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Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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- Name: Krimbo

- Location: England

- GUID: b9d02caf4640d282a99094679b4c5285

- Brief statement: I'm looking for a reliable, populated environment to play on without the hassle of hackers. I'm also tired of servers with thousands of vehicles and full loot upon spawn. This server seems very well attended by its admins and I'd love to have a place on there with you!

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Hey, I have an issue with the whitelisting.

I was able to play earlier today (after I thought I had been added), but after playing a while I was suddendly kicked and apparently removed from the list. Would appreciate if I was added again. :)

(My first application was sent in PM)

Player info:

Ingame name: Daryl Dixon

Location: Finland


(Apparently someone else was already using the same name, so I switched to Flitter after a while)

im added you as Flitter

Edited by Weasel82

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Ingame nick: TheFerret

Location: UK


reason: I hear it's hacker free and stable and a friend recommended it

Edited by TheFerret
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Name : Muddis

Loc : Sweden

GUID : 25124ac24532955ba99e8d585e7347ee (hope this is right:) )

Reason for joining : Been playing Dayz for a long time but took a break cus of all the hackers and been playing Warz some time now, but then hackers came to warz so i'm searching for a hacker free server. Hope i can get in!

Edited by Muddis
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Name: Eye Of The Tiger

Loc: Finland

GUID: d0bb4fd6b37b7b699010ff6316afb961

Reason: I'm looking server that is well organized and i also want to play without cheaters/assholes. B)

Edited by Kaimalew

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Name: [sCUM]CIPP3N

Location: Sweden

Guid: 1ae5b49faf1ca0a8a73f7a4a5ecd5e4e

The reason I want to play on this server is because i'm tired of cheaters, and i want to play with my friends on this server :)

Edited by Quser
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I would like to play in a server without hackers :D



cb601afcc9ad45b15c066da68ef2c87d now correct i put S intead of 5 sorry :(

and i hope i can play with my friend ipn00tic :D

Best Regards

Edited by razorblade
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Good to see our TeamSpeak server is being put to good use :) If anyone/any team would like a private passworded room then just let me know :)


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The ts3 is alot better than skype so thank you Panda for making this possible

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Name: Eye Of The Tiger

Loc: Finland

GUID: d0bb4fd6b37b7699010ff6316afb961

Reason: I'm looking server that is well organized and i also want to play without cheaters/assholes. B)

GUID too short mate

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The ts3 is alot better than skype so thank you Panda for making this possible

yep, TS3 has far better voice quality and lower latency :)

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Ingame name: CROOK53Y

Location: Sheffield United Kingdom


Reason: Seems like a good server I can call home (recommended by another player) . Looking for a risk free gaming enviroment, and knowledge that the server I play on, is well looked after.



Edited by CROOK53Y

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Please forgive me if this is not appropriate place.

UK 10 is the only server i have played on for the past month or 2.

Today, six launcher updated my dayz (i connect to uk10 ingame with [remote])

when i try to connect to uk10 it says "kicked: battleye script restriction #44"


I tried to google it, but it was complicated answers, im not a coder.

i tested other servers and yes i can join other servers

I want to be able to join again

Edited by jjkjwo

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Ingame name: CROOK53Y

Location: Sheffield United Kingdom


Reason: Seems like a good server I can call home (recommended by another player) . Looking for a risk free gaming enviroment, and knowledge that the server I play on, is well looked after.



i dont know how...but i think u forgot something. :lol:

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Please forgive me if this is not appropriate place.

UK 10 is the only server i have played on for the past month or 2.

Today, six launcher updated my dayz (i connect to uk10 ingame with [remote])

when i try to connect to uk10 it says "kicked: battleye script restriction #44"


I tried to google it, but it was complicated answers, im not a coder.

i tested other servers and yes i can join other servers

I want to be able to join again

You have different version of Dayz then server.

I did the same, I updated DayZ with Six launcher to and now gotta wait for server to also update (server still is

People say that DayZ Commander have options to downgrade versions but with Six I don't know how to go back to Maybe uninstal and manually find DayZ download or something

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I hope that it will be optimized to play on *lower* settings, cause no way in hell that I'll be able to run this on my PC.

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You have different version of Dayz then server.

I did the same, I updated DayZ with Six launcher to and now gotta wait for server to also update (server still is

People say that DayZ Commander have options to downgrade versions but with Six I don't know how to go back to Maybe uninstal and manually find DayZ download or something

My friend also had the same problem. Just download Dayzcommander and open the program. After this you have "Instal/Update" in the upper part of your screen. Click on that and it will give you the versions of your arma and dayz. Just instal the previous version of dayz in this case that is

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Ditch six launcher it is poo, use dayz commander instead. Roll back to and you'll be able to play again :)

DayZ commander has a much better setup for updating all maps and and Arma beta files, DayZ mod files, etc

Edited by -Panda

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"Where's MrB been?" - I've heard none of you asking!

Well I'll tell you where, I've been making (music, video, rapping) the GREATEST DAYZ MUSICAL PARODY VIDEO OF ALL TIME (Except Call me Dayz)

Here it is, see if you can spot yourself killing me, or being killed in:

Medium DayZ:

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Name: Wishen

Location: Sweden

GUID: a2f868c73e17cf7695e9b9faaf41b3f6

Reason: My friend started to play here called "Muddis" and I also want a hacker free experience. Im so sick and tired of them right now its insane!

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"Where's MrB been?" - I've heard none of you asking!

Well I'll tell you where, I've been making (music, video, rapping) the GREATEST DAYZ MUSICAL PARODY VIDEO OF ALL TIME (Except Call me Dayz)

Here it is, see if you can spot yourself killing me, or being killed in:

Medium DayZ:


Awesome video mate, nice to see you included our sing song at the end with a random in the church.

Make this video go viral people! :P

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