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DayZ on the Wii U

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Am I the only one who thinks that Nintendo should be on the phone with Dean Hall right now? Nintendo should be calling him, Bohemia, or whoever it takes to see what they can do to try to get DayZ as an exclusive to Wii U (obviously on consoles, not PC). I know so many people that are just like me. They went out and bought a Wii on launch, played it for the first six months to a year, and now it's been collecting dust for the most part. Every system that Nintendo releases since Gamecube they've always been saying they would make sure to always keep the "hardcore" gamer in mind and they really never do. They have their little one off adult game and that's about all you're gonna get for the most part.

Taking all that into consideration, what better way to push consoles with the hardcore crowd then to get a game like DayZ and get it off of the Sony or Microsoft platforms. Also, they probably can do all sorts of innovative stuff with that tablet controller that might even make PC gamers want to own a second copy. This might help selling more Wii U's to their target audience. It would be awesome to funnel through your inventory on the tablet controller, or have minigames (Rocket once mentioned crafting splints) where you could craft items by somehow using the screen. No more stopping to shuffle through inventory if a zombie apporaches. Just kill, then look back down and keep doing what you're dong. This is really the crap that Nintendo needs to be more proactive on. If they could get 3 or 4 killer exclusives that cater to the hardcore crowd, it would probably greatly extend the life of their system.

Will I buy a Wii U? Yup. Am I pretty much positive that after a year it will start collecting dust? Yup.

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If you put DayZ on Wii hope you have homeowners and medical insurance your gonna break something running for your life in the living room

Edited by Steak and Potatoes
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Consoles are lousy, they stink, and nobody who uses them wants a game which has a steep learning curve like DayZ. Nintendo in particular have a bias towards 'fun for all the family' which means games are simple to master, cartoonish and feature non-realistic violence.

For the record I'm still pretty sure the Wii U is some sort of sick ongoing practical joke because it looks retarded. If you're going to bundle a screen with a full blown console it should be something more akin to the Occulus Rift then a technicolor Etch-A-Sketch, it looks like something that was designed in the 90s. Truthfully that's probably the only appeal of the Wii U to adults, it manages to convey that quirky retro feel that hipsters are so in love with.

In short: fuck the Wii U, I want balls out on the PC.

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Consoles are lousy, they stink, and nobody who uses them wants a game which has a steep learning curve like DayZ. Nintendo in particular have a bias towards 'fun for all the family' which means games are simple to master, cartoonish and feature non-realistic violence.

For the record I'm still pretty sure the Wii U is some sort of sick ongoing practical joke because it looks retarded. If you're going to bundle a screen with a full blown console it should be something more akin to the Occulus Rift then a technicolor Etch-A-Sketch, it looks like something that was designed in the 90s. Truthfully that's probably the only appeal of the Wii U to adults, it manages to convey that quirky retro feel that hipsters are so in love with.

In short: fuck the Wii U, I want balls out on the PC.

Three words:

Legend of Zelda.

Nintendo is the only Console... company (?) I like TBH. Plus, they're not interporting with PC so they can't be blamed for causing ports either.

Edited by Ratiasu

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DayZ on the Wii U would see survivors in red Mario branded clothes, bandits in goomba helmets, and helicopters with raccoon tails.

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DayZ on the WiiU...

...hope you have a big living room.

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Microsoft and Sony wouldn't allow that. They would pay Rocket an extraordinary amount of money to have it on their systems.

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Microsoft and Sony wouldn't allow that. They would pay Rocket an extraordinary amount of money to have it on their systems.

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Microsoft and Sony wouldn't allow that. They would pay Rocket an extraordinary amount of money to have it on their systems.

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Taking all that into consideration, what better way to push consoles with the hardcore crowd then to get a game like DayZ and get it off of the Sony or Microsoft platforms.

When it comes to the "hardcore" crowd, I'd see them updating their gpu before buying a console just to play one game.

Also, they probably can do all sorts of innovative stuff with that tablet controller that might even make PC gamers want to own a second copy.

Nope. Speaking for myself as one of the pc gamers, if I wanted DayZ to be available on a console so I could "interact" with the game, I'd want it on the 360 Kinect (keeping in mind I said to interact). I could see having to actually make the movements to remove my backpack to switch gear, having to gut an animal, etc, etc. A lot of those physical movement couldn't be made with a controller wand needing to always be pointing at a light bar.

But, that being said, I'd drop $300 on a dev Rift before dropping $300+ on a console. Pc handles my gaming. Outside handles my physical activity.

Edited by OFC_Bill

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Am I the only one who thinks that Nintendo should be on the phone with Dean Hall right now?



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Damn that will be hard for Rocket to do first he needs to actually finishing the standalone version and fixing bugs

then he could possibly talk to other companies and expand the game further out to other consoles

but it isn't a very good moment to do that now.

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I doubt it could be done from a hardware perspective. The Graphics card on the WiiU is better than the Xbox 360's or PS3's, but it's processor sucks. Arma 2 is EXTREMELY taxing on processors.

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