Widget (DayZ) 18 Posted October 5, 2012 (edited) On 10/5/2012 at 10:14 PM, Ju Ju Bean said: There are 40+ weapons in DayZ not counting the hatchet and the crowbar and many of them are pointless. How many different versions of ak74 and m4a1/m16 do you really need in a game?True. It really makes sense when weapon differ in something else than appearance. Each weapon should have some advantage/disadvantage and 1 tool attached. Right now it's ballanced I would say.About hatchet/crowbar, maybe it could be tricky for player to choose wchich one to use (can use only one a time). Each is a weapon but has different special ability. Hatchet can drop down trees, crowbar opens crates with loot in buildings. So you can do one of this action and you have to pick one.About equipment and stuff. Imho this would be an opportunity to make some place for ppl that i call "hamsters". Hamsters love to collect tires, jerry cans etc. In fact this is pvp game but there are ppl like that and they want to play this style. So maybe make some parts, like vehicle parts to be consisting of few other parts. All those parts takes places in your bag. So each player have to choose wchich role he is going to play. Be loot collector, a guy that is trying to get all parts together, get engine, fueltank etc. or be a pvp guy. But pvp guy won't have a place in backpack to pack pvp stuff and parts for equipment. So maybe here might be a place for trading and some interaction other than kills?What is my general idea about equipment is to make some kind of classess. It would work like crowbat/hatchet. About items it would be, I don't know, maybe you can have toolbox or medic bag or ammo belt(?). Medic bag gives you option to use medicaments on others, toolbox make an option to put all parts together to make for expample engine, ammo belt stores extra magazines so you could have few more slots in inventory. So, this way nobody would be all-dimensional Rambo, a guy who does everything. Sometimes you need medic or mechanic that makes an engine for brand new car. So make a friend or try to trade the part you need with proper guy.Imho, vehicle parts spawn should be reduced. Vehicles shouldn't be so easy to repair/get etc.Duct tape - connector for most of blueprints :) Edited October 5, 2012 by Widget Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
purplish 70 Posted October 5, 2012 (edited) XM8 ( In arma 2 it is called M8) I would also like to see knives and swords. Other good weapons would be a Katanna, huning rifles, Mousin-Nagant, Kar98, and more WWII guns and civilian. Put in Milk Duds because they are awesome. Edited October 6, 2012 by Purplish 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fuddinator 18 Posted October 6, 2012 First off I want to say what most people say is military weapons, is actually fairly common in residential households, in America at least. They are not assault rifles as they lack burst or full auto modes. I like to call these military style rifles. They are mostly effective within ranges of about ~300 yards with a majority of them being ar15(in all varieties from full sized m16 size to m4 carbine style, carry handle w/ sights or flattop needing an added sight), or ak47 style rifles. So military style rifles are not un common in households. What is rare are assault rifles with full auto capability. That being said, I say make military style rifles more of an uncommon type but not rare and make full auto military weapons much rarer. With that said hear are my suggestions when it comes to weapons overall.The ones everyone hates, .50 cal weapons:m107, as50, and others should definitely be in the game. I think there should be more actually, and they should be rare. I don't care what anyone says, they do have a role and purpose. Whether it be players or vehicles. I say to counter act that is make the ammo even more rare to find. Also adding in the weight factor will also curve the fact everyone has it stuffed away in their backpacks.Assault rifles, these are just the base weapons, no scopes etc. The can be modified with scopes, foregrips etc to use preference. Also keep in mind their civilian counter parts w/o full autosteyr AUGM4(ar15)m16ak-47Mak-74MAEK-971AN-94G36SCAR(5.56)ACRBattle Rifles,FALHK G3, HK91(semi auto G3), PTR-91(Latest Civilian version)m14, m14 scout (18 in barrel), m14 socom (16in barrel, less range easier to move)CETME rifleSCAR Heavy (Fires 7.62mm)AR10 (m16 style rifle firing 7.62mm)Military Sniper rifles. better accuracy than hunting rifles but require much more carem24(7.62)m40a3(7.62)L115 AWR(.338)SVDPSG-1M21/m14 EBRand many more.Civilian/Hunting/WW2 type