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Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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I didn't get whitelisted but you gave me beans?

maybe to short? or wrong guid double check it and repost it.

- Name Reyes

- Location Uk

- GUID d7eaea947f67673aa8bd3a1cc8b9a6a1

- Hate unfair players and i really need a good server to spend my time on because most servers are full with hackers

1 to short

Name: [GOV] dadgoat

Location: Virginia


Reason: Joining a group and I need to play on this server. Recently quit due to hackers, saw this and would be graceful to join.

[GOV] BlackIce

New york


Applying for my friend.


give me :beans: please

repost please. and make sure guid is correct.

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maybe to short? or wrong guid double check it and repost it.

It should be this sir.


I've already checked 3 times. :/

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- Name Reyes

- Location Uk

- GUID d7eaea947f67673aa8bd3a1cc8b9a6a1

- Hate unfair players and i really need a good server to spend my time on because most servers are full with hackers

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Hey gang, what's with the compass etc at start up? It's a bit cheap isn't it? Can we not have a poll for this?

we are looking in to removing it.

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Guys after the 9pm restart on the server tonight all the gear in our tents and backpacks was wiped, so that when we logged in after the 9 o clock one everything we had saved in them was gone!

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Guys after the 9pm restart on the server tonight all the gear in our tents and backpacks was wiped, so that when we logged in after the 9 o clock one everything we had saved in them was gone!

We been getting reports of this as when u the server restart not all files are saved e.g if u place something in the tent 20 min or so before a restart it may not save we are looking in to it. so be aware it be better to save stuff in vehcials atm as we havnt had any reports of it going missing after restarts.

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Ingame name: Harry Potter

Location: Germany

GUID: 9cf125ba06f304ebcd1ea6cfcb74bfbe

Why i wanna play on this just one easy reason im bored of being hacked and i dont like it.

And maybe train my english a bit :)

Hope you like it, and i want your beans

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GUID ef456c4aab00bee71a9e51bac4bc16ed

I've already applied, just need to whitelist my GUID...

Edited by MidnightRave
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Hello There!

Could you please add me to the whitelist

Name : Retro

Guid: 81f4a160eb5b05d32bf567fb69e4c53a

Many thanks :)

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In game name: El Chupavaca

Location: Eastern US

GUID: d60ed24f00f1c87a53f735a2889574

Reason for applying: I'm tired of hackers and consequently want to play on a whitelisted server. Most whitelisted servers have a small population; yours is larger.

Edited by El Chupavaca

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Name: Fruitland

Location: Estonia

GUID: 606408a0e7467ab8d135f9a5eaab5aaa

Hello, my old server closed so I am looking for a stable server with great community and no hackers.

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Hello Panda.!!!! I, on the occasion of his exile. I'm already long since OFP Man's adequate and do not cheat. Forgive his unban I being charged for it and our players Kasp.Wild.devo4ka.Sergo

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Hey gang, what's with the compass etc at start up? It's a bit cheap isn't it? Can we not have a poll for this?

Something messed up with the update

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What was your ban reason?

09.02.13 11:15AM

I was banned (4 shots DMR not dead). But I not use cheats.

Near Mount Olsha and NEAF (coordinates: 122-026) I was injured with bleeding and a broken legs. I bandaged, injected morphine, ran zigzags and was killed by [TFF] Chris. Then I was kicked out of the game.

I NEVER used any cheats and hacks. I don't know why it happened. May be it was lagg.

Please, remove the ban.

Nick electric

GUID 56b4060e693ca1934e985d145be53053

I hope for understanding.

One of possible reasons of my ban:

Edited by electric
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