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Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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- Name Acer

- Location England

- GUID 5591fa37dc2124d3938c0e37135b9c87

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 It looks like a good server, and I'm tired of hackers :).

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i have goten banned, said somethig about a gun or a car, i just wanna straight things out i dont have any cheats, i might have been in a hacked car and taken some item from its trunk, but i dident know he was a hacker.

You were caught using a hacked weapon which is not in DayZ, hence why you are banned.

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but i dident know it was hacked i got it from a guy he gave it to me, no way i could know it was hacked, since im pretty new to dayz i donno what guns are or are not in dayz

i dident hack anything, i just was given a gun happen to be a hacked gun, no way i can know

Edited by qutoxz

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but i dident know it was hacked i got it from a guy he gave it to me, no way i could know it was hacked, since im pretty new to dayz i donno what guns are or are not in dayz

i dident hack anything, i just was given a gun happen to be a hacked gun, no way i can know

Of course you can know, you could just ask anyone if youre not sure, i even put a link to the list of DayZ weapons in my initial post!

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Name: Krallenhand

- Location: Germany

- GUID: b8ab69aa704db51c4714a22cdf5ce67e

hi@ all

the short version is: Frustration due to hacker

(i died on a lot of servers cause of such cheater)

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.... really , cmon do you think i think about such a thing when somone just hands me a gun, u tihnk i go google it to se if its hacked? i dident even think about it being hacked, he gave me a gun i took it it happend to be hacked i dident know, i dident do anything wrong. i dident hack

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.... really , cmon do you think i think about such a thing when somone just hands me a gun, u tihnk i go google it to se if its hacked? i dident even think about it being hacked, he gave me a gun i took it it happend to be hacked i dident know, i dident do anything wrong. i dident hack

From my initial post:

"If you posses a hacked item, you and your associated team mates will be banned, regardless of whether you hacked the item in, or merely picked it up of a dead body.

(The list of official items can be found here, (note the L85AWS is now removed in http://dayzdb.com/database/weapons"

ANYONE caught using a hacked weapon/item will be banned, no exceptions.

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Name: Krallenhand

- Location: Germany

- GUID: b8ab69aa704db51c4714a22cdf5ce67e

hi@ all

the short version is: Frustration due to hacker

(i died on a lot of servers cause of such cheater)

- Name Acer

- Location England

- GUID 5591fa37dc2124d3938c0e37135b9c87

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 It looks like a good server, and I'm tired of hackers :).

- Name Connor

- Location England, UK

- GUID 9dc078de953556b3d051c5fd3594227a

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 A Friend of mine told me that this was a good server so I thought I'd apply for whitelist to see what it's like for myself

Added enjoy

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Server Application

Name: Gravy

Location: Florida, USA

GUID: 75a9daf986bf30a91e8ebb900fd56578

Reason for wanting this server: I just want somewhere safe from hackers, with a friendly bunch of players who don't mind playing the game like it's meant to be played, with bandits and hero's alike. I mind my business, and don't cause trouble. I would love to be considered for your server.

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Server Application

Name: Gravy

Location: Florida, USA

GUID: 75a9daf986bf30a91e8ebb900fd56578

Reason for wanting this server: I just want somewhere safe from hackers, with a friendly bunch of players who don't mind playing the game like it's meant to be played, with bandits and hero's alike. I mind my business, and don't cause trouble. I would love to be considered for your server.

Added enjoy

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I'm on the server, thanks for the quick whitelist :).

Can someone tell me if we have a teamspeak or anything?

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I'm on the server, thanks for the quick whitelist :).

Can someone tell me if we have a teamspeak or anything?

A teamspeak for the server is being setup soon. Will update when its available :)

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Make sure to check for Adam's apples, although not 100% way to be definate, it helps! :P j/kj/k, good video and have a great holiday!!

Yeah I know. Been there once before, won't make the same mistake twice ;) Joking :) But thanks though!

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Next episode of The Survival plan is up. The survival plan is a day z series that i recorded on the server with TFF and some others, its in its third season now and a new series is currently in the works. If you enjoy it, leave a like and sub and if you want to see any changes or have suggestions, comment or send me a PM.


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no HD this time?

with Sneeky its more like frame per second, rather than frames per second :P


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Hi Panda,

I would like to be considered for your whitelist.

Name : Neil - H0ngkonfuey

Location - Uk

Guid - d637b3239c48be177728780521ae941b

Reson: Got fed up with poor server resets, hackers. Havent played in a while becasue of this.

Decided to have a good crack at a decent server to reignite my intrest in this fantastic game.


Edited by h0ngkongfuey
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with Sneeky its more like frame per second, rather than frames per second :P



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- Hulahuga

- Swedish viking

- 7fe354a213bd310ea9e76e0270c32ff2

- Hacker-free sanctuary, lots of players, lots of vehicles, stable server, seems like DayZ could actually be enjoyed again properly :)

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Name: JimmyJazz

Location: Spain (fluent english)

Guid: 99aabb7f68cf426a4ea59c24ed41a34

Statement: Basically; I've been playing Dayz a long time ago. Some random hackers, and stuff like that made me want to go into this server. I basically want to play it serious (as a bandit). I always loved telling people to drop their weapons and give me their food/water/meds, and then let them go.

Usually people will just turn around and shoot, which made it more fun :D.

P.S: I've sent you an e-mail before. Ignore it please.

Thanks in advance.


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- Hulahuga

- Swedish viking

- 7fe354a213bd310ea9e76e0270c32ff2

- Hacker-free sanctuary, lots of players, lots of vehicles, stable server, seems like DayZ could actually be enjoyed again properly :)

Added enjoy

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