rifles:remingtion 700M1 GarandMosin NagantM1 CarbineMauser 98kSKS1903 SpringfieldEnfieldRuger mini14/30Bolt action .22semi auto .22( ruger 10/22, highly moddable)AR7 Survival rifleThis list could go on for ages but just as a general idea.Handguns, first off They should do more damager than they do now but a long shot. Surviving 7 .45acp rounds to the chest from a 1911 is a tall order.HK USP1911glock 17,18,19 etc etc.M9magnum revolversWalther P22 (other .22 handguns)PPK (Got to love up on James Bond)MakarovsSkorpionDesert Eagles (Just for the fun of it really)SIG 226Also cheaper ones like high pointSMGs/PDWsMP5MP5 SD (Permanent built in supressor)mp7tmpFN P90Full Size UZIMAC-10 (w/ supressor)ThompsonGrease gunUMPBizon.Melee weapons, I think you should be able to use just about anything2x44x4leatherman/gerber multitoolbaseball batcrowbarhatchet-Full sized wood and firemans axebilly clubCheap replica medieval weapons like claymores, maces (Good in a pinch, just not durable)MacheteGood quality swords that actually last.Chainsaw (Why not? Needs fuel)Weed Whacker (Needs fuel)Kitchen style knives (Paring knife anyone? How about a Cleaver?)Hunting knifemilitary survival/fighting knifeThat is just my 2 cents worth. I skipped shotguns and crossbows and muzzle loaders as yes they are there but I believe those have been said quite a bit. I know that is a lot of weapons and a lot of them might considered too much or too powerful but when durability and cleaning come in, it will help. For example, sniper rifles will lose their accuracy over time and needs to be cleaned often due to the much tighter tolerances. Where as say a standard m14 isn't as accurate at range but can handle more dirt and grime. Cleaning kits should be a seperate item to carry as well. While I agree we need to see more civilian type weapons, nerfing military style weapons to non exisistence would be to much. They shouldn't be laying at every corner, but I think limiting the ammo supply for them to feed them will help keep them in check. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoeySTM 4 Posted October 6, 2012 I would be all for adding in more common civilian weapons. Maybe some pump action 12 gauges, a couple revolver variations, some different 9mm pistols, or even a muzzleloading rifle. Coming from a mostly rural area myself, I know a place like Chernarus would have an abundance of every kind of standard hunting weapon. Besides adding new weapons I feel that weapons in general should all have a boost to their power in the sense of realism. I may have heard though that this could be due to weapons accidentally being nerfed. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Askeladd 26 Posted October 6, 2012 On 10/6/2012 at 12:56 AM, Fuddinator said: First off I want to say what most people say is military weapons, is actually fairly common in residential households, in America at least.I keep saying, the game is based on a russian country, why do people keep comparing it with america.....-_- 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heradon 12 Posted October 6, 2012 On 10/5/2012 at 2:20 PM, Carbon said: How about fix the issues that are breaking DayZ for the legits.Honestly, do that before adding some assbackwards content thats going to just introduce more exploitable bugs.Doesn't matter for me as long it is still in alpha. More content ^_^ 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 9 Posted October 6, 2012 Posted this on Reddit:• Shovel• Rake• Hedge-trimmers• Baseball bats (wooden, metal, etc.)• Police baton• Nailgun (can also be used to repair/build stuff aside from being a weapon)• Lead pipe• Electric conduit• Scrap metal/stick of rebar• Home-made shanks (in prison, items like toothbrushes can be crafted into knives, so why not in the apocalypse?!)• Pickaxe• Lawn-mower blade (slingblade!!!)• Sling-shot (so we can go Bart Simpson on some zombie asses!)• Home-crafted 'spears' (shower curtain pole thing, some tape, and maybe some sharp metal scraps on the end should do)• Fire-crackers? (maybe can also extract the gunpowder to craft ammo?)• Remote control toy car with a camera/remote explosive on it?• Golf clubs• Cleaver• Meat hook• Swords, axes, warhammers, etc. found in museums• Plank of wood with nails in it• Use a knife to sharpen a branch into a short wooden spear• Weedwhacker (used similar to a chainsaw?) 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zul (DayZ) 79 Posted October 6, 2012 just make more weapons that you can actually find in a real outbreak. not too much military weapons. