. I look forward to the opportunity to work with him again!

When we first met, he didn't know what to make of me, nor me of him. We're very different. But I tell you what, the ArmA2 modding community and BI studio itself are full of these kinds of awesome people.

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Theres a time and place for these types of discussion and this forum really isnt the time or place for it.

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You did the right thing. He abused your IP even after you were kind enough to give him access to the source (for the good of the community). He released it w/o permission and hackers even got to testing their hacks with it. An absolute outrage, and he should feel the wrath of whatever action, legal or not, that you can bring to bear against him.

Next time, legally binding non-disclosure agreements.

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Theres a time and place for these types of discussion and this forum really isnt the time or place for it.

Rocket stated why he posted it here and when, and not have it go somewhere else.

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BI is really a good group, I've never seen a studio so dedicated to a community. Kinda sad some of these players won't visit vanilla Arma and see all the other amazing mods.

"Checkout his Chernarus Apocalypse mission, requires no addons (a feat it itself)" Haha, already did. I took his zombies and added some stuff (sounds on zombie hits, camera shake [in and out of a car]) to make it feel more real in a mission, it's called 11th Plague. Only let out a beta, Celery didn't like the balance but praised me for atmosphere.

Speaking of is smook (smookie) - BI or contracted? I had this urge to jump a wall today and realized I couldn't. :(

And go do yourself a favor, stay away for the forums for a bit.

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