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Why are we here?

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Pretty sure people have wondered on the 'why' of Day Z like why are these people on this island?

One idea is that it's a kind of battle royale situation. People are put on a zombie infested island that's being put through to live television or something. They start at the coast and are given very little and left to survive as best as they can.

What's your thoughts on why people are in Chernarus?

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haha so a hunger games spin on dayz nice, i like the idea of a story line, like yours, not like those corny ones like you are ship wrecked haha

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Chernarus is not an island.

Well cordoned off area/island :)

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Or maybe its something like (The Matrix). Where we think that we're playing a game but infact, the machines(or computers) are forcing a simulated reality into or subconsccious.......

Could be worse, or computers could force us to play "The WarZ" then it would be time to plug out....

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Chernarus is not an island.

But everywhere I look I see water..

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The vaccine was on it's way by sea. Police and the army were barely able to maintain order in the the quarantined areas. Watch posts are set up and anyone spotted from these are hunted down and killed to keep the contagion in control.Then, in the evening, the news came that the ship had hit a reef so bad it broke into pieces and sunk well before reaching land. Full panic ensues and despite harsh action from authorities, all enclosed areas is breached. Total chaos and anarchy follows. But perhaps some of the cargo made it to shore? You run to the basement to fetch that old coyote pack. This night will be the most dangerous in your life...

I was escaping a far nastier place, Wait for the prequel

DayZ :28 Days before

Now that's an idea for a game. DayZ: the prequel .

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I would guess in the standalone there will be some kind of storyline on how we got there.

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I'm going for the island of doctor moreau approach... a scientist enslaved the zeds as creations and started having sex with them caught the infection lost control of himself thus sending cherno into a downward spiral releasing his infested sex slaves into the world... wait is that what happened to dr moreau?

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All the survivors are in chernarus because it was already modelled in the engine. Nuff said.

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I had pulled into Balota in a light plane the week before, had a shady operation selling crap dells running xp for top dollar in the eastern bloc. I hooked up with an even shadier dude who i used to go drinking and whoring with in Cherno and that little backwater town Stary ( good action and dirty girls) , anyway we turned it on and had a massive fri-sun session. Last thing i remember is him getting dragged of by the local law because he was hanging of a fan at some pub wearing only a gstring and shooting out the lights with his mak. I woke up on the beach 3 days later with a blistering hangover, no pants on and some crazy fucker running down the beach towards me drooling at the mouth and making intelligible noises.

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I had pulled into Balota in a light plane the week before, had a shady operation selling crap dells running xp for top dollar in the eastern bloc. I hooked up with an even shadier dude who i used to go drinking and whoring with in Cherno and that little backwater town Stary ( good action and dirty girls) , anyway we turned it on and had a massive fri-sun session. Last thing i remember is him getting dragged of by the local law because he was hanging of a fan at some pub wearing only a gstring and shooting out the lights with his mak. I woke up on the beach 3 days later with a blistering hangover, no pants on and some crazy fucker running down the beach towards me drooling at the mouth and making intelligible noises.

And that weekend inspired Rocket to make DayZ

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Tabletop Roleplayer, here. Always fancied adding a bit of head-canon backstory whenever I play vidya gaems that don't have any sort of definitive lore and enjoy fleshing out my characters a bit.

I've always played it off as the characters are either US/Russian soldiers that weren't pulled out when the zombies came or Chernarussian natives.

In the case of Lingor, they live on the island itself or are extremely unfortunate tourists.

The survivors in Takistan are American soldiers or Takistanis.

Dreadsauce himself is, in all incarnations, an American press reporter who has become mentally unstable due to the stress of the zombie outbreak. He's a fearless, bloodthirsty, humorous, paranoid nutcase with an inexplicable fondness for canned beans.

The characters never bother leaving Chernarus/Lingor/Takistan because there are no ships/jets left and the survivors are too paranoid to work together on an escape plan. The rest of the world is zombie-free, but Lingor/Takistan/Chernarus are all considered hardcore quarantine zones and as such there isn't any hope of outside aid. Recon choppers are often shot down, explaining chopper crashes.

The zombies are the result of a virus, or some form of biological weapon. The latter would make sense due to the ongoing conflict in Chernarus and botched exportation of the bio-weapon could explain the presence of zombies in Takistan and Lingor.

Characters start with no gear and on the coast because they'd have wandered up and down the coast looking for some sort of evacuation. Realizing that they're sorta boned, they head inland to scavenge supplies to survive the outbreak.

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