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zul (DayZ) 79 Posted October 6, 2012 On 10/5/2012 at 2:20 PM, Carbon said: How about fix the issues that are breaking DayZ for the legits.Honestly, do that before adding some assbackwards content thats going to just introduce more exploitable bugs.dude dont start with that. the mod already did its job of providing info for the devs concerning the standalone. The dayz mod is now here for fun. people really need to stop trying to make the mod the actual game. Just wait man... Youl get your damn game soon enough 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zdudeski 10 Posted October 6, 2012 I want to see basic rudimentary weapons . I'm talking spears , bow n arrows , slings and staffs . This is an apocalypse after all . We should be seeing tribes of dirty survivors with spears and bows . I'd also like to see traps . Snares , pits , guillotines and impaling spike traps and traps where you step on a trip wire and a bag of fucking rocks falls on you :P . These weapons and traps can all be made with wood , a knife , rope/string and some patience . 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drpoonhammer 48 Posted October 6, 2012 (edited) Rocket, can you maybe upload some pics or vids of the work you have done?It would be really interesting to see how the game is progressing and developing. :) :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: Edited October 6, 2012 by Dr.PoonHammer 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meppo 16 Posted October 6, 2012 Degradable weapon parts.all weapons that are found in the game have been fought with to the death or been laying at the mercy of the weather outside so i would suggest that finding a fully funktional weapon should be extremly rare, when you find a gun it would have a fraktured stock, broken/bent barrel or jammed firing mechanism, or broken/worn out firing pin.Say if you found a M4 thats missing a firing pin and you would have found earlyer another M4 that you would have scavenged for intakt parts (one of these parts beeing a firing pin) you would be able to repair the other M4 by installing the missing part, However as it would be extremly hard to get a working gun as it would need you to find multiple weapons of the same kind i propose the following thing:Say you would find a m16 or hk416 instead of a m4, parts are fairly similar but might require a littel tweaking so add a gunsmits building with stationary manuals and workbences and tools(you could see these items moore like movie props to make it feel moore realistick that a random survivor is able to fix military grade weapons or civilian guns) into cities where there player is able to adjust a part to fit into another gun this at the cost of the modded part not beeing as good as a original part, another possibility create a npc that makes these modificatons to the player.Also this would give the player a possibility of creating any gun they would like, ie AK fire mechanism with a svd barrel creating a hybridgun thats accuracy would be greater then that of a ak and its reliability similar of an ak, taking the best parts of both combined weapons, to this weapon you could add a silencer that would be found in different calibers, .22 .9mm 556, etc. then you could find say a bipod from a random loot or another gun and then you would start to have a silenced battlerifle w/snipersight&bipod&silencer with great reliability due to the mechanism of the ak.Also you could make a gun with the caliber 556 (for zombi killin')and make a switch barrel ex: 7,62x54R (for bandit spankin') that goes onto the same weapon stock, then the player would be able to use two kinds of ammunition instead of one and as a single barrel weights less and takes less room then a entire gun it would be moore appealing to carrry around a second barrel that could be switched out.Again this would make it possible to reduce ammunition spawns as you can use moore kinds of ammo. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jamieledgeway@hotmail.co.uk 216 Posted October 6, 2012 Do think something like a tin opener/multitool... You should have to open the tins you find with something, just to prolong the starvation.I think less spawn spots in buildings.Pickaxe? I'd like the plunge one of them into the back of my survivor friend.Machete?Less chance of finding pistols in cities?C4 in military areas?Something to make traps with? Like trip flares?? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
