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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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- Name Shawn Wall


guid to short! please recheck!

I cant seem to get on this server anymore, I get the following error "You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Script Restricion #43". Can anyone advise?

reinstall DayZ (use DayZCommander!)

Good Morning UK #10!


Edited by Weasel82
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I think it's because the server have yet to update to the latest DayZ, so it should work once they do! (I hope ^^)

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I cant seem to get on this server anymore, I get the following error "You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Script Restricion #43". Can anyone advise?

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Hello Sexy Panda,

We want to let all standard DayZ Package customers know that there will be a short hive outage tonight at approximately 3am GMT. This downtime will last between 15 minutes to 1 hour. During this time we will be adding MySQL Replication for several locations including Westcoast, Dallas, New York, Canada, France, Strasbourg and Luxembourg. This will help add better stability and connectivity for the whole of our network.

There will be no data lost during this update.

We will be releasing an update later tonight that merges DayZ Code with the latest Vilayer code.

Please keep in mind this update is ONLY for Chernarus. To play on all other maps you will need to downgrade to

Over the next few days we will be updating all maps created by Vilayer to make them compatible with These maps include Fallujah, Lingor, Panthera, Takistan, Utes and Zargabad.

All other maps not created by Vilayer will still require until the creators release updates to make them compatible with

Best Regards,

Vilayer LTD

Edited by -Panda
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- Name: Navio

- Location: Norway

- GUID: bd769102697327ff79f2878585793a7b

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10: I'm fed up with hackers.

- Name: ColliN91

- Location: Sweden

- GUID: 3cd14ae92e3064884d4f71bfdb166c69

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10: Also fed up with hackers.

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Hello Sexy Panda,

We want to let all standard DayZ Package customers know that there will be a short hive outage tonight at approximately 3am GMT. This downtime will last between 15 minutes to 1 hour. During this time we will be adding MySQL Replication for several locations including Westcoast, Dallas, New York, Canada, France, Strasbourg and Luxembourg. This will help add better stability and connectivity for the whole of our network.

There will be no data lost during this update.

We will be releasing an update later tonight that merges DayZ Code with the latest Vilayer code.

Please keep in mind this update is ONLY for Chernarus. To play on all other maps you will need to downgrade to

Over the next few days we will be updating all maps created by Vilayer to make them compatible with These maps include Fallujah, Lingor, Panthera, Takistan, Utes and Zargabad.

All other maps not created by Vilayer will still require until the creators release updates to make them compatible with

Best Regards,

Vilayer LTD

Edited by -Daniel-
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I'd like to apply on behalf of another friend, the amount of fun I'm having with my friend who I sent an application in earlier, anothre friend of mine wants to join me on this server, if that's ok?

Name: SoulFirez

GUID: 21bc0abe3bec1ca640097d561cf4

Location: Australia

Reason: He want's to join me (Nick Stone) and my friend (Danny) in the wonderful zombie apocalypse on UK#10.

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Hello Beautiful Fluffy Panda,

We have just released Vilayer Code 6.4 into your control panel.

This update includes several changes and additions.

Chernarus updated for

Added support for DayZ+

Added support for Isladuala

MySQL performance improvements

MySQL replication added throughout entire network

New custom loadout tool (activated later today)

We have also begun updating all Vilayer created maps to support This update will be released in the coming days.

These maps include:







As always, before installing the update please uninstall your current map to avoid conflicts.

If any bugs are noticed, please! submit a support ticket and we will get it sorted out straight away.

Best Regards,

Vilayer LTD

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Don't forget everyone to update to !!!!!!


Edited by -Daniel-
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- Name: WTF-Kaysio

- Location: Scotland

- GUID: fcb1467ed6201f5b3b313e8aa1cb53ef

- Brief statement:

Played Flashpoint from the early days, been playing the BIS platform ever since.

Ive ran several Arma OA servers in the past for my clan, now run a home server with custom Benny missions.

Our clan are now getting into DayZ in a big way and we are based around fair and clean gaming.

We run our own 25 slot TS3 server, with a 512 slot backup when needed.

Myself and the rest of the clan are fed up to be honest with the amount of hacking going on and just want somewhere to settle, with like minded DayZ players.

Thanks for your consideration.

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- Name: WTF-Kaysio

- Location: Scotland

- GUID: fcb1467ed6201f5b3b313e8aa1cb53ef.

Another Scottish fellow! Nice to see so many applying. :D

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Panda may I ask how the update is progressing are you already past half way?

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*** We're back up and running on ***

I keep getting kicked for Script Restriction #43, what's the issue? (my friend is experiencing this as well)

Edited by Chilco

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Same here, BE Script Restriction #43. Thanks for a great server btw! Hopefully this small snag will be solved easily!

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