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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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Looking forward to it Dave :)

Hopefuly we'll get some new questions coming in, questions can be about anything :D

Love the new profile pic :D

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Hi again my friend would like to register aswell if thats ok, he doesnt have a forum account so is ok if I do it? On the assumption you will say yes and a thanks in advance, here are his details...

Name - Andy

Location - East Anglia, England

GUID - 8978f9285d7636d8b56a6d27bb00a216

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I would like to register please :)

-Name: aM1ty

-Location: New South Wales, Australia

-GUID: 0ded550ca185b9731eea29a0d39f1466

Edited by aM1ty
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Name: Sabertooth_94

Location: New York, United States

GUID: 2cc24a9a98918e8f0898ade634193439

Thanks for your server, it will be nice to finally have a hack-free game of dayz.

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Name : B4IFURU18

Location : France (but fluent english)

GUID : a78cd7777033608119286d4b68ad271b

Tx guys!

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Name- Darsh

Location- United states

GUID- 1d52a4c2a9f23dae6eb4236da08e3850

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Name: BLFQ

Location: Queensland, Australia


Edited by Kupschy

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Hello Everybody

- Ingame Name - Rents

-Location - New York City, NY, USA

-GUID - 1b98aa395bc239bafd2ca4c583e2d304


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Name: BLFQ

Location: Queensland, Australia


GUID one digit too short mate, please recheck.

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Excellent, good to see more more USA players, and some Australian's too, Welcome :)

Hopefuly your pings will be ok from Australia :P

Edited by -Panda

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Hi buddy, as per your pm, heres my details


Uk - Midlands


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how do u think he knows that panda voted No?


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Thanks for the opportunity, me and two friends would like to join.

Name : K

Location : England, UK

MY GUID : 599bffeb626ebca1ba363d1decdb5d01

Name : Pancidious

Location : England, UK

MY GUID : Guid dd89de920209d7d159b371cfc45c6ac9


Location : Riyadh Saudi Arabia and also England, UK

MY GUID : TBC (I will post this evening)

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Panda thank you for poll, but I wonder why you voted "no".


Not my change. Maybe vilayer reinstalled the mod to try get the BEC auto messages working... ill sort this out at the 12 restart.

Are the messages working now, by any chance?

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how do u think he knows that panda voted No?


Panda thank you for poll, but I wonder why you voted "no".

I voted no because I like the dots, helps me in finding moo moo's to kill :o

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I voted no because I like the dots, helps me in finding moo moo's to kill :o

So so many moo moos to skin :)

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Hello :)

Name - nkin

Location - Belgrade, Serbia

GUID - e3431e7459aebf7a189d5866d8f487c8

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2 restarts after eachother? ore are u fixing the ch and waypoints Panda

Ooo my darling Jenny :o you will see :-P

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Name: Jimmy or [PLH] Jimmy

Location: Hull, England

GUID: 43abef865c2858b8cfc33f2cf0e28e9c

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