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Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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Name: Naamakala

Location: Finland

GUID: 7dc1ffaafce5fe7c49fa04e704324f1e

i want to play here because almost every server that is not whitelisted is full of hackers and i have a friend who plays here too

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where be my beans man! my bloody beans dont think ive ever wanted to see a can of beans so badly >< got people waiting for me to be accepted on the server and im just waisting there time by making them wait! :'( or atleast a reason why i havnt got my heinz would be nice.

- Name Lykus

- Location England

- GUID f4958d6764febd1d2a21422f18897ded

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10

Basically, i want to experience the game without the constant worry of being teleported and blown up :(, also i have a couple rl friends playing on this server. :D, attempt no.2!

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- Name GeneralTwinky

- Location Denmark

- GUID 07a839856ad60d12018d8bf3b377d625

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10

One of my homies plays on your server. He says it pretty darn awesome, and i would like to play him :D

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Reporting a cheater, Darkless and his mate steve.

me and some people killed them both befor the 3pm restart, after the restart i logged in with them in front of me so i killed them both then darkless kept spawning in so i kept killing him until he got me, check the logs at 3pm guys was cheating his face off i must of killed him about 3-4times in the space of 40seconds

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Clearly no1 gives a feck about my application, not even the decency to give me a reason as to why, cheers for waisting 2 hours of my time :thumbsup:

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Reporting a cheater, Darkless and his mate steve.

me and some people killed them both befor the 3pm restart, after the restart i logged in with them in front of me so i killed them both then darkless kept spawning in so i kept killing him until he got me, check the logs at 3pm guys was cheating his face off i must of killed him about 3-4times in the space of 40seconds

That's correct - minus the cheating.

We spawned in on top of the firestation roof next to you, we both got shot and died. I re-spawned in the debug plains (no gear) and then the server went down for a restart. 5mins later we log back in, I again, spawned where I died, as did Darkless. After that he spawned up there 3 times and eventually I got a normal spawn near the coast.

Then comes your constant spamming of sidechat about cheats.

The logs will support everything I said above. It was simply a bug, not a cheat.

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Clearly no1 gives a feck about my application, not even the decency to give me a reason as to why, cheers for waisting 2 hours of my time :thumbsup:

u have to calm down dude........

all new are added!

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Unplayable at the minute due to game breaking dupe tents etc

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Reporting a cheater, Darkless and his mate steve.

me and some people killed them both befor the 3pm restart, after the restart i logged in with them in front of me so i killed them both then darkless kept spawning in so i kept killing him until he got me, check the logs at 3pm guys was cheating his face off i must of killed him about 3-4times in the space of 40seconds

We have seen this bug befor where after someone is killed they re-spawn in the same place with the same gear.....its a rare bug that corrects itself after a server restart

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We have seen this bug befor where after someone is killed they re-spawn in the same place with the same gear.....its a rare bug that corrects itself after a server restart

Now that you mention it I have had this happen to me once on a namalsk map but not more than one time.

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name: Sheriff

location: Russia

guid: 0f7217d65a2734b989ec8d39e8cf5aa5

Tired of cheaters and lags


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Unplayable at the minute due to game breaking dupe tents etc

jep you are right about that but Panda is still at work let's see what he does when he comes back.

Have some patience

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Unplayable at the minute due to game breaking dupe tents etc

jep you are right about that but Panda is still at work let's see what he does when he comes back.

Have some patience


Care to explain please what these dupe tents etc, are and what im expected to do?

Edited by -Panda

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Name : Karacey

Location: Belgium

GUID : b85547b7eaf48e0c975eadd7e4d380

Name : Dogukan

Location: Belgium

GUID: 7b2793d8cb58682ea31208f11824d6c3

Me and a friend are looking for a serious server with no cheats and hackers. We've tried lots of servers but were always killed by hackers that spawned right in front of us. We were quit upset and lost our motivation to play. That's the reason why we decided to find a serious server where we can enjoy playing without worrying about getting ourself killed by hackers. We love to role play and are more than serious when we play a game like DayZ.

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- Name Drainerxgodx

- Location Russia\Ukraine

- GUID fe52f01b72347d620c63ffe52e09aded

- Tired to play on pub servers, with a lot of hackers, who every time when i have a good gear always killing me or teleporting.... This is my first whitelisted server, and just wanna try it.

My friends playing on your server, their nicknames - Eiza, I_Radek_I, nqsssw


Edited by drainerxgodx
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Name: Hans

Country: Austria

GUID: 7301069c29fa5f3ddc105d8732b6bb21

I want to play here to avoid hackers, a friend (Toni) plays here too.

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Care to explain please what these dupe tents etc, are and what im expected to do?

Every time you put a tent down and put gear in it after the next restart that tent always respawns that gear that was put in there. Edited by -Daniel-

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ingame-nick; FFCrusader

GUID; 556e6cbb0b6274300daaea6f7f0110f0

Location; Sweden

I saw about your server somewhere in the forums and it seemed great!

It also feels reasuring that you guys seem to put the foot down when it comes to hackers.

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Every time you put a tent down and put gear in it after the next restart that tent always resawns that gear that was put in there.

Well that bug was fixed a long time ago. Guess we have the recent community created update to thank for returning the bug.

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Hi, my name is Benualdo (both in-game and forum name) and I really wanna play on a cool server without hackers.

Name: Benualdo

Location: France

Guid: 8796c018cdc940fedd4996079440b92f


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Well that bug was fixed a long time ago. Guess we have the recent community created update to thank for returning the bug.

No, the real problem is this :


3rd line on "Not a bug"

And i found this : http://dayzmod.com/f.../page__hl__tent 2nd post

All the contents in tents placed BEFORE the update, will keep respawning with their stuff, even if stuff get removed, and what is add in will disappear. It means infinite stuff (for what you had in your tents before the update).

Edited by FragleFameux

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a friend of mine:

Name: DubiTare

Country: Germany


Edited by akeldama
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- Name - Cupid Stunt

- Location London, UK

- GUID f8ccf0d511fefe4a39fe889d226db7f7

- Me and my friend are trying to join a server since we're new and they're just filled with hackers.

I will post my friend's GUID when he sends it to me in a sec....

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Having problem accessing after a week or so away! Please can you add me again - thanks - details below:

- Name - Carlos the Jackal

- Location - England

- GUID - 66992366428288b3f954105c1c31d6a9

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