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Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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I will be known in game as DaneBladeZ

I live in the Netherlands, in Frisia.

My GUID is :aa4bbd016a892520812fbe0d6eef9357

I've understood that this is a nearly hacker free server, so I decided to apply.

Edited by DaneBladeZ
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- Name Gekelbek

- Location Russia

- GUID 2024d9d48dbbbb34a79c643fdb2379d6

- friend is playing here and he says that there is no cheaters here

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- Name Gekelbek

- Location Russia

- GUID 2024d9d48dbbb34a79c643fdb2379d6

- friend is playing here and he says that there is no cheaters here

1 to short

Got the GUID wrong, the proper one is...


Sorry for the mixup


I would like to be able to register me and my friend.

My name: Reuben ... His name: [LMG] man of steel

Location: UK/England

My GUID: eab8e103bbad5d46e331498c6cf8c3e21 ... His GUID: 36bfc5fbdea2cf50e4482ba32c96f32e2

I would like to join this server as me and my friend has been looking for a good private hive server to start gaming on regularly, without annoying little kids, hackers and any other bad people. We have been on and off many servers and have been looking for a good popular server to play on and yours seems perfect.

Both Guid to long

copy past of my email x)

Hi Admin team,

As first sorry for my English. I'm french.

We are a small team of IG friends. We want to join a white list server because some of us have been killed or teleported by hacker and you lost all fun in the game with that. Your server seem good with a lot of poeple and not a lot of hacker. We want to play seriously with fun and without hacker :). Thanks in advance!

Name: Pavel

Location: I'm french but for the moment i live in Spain.

GUID: 6b103e6a6829cc4b77bbfbe090b722


Name: Aaron Kayne

Location: France

GUID: fecfcb2bf42bbc69042375e830350d0b

Name: Nahasch

Location: France

GUID: 5e23a1525bcdcb05a5245e84df987194

Name: Koss

Location: France

GUID: a9aa62c3e4af52a316a4585862584a2f

May be 2 or 3 player will join later.

Ask me if you have a question or if you need more informations.

skype: pavelolive

steam: pavelolive

Best regards,

all done but "Name: Pavel

Location: I'm french but for the moment i live in Spain.

GUID: 6b103e6a6829cc4b77bbfbe090b722" 1 to short

- Name Tom

- Location Liverpool, North West, England

- GUID f6a4a0c61b4b7a89bd6187eea10dcc7a

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 - I'm relatively new to DayZ but now I know what I am doing and how to survive for long periods, I want to join a more active server, with better players. Want to be in a hacker free server as well, containing more players, both survivors and bandits.


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- Name bassj18

- Location england WItham Essex

- GUID 58fbfdf99d89b2e02980ace951bf723f

reason comeing to your server is found it on list and look on hear and look good and safe

Name- Z3r0daman

Location- US, NY

GUID- 4c686894b35101af39bf004d99e09940

Statement: The reason i want to play on this server is because I've always played on servers with less than 15 people and as low as 3 so I want to try a server

with more people and see how action packed it can be and to interact with more people than I'm used to and to see how good this server is :).

- Name: Splattermax

- Location Germany

- GUID 369217bd77851d64960e6be1954a5ebd

I wish to play here, because I wanna play without Hackers or poor People.

Just wanna play fair!

I will be known in game as DaneBladeZ

I live in the Netherlands, in Frisia.

My GUID is :aa4bbd016a892520812fbe0d6eef9357

I've understood that this is a nearly hacker free server, so I decided to join.

- Name Gekelbek

- Location Russia

- GUID 2024d9d48dbbbb34a79c643fdb2379d6

- friend is playing here and he says that there is no cheaters here

All done

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- Name: Patrick H

- Location: The Netherlands

- GUID: 922bd4a07f87a4e63ead7febb2e5e56a

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10: I've seen some videos of the server and it seems fun. And I don't want to play on servers anymore with hackers on it and no admins etc

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- Name: Patrick H

- Location: The Netherlands

- GUID: 922bd4a07f87a4e63ead7febb2e5e56a

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10: I've seen some videos of the server and it seems fun. And I don't want to play on servers anymore with hackers on it and no admins etc


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Hi there!

Name: Comrade Mrki

Location: Belgrade, Serbia

GUID: 2aaaf4adb234ff3872c1766f16d040ff

I want to get white-listed on your server because I heard good things about it. Active admins, no hackers, cool community, all the best. So go on and white-list me, I crave some beans!


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Hi there!

Name: Comrade Mrki

Location: Belgrade, Serbia

GUID: 2aaaf4adb234ff3872c1766f16d040ff

I want to get white-listed on your server because I heard good things about it. Active admins, no hackers, cool community, all the best. So go on and white-list me, I crave some beans!


Sorry, it's a space in GUID...






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Location: Sweden

GUID: 6cf21665b3252bbe015135201bee7abd

I want to join your server because i've been looking for a good server for a while now, and i really think this server will suit me perfect! I really like when there is many people online, and your player cap is pretty awesome. So i would love to join this server!

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Location: Sweden

GUID: 6cf21665b3252bbe015135201bee7abd

I want to join your server because i've been looking for a good server for a while now, and i really think this server will suit me perfect! I really like when there is many people online, and your player cap is pretty awesome. So i would love to join this server!


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Name: Bart

Location: The Netherlands

Guid: 467b40da48301db08ba449c41e56587c

Reason: Two friends of mine has just joined this server, I've heared them about it, no hackers etc. Looks rather fun to play here.

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Name: brizz

Location: Germany

Guid: 44c0f04411139c8b96905963992ff8ec

Reason: looking to play on a well administrated server thats as hacker free as possible

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- Name raKso

- Location Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

- GUID ce77b9dfb522b087041f8c63822ec479

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10: I whish to play with my friends on a server which is safe and not full with all this cheating shitkids! Im so tired of this and ofcourse to have fun!

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Just an upcoming fun feature, the new golf being modelled in, you can hide in the boot.... that is all

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Just an upcoming fun feature, the new golf being modelled in, you can hide in the boot.... that is all

The car in question on the uk10 test server:


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name: ab1gb0y



id like to join the server so i can play hacker free.

Edited by slimjim242
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name: ab1gb0y



id like to join the server so i can play hacker free.

Edited by slimjim242

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name: a b1g b0y



id like to join the server so i can play hacker free.

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Here is more GUIDs, Panda. Thanks!

All Location: Brazil

Nome: EzeBoSS

GUID: 9886efc8c92dcf67de86c32ffd3eb6df

Nome: CraCuDo

GUID: 8978f0099f5b4d2849dcf944bf37283

Nome: Laguna

GUID: c5f147bac6ffd201c7b2fb172f9ed653

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If anyone reads this an lives in the UK then get some sleep even you Panda! :P

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NAME - Chris LOCATION- New York GUID - a9473ad7159a489ad1a770c1463c4a3b I want to join because I hate hackers and this server seems to have none.

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