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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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hello yeah, panda I missed the deal on server 2, whys it down?

shutting down and moved back to server 1. Server 1 capped at 60 players to stop the previous lag. Server 2 is still up so you can move stuff over from any tents/vehicles, (same character data). Sorry for the hassle!

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shutting down and moved back to server 1. Server 1 capped at 60 players to stop the previous lag. Server 2 is still up so you can move stuff over from any tents/vehicles, (same character data). Sorry for the hassle!

is it getting stopped?

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Name -infected elvis

Location-UK Wales


Reason - I want to play here cos i'm sick to death of hackers. Also sick of finding good servers for them to be empty all the time. Also it seems to be a populated UK server.

Server - Chernarus #1

Edited by arvisz
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Our ARMA 3 Alpha server is at full capacity, 10 / 10 :)

Edited by -Panda

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I'm getting a "Bad version, server rejected connection" error message when I try to join? I was just able to join a few hours ago.

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I'm getting a "Bad version, server rejected connection" error message when I try to join? I was just able to join a few hours ago.

strange... nothings changed with the server mate... try reinstall dayz mod / arma beta via dayz commander

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What on earth is going on in the TO Team channel tonight!??? :o


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name: Yalo

Location; Russia, Moscow

GUID: 3a9f8c54829701d115e9e5c6d1ca7ecf

Statement: Some friends recommend your instance for fair-play. Please, sign me up

Server: Chernarus #1

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Heli Crash Loot has been revised this morning, our custom weapons have been re-added,

spawn chances have been revised :)

Battle Eye filters have been updated and should prevent any #20 kicks for the Quiver.

Also the Publicvariablevar filters and Remoteexec filters have been updated.

Currently setup (and believed working) with the following loot, the number is the spawn chance percentage, e.g. 0.05 = 5%

bizon_silenced = 0.04

BAF_L85A2_RIS_ACOG = 0.04

BAF_L85A2_UGL_Holo = 0.03

M16A4_ACG_GL = 0.04

M4A3_RCO_GL_EP1 = 0.03

G36C = 0.05

G36K = 0.05

MG36 = 0.02

m240_scoped_EP1 = 0.02

M249_DZ = 0.05

M60A4_EP1 = 0.03

Mk_48_DZ = 0.02

Saiga12K = 0.05

Sa61_EP1 = 0.04

M14_EP1 = 0.05

M4SPR = 0.05

DMR = 0.04

M40A3 = 0.07

SVD_Camo = 0.05

SVD_NSPU_EP1 = 0.05

M107_DZ = 0.03

BAF_AS50_scoped = 0.02

KSVK = 0.03

FN_FAL = 0.02

FN_FAL_ANPVS4 = 0.02

military junk = 1.00

medical junk = 0.50

MedBox0 = 0.10

AmmoBoxSmall_556 = 0.10

AmmoBoxSmall_762 = 0.10

NVGoggles = 0.01

Skin_Camo1_DZ = 0.05

Skin_Sniper1_DZ = 0.05

Skin_Soldier1_DZ = 0.05 (reduced from 0.20)

DZ_Backpack_EP1 = 0.10

Edited by -Panda
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Heli Crash Loot has been revised this morning, our custom weapons have been re-added,

spawn chances have been revised :)

Battle Eye filters have been updated and should prevent any #20 kicks for the Quiver.

Also the Publicvariablevar filters and Remoteexec filters have been updated.

Currently setup (and believed working) with the following loot, the number is the spawn chance percentage, e.g. 0.05 = 5%

bizon_silenced = 0.04

BAF_L85A2_RIS_ACOG = 0.04

BAF_L85A2_UGL_Holo = 0.03

M16A4_ACG_GL = 0.04

M4A3_RCO_GL_EP1 = 0.03

G36C = 0.05

G36K = 0.05

MG36 = 0.02

m240_scoped_EP1 = 0.02

M249_DZ = 0.05

M60A4_EP1 = 0.03

Mk_48_DZ = 0.02

Saiga12K = 0.05

Sa61_EP1 = 0.04

M14_EP1 = 0.05

M4SPR = 0.05

DMR = 0.04

M40A3 = 0.07

SVD_Camo = 0.05

SVD_NSPU_EP1 = 0.05

M107_DZ = 0.03

BAF_AS50_scoped = 0.02

KSVK = 0.03

FN_FAL = 0.02

FN_FAL_ANPVS4 = 0.02

military junk = 1.00

medical junk = 0.50

MedBox0 = 0.10

AmmoBoxSmall_556 = 0.10

AmmoBoxSmall_762 = 0.10

NVGoggles = 0.01

Skin_Camo1_DZ = 0.05

Skin_Sniper1_DZ = 0.05

Skin_Soldier1_DZ = 0.05 (reduced from 0.20)

DZ_Backpack_EP1 = 0.10

Nice to see that good sir

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Jenny. Im officially going after you this weekend! lets have a 3k - tff war :)

PS. No hovering in the Heuy spraying down m240 rounds when i have a DMR GHILLIE AND M4A1 SD CCO WITH 10MAGS!

Added bonus note. I will pop your head with my fresh as50

I swear i killed you at NWAF last night hege!

Hatchet fight? Bring it!

leave that bonus couse my as50 want more blood then youres!

Hue hue hue!

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I'm getting a "Bad version, server rejected connection" error message when I try to join? I was just able to join a few hours ago.

This started to happen a couple days ago, firstly with one of my friends, then another, then to me.

To fix this:

I told the first one to downgrade arma 2 beta patch in dayz commander to an older version then upgradge again This worked for him.

When It happened to me, it didn't stay, I just tried again and it worked.


Access the server from Arma 2 OA, the message doesnt come up then for some reason.

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Name: boddy



Statement: My friends are playing on this server and they recommended it for me so I would low to try it out :D

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Name: DynamitePrime

Location: United Kingdom

GUID: cac742792aaec91d0f8576a0dbad2658

Statement: The reason i want to join is im tired of hackers and a friend reccomended this server

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Name: RiqCrow

Location: Finland

GUID: 7574e1a186428a77d29e01ec6f6650d4

server: Chernarus#1

Reason for applying: fed up with hackers, we are looking for a whitelisted EU server.

Updating his application due few errors in GUID


Location: Finland

GUID: 7574e1a186428a77d29e01ec6fb650d4

server: Chernarus#1

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My friends are already playing here.

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name: ThePile

Location; Sweden

GUID: e3d55664dceb784393d27c1c91c2a4fa

Statement: Friend demanded it.

Server: Chernarus #1

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- Name: TehMos

- Location: Poland

- GUID : 4f0397f4a4951658ca99b34f7f8119ad

-I want to play on this server, becouse i search good server long time.

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- Name: TehMos

- Location: Poland

- GUID : 4f0397f4a4951658ca99b34f7f8119ad

-I want to play on this server, becouse i search good server long time.

name: ThePile

Location; Sweden

GUID: e3d55664dceb784393d27c1c91c2a4fa

Statement: Friend demanded it.

Server: Chernarus #1




My friends are already playing here.

Updating his application due few errors in GUID


Location: Finland

GUID: 7574e1a186428a77d29e01ec6fb650d4

server: Chernarus#1


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