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Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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Give me the beans please xD,


In-game Name: imwoman

Location: UK(actual)/Spain(home)

GUID: 100f15e376106826951e8661b5b477e9

Reason: looking for a private hive to avoid hackers.

See you!

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Name: Sockermamma

Location: Sweden(!)

GUID: 34614eac6586c57a04763a46a397e44a

Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10

It looks like a nice server to play safe and as you should play dayz, with active admins and no hackers!

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Yeah the latest beta patch 101480 is kinda dodgey to be honest I think eveyone can see that.

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Hello again and again, i realized that i gave you the guid from my friend ASCAR

In-game Name: imwoman

Location: UK(actual)/Spain(home)

GUID: cb3b868d917623381c04e553dcc7f334

Reason: looking for a private hive to avoid hackers.

See you!

Edited by imwoman
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I'm registering for me and two of my friends. I'm not sure if this is allowed but let me know and I'll get them to register themselves.

Name: Bogz

Location: England

GUID: 26175c0134cf8921a3676c19606437d8

Name: Mafy

Location: England

GUID: b3daa16b7fceaccbfa6227233d8ecd9d

Name: Gaz

Location: England

GUID: af96d24cde11cf58fca2e771cb9cc8b3

Reason: We are looking for a server with active admins as we are sick of losing all of our progress due to hackers.

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Not sure wtf just happened but I was in the middle of playing and got kicked telling me I need to apply for whitelist?! I'm already on it!!!

Name: Jellboey

Location: UK (Hull)

GUID: a97276265290acf83a0f2560d0a1b973

Reason: Looks virtually hacker free, very populated and thus popular. Looking for a "main" DayZ server to play after my other one got shite. :)

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just got kicked cuz im not in the whitelist but i always play on this server! can you resubmit me?

Name: Mark

Location: Netherlands

GUID: 57cce2862bb25d322c5122f8dd6841ef

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Hi! Seems like I have been un whitelisted. Got kicked and said I had to whitelist? :(

In-game Name: Mr. K

Location: Denmark

GUID: b4e5649de98992f9dcdcbeb5db85504a

Just want to get back to playing really :D

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Lol, [sAS] pleeding for their heli's back after whitelist kicks looooooooooool :P only if you have the receipt haha

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Everyones getting mass kicked, for BECLIENT, and not having whitelist, shame such a good server is fucking up.

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Everyones getting mass kicked, for BECLIENT, and not having whitelist, shame such a good server is fucking up.

BATTLE EYE CLIENT is nothing to do with the server!

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BATTLE EYE CLIENT is nothing to do with the server!

BATTLE EYE is not work correctly on the your server!

Why you not believe me? I'm not hacker, I'm just victim of buggy system.

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I have played in one server longtime, but then there appears hackers and i really dont want to play with hackers.. My friends are playing on this server too and they say this is good server and dont lag!

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Just had a mysterious encounter on this server. This happened an hour or so ago.

I realize that a new patch was released not long ago, but what I didn't know that you can have plate armor under your normal clothes and somekind of nanosuit, like in crysis that makes you invisible.

But actually, I just want Panda or another brave admin have a look at this video. No subtitles this time, just a 2-3min video for you to check if this firefight was legit or not. Also, a perfect example of what happens when

I try to stick someone up..


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Any news on when we can be female survivors?

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I have played in one server longtime, but then there appears hackers and i really dont want to play with hackers.. My friends are playing on this server too and they say this is good server and dont lag!

Hi! Seems like I have been un whitelisted. Got kicked and said I had to whitelist? :(

In-game Name: Mr. K

Location: Denmark

GUID: b4e5649de98992f9dcdcbeb5db85504a

Just want to get back to playing really :D

just got kicked cuz im not in the whitelist but i always play on this server! can you resubmit me?

Name: Mark

Location: Netherlands

GUID: 57cce2862bb25d322c5122f8dd6841ef


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Sry for the delayed restart guys just doing some cleaning

as always...its all bennys fault.

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Name: lava

Location: USA

GUID : 04a7af2f40c3f651c37992600dc9566c

Recommended by friends and looking to play hacker free with good community!!

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IGN: Craig

Location: Scotland

GUID: 8633ce55c0092a9097f9e098f9450672

I am fed up of dying from hackers and being banned for no reason by unfair admins. Please accept me.

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Name: RZR j0Nj0N

Location: Ålesund, Norway

GUID: a0c897667e87c9247f747eb33d68e722

I would like to play on this server because it has great ping for me, and I need a Chernarus server to play on. It's also a private hive with settings that I find near perfect.


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