logos 21 Posted October 6, 2012 (edited) I think more civilian backpacks like school, tourist with 4-6 slots and you have them on start (random someone get 4 slots someone 6 or 8 on spawn). That will be much harder and realistic :DMore rubbish like bricks, rocks, metal parts? You can throw them and do damage to someone.Make some buldings closed? You need crowbar/multitool/picklock/and 5-10 seconds to open the doors and get in.Sport bow?Diy bombs?More Russian military weapons less American.Sorry for bad english ;) Edited October 6, 2012 by Bornix 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Answord 10 Posted October 6, 2012 (edited) [Post updating all the time,when i got my new or stolen good idea]Greetings,to You.Yes,this is the game,which can be improved infinitely,and all we want it to be as much perfect as possible.1)Bayonet.I wish to have weapons with bayonet in game for the AKM/AK47/AK74 and others to use it in melee(for slash and/or cut).I think we need more WW2 or after WW2 weapons in game(rifles,mostly),because a lot of them used by hunters.And all WW2 rifles should have attachable bayonet(witch could be used separatly from the rifle as a knife).2)Weapons.Should take weapon slots in dependence of it's weight and real size.I'm a member of a Ural Shooting Club,we got a lot of hunters in it.Almost everyone of them got a several rifles or shotguns(You can take only 5 by the license,but some asks their whife to take license for the gun,to buy more guns xD).And we got some people,who have a 5 or 10 guns for hunting,so maybe you should add some hunter's houses with a lot of hunting equipment and guns(we should keep it in a closed iron safe by the law).*So i think we need more common in ex-USSR civillian weapons,which can be found in every military shop in every ex-Soviet province,like:-Simonov SKS carbine (USSR - Russia) (it's very cheap,use common ammo and frequently used by hunters because of realibility)http://world.guns.ru...onov-sks-e.htmlor/and a with a modern stock version (we got one of these in our club) with a 20-round magazinehttp://www.ifatactic...om/page/1007428http://shootersgunac...&products_id=28-Mosin-Nagant (Russia / USSR) (used as very cheap,common and reliable hunting rifle)http://world.guns.ru...us/mosin-e.html-Saiga self-loading rifle / carbine (Russia) (also cheap and can use ammunition,parts and attachments from AK-series)http://world.guns.ru...us/saiga-e.htmlplease don't forget about Saiga 308 and .223 Remington variants-Tokarev SVT-38 SVT-40 (USSR - Russia) (not as common as SKS,but sometimes used as hunting riffe)http://world.guns.ru...3-svt-40-e.html-i want to see obrez(it's sawed-off shotgun or riffle)http://uralshooter.r...ach=37539;image*Mostly common shotguns:-Baikal MP-133 shotgun (Russia)http://world.guns.ru...s/mp-133-e.html-Molot "Bekas-Auto" shotgun (Russia)http://world.guns.ru...kas-auto-e.html-Baikal MP-153 / Remingtonhttp://world.guns.ru...s/mp-153-e.html-Saiga12 shotgun (Russia)http://world.guns.ru...saiga-12-e.html-Saiga20 shotgun (Russia)http://world.guns.ru...saiga-20-e.html-Vepr12 tactical / practical shotgun (Russia)http://world.guns.ru.../vepr-12-e.html-18,5 KS-K shotgun for police (Russia)http://world.guns.ru...rus/ks-k-e.html-KS-23riot shotgun with 23 mm rifled barrel(Russia)/Non lethap police gun(unless you shoot with it in a head,i think)http://world.guns.ru...us/ks-23-e.htmlCan be used as handy artyllery,by the way.And can be found into police station.You have much more probability to find all these bolt-action or semi-automatic guns together,then a military full-auto AKM,but they'll make the job's done and keep your ass safe long enoth.*And if You will add Thompson or other WW2 SMG,then i wish to see some Russian mass-weapon like:-Shpagin PPSh-41 submachine gun (USSR)http://world.guns.ru...s/pca-41-e.html-and cheapest(but good) SMG Sudaev PPS-43 submachine gun (USSR)http://world.guns.ru...s/ppp-43-e.htmlBy the way,some people are still walking in the woods with metall-detectors,where was some bloody battles with nazi,and they found a lot of weapons,restore them and sell to the collectors.*Some Russian anti-material riffles(if you will allow to spawn NATO big riffles):The old ones:-Simonov PTRS anti-tank rifle (USSR)http://world.guns.ru...nov-ptrs-e.html-Degtyarov PTRD anti-tank rifle (USSR)http://world.guns.ru...rov-ptrd-e.htmlAnd some new:-KSVK 12.7 mm (Russia)http://world.guns.ru...rus/ksvk-e.html-OSV-96 large caliber sniper / anti-materiel rifle (Russia)http://world.guns.ru...s/osv-96-e.html-VKS / VSSK Vychlop ("Exhaust") large caliber silenced sniper rifle (Russia)http://world.guns.ru...