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Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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An idea for the next event;

Sniper Challenge...

Weapon: SVD_camo, no rangefinder other than the markers built into the scope.

Location: On top of Sniper mountain (Cap Golova)

Target 1: Pre setup standing survivor target anything from 600-900m away.

Target 2: After killing target 1, sniper must kill a running survivor target, 600-900m away. Will run in a straight line for consistency.

Winner is whoever kills the target in the least shots, 2x 10 rnd magazines per sniper.

How does this sound?

Edited by -Panda
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An idea for the next event;

Sniper Challenge...

Weapon: SVD_camo, no rangefinder other than the markers built into the scope.

Location: On top of Sniper mountain (Cap Golova)

Target 1: Pre setup standing survivor target anything from 600-900m away.

Target 2: After killing target 1, sniper must kill a running survivor target, 600-900m away. Will run in a straight line for consistency.

Winner is whoever kills the target in the least shots, 2x 10 rnd magazines per sniper.

How does this sound?


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Maybe Use the PVP map and make it so the last man standing wins etc

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Or use the namalsk map and TP everyone to the same spot and see who survives the longest with all the bloodsuckers and PVP action?

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Name - Rokz

Location - Scotland

GUID - bc1134c99a71118c0d2be810e17d0c5a

Reason - Want to play with my friends who are on this server :)

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And is the Arma 3 server down???

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Or use the namalsk map and TP everyone to the same spot and see who survives the longest with all the bloodsuckers and PVP action?

now thats an interesting idea! :D

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no chance of leaving server 2, Server one is full of people who just shoot in cherno or electro...... so whats the point just people arnt always fussed about pvp not that same people have a chance because of all the camping faggots?

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An idea for the next event;

Sniper Challenge...

Weapon: SVD_camo, no rangefinder other than the markers built into the scope.

Location: On top of Sniper mountain (Cap Golova)

Target 1: Pre setup standing survivor target anything from 600-900m away.

Target 2: After killing target 1, sniper must kill a running survivor target, 600-900m away. Will run in a straight line for consistency.

Winner is whoever kills the target in the least shots, 2x 10 rnd magazines per sniper.

How does this sound?

Sounds good :D However, might I make a suggestion? I seen this on a different server forum a while back and it sounds like a good idea and theres no reason we cant copy it :D lol

Sugestion: Chernaurus Treasure Hunt

All players participate together with around 8-10 game masters who monitor the whole event. Everybody starts at the beautiful shore of Elektrozavodsk. Waiting in front of the pier: 50 fully fueled and repaired motorcycles Type TT650_Civ for your use. Every participant receives one of these motorcycle and a little basic survival equipment and what should be sufficient to achieve the objective. Everywhere hidden on the map in more or less familiar places are tents with specific items inside. Which items you need to find won’t be published before the event

If you actually manage to find all items you have to go to the finish line at North-West Airfield, where two Choppers wait for the first incoming players to play around. First however, you need to find the specific items. To make sure that no one destroys the tents or steals all of the items, there will be a game master at every tent to check that everyone abides to the rules.

What ya think?

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no chance of leaving server 2, Server one is full of people who just shoot in cherno or electro...... so whats the point just people arnt always fussed about pvp not that same people have a chance because of all the camping faggots?

get out of cherno and elektro then, lol :P theres plenty of players up north :)

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no chance of leaving server 2, Server one is full of people who just shoot in cherno or electro...... so whats the point just people arnt always fussed about pvp not that same people have a chance because of all the camping faggots?

This has been the fun and dangerous yet beautiful part of DayZ since day 1 when it came out. The game is yours to play whatever way you want, you can do whatever it is you want. If If you choose to be a survivor who doesnt kill anyone else or defend himself then you make that choice to live in a dangerous world and must adapt to it. Thats what makes DayZ what it is today and why it is so successful.

You now seem to be aware that Chernarus is a dangerous place, so that leaves you with two options 1) Continue running towards dangerous places that you yourself know is dangerous and risk the chance of being killed by bandits..........or 2) Get smart, learn from your mistakes, stop whining and outsmart the killers and you become the predator.

No one can make that choice for you, personally, I believe if you choose option 1:


So its clear what you must do now. No one else can help you, only you can help yourself. Whining wont get you anywhere in life and certainly not in Chernarus.

A tip for you:

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My friends are already playing here. We are fed up with hackers spoiling a good gaming experience.

Server: Chernarus1

Edited by KalleS73
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Name:Captain Anarchy



My friends are already playing here.My friends are already playing here.

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They already know about combat logging its details in the Rules on page 1

* Rules to be followed *

- No cheating

- No glitch exploiting

- No malicious chat

- No racism (racism results in an immediate, permanent ban)

- No voice over Side Chat, text only (in English)

- Comfirmed Combat Logging results in a 24 hour ban, repeat offenders will receive a 48 hour ban

(Combat Logging is forcing your game to close (disconnecting) whilst in a fire fight/under enemy fire)

Can we also add logging out before you have respawned / left the "you are dead screen" fed up with not being able to loot because people rage out to desktop and bodys disapear.

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Can we also add logging out before you have respawned / left the "you are dead screen" fed up with not being able to loot because people rage out to desktop and bodys disapear.

No, thats just how day z works. If you think it should be changed submit a request to the dayz community dev team :)

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Name: Liam

Location: Edinburgh, Scotland

GUID: 2f17bd00db245495b22cbe979545813

I've recently re-installed ARMA 2 to play DayZ again and looking for a regular server instead of continuously hopping. This server looks great!

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what about an old classic hatchet fight?!

would be fun aswel

Hmmmm...... last man standing on the Utes pvp server could be fun... whoever holds the control tower at the end of the round wins... or something similar. .. ★

Edited by -Panda
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Hmmmm...... last man standing on the Utes pvp server could be fun... whoever holds the control tower at the end of the round wins... or something similar. .. ★

something like that yea

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YAY 500SLOT TS! Multigaming time pandaaaaa! :), might not be on cs tonight mate, me and the misses need some time together, The real misses! :)

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YAY 500SLOT TS! Multigaming time pandaaaaa! :), might not be on cs tonight mate, me and the misses need some time together, The real misses! :)

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