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does anyone even use sub-machine guns?*added poll*


22 members have voted

  1. 1. would you use an smg(mp5, mp5sd or bizon) over an ak or m4?

    • yes
    • no
    • only if it was silenced(mp5sd or bizon)

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i find the mp5 one of the best guns in the game, able to use mp5(SD). PDW, g17, and m9(sd)mags, making it able to use 6 different mags, 2 of them are silenced, also allowing its ammo to only use sidearm slots if needed, in addition to being very quiet. yet i never see anyone using it...does everyone just drop it for an ak as soon as they find one? this extends to the bizon and silenced mp5 too, never see em....

Edited by t3hnoob

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Hero...so yes. I won't fire back unless I am shot at, and I have good aim. MP5SD6 is the best gun for this, I must be honest. Quiet, you can't hear it from 15 feet away. Keeps you off the radar, and if you do get engaged, you can win at close range and up to 200m. I don't need to fire farther. than this typically.

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Bizon all the way here.

Silenced with 64 shots, at least I don't have to keep swapping my axe in and out of inventory.

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Nice gun but takes too many hits to take someone down. I'd rather use the PDW as a sidearm.

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Hero...so yes. I won't fire back unless I am shot at, and I have good aim. MP5SD6 is the best gun for this, I must be honest. Quiet, you can't hear it from 15 feet away. Keeps you off the radar, and if you do get engaged, you can win at close range and up to 200m. I don't need to fire farther. than this typically.

What? It does something like 850 damage per shot... A friend got shot with one a while back from 100m and it didn't even make him bleed, good luck getting a kill on anything but a rabbit.

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What? It does something like 850 damage per shot... A friend got shot with one a while back from 100m and it didn't even make him bleed, good luck getting a kill on anything but a rabbit.

889 to be exact, 15 rounds are needed to kill a full health player...

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MP5 is a very effective weapon against zombies due to it's quiet nature, and can save players from one another as well. Just gotta get your aim right and boom!

But I would rather prefer my M4A3 CCO SD, thank you very much.

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I used one for a day in the dayz came across two firefights on was 3 on 1 the other just 1v1 during the 3v1 i thought i was fucked as i pumped the first guy with a magazine and saw him run off and bandage mind you compensation on a few misses from the intensity of the fight and trying not to get tunnel vision on one target. I took the other 2 down by basically ramming them in the head with the barrel and holding the trigger down chased the last fellow who ran and bandaged Only took a few rounds as he had already rec'd prior damage. Just took to many rounds for me not enough knockdown power.

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They do like 800 damage. That's 15 shots to the body to kill someone.

i said that 4 posts up....WITH the exact damage of 889... -_-

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Question: How many shots does it take to kill if you shoot them in the head?

Answer: One.

Based on this astonishing revelation, I suggest you shoot your opponents in the head.

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Don't really like them, not for PvP. Especially not Chernorus. Too much open space and I don't like to spend long in close quarters areas. Also a mechanic with ARMA I have found is you have to be sure of the kill and get it well in advance. The damage a player can take won't register for quite a while, so even though he is theoretically dead, it may take another 10 seconds... which is more than enough time for him to kill you as well. I don't mind the PDW as a secondary. Bizon is alright as a throw away weapon.

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My dream is that every weapon has a role in dayz (above the more common householdy type weapons) and the sub machineguns really don't. The reason for this is probably the current metagame.

All the high end loot is at the NW airfield, and in tents/players. I think we need to make the larger cities into more of a no go area (due to zeds) but have some great stuff there too. Risk and reward.

In addition, if we ever get underground bases going, they will be awesome assault weapons for these claustrophobic arenas.

With more urban fighting locations, sub machineguns really do shine.

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I agree, having more enterable building's as well as the potential for fighting in bases, different gun's will become more important (shotguns?). Also they are re-writing the whole weapon spawn system so it will be very different to wata we have now.

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I prefer the Bizon due to it's enormous 64 capacity helical mags. I only use these guns when silence is required and the risk of bumping into a hostile player is low. Due to the terrible accuracy of submachine gun rounds beyond 50m it's better to roll with some sort too of rifle too. But most people will just choose the M4A1 CCO SD and save themselves the 10+ slots in their backpack since it's accurate to around 150m and deals triple the damage of a submachine gun round.

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I'm still pondering which sidearm is the best here.

I like the 1911 because it's powerful, but the G19 with flashlight attached is a boss at night.

Sure the M4A1 CCO will solve all your problems, but if you don't have nightvision goggles, then how do you navigate at night at all?

I don't cheat with the Gamma/brightness settings to see at night, and roadflares or chemlights are stupidly annoying to use.

So whenever I find a G19, I stick to it.

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I don't cheat with the Gamma/brightness settings to see at night, and roadflares or chemlights are stupidly annoying to use.

Road flares are exceptionally good to use on towns. Just throw 10 or more around the town before you go in. When I don't have NVG's I always do this because Ive found you can get into some really bad situations getting caught between zeds and a number of fences you couldn't see. They aren't that good for navigating though. I don't like to paint a massive target on my forehead.

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I'm still pondering which sidearm is the best here.

I like the 1911 because it's powerful, but the G19 with flashlight attached is a boss at night.

Sure the M4A1 CCO will solve all your problems, but if you don't have nightvision goggles, then how do you navigate at night at all?

I don't cheat with the Gamma/brightness settings to see at night, and roadflares or chemlights are stupidly annoying to use.

So whenever I find a G19, I stick to it.

G17 *cough*

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I love the mp5sd, just not against players. I like it more than the M4A1CCO SD. Unless I know there are players nearby.It's a nice combo for when you're assaulting NWAF on a populated server.

Edited by Ratiasu

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I used the bizon and mp5sd just yesternight in Elektro-Deathmatch. Was able to kill a few guys, even from like 150m away. Targets seemed confused about where they got attacked from. They are useful...if you are good and have the jump on your target. If the other guy is as good with a stronger rifle, you're pretty much screwed.

DayZ needs a fundamental overhaul of the health and damage system. The nerf now just does not resemble real life ballistics very well.

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DayZ needs a fundamental overhaul of the health and damage system. The nerf now just does not resemble real life ballistics very well.

That. Maybe double/triple the damage a bleeding person receives? Or significantly increase the knockdown (aka going unconscious) chance for a bleeding person? that way smg's will become better since first 2-3 rounds will definitely make one bleed.

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I'm happy with an MP5SD6 if it is the only silenced weapon available. I like its sights better than the Bizon's and it doesn't have the muzzle flash like the Bizon.

I would only take a MP5A5 if I don't have a better rifle and a good 9 mm sidearm.

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