-vychlop-e.html*And some machineguns:-Kalashnikov PK / PKS / PKM / PKMS machine gun (USSR/Russia)http://world.guns.ru...v-pk-pkm-e.html-PKP Pecheneg (Petcheneg) machine gun (Russia)http://world.guns.ru...pecheneg-e.html*Please add-Stechkin APS pistol (USSR/Russia) (a common pistol in police,not as common as Makarov,but a lot of police officers using it)http://world.guns.ru...hkin-aps-e.htmlAnd his Silenced variant-APB / 6P13 silenced pistol (USSR / Russia)(used by police and military special forces)http://world.guns.ru...silenced-e.htmlit shoould be very rare,but the best silenced weapon,because of common ammunition.3)Some thoughts about silenced weapons.Some of them can use the same ammo as unsilenced,like:-PB / 6P9 silenced pistol (USSR / Russia)http://world.guns.ru...silenced-e.html-Makarov PM with SD-APB / 6P13 silenced pistol (USSR / Russia)- PP-19 Bizon (Bison) submachine gun (Russia) and other weaponscause 9*18 PM ammunition is allready near subsonic (315-319 m/s)http://en.wikipedia..../9×18mm_Makarov4)Also maybe a good idea to add some equipment which can be used to install some machineguns and other stuff like armor(can be taken from broken military armored vehicles) on a pickup or a jeep to make them a serious threat for a vehicle huntershttp://www.automotto...enacing-as.htmlhttp://oviks.com/vehicle3.phphttp://www.armyrecog...nt_1506111.htmlLike-portable gas burner (can be used as weapon)http://www.campingst...rch-899760.html-circular saw (must be used as weapon)http://www.shutterst...ete-cutter.html-portable generator5)Also some thoughts about melee/throwing weapons*all weapons should be throwable,for example :i got AS-50 in my hands and a ninja-zombie in 2 meters beside me running in my direction on full speed,and all i can do is to throw AS-50 in his head(as hard as i can) to stun him,an then i can take my knife or a hatchet to take care of problem.My AS-50 could be broken,thou,but i prefer don't risk to be bittten.Almost all Russian families ,who lives into villages or got some summer cottage nearby cities got some stuff like:-Shovel to cultivate potato(common Russian sport):http://wstoollibrary...011/09/shovels/can be used to hide the bodies into the ground(it take some time)-Pitchfork(for the same thing)http://westernrifles...tchfork-factor/Just imagine a face of the ghillie-suit sniper who shooting newbies in Electro with AS-50 from the hill,if you will silently come to him from behind and throw a Pitchfork in his ass.-Hammer to build fortifications,throw into your enemies,or fix electronics witch don't want to work.http://home.howstuff....com/hammer.htm-Some farmers stole a a very big hammer for fixing railroad with railroad giant steel nails,to fix big electronic or mechanic devices(like tractors) which refuses to work(it will fix some zombies too,i think)http://writeanything...e-inner-critic/also can be used to breake doors and destroy fortifications-Pinch-bar to destoy everythyng you don't like(like closed doors or zombies),dismantle small wooden structures for building materials or broken vehicles for a parts.http://www.nafeco.co...roductID=ppb-60*Scythe to keep your farm clean from bad plants or zombies(i got very similar at my country house)http://americanprepp...eally-work.html-Big steel nails can be used as throwing weapon very effective(and almost silent,by the way).Maybe it can be used to make some barricades and other wooden constructions toohttp://www.log-cabin...-fasteners.html-And almost everyone who was in Soviet Army got a compact army sapper shovel in ther cars(for the case they will get stuck on Russian roads),which can be used in melee(or like hatchet) and throwing weapon.Seriosly,our soldiers got it in their standart equipment and got a lot of training with it to use it like a melee weapon of last chance(yep,not a pistol,we got sharp shovels which can slash steel nails to parts like macaroni)http://www.swords24....ovel(92SF).htmlcan be used to hide the bodies into the ground(it takes more time then by the full-sized shovel)-Random wooden stick/chlub,could be found in the woods(several types,randow spawn in the forest area)The best melee fighting system i saw is in Mount&Blade,by the way.6)More explosives(but still it must be very rare):-I think RPG-7 is a good thing to meet with sniper's window in a hotel.Or some reinforced structures.Or some group of bandits.Or some hostile vehicles.Or some bad choppas.Or some suspicious toilet in the middle of the forest.http://world.guns.ru...us/rpg-7-e.html-civillian explosives with a radio detonator can be found into mines an used to destroy enemy base(your base if you don't want it to be taken by your enemies if the fight is hopeless)/ mine the roads to hunt the vehicle caravans.Or small amount of explosive can be used to open up very durable doors,like in military warehouses,bunker doors or iron safe with precious loot.7)Radio equipment like-radio tower for the base.If the base siege begins,and you inside the bunker underground you can ask your allies/random folks for help.So if it's broken,then u can't do that.