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Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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Ok New Joiners, Welcome To the Server, If i have issued you beans or quoted you, I have added the GUID's provided. If there is any issues, or believe I may of missed you "im only human" then quote me and ill get you in ASAP!

Enjoy!! !

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-Name - FatBlueGuy88 (in game, e.g. Panda)

-Location - Croatia, currently in Bosnia and Herzegovinan real life, e.g. England)

-GUID - 6c570506f0017dd4aab641c88c66104a

Many Thanks

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In-game Name: [KOS] studmuffin

Location: Essex

GUID: 0ad13e862cff4284f9fceffd794addfe

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Name: [bR] Stan

Location: Germany

GUID: 94183a7938f7345d7c81da87a44f1d4e

He is my friend :D

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I was already added to the whitelist and played on the server today but for some reason i get the message that im not on the whitelist.

Can you resubit me?

Name: Mark

Location: Netherlands

GUID: 57cce2862bb25d322c5122f8dd6841ef

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Hello DayZ Fans,

This week Panda, SneekyGreenman, AveragegamerSteve, and Myself, recorded a DayZ Zombie Special! you can find us on Itunes, "mindofdave" or the link below


Please Get involved with the show, Give us your 5* revies in Itunes, and join the facebook page for more upcoming podcasts!


Many Thanks Guys,

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Name: [bR]MatschePampe


Location: Germany



Location: Germany





Guid: d3cd18567d84c936d35c4ee2c88872e3

more friends or clan mates :D

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Name: [bR]MatschePampe


Location: Germany



Location: Germany





Guid: d3cd18567d84c936d35c4ee2c88872e3

more friends or clan mates :D

Added! Welcome to the server Guys. Hope you enjoy.

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Some people earlier were saying things like

"is this server whitelisted?"

"oh well i didnt sign up or anything"

I dont know what happened but it seemed like the whitelist has been broken by bad things :(

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I would like to apply to play on this popular server. My details are the following:

Name: Cyrus

Location: The Netherlands

Guid: 9e2879f4db5b54be06aa27d66725f574


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I to am a friend.

Name: [sooS]Boonedup

Location: UK

GUID: 1c43d8782ce410c57ce97da24428e84b

Much obliged

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Ok, so MrBarrington wanted a written explanation why we think "NewGuy" was cheating. I was just outside Cherno with 4 friends. There was no one around us, suddenly a guy with an AS50 shot at me and my friend "Joe" killing us. My friend "Gleg" then shot the guy that killed us and it came up "NewGuy has been killed". He looted the bodies and told me over mumble how he had "everything", including NVG, Rangefinders and GPS. Seconds later, before i get a chance to respawn, the mass teleport happened.

Anyway, during the mass spawn killing in Cherno after the teleport i believe a guy called 'Osullivan' or something said "NewGuy" was cheating and that he had found the AS50, NVG, Rangefinders on his body - basically everything he had on him when he killed me and "Joe".

Edited by El Bode

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Name: eulerich

Location: Germany

GUID: 28c0acb682e077068d15effc4ca5b6a4

Edited by eulerich
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