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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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No, the real problem is this :


3rd line on "Not a bug"

And i found this : http://dayzmod.com/f.../page__hl__tent 2nd post

All the contents in tents placed BEFORE the update, will keep respawning with their stuff, even if stuff get removed, and what is add in will disappear. It means infinite stuff (for what you had in your tents before the update).

Every time you put a tent down and put gear in it after the next restart that tent always respawns that gear that was put in there.

Well all these new problems are caused by the new DayZ update. We have to remember this update is NOT an official release. It made purely by kiddies who "know" how to code. Everyone was very quick to want this update but it has not been tested and it is causing a lot of issues. I think the DayZMod forum team should of made it more clear this Mod update was not created by the DayZ team and we should expect a wealth of issues.

On a side note too, this update was designed for Chernarus only, so anyone running other maps with this update are having an even worse time that we are! :(

I'm currently on TS with Vilayer seeing if theres any changes they can make for us.

Edited by -Panda

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My friend's name - Adam

My friend's GUID is - b8747aff4c2cb82a8a9ecc2caf6a1fa3

Same reason as joining as my post above.

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Clearly no1 gives a feck about my application, not even the decency to give me a reason as to why, cheers for waisting 2 hours of my time :thumbsup:

You're attitude is not welcome here. Jog on to another server.

Edited by -Panda
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Name : Karacey

Location: Belgium

GUID : b85547b7eaf48e0c975eadd7e4d380

Name : Dogukan

Location: Belgium

GUID: 7b2793d8cb58682ea31208f11824d6c3

Me and a friend are looking for a serious server with no cheats and hackers. We've tried lots of servers but were always killed by hackers that spawned right in front of us. We were quit upset and lost our motivation to play. That's the reason why we decided to find a serious server where we can enjoy playing without worrying about getting ourself killed by hackers. We love to role play and are more than serious when we play a game like DayZ.

GUID too short mate

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Name: Tom Semilia

Location: Germany

GUID: 9a9acef38f520b113768068cf0d05c77

I'm searching for a nice server!

Edited by Tom Semilia
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Im on TS with Vilayer discussing the tent issue caused by the latest botched update

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- Name - Cupid Stunt

- Location London, UK

- GUID f8ccf0d511fefe4a39fe889d226db7f7

- Me and my friend are trying to join a server since we're new and they're just filled with hackers.

I will post my friend's GUID when he sends it to me in a sec....

I like the fancy post haha!

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Name: Pasha Entreri

Location: Florida, United States

GUID: cf0039c565607428d0a2419252f8218a

Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10: Some friends have talked me into playing this game and want me to play with them so I can figure it out.

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Keep us in touch for the tents Panda ;)

And i know the lasts updates are made by the community, im just waiting for the standalone to be available, and i think your server is the last one with "good" setup, the only bad thing (imo) is the 3rd person, but no one want to play without looking above walls ^^, well that's another problem.

The point is, if everygroup have infinite stuff, there's no point to play :'(, and i dont want to stop playing on your server (it will mean stop playing dayz till the standalone :'()

So, hope to see regular tents, gl man ;)

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Keep us in touch for the tents Panda ;)

And i know the lasts updates are made by the community, im just waiting for the standalone to be available, and i think your server is the last one with "good" setup, the only bad thing (imo) is the 3rd person, but no one want to play without looking above walls ^^, well that's another problem.

The point is, if everygroup have infinite stuff, there's no point to play :'(, and i dont want to stop playing on your server (it will mean stop playing dayz till the standalone :'()

So, hope to see regular tents, gl man ;)

Accprding to Vilayer, the tent issue is a big problem and is the same for many providers. Apparently the updatebeing poorly coded along with the owner of the Bliss Hive abandoning his Bliss Hive project have caused a lot of errors and occurances where data is not written to the database correctly. Vilayers head coder is currently working on a fix but it will take a day or two to be completed. Once the fix is in place I will wipe all tents and have a fresh map. This will only affect tents. Vehicles and character data will remain unchanged :thumbsup:

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No, the real problem is this :


3rd line on "Not a bug"

And i found this : http://dayzmod.com/f.../page__hl__tent 2nd post

All the contents in tents placed BEFORE the update, will keep respawning with their stuff, even if stuff get removed, and what is add in will disappear. It means infinite stuff (for what you had in your tents before the update).

Noooooo, me and Cipher have been doing testing and tents we have placed AFTER the update have done this dupe bug! Edited by -Daniel-

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Keep us in touch for the tents Panda ;)

And i know the lasts updates are made by the community, im just waiting for the standalone to be available, and i think your server is the last one with "good" setup, the only bad thing (imo) is the 3rd person, but no one want to play without looking above walls ^^, well that's another problem.

The point is, if everygroup have infinite stuff, there's no point to play :'(, and i dont want to stop playing on your server (it will mean stop playing dayz till the standalone :'()

So, hope to see regular tents, gl man ;)

Very few groups have "infinite stuff" imo. A lot of them start from scratch all the time like everyone else. It just takes one heli trip to discover a camp and bust it... Of course, the more populated a team is, the bigger their edge gets...

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Keep us in touch for the tents Panda ;)

And i know the lasts updates are made by the community, im just waiting for the standalone to be available, and i think your server is the last one with "good" setup, the only bad thing (imo) is the 3rd person, but no one want to play without looking above walls ^^, well that's another problem.