-radio,which can be installed on a vehicle or uninstalled from it.-military field portable radio-military cell phones-radio encryptyng devce or radio with build-in encrypting system-special device to mute all radio in the areahttp://www.armyradio...mments.htm&js=nhttp://www.armedforc...in-the-air.htmlhttp://www.armyrecog...ndustry_uk.htmlIf You will add this into a game,then using teamspeak wil be a bannable cheat xD8)Attachments should be rare and has some compatibility system.For example You have AK74(or SVD) with a PSO-scope,and you want it to be on your favorite m16(or m14),so you need to find the right mount to make it real,but you can use this PSO-scope on Saiga/SKS or other AK-type weapon without a problem.So this is a combination composed of scope and mounts which can be combined to use on different type of weapons.And to mount a scope or other attachment you need a tools like screwdriver or hexahedron(maybe this should be included into a gun cleaning kit).*And every hunter can use a Camo Tape.It's universal,it's reusable and much common and cheaper then a special camo stock for a gun,and can be bought in military shops.And home-made "snipers" love ithttp://www.mcnett.co...-Wrap-P274.aspx9) Medicine:-immunopotentiators.The Idea is about that it can seriously help in curing all disease.Imagine that you are not completely immune to the zombie-virus.Your body fights with it all the time and control the virus,that's why you can live and looks like healthy human.So,when you get hungry and thirsty and if you catch a cold,the zombies can infect you(or if you are already infected,then with other mutated type of zombie-virus),and because your immunity allready weakened,you can catch additional effects of multiple-virus infection.And if you are dying,you have a chance to become a zombie and walk around(with all your gear,by the way).And if you wanna live,you must take immunopotentiators all the time to make symptoms become weaker while you sick,before you can find other drugs for fixing all disease you got.The cure for zombie-virus does not exist,so the only way to live is to fix the common decease first and eat the immunopotentiators for some time.And disease must be cured in several minutes or hours after taking drugs.And if You don't do this,you got a small chance getting mid-staged virus infection(become a half-zombie),when you looks like almost zombie,but can think and use guns,and even talk.But you will die anyway(or become a zombie) in several dayZ,so in this stage it can't be reverted.And your immunity become lower all the time(this means that you can get sickness very easy).The good point is -zombies almost ignores you,so you can be very helpfull to your team an go to very dangerous zone(for medicine or some other rare stuff).-VItamins.Maybe not the first thing you will search into a zombie-apocalypse reality,but if you not eat it,you immunity will be lesser and your bones will be more fragile .But you will live not long enoth to see this symptoms,anyway.Or maybe canned beans got all vitamins we need?10) Add a rat poison to poison food or water source.You can poison pool or draw-well with any dead bodie too, if you drag it to water source and drop it inside,using zombie,dead animal,or more or less dead bandit.Especially poisonous is a bandit's body.And some cleaning water device.11)Maybe add a canibalism,but it's very bad for carma a moral health of players.It's disgusting,but many players will use it just because they can try it.But it can be real in zombie-apocalypse if you low on food,and good food is rare.12)I want to see some BIG abandoned civillian or military ship far enoth from shore,which can be used as a base(after cleaning from zombies).With helipad and medic heli, which can be upgraded with machineguns.13)Agree with people about Excavators,bulldozers or simple tractors for base construction.Tractor could be used for dragging trees or broken vehicles to base,or to make road blocks.By the way,Belarus got strong and big tractor factory.http://en.wikipedia....k_Tractor_Workshttp://en.wikipedia....larus_(tractor)14)Safety trigger and cocking handle for some weapons.You can't immidiately start shooting.That means that there is some time delay before you push the trigger hook and start shooting.For revolvers: if you cock the trigger then your shot will be more precise and fast.For other weapons: before start shooting you need to push