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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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name : Hege

location : Romania

guid : 768c9ea1fda8dd0d5248aae2b12facb1

i want to play on a big srv, hacker free, i applied with my friend skilly, we played mostly on official srv

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hello me again banned

admin ban hacker banny and other admins

I don't know there can be at you such jokes to ban every day

i am dont using hacks and bugs

for what gave me a ban?

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*** Hunt the Admin starts in 20 minutes ***

Get to Zub Castle and come kill us, you will receive a lot of high value rewards for killing an admin.

All admins are identifiable as we are wearing the non DayZ Camo Clothing with the Red Berret !!

You can win Humvee's, SUV's, Choppers, AS50's, MG36's, and any other type of high value weapon or item!!


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Name - TheCroW

location: Brazil

GUID: 4c0973362aa506f5e98baa261a7df960

As others have already mentioned, I'd like to play on a safe server free of hackers, tired of servers being ruined by hackers hopy this server will grow free of this plague!

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- Name


- Location

The Netherlands! :)



- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10

I'd like to join UK#10 because I want to join a hacker free, reliable server.

I am an administrator for another server which is 24/7 daylight en on normal mode, I want to get a bit back to the veteran night-time exploring and the danger! >:) And seeing how well organised this all is, I have high hopes!

Best regards,

Rutch :thumbsup:

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Hi panda, really appreciate what you're doing for your server but I'm finding a lot of lag issues when the server pop gets to 60 or above. My internet is very good, over 50mbps download and 12 upload so that isn't the problem. Will the server limit be lowered back to a useable amount at all? I do immensely enjoy playing on this server and the group of people of here are mostly awesome but I can't enjoy myself on here anymore with the high server pop ruining the smoothness. Please help panda =]

We know mate this is standard for dayz servers over 60 slots, if you want a smaller server join our 40 slot.

Edited by -Panda

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server has rediculous lag because of the amount of players they moved it up to and admins just laugh and say hey thats dayz for u well its not in any other servers including 60man ones

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admin ban hacker banny and other admins

I don't know there can be at you such jokes to ban every day

i am dont using hacks and bugs

for what gave me a ban?

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admin ban hacker banny and other admins

I don't know there can be at you such jokes to ban every day

i am dont using hacks and bugs

for what gave me a ban?

ok, ok, can you try to articulate what you are saying a tad more clearly please, because iv'e read that like 6 tiems and still dont have a clue what youre trying to say.

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What is the IP for the 40 man server?

Ever since the server move there has been nothing but problems when more than 50 people join the server. Yes, it was bad on the old one - and that was probably DayZ's issues but the majority knows that this is MUCH worse than it was on the old. And also, i don't understand why you would want to have a server with such a high player limit if you know that DayZ causes massive lag problems when that amount of players join.

Wanna stay on the server coz it was cool n all with hardly ever hackers but it's just too unplayable now.

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this server has the worst lag iv seen on a dayz server, your arguement is "well thats dayz for you" but its not at all, your old server never lagged as bad as this with 60 people on it now. i cant understand why u are trying to defend this piss poor server, you know why it lags yet u dont do anything to help it, then when people tell you how it is you go and ban them because your upset you wasted so much money on a server thats worse than the old one.

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i don't understand why you would want to have a server with such a high player limit

to get Number 1 in rating may be. :)

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- Name: Daev

- Location: Southeast England

- GUID: 00f8833303c42f684c9a433e03b34b99

- Few of my friends recommended this server, was sick of cheaters and hackers on non-whitelisted servers, so this is a good idea!

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i have ban

panda help pliz

what i was banned for?

my name in the game Tonigop

Edited by Tonigop

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- Name Skipalux

- Location Florida, USA

- GUID 618c69583eeb319f31bc62a7606537ff

- I'm in my mid 20s and pretty level headed. I like to play around 15 hours a week (~2 hours a day) so whereas I won't be the most active I will be on regularly. Other than that I have a decent headset and I can very comfortably use TS3

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this server has the worst lag iv seen on a dayz server, your arguement is "well thats dayz for you" but its not at all, your old server never lagged as bad as this with 60 people on it now. i cant understand why u are trying to defend this piss poor server, you know why it lags yet u dont do anything to help it, then when people tell you how it is you go and ban them because your upset you wasted so much money on a server thats worse than the old one.

You have no idea what you're talking about. We've had well over 60 people on this evening, when was the last time we hit 80 players on the previous server? You know when? Only once, when the WL was not running. This current server is a higher spec than the previous, it is an equal spec Xeon 1245v2, it has 12 GB more RAM, it has dual SSD's rather than dual 2TB HDD's, it has its own local SQL database, unlike the previous server that had to send EVERY communication with the SQL hive to Dallas, Texas USA, and back again. So educate yourself before you attempt to slag us off.

We are looking into the idea of having multiple smaller servers, because DayZ//Arma 2 cannot cope well with more than 60 players.

Edited by -Panda
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We are looking into the idea of having multiple smaller servers, because DayZ//Arma 2 cannot cope well with more than 60 players.

ow god yes, that would be great

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ow god yes, that would be great

aye, thinking about 3x 50 slot servers, on a shared hive, or something similar :)

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aye, thinking about 3x 50 slot servers, on a shared hive, or something similar :)

is you ignor me ?

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my friends recommended this server

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