The point is, if everygroup have infinite stuff, there's no point to play :'(, and i dont want to stop playing on your server (it will mean stop playing dayz till the standalone :'()

So, hope to see regular tents, gl man ;)

Well third person gives me the sense of awareness that I get in real life and not in a first person view and a computer screen

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Accprding to Vilayer, the tent issue is a big problem and is the same for many providers. Apparently the updatebeing poorly coded along with the owner of the Bliss Hive abandoning his Bliss Hive project have caused a lot of errors and occurances where data is not written to the database correctly. Vilayers head coder is currently working on a fix but it will take a day or two to be completed. Once the fix is in place I will wipe all tents and have a fresh map. This will only affect tents. Vehicles and character data will remain unchanged :thumbsup:


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Btw Panda what is this "Bliss Hive Project" your talking about?

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Very few groups have "infinite stuff" imo. A lot of them start from scratch all the time like everyone else. It just takes one heli trip to discover a camp and bust it... Of course, the more populated a team is, the bigger their edge gets...

By infinite stuff i mean because of the bug, for example, i have a tente with M24, DMR, FAL, and after all reboot, ther keep replenish themself, so i have infinite M24, DMR, and FAL, and i cannot use these tents to stock another items, i lost a M107 because of that :'(

Well third person gives me the sense of awareness that I get in real life and not in a first person view and a computer screen

But in real life you cant see without being seen, i mean when you are on top of a building, crawling on the center of the roof, you can't see all around the city :/. Same thing when you are behind a wall, you can't see other people on the other side of that wall. But nobody want to lose that, because it is harder to play without it, sadly truth :'(

Edited by FragleFameux

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By infinite stuff i mean because of the bug, for example, i have a tente with M24, DMR, FAL, and after all reboot, ther keep replenish themself, so i have infinite M24, DMR, and FAL, and i cannot use these tents to stock another items, i lost a M107 because of that :'(

But in real life you cant see without being seen, i mean when you are on top of a building, crawling on the center of the roof, you can't see all around the city :/. Same thing when you are behind a wall, you can't see other people on the other side of that wall. But nobody want to lose that, because it is harder to play without it, sadly truth :'(

I see your point but it is just a game after all and I dont feel this needs to be changed IMO, maybe just use first person view yourself?????

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Hi everyone!,

I'd just like to bring to your attention my new Youtube channel. There will be a lot DayZ videos on it, all taken from this server! Here is the first video so far, hopefully you guys enjoy it. There will be much more to come.

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I see your point but it is just a game after all and I dont feel this needs to be changed IMO, maybe just use first person view yourself?????

Yes that's a game, but people dont like wallhack, that's the same thing, and i will not handicap myself just because i don't like it, i killed so much people because they can't see me, and when they are a range, turning the other way, i left my hiding place, and bam, someone has been killed. Imagine Counter-strike with 3rd person, you are a terrorist, you set the bomb and go hide behind a corner watching the bomb, if the CTs come to you, you fall back, and if they try to defuse, you unhide and kill them. It is the same thing on arma and all multiplayer shooter. But arma is already hard enough so people dont want to lose any thing that makes life easier.

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Hi everyone!,

I'd just like to bring to your attention my new Youtube channel. There will be a lot DayZ videos on it, all taken from this server! Here is the first video so far, hopefully you guys enjoy it. There will be much more to come.

awww bless xx

Good channel tho :D

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I would like to welcome Dahlvash as an admin on UK#10 !

Please obey his instructions and respect his wishes as you would with any other UK#10 admin.

Thank you Dahlvash for your efforts in keeping UK#10 hacker free :)

Direct link to Dahlvash's DayZMod profile: http://dayzmod.com/f...79866-dahlvash/


* UK#10 Admins, including point of contact *

- Panda http://dayzmod.com/f...er/37864-panda/

- Beast http://dayzmod.com/f...618-dayzofdoom/

- Cipher http://dayzmod.com/f...ser/41161-gari/

- Mr.Barrington http://dayzmod.com/f...7-mrbarrington/

- MindOfDave http://dayzmod.com/f...397-mindofdave/

- Benny http://dayzmod.com/f...1052-bennybuss/

- Weasel http://dayzmod.com/f...24807-weasel82/

- Stu http://dayzmod.com/f...70198-indiestu/

- Dahlvash http://dayzmod.com/f...79866-dahlvash/

Edited by -Panda
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Cey, on 10 February 2013 - 06:38 PM, said:

Name : Karacey

Location: Belgium

GUID : b85547b7eaf48e0c975eadd7e4d380

Name : Dogukan

Location: Belgium

GUID: 7b2793d8cb58682ea31208f11824d6c3

Me and a friend are looking for a serious server with no cheats and hackers. We've tried lots of servers but were always killed by hackers that spawned right in front of us. We were quit upset and lost our motivation to play. That's the reason why we decided to find a serious server where we can enjoy playing without worrying about getting ourself killed by hackers. We love to role play and are more than serious when we play a game like DayZ.

GUID too short mate


Name : Karacey

Location: Belgium

GUID : b85547b7ea6af48e0c975eadd7e4d380

Edited by Cey
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- Name: Nazs

- Location: Spain & USA

- GUID: 0ca8a25aa59a3119d70a7b4f323488c4

- A have found that many of the players in Uk10 and on the Teamspeak are great people.! and i would love to be part of such group.

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