the manual safety trigger and distort the bolt by cocking handle(for AKM and other).And if your weapon jammed,you have to distort the bolt too.So evil bandit can drop broken AKM with safety trigger on and without ammo in the center of the Cherno and start fishing for some fish-folks,sniping them from a hill.15)Antidepressants,When you comrades die on your hands and you see how they were teared apart by zombies and everythyng around walking and rotting it's time to panic atacks!Random chance in extreme situations.And when You are totally bandit,your mind and emotions control should be in bad shape,so antidepressants is vital for people who want to take a role of killin-all-that-moves lone wolf.And if there is a pack of bandits and one of them is in uncontrollable panic,he could not only just run around and screm or hide,but also has small cnance to shoot his compadres in their head and loudly laugh after that.Also this drugs should slightly decrease the reaction (especially in melee fight and driving transport).Antidepressants are totally not compatible with alchohol.So this shoul make bandit's boring life to become a wonderful days full of surprises.Hard dayZ.16)Maybe we need different fuel types like:1)gas for some vehicles and gas burner(cannot be used to make molotov)2)gasoline3)diesel fuel for big trucks and tractors(cannot be used to make molotov)4)jet fuel(can be obtained near airstrips and/or military bases or bunkers,that's why it's important to hold the base from outsiders)17)Surgery equipment and special inventory "emergency slots" for bullets and bolts/arrows in my body.For example: Some bad guy put an arrow in my hand(or leg),and i hardly escaped from him or just killed this bandit,but i still got this piece of wood or steel in my body in "special emergency slot",and i can not just "unequip" this "present" without a friendly "doctor" who has some surgery equipment ,or at least a knife and a booze as antiseptic and anastetic(but without professional doctor's tools it will be a higher chance to significant blood loss and infection).Maybe i can temporary stop the blood by myself,but if i run a lot(or get some other physical work) with pierced hand(or a bullet in my ass),i can start bleeding again,and of course i cannot shoot effectively when i'm wounded.Without surgery my character should have an restriction to maximum health level:the more "unauthorized items" in my body i have,the less maximum health i could restore.Well,maybe i could try to extract this arrow by myself,but this will cause intensive bleeding and high chance of infection,even if i treat the wound,because i can fell unconscious in the middle of operation.Bolts and arrows can be infected or poisoned sometimes.The bullets are not poisoned or infected,and i could let the bullet to stay inside sometimes(even if the lead is not good for health),because unprofessional bullet extraction could cause some critical damage and blood loss..and death.Then i should just treat the wound and get some rest till i get better.By the way:some guys can live with a bullets in their hads happily.18)Tretment system and pain borderI mean that wound is not just a problem,it is a process,and you have to fight with it for some time,and you have to take an actions(take pills to fight with pain,for example,or stop bleeding,or treat the wound again) in time delays,like drink water or eat food.Medical equipment should be very valuable in this situation(and Vodka too).If i get hurt and feel too much pain i can fell unconscious.So i must eat some drugs or drink some Vodka.19)Metal detectorFor hidden stashes,mines and underground bases searching.Should be very rare and precious equipment.-hand-made-professional-military-typeHope this will help.Thanks You for Your time and attention.With all my respect,Answord The Engineer. Edited March 20, 2013 by Answord 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShatnerBassoon 4 Posted October 6, 2012 Rocket, everyone can churn out their weapon fantasies until the end of time, but really to give you anything useful you need to tell us the "Canon" (hur hur) of the Chernarusplus setting. Is it essentially the end of the Arma2 campaign? i.e, Will there still be, or have been, an American presence when the game setting begins? This would dramatically affect what weapons were left lying around i imagine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeppa 562 Posted October 6, 2012 (edited) Almost all these weapon suggestions makes the game look like arma2+++ or any other gunfull fps shooter... just add lightsabers and rayguns too, would be hightech. Edited October 6, 2012 by Zeppa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Necromunger 7 Posted October 6, 2012 M1Garand. Please.It would mean so much to me to have the garand in DayZ. It's like the staple battlefield veteran weapon. I would do anything to use that gun in standalone.Please add it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Littleassassin2 73 Posted October 6, 2012 We need the radios from arma so we can talk to other clan mates and stuff and make it more real wordish. Make the radios realistic too so it's like using ACRE.Should essentially just bring in all the weapons from arma too. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Littleassassin2 73 Posted October 6, 2012 New updated versions of vehicles would be nice too, since this is going to be arma 2.5 and everything is getting an upgrade, why not the vehicles to more modern versions?For military vehicles i suggest replacing the UAZ with the humvee, instead of the Huey, how about the UH-60 Blackhawk? Maybe a little Russian APC the BTR 60 but instead of a weaponised cannon it's a water cannon for crowd control? A more modern GAZ would be nice too. Update the Ural. Bring in the Chinook and/or maybe the Russian Mil Mi-26 or the Mil Mi-6. Land mines and claymores to make more effective defensive positions/defended bases.Bullet proof vests and/or helmets?Fishing poles to catch fish?Knives to kill people with, or at least just add the ability to kill people with knives, including an execution if you come up from behind people.Pepper spray/maceFlashbangs/concussion grenade and maybe take out the RGO grenadesRadios should deffinately be added imo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GLRUBBERDUCK 19 Posted October 6, 2012 (edited) i would like to be able to see a ww2 halftrack (like in the invasion 1944 mod) that you would have to create almost from scratch.something like this http://www.pic-uploa...44/wwa.jpg.html. This is from the invasion 1944 mod for arma 2 so it could be possible.i would also like to see the ability to use a gun as an actual melee weapon. e.g you have an ak-47 with no ammo and you are trapped in a building by zombies. I would like to be able to use my ak as a club to kill the zombies. The same ability would obviously be possible on players. Edited October 6, 2012 by GLRUBBERDUCK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daze23 549 Posted October 6, 2012 I think we have to be sure to keep the 'survival' element of the game intactit seems a lot of these suggestions would just make the game easier 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tommes 331 Posted October 6, 2012 (edited) Tactical gear with slots for flashlight, knife, pistol, mags and grenades to free up inventory space. Helmets. Should be able to loot from military corpses...like the water bottles they carry. Obviously you don't spawn with it.AK-107 (extremely rare), Desert Eagle, .357 or other bigass revolver with 6" barrelMachete and some medieval melee like clubs, swords and even armor like a mace and helmets which make you less likely to get damage from other melee attacks especially by zeds.Full bottles of alkohol. Can be consumed instead of painkillers to reduce shock but will impair vision for some time. Maybe also to desinfect wounds...or to accompany the grilled meat at a bandit campfire. Will create empty bottle which then can be used to make a molotov. On 10/5/2012 at 10:14 PM, Ju Ju Bean said: There are 40+ weapons in DayZ not counting the hatchet and the crowbar and many of them are pointless. How many different versions of ak74 and m4a1/m16 do you really need in a game?Won't hurt to have variety here as long as they use ammo which is already there. On 10/6/2012 at 1:51 AM, Askeladd said: I keep saying, the game is based on a russian country, why do people keep comparing it with america.....-_-There's not just Chernarus. There's Lingor, Utes, Takistan, Fallujah and Panthera...and there will be more. Some of them will find their way in the standalone. Someone eventually will create a map set in northern america. Edited October 6, 2012 by tommes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Salazar159 4 Posted October 6, 2012 (edited) what about cigarettes? :P hahahhah Edited October 6, 2012 by Salazar159 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shadowjack 254 Posted October 6, 2012 Cut way back on military grade weapons. Cut way way back on ammo for said weapons. Ammo in general should be harder to come by. I want to feel like a rich man if i have an extra mag or 2 for my 1911 and a full box of cartridges. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites